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Scripture and Knowledge, An Essay on Religious Epistemology.
At the core of Scripture and Knowledge lies the problem of the nature of religious knowledge. The author argues that religion is a particular framework rather than a particular content or defined set of performances. He sees this framework as epistemological, that is, as one that furnishes believers with a conception of knowledge alternative to that of philosophical reasoning. The thesis on the epistemological nature of religion will be developed by the examination of the concept of scripture as a body of authoritative and even infallible texts. The concept of scripture is presented as one of the constitutive concepts of the epistemological framework of religion. The author argues that the various scriptures and their commentaries should be understood as the arena within which the epistemological process of religion takes place and the central epistemological means by which religious knowledge is made possible.
1 online resource. :
Paul and Scripture /
In Paul and Scripture , an international group of scholars discuss a range of topics related to the Apostle Paul and his relationship(s) with Jewish Scripture. The essays represent a broad spectrum of viewpoints, with some devoted to methodological issues, others to general patterns in Paul's uses of Scripture, and still others to specific letters or passages within the traditional Pauline canon (inclusive of the disputed letters). The end result is an overview of the various ways in which Paul the Apostle weaves into his writings the authority, content, and even wording of Jewish Scriptures.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004391512 :
1572-4913 ;
Scripture and traditions : essays on early Judaism and Christianity in honor of Carl R. Holladay /
This volume contains twenty-two essays in honor of Carl R. Holladay, whose work on the interaction between early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism has had a considerable impact on the study of the New Testament. The essays are grouped into three sections: Hellenistic Judaism; the New Testament in Context; and the History of Interpretation. Among the contributions are essays dealing with conversion in Greek-speaking Judaism and Christianity; 3 Maccabees as a narrative satire; retribution theology in Luke-Acts; church discipline in Matthew; the Exodus and comparative chronology in Jewish and patristic writings; corporal punishment in ancient Israel and early Christianity; and Die Judenfrage and the construction of ancient Judaism.
1 online resource. :
"Publications of Carl R. Holladay": pages ([457]-459).
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047442011 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Scripture in transition : essays on Septuagint, Hebrew Bible, and Dead Sea scrolls in honour of Raija Sollamo /
Altogether 46 essays in honour of Professor Raija Sollamo contribute to explore various aspects of the rich textual material around the turn of the era. At that time Scripture was not yet fixed; various writings and collections of writings were considered authoritative but their form was more or less in transition. The appearance of the first biblical translations are part of this transitional process. The Septuagint in particular provides us evidence and concrete examples of those textual traditions and interpretations that were in use in various communities. Furthermore, several biblical concepts, themes and writings were reinterpreted and actualised in the Dead Sea Scrolls, illuminating the transitions that took place in one faction of Judaism. The topics of the contributions are divided into five parts: Translation and Interpretation; Textual History; Hebrew and Greek Linguistics; Dead Sea Scrolls; Present-Day.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047442479 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Retelling Scripture : "the Jews" and the scriptural citations in John 1:19-12:15 /
The last century of scholarship on the Old Testament citations in the Gospel of John has concentrated almost exclusively upon source-critical or redaction-critical issues with the aim of determining the Christological import of the citations. The current book brings a narrative-rhetorical methodology to bear upon the seven explicit Scriptural citations in the Gospel's 'Book of Signs' (1:19-12:50) that are prefaced by a distinct introductory formula (1:19-12:15). These citations are each addressed to, or imply, a particular textual audience, namely, 'the Jews'. This book argues that as such the citations do not merely have Christological significance but function at the narrative level to encourage an ideal reader to construct a particularly negative characterization of 'the Jews'.
Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Australian Catholic University, 2010. :
1 online resource (xvi, 294 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [247]-271) and indexes. :
9789004226296 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jeremiah's scriptures : production, reception, interaction, and transformation /
Jeremiah's Scriptures focuses on the composition of the biblical book of Jeremiah and its dynamic afterlife in ancient Jewish traditions. Jeremiah is an interpretive text that grew over centuries by means of extensive redactional activities on the part of its tradents. In addition to the books within the book of Jeremiah, other books associated with Jeremiah or Baruch were also generated. All the aforementioned texts constitute what we call "Jeremiah's Scriptures." The papers and responses collected here approach Jeremiah's scriptures from a variety of perspectives in biblical and ancient Jewish sub-fields. One of the authors' goals is to challenge the current fragmentation of the fields of theology, biblical studies, ancient Judaism. This volume focuses on Jeremiah and his legacy.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004320253 :
1384-2161 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Philo's scriptures : citations from the Prophets and Writings : evidence for a Haftarah cycle in Second Temple Judaism /
It is indeed remarkable that although Philo has quoted extensively from the Pentateuch, his works contain no more than forty-six references to the Prophets and Writings. The author provides a convincing explanation for every one of these citations. It corroborates the thesis that Philo availed himself of lexicographic aids and midrashic material, and further, that even when the language of their composition was Hebrew/Aramaic, that he used them in Greek translation. It identifies a circle engaged in esoteric philosophic allegorization of Scriptures, with which Philo associated, and it finds that the specific quotations from the Prophets point to the existence, already in the 1st century CE, of a traditional Haftarah Cycle . The book fills a long felt lacuna.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [241]-250) and index. :
9789047422891 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Scriptures and the scrolls : studies in honour of A.S. van der Woude on the occasion of his 65th birthday /
The present volume was compiled as a respectful tribute to A.S. van der Woude and presented to him on the occasion of his 65th birthday, which coincided with his retirement as professor of Old Testament and Intertestamental Studies at the University of Groningen, a chair he held for more than thirty years. The title of this Festschrift , The Scriptures and the Scrolls , reflects the two fields of study to which he has devoted his scholarly life, not only by doing research himself, but also by stimulating many of his colleagues to collaborate in publications initiated by him. The contributions, a mélange of studies covering the wide range of Van der Woude's interests, have been arranged according to the order: Hebrew Bible (following the sequence of the books), Apocrypha, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Rabbinic Tradition. From the Contents: E. Tov, '4QLevd (4Q26)' C.J. Labuschagne, ''You Shall not Boil a Kid in its Mother's Milk'. A New Proposal for the Origin of the Prohibition.' J.A. Emerton, 'The Translation of Isaiah 5,1.' J.T.A.G.M. van Ruiten, 'The Intertextual Relationship between Isa 11, 6-9 and Isa 65, 25.' W.A.M. Beuken, 'Isa 29, 15-24: Perversion Reverted.' W. McKane, 'Jeremiah 30, 1-3, Especially 'Israel.'' R.P. Carroll, 'Night without Vision. Micah and the Prophets.' C. van Leeuwen, 'The 'Northern One' in the Composition of Joel, 2, 19-27.' G. Wallis, A Note on Ps 45, 7aα.' M.J. Mulder, 'Does Canticles 6, 12 Make Sense?' B. Otzen, 'Michael and Gabriel. Angelological Problems in the Book of Daniel.' J.P.M. van der Ploeg, 'Some Remarks on a Newly Found Syriac Text of the Book of Judith.' A. Hilhorst, 'The Speech on Truth in 1 Esdras 4, 34-41.' P.R. Davies, 'Redaction and Sectarianism in the Qumran Scrolls.' M.A. Knibb, 'A Note on 4Q372 and 4Q390.' F. García Martínez, 'The Last Surviving Columns of 11QNJ.' G. Stemberger, 'The Maccabees in Rabbinic Tradition.' J. Neusner, 'How the Bavli Shaped Rabbinic Discourse: The Case of Sifra.' J.W. Rogerson, 'Writing the History of Israel in the 17th and 18th Centuries.' F. García Martínez, 'Bibliography of A.S. van der Woude.'
1 online resource. :
"A bibliography of A.S. van der Woude by P. García Martínez: pages [228]-268).
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004275737 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Joel's use of scripture and scripture's use of Joel : appropriation and resignification in second temple Judaism and early Christianity /
The methodological approach employed in this research utilizes the hermeneutics of comparative midrash combined with aspects of Bakhtinian dialogism and intertextuality. The purpose of this enterprise is to discern the function of scripture in Joel and its New Testament Nachleben . The terms 'appropriation' and 'resignification' are descriptive of the process through which an antecedent text is transformed by its displacement, condensation, and recontextualization. These methodologies assist in giving an account of the intertextual dialogism involved in a text's unrecorded hermeneutics. The scope of the work looks at the use of scriptural traditions within the book of Joel during the Second Temple period. There is an introduction to the hermeneutical methods employed, followed by a general introduction to the book of Joel in chapter one. Chapters two and three concern the function of scripture in Joel. Finally, the last chapter deals with Joel's New Testament Nachleben. Each chapter has an introduction and conclusion. This work does not eschew the importance of diachronic issues. The diachronic method pays attention to the context of an antecedent's voice, while the synchronic methodological approach pays attention to the function and purpose in which the receptor text resignifies the appropriated motifs and allusions. The diachronic becomes fused with the synchronic in the process of an allusion's recontextualization. This study, in a heuristic manner, focuses on the way that each allusion is appropriated and resignified for the needs of both Joel's community and those of the later NT, in order to understand the function of canonical hermeneutics.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [393]-423) and indexes. :
9789047419808 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
From face to face : recarving of Roman portraits and the Late-Antique portrait arts /
This book is based on an investigation of more than five hundred recarved portraits. It includes analyses of different recarving methods, some of which can be attributed to geographically localised workshops. The different recarving methods have made it possible to suggest classifiable categories, which together underpin a hypothesis that the late-antique portrait style is a consequence of the many recarved portraits at the time. The practice of portrait recarving emerged due to economic, political, religious and ideological factors, and was influenced by the cultural-historical changes of Late Antiquity. The conclusion gives a new understanding of how wide-ranging, culturally and politically encoded and comprehensive the practice of recarving was.
1 online resource (xxii, 202 pages, 155 pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-176) and indexes. :
9789004324558 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.