The ancient cities of Merv, Turkmenistan : a visitor's guide = Pami︠a︡tniki drevnego Merva, Turkmenistan : putevoditelʹ /
: Cover title: Ancient Merv = Drevnii Merv. : ii, 72 pages, [4] pages of plates : illustrations (some color), map ; 21 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 0952902818 : .alaa-sweed
Das zweite Turnier der Schatten : Turkestan und die Politik der Großmächte 1919-1933 /
Im Zuge des "Great Game", das in Russland "Turnier der Schatten" genannt wurde, konkurrierten Briten und Russen im 19. Jahrhundert um Einfluss in Zentralasien. Mit dem Erstarken deutscher Bemühungen in der Region rückten London und St. Petersburg jedoch zusammen. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg und dem Dritten Britisch-Afghanischen Krieg von 1919 standen sich Sowjets und Briten in Zentralasien wieder feindlich gegenüber. Fortan konkurrierten Berlin, London und Moskau um Einfluss in der Region. David X. Noack analysiert die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung der Briten, der Deutschen und der Sowjets in diesem Konflikt, der bis 1933 andauerte. Fehldeutungen und Missverständnisse aufgrund von imperialer Paranoia, Invasionsängsten und fehlendes Verständnis für die Besonderheiten der Region kennzeichneten das Handeln aller Beteiligten. Das Agieren der drei Mächte hat die Region dennoch nachhaltig geprägt, so dass die Auswirkungen noch heute zu spüren sind. See Less
1 online resource (556 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Tales of three worlds : archaeology and beyond : Asia, Italy, Africa : a tribute to Sandro Salvatori /
Tales of Three Worlds collects, as a sign of gratitude and affection, a series of papers by many authors who, in different times, contexts and contingencies, had the luck to meet Sandro Salvatori, and share with him a path of knowledge and mutual personal acquaintance. The book is divided in three sections: his long years of work in Middle Asia, from the plains of Sistan to those of the Indus, the coasts of the Omani peninsula and southern Turkmenistan; Sandro's activities in Italy, as an officer of the Archaeological Superintendency (Ministry of Cultural Heritage) of his region; and the prehistory of north-eastern Africa, a context in which Sandro could work in full scientific and familiar ease, as he was prevented from doing in other situations.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (372 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789694413 (ebook) :
Tarjuma-yi Kitāb al-milal wal-niḥal /
Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Karīm Shahrastānī was born in 479/1086-7 in Shahristān in today's Turkmenistan. After his basic education he went to Nishapur, then a major centre of learning. Afterwards, he taught for some years at the Niẓāmiyya academy in Baghdad. Returning to Khurāsān around 514/1120, he became a staff member at the chancellery of the Saljuq ruler, Sanjar (d. 552/1157), entertaining close relations with him. At some point Shahrastānī returned to his hometown, although it is not known why or when, dying there in 548/1153. His influential history of religions and sects, which also includes an account of Greek and Islamic philosophy, is one of his best known works. Until recently only two Persian translations of it were known: one by Afḍal al-Dīn Turka-yi Iṣfahānī dated 843/1449-50, and an improved edition of it by Muṣṭafā b. Khāliqdād, dated 1021/1612. The anonymous translation published here is much older and may even date from Shahrastānī's own lifetime.
1 online resource. :