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Art antique de Chypre : du Bronze moyen à l'époque byzantine au Cabinet des médailles /
: "Catalog published on the occasion of an exhibition of the same name held May 7-July 31, 1994 in the Cabinet des médailles". : 82 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 2717719199 : Hadeer
La transmission écrite du Coran dans les débuts de l'islam : le codex Parisino-petropolitanus /
The codex Parisino-petropolitanus is one of the earliest witnesses of the handwritten transmission of the Qurʾanic text which has survived to this day. The various fragments which were part of the original manuscript are scattered among various collections; once put together, they provide a unique picture of the state of the text during the 7th century (orthography and textual peculiarities) and of the circumstances in which the canonical version as we know it today took shape physically. The present study, first of its kind, paves the way for a more accurate understanding of the beginning of Islam, based on a significant document, and of the evolution of the Qurʾan during that period. Le codex Parisino-petropolitanus est l'un des plus anciens témoins de la transmission manuscrite du texte du Coran qui aient été conservés. Ses différents fragments sont dispersés entre plusieurs collections; une fois mis ensemble, ils donnent un aperçu unique sur l'état du texte au 7e siècle (orthographe et particularités textuelles) et sur les conditions dans lesquelles s'est organisée matériellement la constitution de la version canonique telle que nous la connaissons. Cette étude, première de son genre, ouvre la voie à une compréhension plus fine, appuyée sur un document significatif, des premiers temps de l'islam et de l'évolution du Coran au cours de cette période.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047426196 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Code-switching with the gods : the bilingual (Old Coptic-Greek) spells of PGM IV (P. Bibliotheque Nationale Supplement Grec. 574) and their linguistic, religious, and socio-cultura...
xvii, 364 pages, 10 pages of plates (partly folded) : illustrations ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 335-355) and indexes. :
Henri Seyrig (1895-1973) : actes du colloque Henri Seyrig (1895-1973) tenu les 10 et 11 octobre 2013 à la Bibliothèque nationale de France et à l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris /
: Includes errata. : 409 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782351598016
The arts of ornamental geometry : a Persian compendium on similar and complementary interlocking figures, Fī tadākhul al-ashkāl al-mutashābiha aw al-mutāwafiqa (Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms...
This collective study focuses on a unique anonymous medieval document on ornamental geometry featuring geometrical constructions and textual instructions in Persian. Selections from the unpublished work of Alpay Özdural (d. 2003) on this subject have been updated with original contributions by Jan P. Hogendijk, Elaheh Kheirandish, Gülru Necipoğlu, and Wheeler M. Thackston. The chapters interpreting this fascinating document are followed, for the first time, by a facsimile, transcription, and translation, as well as drawings of incised construction lines invisible in the photographed facsimile. This publication intersects with the current interest in Islamic geometrical patterning as an inspiration for tessellation and parametrically derived forms in contemporary architecture and the arts. It aims to make this celebrated source more accessible, given its multifaceted relevance to historians of art, architecture, and science, as well as mathematicians, physicists, artists, and architects. For those who wish to obtain a copy of the full, unedited original book manuscript of Alpay Özdural, where he discusses the mathematical properties of all geometrical constructions in the Anonymous Compendium as well as the step-by-step method for drawing each one, his work is available online at
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004315204 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La medecine au temps des califes : a l'ombre d'Avicenne /
Exhibition organized by the Institut du monde arabe in collaboration with the Bibliotheque nationale de France, held Nov. 18, 1996-Mar. 2, 1997.
L'exposition est organisée par l'Institut du monde arabe, en collaboration avec la Bibliothèque bational de France." -- Page [7] :
329 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9053492275 :
Visions d'Égypte : Émile Prisse d'Avennes (1807-1879) /
Catalogue de l'exposition présentée à la BnF, Richelieu du 1e mars au 5 juin 2011. Ingénieur de formation, Émile Prisse d'Avennes devient tour à tour égyptologue, archéologue, ethnologue : il s'intéresse autant aux ruines pharaoniques qu'aux monuments islamiques, et vit à l'orientale au milieu de populations dont il observe les coutumes. Des deux séjours qu'il accomplit en Égypte, de 1827 à 1844, puis de 1858 à 1860, il rapporte objets, aquarelles, dessins, calques, estampages et photographies qui constituent un fonds iconographique sans égal.
159 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ibn an-Nafis et la découverte de la circulation pulmonaire /
Includes extracts, in Arabic facsim. and French translation, from two mss. in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris: Sharḥ tashrīḥ al-Qānūn, by Ibn al-Nafīs (Fonds arabe no 2939), and an anonymous commentary on Avicenna's al-Qānūn (Fonds arabe no 5776)
Originally presented as the author's thesis, Paris. :
54 pages, 19 leaves of plates : facsims. ; 25 cm. :
Bibliography : pages [51]-54.
Codex Amrensis 1 /
Codex Amrensis 1 , the first volume of the series Documenta Coranica contains images and Arabic texts of four sets of fragments (seventy-five sheets) of the Qurʾān codex, once kept in the ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ Mosque at Al-Fusṭāṭ, and now in the collections of the National Library of Russia, the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, The Museum of Islamic Art, Doha and the Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art. It includes an extensive introduction, the facsimile of the original, and the full text with annotations.The manuscript, copied during the first half of the 8th century and written in ḥiǧāzī script, contains diacritical signs for about 20% of the letters, without any signs for short vowels. It varies from today's reference editions of the Qurʾān in verse numbering and has a different orthography. Essential reading for students and scholars of the history of the Qurʾān and its written transmission. Le Codex Amrensis 1 rassemble quatre fragments manuscrits, aujourd'hui dispersés dans les collections de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, de la Bibliothèque nationale de Russie, du Musée d'art islamique à Doha et dans la collection de Nasser D. Khalili. Ces fragments appartiennent à un même manuscrit, le Codex Amrensis 1 , qui était autrefois conservé dans la mosquée de ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ à Fusṭāṭ. Ses caractéristiques physiques et textuelles en font un témoin essentiel pour l'histoire du texte coranique et de sa transmission écrite au cours des deux premiers siècles de l'islam. Le présent volume propose aux lecteurs, étudiants et chercheurs, le fac-similé des folios, des annotations concernant son texte ainsi qu'une introduction à l'étude du manuscrit.
"'Codex Amrensis 1', the first volume of the series 'Documenta Coranica', contains images and Arabic texts of four fragments from the Qurʼan codex once kept in the ʻAmr-ibn-al-ʻĀṣ-Mosque in Fusṭāṭ (Old Cairo). The manuscript, copied during the first half of the 8th century and written in ḥiǧāzī script, contains diacritical signs for about 20% or the letters, without any signs for short vowels. It varies from today's reference editions of the Qurʼan in verse numbering and has a different orthography. This volume contains the facsimile of the original (all images are 90% original size), annotations and an introduction to the research involved with this manuscript." -- Abstract.
Added title page in Arabic. :
1 online resource (xii, 319 pages) : facsimiles. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004375499 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Kitāb-i Īrānī : Chahār maqāla dar mabāḥith-i matn pizhūhī, nuskha shināsi wa kitāb ārāʾī /
For many years, Francis Richard (1948) was responsible for the Persian manuscripts in the Oriental collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. The author of numerous publications on Persian manuscripts and their tradition and much esteemed among his peers in Iran, this is the Persian translation of Richard's Le livre persan (BnF, 2003), containing the following essays: "Le Supplément persan : l'acquisition de manuscrits par le département des Manuscrits de 1739 à nos jours", "La transmission des textes dans le monde iranien : quelques pratiques liées à la culture manuscrite", "Un cas de « succès littéraire » : la diffusion des œuvres poétiques de Djâmî de Hérât à travers tout le Proche-Orient", and "Le sarlowh ou frontispice enluminé : un décor fréquent dans les manuscrits persans." In recognition of his great services to Persian studies, part one of a two-volume Persian liber amicorum was published in Tehran in 2005.
1 online resource. :
Nuskha-yi khaṭṭī wa fihristnigāri-yi ān dar Īrān : Majmūʿa-yi maqālāt wa justārhā bih pās-i zaḥamāt-i sī sāla-yi Francis Richard, nuskhashinās-i bargusta-yi Faransawī, daftar-i yak...
Islamic studies are for a large part based on texts that were originally transmitted in manuscript. Even if many of these works are now available in print, improved editions are often needed, while most of the surviving texts have never been published at all. The preservation, description, and proper cataloging of Islamic manuscripts all have a direct influence on the possibility for Islamic studies to move forward and develop. For many years, Francis Richard (b. 1948) was responsible for the Persian manuscripts at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Author of numerous publications on Persian manuscripts and their tradition, his Splendeurs persanes, manuscrits du XIIe au XVIIe siècles (BnF, 1997) was also published in Persian in 2005. In recognition of the great services that he has rendered to Persian studies, the present work is the first of a two-volume liber amicorum by a number of distinguished Iranian scholars. Includes an inventory of the publications of Francis Richard.
1 online resource. :