Islamic art, architecture and material culture : new perspectives /
: "This collection of papers sprang from a workshop hosted in 2007 by the Centre for Advanced Study of the Arab World (CASAW) at the University of Edinburgh."--page iii. : vii, 147 pages : illustrations, maps, plans, facsimiles ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781407310350
The Impact of the Roman Empire on Landscapes : Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Mainz, June 12-15, 2019) /
This volume presents the results of the fourteenth workshop of the international network 'Impact of Empire'. It focuses on the ways in which Rome's dominance influenced, changed, and created landscapes, and examines in which ways (Roman) landscapes were narrated and semantically represented. To assess the impact of Rome on landscapes, some of the twenty contributions in this volume analyse functions and implications of newly created infrastructure. Others focus on the consequences of colonisation processes, settlement structures, regional divisions, and legal qualifications of land. Lastly, some contributions consider written and pictorial representations and their effects. In doing so, the volume offers new insights into the notion of 'Roman landscapes' and examines their significance for the functioning of the Roman empire.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
العمارة القديمة في سوريا: الأندرين - كراتين - معراتة : [Ancient Architecture in Syria: Anderîn...
اÙ"أندرين - كراتين - Ù...عراتة هو جزء جديد Ù...Ù† أجزاء اÙ"عÙ...ارة اÙ"Ù,ديÙ...Ø© ÙÙŠ سوريا، تأÙ"ي٠هوارد باتÙ"ر وترجÙ...Ø© عائشة Ù...وسى. ويأخذنا هذا اÙ"جزء ÙÙŠ جوÙ"Ø© جديدة تطو٠بنا بين كوكبة٠Ù...Ù† 42 Ù...ÙˆÙ,عًا أثريًا Ù"ا تÙ,Ù" جÙ...اÙ"ًا عن سابÙ,اتها، ويتÙ...يز ÙƒÙ" Ù...نها بÙ...عÙ"Ù...٠أو أكثر ØاÙظ عÙ"Ù‰ شكÙ"Ù‡ بÙ...ا يكÙÙŠ Ù"ÙŠÙ...يط اÙ"Ù"ثاÙ... عن Ùن٠جديد٠Ù...Ù† Ùنون اÙ"عÙ...ارات اÙ"Ù,ديÙ...Ø©. Ùتارةً نجد كنيسة بازÙ"يكية وتارة تصادÙنا ثكنات Ù...نيعة، وتارة أخرى تستÙ,بÙ"نا Ù...نازÙ" وخزانات ÙˆÙ...داÙÙ† ÙˆØÙ...اÙ...ات تبهرنا بجودة صÙ,Ù" Øجارتها وتصاÙ...ÙŠÙ... تيجانها وثراء Ù†Ù,وشها ÙˆÙسيÙسائها اÙ"خاÙ"دة ÙˆÙ...داÙ...يكها اÙ"Ù...تناوبة بين اÙ"بازÙ"ت واÙ"آجر. إنها جوÙ"Ø© Ù"Ù† تنسى ÙÙŠ Ù...دن أثرية كاÙ...Ù"Ø© تÙ...تد جذورها ÙÙŠ عÙ...Ù, اÙ"تاريخ، تستØضر Ù"نا صورة شاÙ...Ù"Ø© عن اÙ"Ùنون اÙ"عÙ...رانية Ù"Øضارات نهضت وازدهرت هنا، وخÙ"Ù'Ùت أوابد تعد Ù...نبع عÙ"Ù...٠تنهÙ" Ù...نه اÙ"أجياÙ" اÙ"Ù,ادÙ...Ø©.
1 online resource (112 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Herodian's World : Empire and Emperors in the III Century /
The History of the Empire from the Death of Marcus of Herodian in eight books, written in Greek, is a key source for the period from the reign of Commodus (AD 180) to that of Gordian III (238). Herodian is an eyewitness and the only contemporary historian whose work has come down to us in full. His point of view is all the more valuable because he is an outsider with respect to both court historiography, whose flattery he stigmatized, and to senatorial historians, represented mainly by Cassius Dio and by the biographies in the Historia Augusta . Nonetheless, Herodian has often been harshly criticized as a historian. This volume aims to shed light on the different areas and themes in which his historical work moves - literary technique, political lexicon, religious conception, geographical space, economic, political, cultural and military themes - to better understand the relevance of his historiographical approach and his historical thought.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
العمارة القديمة في سوريا: جنوب حوران : [Ancient Architecture in Syria: Southern Hauran] /
The Ancient Architecture in Syria (Southern Hauran) , written by Howard C. Butler and translated by Aisha Moussa, is the product of studying 65 ancient sites in Southern Hauran. It focuses on the archeological and architectural heritage and presents detailed drawings of plans; restoration of buildings; and photographs of monuments, inscriptions and sculptures. The book covers the late pre-historic, Nabataean, Roman, Christian, and early Islamic periods (1st century B.C.E.- 7th century C.E.). Many of the monuments described by Butler have long since disappeared or been destroyed, so this book provides an invaluable, thorough, detailed, and photographic documentation of the archeological treasure in Syria, the cradle of civilizations, particularly in view of the current pressing need for development and investment there. يعد كتاب العمارة القديمة في سوريا (جنوب حوران) ، من تأليف هوارد كروسبي باتلر وترجمة عائشة موسى، ثمرة دراسة 56 موقعًا أثريًا قديمًا في جنوب حوران. ويتناول الكتاب دراسة تراث الفن الأثري والمعماري ويعرض رسمًا مفصلًا للمخططات وترميمًا للمباني وتصويرًا للصروح الأثرية والنقوش والمنحوتات. كما يغطي الكتاب أواخر عصور ما قبل التاريخ والفترة النبطية والرومانية والمسيحية ومطلع الحقبة الإسلامية، في فترة تمتد بين القرن الأول قبل الميلاد ومطلع القرن السابع الميلادي. لقد اختفت العديد من المعالم الأثرية التي صورها باتلر منذ أمد بعيد أو دمرت، لذلك يقدم هذا الكتاب توثيقًا مصورًا لا يقدر بثمن ويعد الأكثر شمولًا ودقة عن الكنوز الأثرية الثمينة في سوريا مهد الحضارات، لا سيما في ظل الحاجة الملحّة الآن لتنشيط مشاريع التنمية وخلق فرص الاستثمار فيها.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Searching for ancient Egypt : art, architecture, and artifacts from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology /
: Exhibition venues: Dallas Museum of Art, Sept. 28, 1997-Feb. 1, 1998; Denver Art Museum, Apr. 3-Aug. 2, 1998; Seattle Art Museum, Oct. 15, 1998-Jan. 17, 1999; Joslyn Art Museum, Mar. 27-July 25, 1999; Birmingham Museum of Art, Oct. 3, 1999-Jan. 16, 2000; Honolulu Academy of Arts, Mar. 15-July 23, 2000. : 342 pages : illustrations (some color), map ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 311-330) and index. : 0801434823 (alk. paper)
Rethinking Ancient Egypt : Studies in Honor of Ann Macy Roth /
Throughout her career, Ann Macy Roth has regularly returned to well-known ancient Egyptian material and visual culture and shed new light on it by employing different approaches and methodologies. In this way, her research has led to new interpretations and readings of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices while illustrating the importance of and need for continual questioning and re-examination within Egyptology. This volume brings together papers from around the world that follow her tradition of rethinking, reassessing, and innovating. It is intended to honour Roth's significant career as a scholar, mentor, and teacher and to celebrate and continue her dedication to analyzing ancient Egypt from novel perspectives.
1 online resource (380 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern palaces. $n Volume II : Proceedings of a workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, 25 -26 April 2016
The study of the semiotics of palaces in the Ancient Near East and Ancient Egypt provides the historian with diverse information as size and type of architecture demonstrate the kind of representation chosen by rulers towards their world. Some features were adopted from temples in order to stage the appearance of the ruler like a divine epiphany. Some further integrate a temple within the palace, showcasing the desire of the ruler to live with a specific deity under one roof for divine support and protection. The importance of this ruler can also be reflected by the size of the throne room and the number of columns, showing as well a hierarchy in the use of space within the whole building complex and its different units. For instance, the presence of a rather intimate throne room or a second small throne room points to space for confidential exchange between the ruler and his visitors. The capacity of storerooms additionally gives us insight into the economic power standing behind the palace. The comparison of different elements between palatial and domestic architecture also proves helpful in identifying the origins of particular components.0Exploration of such semiotics was initiated with the publication of the first palace volume in 2018 (Verlag der ÖAW, Vienna) following a conference held in London 2013. The present volume stands in direct continuation and is the result of a second palace conference that took place at the 10th ICAANE 2016 in Vienna. Besides introducing other palaces in Egypt and Nubia, this volume is dedicated primarily to Near Eastern palaces which are presented and studied by prominent experts in this field
The Manasseh Hill Country Survey Volume 7 : The South-Eastern Samaria Shoulder, from Wadi Rashash to Wadi 'Aujah /
The book presents the results of a complete detailed survey of the eastern region of Samaria, mainly the South-Eastern Samaria Shoulder, from Wadi Rashash to Wadi 'Aujah within the territory of Israel/Palestine. This project, in progress since 1978, and covering 2500 sq. km, is a thorough, metre-by-metre mapping of the archaeological-historical area between the River Jordan and the Sharon Plain, and between Nahal 'Iron and the north-eastern point of the Dead Sea. This territory is one of the most important in the country from the Biblical and archaeological view; and the survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, Archaeology, Near Eastern history, tourism, and other aspects of the Holy Land.
The book presents the results of a complete detailed archaeological survey of parts of Eastern Samaria. This territory is one of the most important in the country from the Archaeological, Biblical and other points of view, and the survey is a valuable tool for scholars of the Bible, Archaeology, Near Eastern history, tourism, and other aspects of the Holy Land. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Codex of the Anonimo Magliabechiano : Newly edited with a transcription faithful to the original manuscript and provided with an Introduction /
This book offers a new edition of one of the most important art historical sources on Italian art. Written not long before Vasari's famous Lives (1550), this source provides an overview of art from Cimabue to Michelangelo. Moreover, the author's ambition was to provide a sketch of the art of classical antiquity. First published in the late nineteenth century, the Codex has led to numerous questions, the main one being: who was its author? We believe we have found the answer to this question, which led us to come up with a new edition of the Codex.
1 online resource (312 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Oasis of Bukhara, Volume 3 : Material Culture, Socio-territorial Features, Archaeozoology and Archaeometry /
The Oasis of Bukhara, Volume 3: Material Culture, Socio-territorial Features, Archaeozoology and Archaeometry , focuses on the study of material culture (pottery and glass), as well as on the archaeoscience activities that took place during the archaeological mission MAFOUB (2009-2023). The topics in this third, concluding volume concern environmental aspects, preliminary results on archaeozoology, the reconstruction of the evolution of the fauna over nineteen centuries, and politico-territorial aspects. It completes the urban and demographic framework that was presented in the previous two volumes. Contributors: Anne Bouquillon, Jacopo Bruno, Yvan Coquinot, Delphine Decruyenaere, Christel Doublet, Ayano Endo, Nathalie Gandolfo, Takako Hosokawa, Marjan Mashkour, Djamal Mirzaakhmedov, Andrey Omelchenko, Elisa Porto, Silvia Pozzi, Gabriele Puschnigg, Rocco Rante, Pascale Richardin, Yoko Shindo, Toshiyasu Shinmen, Tamako Takeda, Manon Vuillien, Antoine Zink The volume is co-published by Brill, Leiden, and the Louvre Museum, Paris.
1 online resource (400 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Imperial Ideology and Architecture /
The goals and tactics of a state's ruling elite influence its artistic and architectural output, shaping the overall characteristics, orientation, and themes of its creations. Architecture reflects political ideology and historical events, showcasing the power and cultural values of the state, with implications for politics and authority. This book presents a comprehensive and nuanced exploration of the intricate interplay between art, politics, and religion within the architectural legacy of Mamluk Damascus. It sheds light on how these dynamics enrich our comprehension of the past and contribute to contemporary dialogues concerning the preservation of cultural heritage.
1 online resource (125 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Why look at plants? : the botanical emergence in contemporary art /
Why Look at Plants? proposes a thought-provoking and fascinating look into the emerging cultural politics of plant-presence in contemporary art. Through the original contributions of artists, scholars, and curators who have creatively engaged with the ultimate otherness of plants in their work, this volume maps and problematizes new intra-active, agential interconnectedness involving human-non-human biosystems central to artistic and philosophical discourses of the Anthropocene. Plant's fixity, perceived passivity, and resilient silence have relegated the vegetal world to the cultural background of human civilization. However, the recent emergence of plants in the gallery space constitutes a wake-up-call to reappraise this relationship at a time of deep ecological and ontological crisis. Why Look at Plants? challenges readers' pre-established notions through a diverse gathering of insights, stories, experiences, perspectives, and arguments encompassing multiple disciplines, media, and methodologies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004375253 :
2213-0659 ;