"colonial cultures" » "political cultures" (Expand Search), "local cultures" (Expand Search), "canonical culture" (Expand Search)
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Civic ideology, organization, and law in the Rule scrolls : a comparative study of the Covenanters' sect and contemporary voluntary associations in political context /
Over the past sixty years, several studies have demonstrated that the Dead Sea Scrolls sect was one of numerous voluntary associations that flourished in the Hellenistic-Roman age. Yet the origins of organizational and regulatory patterns that the sect shared with other associations have not been adequately explained. Drawing upon sociological studies of modern associations, this book argues that most ancient groups appropriated patterns from the state. Comparison of the Rule Scrolls with Greco-Roman constitutional literature, as well as philosophical, rabbinic, and early Christian texts, shows that the sect's appropriation helped articulate an \'alternative civic ideology\' by which members identified themselves as subjects of a commonwealth alternative and superior to that of the status quo. Like other associations with alternative civic ideology, the Covenanters studied constitution and law with the intention of reform, anticipating governance of restored Israel at the End of Days.
Revised version of author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 2007. :
1 online resource (xxv, 586 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [525]-552) and indexes. :
9789004212183 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Phenomenologies of violence /
Phenomenologies of Violence presents phenomenology as an important method to investigate violence, its various forms, meanings, and consequences for human existence. On one hand, it seeks to view violence as a genuine philosophical problem, id est, beyond the still prevalent instrumental, cultural and structural explanations. On the other hand, it provides the reader with accounts on the many faces of violence, ranging from physical, psychic, structural and symbolic violence to forms of social as well as organized violence. In this volume it is argued that phenomenology, which has not yet been used in interdisciplinary research on violence, offers basic insights into the constitution of violence, our possibilities of understanding, and our actions to contain it. Contributors include :Michael D. Barber, Debra Bergoffen, Robert Bernasconi, James Dodd, Eddo Evink, Kathryn T. Gines, James Mensch, Stefan Nowotny, Michael Staudigl, Anthony J. Steinbock, and Nicolas de Warren.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
Pioneers to the past : American archaeologists in the Middle East, 1919-1920 /
: "This volume has been published in conjunction with the exhibition Pioneers to the Past: American Archaeologists in the Middle East, 1919-1920, presented at the Oriental Institute Museum, January 12 to August 23, 2010"--T.p. verso. : 160 pages : illustration (some color), maps, portraits ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 153-155) and indexes.
The life of reason in an age of terrorism /
With The Life of Reason in an Age of Terrorism , Charles Padrón and Kris Skowroński (editors) gather together a broad assortment of contributions that address the germaneness of George Santayana's (1863-1952) social and political thought to the world of the early twenty-first century in general, and specifically to the phenomenon of terrorism. The essays treat a broad range of philosophical and historical concerns: the life of reason, the philosophy of the everyday, fanaticism, liberalism, barbarism, egoism, and relativism. The essays reflect a wide range of viewpoints and perspectives, but all coalesce around discussions of how Santayana's thought fits in with and enhances an understanding of both our challenging times, and our uncertain future. Contributors are: Cayetano Estébanez, Matthew Caleb Flamm, Nóra Horváth, Jacquelyn Ann Kegley, Till Kinzel, Katarzyna Kremplewska, John Lachs, José Beltrán Llavador, Eduardo Mendieta, Daniel Moreno Moreno, Luka Nikolic, Charles Padrón, Giuseppe Patella, Daniel Pinkas, Herman Saatkamp, Jr., Matteo Santarelli, Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński and Andrés Tutor.
1 online resource (xx, 266 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004363311 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christian Faith and Violence 1 /
Volumes 10 and 11 of Studies in Reformed Theology consist of the texts written for the fifth international conference of the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI) , which was dedicated to the theme, 'Christian Faith and Violence'. Specific theological questions were at the core of the discussions, e.g. what does violence imply for the doctrine of God? How to deal with biblical stories and commands that often contain an overwhelmingly violent character? What about applying christian ethics in situations of violence that we are exposed to? What is our calling in situations of oppression and a longing for liberation and justice?.
1 online resource :
Christian origins and Greco-Roman culture : social and literary contexts for the New Testament /
In Christian Origins and Greco-Roman Culture , Stanley Porter and Andrew Pitts assemble an international team of scholars whose work has focused on reconstructing the social matrix for earliest Christianity through the use of Greco-Roman materials and literary forms. Each essay moves forward the current understanding of how primitive Christianity situated itself in relation to evolving Hellenistic culture. Some essays focus on configuring the social context for the origins of the Jesus movement and beyond, while others assess the literary relation between early Christian and Greco-Roman texts.
1 online resource (vii, 751 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004236219 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dimensions of Transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the Late Medieval Age to Modernity : In Memory of Metin Kunt /
Eighteen expert researchers have come together to provide original articles and new perspectives on transformation throughout Ottoman history, in order to honor the life's work of Metin Kunt. Kunt's work revolutionized our understanding of change in Ottoman political, social and cultural history in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. This new collection focuses on the contributions of key players in these fields and includes chapters on Ottoman artisans in a changing political context, Ottoman chief scribes and the rhetorics of political survival in the 17th century, and empiricism in the Ottoman Empire. Contributors are Antonis Anastasopoulos, Iris Agmon, Tülay Artan, Karl K. Barbir, Fatih Bayram, Suraiya Faroqhi, Cornell H. Fleischer, Pál Fodor, Mehmet Kalpaklı, Cemil Koçak, B. Harun Küçük, Aslı Niyazioğlu, Mehmet Öz, Kaya Şahin, Derin Terzioğlu, Ekin Tuşalp-Atiyas, Christine Woodhead, N. Zeynep Yelçe, Elizabeth A. Zachariadou.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
White women, Aboriginal missions, and Australian settler governments : maternal contradictions /
In White Women, Aboriginal Missions and Australian Settler Governments , Joanna Cruickshank and Patricia Grimshaw provide the first detailed study of the central part that white women played in missions to Aboriginal people in Australia. As Aboriginal people experienced violent dispossession through settler invasion, white mission women were positioned as 'mothers' who could protect, nurture and 'civilise' Aboriginal people. In this position, missionary women found themselves continuously navigating the often-contradictory demands of their own intentions, of Aboriginal expectations and of settler government policies. Through detailed studies that draw on rich archival sources, this book provides a new perspective on the history of missions in Australia and also offers new frameworks for understanding the exercise of power by missionary women in colonial contexts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004397019 :
0924-9389 ;
Colonial geopolitics and local cultures in the Hellenistic and Roman East (3rd century BC - 3rd century AD) = Géopolitique coloniale et cultures locales dans l'Orient hellénistique...
What changes in the material culture can we observe, when a state is overwhelming a local population with soldiers, katoikoi, and civil officials or merchants? What were the mutual influences between native and colonial cultures? This collection addresses these questions and many more, focusing on the Hellenistic and Roman East.
Also issued in print: 2021.
"proceedings of a panel held during the Celtic Conference in Classics 2014 ... [and] a number of papers given previously ... under the aegis of the Symposium international le livre, la Roumanie, L'Europe2--Introduction. :
1 online resource (v, 218 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789699838 (PDF ebook) :
Mana : a history of a western category /
In Mana: A History of a Western Category Nicolas Meylan proposes a critical account of Western imaginations of mana, a word belonging originally to Oceanic languages but borrowed by European languages in which it acquired the meaning 'supernatural power.' While mana is best known for its tenure in the disciplines studying religion, Nicolas Meylan situates such academic uses in a wider context, analyzing the ways Westerners conceptualized mana in the earlier colonial context as well as its mobilizations in the late 20th and early 21st centuries by (video)game designers and Neo-Pagan witches. This focus on various Western uses of mana allows for the critical investigation of the ways power has been mystified in conjunction with religion.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004349247 :
2214-3270 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The spirit, indigenous peoples, and social change : Maori and a Pentecostal theology of social engagement /
In The Spirit, Indigenous Peoples and Social Change Michael Frost explores a pentecostal theology of social engagement in relation to Māori in New Zealand. Pentecostalism has had an ambiguous relationship with Māori and, in particular, lacks a robust and coherent theological framework for engaging in issues of social concern. Drawing on a number of interviews with Māori pentecostal leaders and ministers, Frost explores the transformative role of pentecostal experience for Māori cultural identity, a holistic theology of mission, an indigenous prophetic emphasis, and consequent connections between pentecostalism and liberation. He thus contributes a way forward for pentecostal theologies of social change in relation to Māori, with implications for pentecostalism and indigenous peoples in the West.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004384996 :
1876-2247 ;
The book of Haggai : prophecy and society in early Persian Yehud /
This monograph is a study of the perceptions reflected in the Book of Haggai regarding the primary social, political and religious institutions in early Persian Yehud. Special attention is given to the form and function of prophecy, and to the role of the prophet in society. The study includes a history of the criticism of Haggai, a study of the book's redactional history and socio-political context, and an exegesis and literary analysis of the text. It concludes with an examination of the distinctive perspectives found in the book and the sociological and religious milieu that produced them. The work is particularly useful for its detailed analysis of the biblical text, its attention to recent literature on the early Persian period, and its multidisciplinary and integrative approach.
Revision of the author's dissertation, Le rôle du prophete dans le livre d'Agée, Sorbonne-Paris-IV and Institut Catholique de Paris, 1995. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [281]-307) and indexes. :
9789004276178 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Following the Man of Yamhad : settlement and territory at Old Babylonian Alalah /
Legal texts recording the purchase or exchange of entire settlements are among the most important cuneiform tablets discovered at Old Babylonian/Middle Bronze Age (Level VII) Alalah. Following the Man of Yamhad is the first book-length study of these legal texts and the socio-economic practice that they document. The author explores the nature of the alienated settlements, the rights enjoyed by their owners, the underlying system of land tenure, and the larger political context in which the transactions occurred. The study is supported by extensive collations and up-to-date editions of relevant legal and administrative texts. Its conclusions will be of interest to anyone working on the history, society, and economy of the Bronze Age Near East.
1 online resource (xv, 447 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 401-421) and indexes. :
9789004292895 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Aramaic and Hebrew inscriptions from Mt. Gerizim and Samaria between Antiochus III and Antiochus IV Epiphanes /
The theme of the book stands on the intersection of epigraphy and historical research: the Aramaic and Hebrew inscriptions discovered in the vicinity of the Yahwistic sanctuary on Mt. Gerizim and their historical background. The study addresses the evidence from three perspectives: the paleography and dating of the inscriptions; the identity of the community who carved them and its institutions; and, finally, the larger historical and political context in which the inscriptions were produced. This book is particularly useful for historians of Palestine in the Second Temple period, for biblical scholars, and for those dealing with Aramaic and Hebrew paleography and epigraphy. \'Dušek's book balances skilfully between epigraphy and historical research.\' Alinda Damsma, University College London \'...this book largely succeeds in its aims, providing an impressively erudite, fascinatingly detailed reconstruction of the historical, economic, and social contexts of the inscriptions from Mt. Gerizim.\' Jeremy M. Hutton, University of Wisconsin - Madison
2.1.4. hieron (hagion) Argarizein. :
1 online resource (220 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004225466 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Reason, Esotericism, and Authority in Shiʿi Islam /
This volume advances the critical study of exegetical, doctrinal, and political authority in Shiʿi Islam. Naive dichotomies of "reason" and "esotericism" in Islamic Studies have often marginalized Shiʿi thought or impeded its understanding. The studies presented here aim to foster more exacting frameworks for interpreting the diverse modes of rationality and esotericism in Twelver and Ismaili Shiʿism and the socio-epistemic values they represent within Muslim discourse. The volume's contributions highlight the cross-sectarian genealogy of early Shiʿi esotericism; the rationale behind Fatimid Ismaili Quranic taʿwīl hermeneutics; the socio-political context of religious authority in nascent Twelver Shiʿism; authorial agency wielded by Imami hadith compilers; the position of esoteric Shiʿi traditions in Timurid-era Ḥilla; and Shiʿi-Sufi relations with Uṣūlī jurists in modern Iran. Contributors : Rodrigo Adem, Alessandro Cancian, Edmund Hayes, Sajjad Rizvi, Tahera Qutbuddin, Paul Walker, George Warner.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The propaganda of power : the role of panegyric in late antiquity /
The 13 essays presented here shed new light on the role of panegyric in the western and eastern Roman Empire in the late antique world. Introductory chapters give an overview of panegyrical theory and practice, followed by studies of major writers of the early empire and the anonymous Panegyrici latini . The core of the volume deals with prose and verse panegyric under the Christian Roman Empire (4th-7th century): key themes addressed are social and political context, the 'hidden agenda', and the impact of Christianity on the pagan tradition of the panegyric, including the portrayal of patriarchs and holy men.
1 online resource (x, 378 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004351479 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.