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Showing 1 - 20 results of 25 for search '(("fouilles archeologiques.") or ("site archeologique."))~', query time: 0.30s Refine Results
Published 2003
The North Saqqara archaeological site handbook for the environmental risk analysis

: 417.P en noir et en coul. 30 x 31 cm. : En tête de la page de titre : Ministry for Environmental Affairs, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency ; Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Development Cooperation ; Ministry of Culture, Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities : 888-492-293-3

Published 2006
Mastabe di Saqqara lungo il nilo ai tempi delle piramidi

: 199.P noir et en coul. 28 cm. : P. 165-185, traduzione in inglese : 889-901-135-56

Published 1979
The Fortress of Buhen the archaeological report

: 1 vol. (XII-225 p.-108 p. de pl.) 46 cm. : 085-698-0633

Aksha : fouilles de la Mission Archéologique Franco-Argentine sur le site d'Aksha.

: At head of title : Mission archéologique française au Soudan. Misión Arquéologica Argentina en el Sudán. : 3 volumes : illustrations, maps, plates ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 2019
fouilles a baouit. Ii : /

: v.1 (viii-216p.) : ill. En noir et en coul., plans , facsim. ; 33cm. : 9782724706970

Published 2007
Le domaine d'Amon-Rê = maʻbad amūn-rʻ 40 ans de coopération franco-égyptienne à Karnak = arbaʻūn ʻāmā min al-taʻāūn fī raḥāb amūn

: 1 vol. (92 p.) ill. en noir et coul., portr., cartes, jaquette ill. en coul 34cm : Texte en arabe avec traduction française en regard.

Published 2022
La découverte de la tombe de Toutankhamon /

: Translation of : The tomb of Tutankhamen. : 1 vol. (359 p.- 32 p. de pl.) : ill. en n. et en coul. ; 22 cm. : 978-2-88935-912-7

Published 2020
Recherches archéologiques tuniso-françaises à Rougga.

: Located in Byzacena, 12km south-east of Thysdrus/El Jem, the municipality of Bararus/Henchir, Rougga is known for its large Roman cisterns first reported in the 18th century and for the discovery of a hoard of Byzantine gold coins. This volume gives an account of the results of excavations carried out at the site of the forum, from 1971-1974.
: Also issued in print: 2020. : 1 online resource (xvi, 488 pages) : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789698268 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2020
Recherches archéologiques tuniso-françaises à Rougga.

: Located in Byzacena, 12km south-east of Thysdrus/El Jem, the municipality of Bararus/Henchir, Rougga is known for its large Roman cisterns first reported in the 18th century and for the discovery of a hoard of Byzantine gold coins. This volume gives an account of the results of excavations carried out at the site of the forum, from 1971-1974.
: Also issued in print: 2020. : 1 online resource (xvi, 488 pages) : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789698268 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Les cylindres-sceaux d'Enkomi : fouilles françaises, 1957-1970 /

: At head of title: Mission archéologique française d'Alasia. : 93 pages, 11 pages of plates: illustrations ; 30 cm. : Bibliography : page [2] : 9963765408

Published 2016
Ayn Soukhna III : le complexe de galeries-magasins : rapport archéologique /

: Storage gallery complexes can now be considered a major characteristic of the pharaonic 'periodic harbours' that have been successively identified on the sites of Mersa Gawasis, Ayn Soukhna and Wadi el-Jarf. In between two expeditions, those caves were used to store the sailing equipement, and especially dismantled boats waiting for their next use. The systematic excavation of this whole Ayn Soukhna cave complex has allowed a better understanding of this site's purpose thank to the discovery, in two of those galleries, of remains of boats that were carefully stored there before being destroyed by fire. It also shows the long use of the harbour by the Egyptians, between the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom. The archaeological work in Ayn Soukhna was led in the framework of a joint project of the IFAO, the Ismai�lia University and the Paris-Sorbonne University (CNRS UMR 8167). -- publisher's website. : 348 pages : illustrations (some color), map, plans ; 33 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782724706925

Published 1967
Kellia 1965. Topographie génerale, mensurations et fouilles aux Qouçoûr 'Îsâ et aux Qouçoûr el...

: 64 pages : illustrations ; 36 cm.

Ras Ibn Hani.

: 371 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9782351597569

Published 2011
La pioche et la plume : autour du Soudan, du Liban et de la Jordanie : hommages archéologiques à Patrice Lenoble /

: 546 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Bibliography: p. 536-539.
Bibliography of Patrice Lenoble: p. 9-14. : 9782840507604

Published 2018
Volubilis après Rome : les fouilles UCL/INSAP, 2000-2005 /

: Le site archéologique le plus visité au Maroc, Volubilis est connu depuis longtemps pour ses mosaïques spectaculaires. Ce livre traite de ce qui est arrivé à la ville après le retrait de l'administration romaine à la fin du troisième siècle. Les fouilles publiées ici montrent comment la ville a continué à survivre jusqu'au cinquième siècle, avec des maisons d'élite commandant encore des mosaïques élégantes, et comment cette occupation a pris fin dans un séisme brutal. La ville renaît au sixième siècle avec de nouveaux occupants, la tribu berbère des Awraba. Au VIIIe siècle, il devint le siège de l'homme qui unit la plus grande partie du Maroc à la tête de l'Awraba, Idris I, descendant du prophète Mahomet. The most-visited archaeological site in Morocco, Volubilis has long been known for its spectacular mosaics. Instead, this book deals with what happened to the town after the Roman administration was withdrawn at the end of the third century. The excavations published here show how the town continued to survive into the fifth century, with élite houses still commissioning elegant and witty mosaics, and how this occupation came to an end in a brutal earthquake. The town revived in the sixth century with new occupants, the Berber Awraba tribe. In the eighth century, it became the headquarters of the man who united most of Morocco at the head of the Awraba, Idris I, a descendant of the prophet Mohammed. Contributeurs/Contributors: Ali Aït Kaci, Victoria Amoros-Ruiz, Mustafa Atki, Amira K. Bennison, Helen Dawson, Fatima-Zohra El-Harrif, Hafsa El Hassani, Abdallah Fili, Dorian Fuller, Guy Hunt, Anthony King, Tarik Moujoud, Gaetano Palumbo, Ruth Pelling, Susan Walker, Mark Wilson Jones.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004371583

Alasia /

: volume 2 : Recherche sur les grandes civilisations | 2. Les tombes d'Enkomi, le mobilier funeraire : fouilles C. F.-A. Schaeffer, 1947-1965. : volume < 2 > : illustrations ; 34 cm. : Includes bibliographies and indexes.

Published 2021
Les animaux et l'histoire d'Alexandrie antique et médiévale : étude archéozoologique d'après les fouilles du CEAlex (1993-2009) /

: Ce volume propose une analyse des relations entre les populations humaines et les animaux à Alexandrie dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge. L'étude archéozoologique s'appuie sur 32 000 restes fauniques (os, dents, coquilles) mis au jour sur sept sites fouillés par le Centre d'Études Alexandrines dans l'antique quartier du Brouchion. De nombreux aspects de la vie domestique alexandrine sont explorés. Les pratiques alimentaires de ces populations de cultures grecque, romaine et musulmane y sont décrites. Les analyses quantitatives fournissent des éléments de discussion sur la place des animaux de l'élevage, des produits de la pêche et de la chasse dans le régime carné. L'étude des objets fabriqués en os, en coquille de mollusque et en corail, pose les bases d'une réflexion sur l'exploitation des matières dures d'origine animale et de leurs usages dans l'espace urbain antique et médiéval d'Alexandrie. Enfin, des espèces originaires du continent européen et de la région indo-pacifique sont des témoignages précieux des réseaux d'échanges commerciaux du passé. Cette analyse croisée entre les ossements animaux, les sources textuelles et archéologiques ouvre une fenêtre nouvelle sur l'histoire d'Alexandrie
: 443 pages : ill., maps, plans, tables, covers. ill. in color. 28 cm. : 9782490128235

Published 2014
Tell el-Iswid 2006-2009 /

: Résultats des fouilles archéologiques menées de 2006 à 2010 sur ce site situé dans le delta oriental du Nil. L'étude des structures, du matériel et des ressources animales et végétales permet de dresser un état des lieux des modes de subsistance des populations prédynastiques et éclaire l'adoption par les communautés de Basse-Egypte, au IVe millénaire, des modèles socio-culturels des Naqadiens.
: 319 pages : illustrations (some color), map ; 33 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 297-315). : 9782724706482


: Volume 2 has imprint : Bruxelles : Fondation égyptologique Reine Elisabeth ; Leuven : Universitaire pers Leuven.
Volume 4 consists of a portfolio containing 2 fascicles with the title : Topographie ; also includes 2 folded topographic maps.
Volume 5 consits of a portfolio containing 7 folded topographic maps.
Errata slip inserted in volume 4. : volume <1-8 > : illustrations, plans. ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782503532868 (volume 8 : acid-free paper)

Published 2011
Tombes d'époque parthe : chantiers de la ville des artisans /

: Among the hundred or so tombs of post-Alexander date excavated by Roman Ghirshman between 1947 and 1952 on the mound of the "Ville des Artisans" at Susa, six are remarkable for their construction and burial contents. Shortly before his death in 1979, Ghirshman, director of the French "Mission de Suse" from 1946 until 1968, had started to write up his final report. Based on his notes, the authors have engaged to publish these tombs, together with the original plans, drawings and photographs of the burial goods. The grave contents consisted mainly of pottery, but also included glass vessels, figurines, metal objects and other small finds. The study of the material from these large vaulted subterranean structures indicates that they were most likely intended as family tombs, thus remaining in use for several decades and should be dated in the first or second century AD. Similar tombs are known at other sites in the region of Susa, and even in Mesopotamia, e.g. at Seleucia on the Tigris. A synthesis of the evolution in tomb architecture and typology, as well as the burial practices, for the whole site of Susa between the Seleucid and early Sasanian periods (third century BC to third century AD), is also presented, based on the short reports and unpublished excavation notes of Ghirshman, in addition to unpublished reports by his predecessors at the site.
: 1 online resource (91 pages, 35 pages of plates) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 87-91). : 9789004229365 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.