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Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds : Studies in Honour of Erica Cruikshank Dodd /
"Dedicated to Erica Cruikshank Dodd, Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds offers new perspectives on the Christian and Muslim communities of the east Mediterranean from medieval to contemporary times. The contributors examine how people from diverse religious backgrounds adapted to their changing political landscapes and show that artistic patronage, consumption, and practices are interwoven with constructed narratives. The essays consider material and textual evidence for painted media, architecture, and the creative process in Byzantium, Crusader-era polities, the Ottoman empire, and the modern Middle East, thus demonstrating the importance of the past in understanding the present"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The dragon in medieval East Christian and Islamic art
This book is a pioneering work on a key iconographic motif, that of the dragon. It examines the perception of this complex, multifaceted motif within the overall intellectual and visual universe of the medieval Irano-Turkish world. Using a broadly comparative approach, the author explores the ever-shifting semantics of the dragon motif as it emerges in neighbouring Muslim and non-Muslim cultures. The book will be of particular interest to those concerned with the relationship between the pre-Islamic, Islamic and Eastern Christian (especially Armenian) world. The study is fully illustrated, with 209 (b/w and full colour) plates, many of previously unpublished material. Illustrations include photographs of architectural structures visited by the author, as well as a vast collection of artefacts, all of which are described and discussed in detail with inscription readings, historical data and textual sources.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004209725 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Envisioning islamic art and architecture : essays in honor of Renata Holod /
Envisioning Islamic Art and Architecture: Essays in Honor of Renata Holod is a collection of studies on the portable arts, arts of the book, painting, photography, and architecture spanning the medieval and modern periods and across the historical Islamic lands. The essays reflect the wide-ranging interests and diverse methodologies of Renata Holod and attend to the physical, material, and aesthetic properties of their objects, offer nuanced explanations of complex relations between objects and historical contexts, and remain critically aware of the shape of the field of Islamic art and architecture, its canonical objects, approaches, and historiographies. Essential reading for scholars working on Islam and the Islamic world in the disciplines of history of art and architecture, history, literature, and anthropology. With contributions by María Judith Feliciano, Christiane Gruber, Leslee Katrina Michelsen, Nancy Micklewright, Stephennie Mulder, Johanna Olafsdotter, Yael Rice, Cynthia Robinson, David J. Roxburgh, D. Fairchild Ruggles, Alison Mackenzie Shah, and Pushkar Sohoni.
1 online resource (xxx, 311 pages) : illustrations (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-296) and index. :
9789004280281 :
2213-3844 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Oasis of Bukhara, Volume 3 : Material Culture, Socio-territorial Features, Archaeozoology and Archaeometry /
The Oasis of Bukhara, Volume 3: Material Culture, Socio-territorial Features, Archaeozoology and Archaeometry , focuses on the study of material culture (pottery and glass), as well as on the archaeoscience activities that took place during the archaeological mission MAFOUB (2009-2023). The topics in this third, concluding volume concern environmental aspects, preliminary results on archaeozoology, the reconstruction of the evolution of the fauna over nineteen centuries, and politico-territorial aspects. It completes the urban and demographic framework that was presented in the previous two volumes. Contributors: Anne Bouquillon, Jacopo Bruno, Yvan Coquinot, Delphine Decruyenaere, Christel Doublet, Ayano Endo, Nathalie Gandolfo, Takako Hosokawa, Marjan Mashkour, Djamal Mirzaakhmedov, Andrey Omelchenko, Elisa Porto, Silvia Pozzi, Gabriele Puschnigg, Rocco Rante, Pascale Richardin, Yoko Shindo, Toshiyasu Shinmen, Tamako Takeda, Manon Vuillien, Antoine Zink The volume is co-published by Brill, Leiden, and the Louvre Museum, Paris.
1 online resource (400 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The performing arts in medieval Islam : shadow play and popular poetry in Ibn Daniyal's Mamluk Cairo /
This is a study of the life and work of Ibn Dāniyāl (d. 1310), a Cairo-based eye doctor, poet, playwright, court jester, and arguably one of the most controversial cultural figures of his time. Drawing on medieval Arabic sources, many still in manuscript and some used for the first time, the author further contextualizes Ibn Dāniyāl's work with respect to poetry production and popular culture in the Islamic Near East in the post-Mongol period. The book also presents the first full English translation of "The Phantom," one of Ibn Dāniyāl's three shadow plays, the only surviving pre-Ottoman Arabic theatrical texts.
1 online resource (xiii, 240 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [229]-233) and index. :
9789004218802 :
0929-2403 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
حلب الشهباء في عيون الشعراء، المجلد الأول: حلب في الشعر القديم (بين القرن السابع للميلاد ومطلع القرن العشرين) : [Aleppo through Poets' Eyes, Volume 1: Aleppo in Classical Poetry (7...
حلب في الشعر القديم (المجلد الأول من موسوعة حلب الشهباء في عيون الشعراء ) وثيقةٌ تاريخيّة وأدبيّة تستعرض أكثر من 009 قصيدة كُتبتْ عن مدينة حلب أو ذكرَتْها، بين القرن السابع للميلاد ومطلع القرن العشرين، معبرةً عن الأوجُه الحضارية المتعددة للمدينة العريقة، بتاريخها المديد وتراثها الغنّي وطبيعتها الكوسموبوليتية. يتضمن الكتاب 21 فصلاً، يهدف فيها المؤلّفان حسن قجّـة ومحمد قجّـة، إلى استقصاء القيمة الفعليّة والرمزيّة لمدينة حلب في عيون الشعراء ومدى انعكاس ذلك في حضورها بقصائدهم، ودلالات ذلك الحضور، كما يهدفان إلى التأكيد على المساهمة التي قام بها الشعر عبر عصوره، في التعرّف على تاريخ المدن العربية والإسلامية، وعلى قيمة تلك المدن من النواحي الموضوعية (كعمرانها وصفات سكانها ودورها الوطني) ومن النواحي المعنوية (كسمعتها وقيمتها الحضارية وفخر أبنائها بها وشوقهم إليها).
حلب في الشعر القديم يستعرض أكثر من 009 قصيدة من الشعر العربي والعالمي كُتبت عن مدينة حلب أو ذكرَتها بين القرن السابع ومطلع القرن العشرين، راصداً قيمتها الفعليّة والرمزيّة في عيون الشعراء وانعكاس ذلك في قصائدهم، سواء من النواحي الموضوعية أو من النواحي الوجدانية.Aleppo in Classical Poetry brings together more than 900 poems that have been written about Aleppo or mentioned it, from 7th century to the early 20th century, reflecting the various civilizational dimensions of the ancient city, in both its tangible and emotional aspects. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Perspectives on early Islamic art in Jerusalem /
Through its material remains, Perspectives on Early Islamic Art in Jerusalem analyzes several overlooked aspects of the earliest decades of Islamic presence in Jerusalem, during the seventh century CE. Focusing on the Haram al-Sharif , also known as the Temple Mount, Lawrence Nees provides the first sustained study of the Dome of the Chain, a remarkable eleven-sided building standing beside the slightly later Dome of the Rock, and the first study of the meaning of the columns and column capitals with figures of eagles in the Dome of the Rock. He also provides a new interpretation of the earliest mosque in Jerusalem, the Haram as a whole, with the sacred Rock at its center.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004302075 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Women and Islamic cultures : disciplinary paradigms and approaches, 2003-2013 /
The first decade of the 21st century witnessed an explosion in scholarly and public interest in women and Islamic cultures, globally. From misguided media representations, to politically motivated state manipulations, to agenda-driven Islamist movements, to feminist and international NGO projects - the subject and image of Muslim women has become iconic and riveting. This volume unpacks the representations, motivations, agendas, and projects by focusing on the advances in scholarly research on women and Islamic cultures in the first decade of the 21st century. The editors of the pioneering Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures bring together leading scholars, discipline by discipline, to critically analyze state of the art research on women and Islamic cultures from 2003-2013. Editors for this volume include Suad Joseph, Marilyn Booth, Bahar Davary, Hoda Elsadda, Sarah Gualtieri, Virginia Hooker, Amira Jarmakani, Therese Saliba, and Elora Shehabuddin. Contributors include Suad Joseph, Azza Basarudin, Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh, Amira Jarmakani, Sajeda Amin, Kamran Rastegar, Robina Mohammad, Annika Rabo, Ahmed Ragab, Vannessa Hearman, Bahar Davary, Michelle Hartman, Hoda Elsadda, Nerina Rustomji, Amaney Jamal, Vickie Langohr, Hania Sholkamy, Zayn Kassam, Rachel Rinaldo, Samar Habib.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (380 pages) :
9789004264731 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Mental Health : Challenges and Culturally Sensitive Practice /
This innovative book provides a thorough and compassionate examination of the lives of Syrian refugees in Jordan, as well as their families. It will equip mental health professionals with the necessary skills to effectively intervene when working with this vulnerable population. What distinguishes this book is its emphasis on the unique challenges that arise from the relationship between Jordanian locals and Syrian refugees, as well as how mental health practitioners can navigate these complexities. It sheds light on the obstacles that such practitioners face in their work and offers valuable insights into how to overcome them.
1 online resource (298 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ways of Knowing Muslim Cultures and Societies : Studies in Honour of Gudrun Krämer /
This volume showcases a variety of innovative approaches to the study of Muslim societies and cultures, inspired by and honouring Gudrun Krämer and her role in transforming the landscape of Islamic Studies. With contributions from scholars from around the world, the articles cover an extraordinarily wide geographical scope across a broad timeline, with transdisciplinary perspectives and a historically informed focus on contemporary phenomena. The wide-ranging subjects covered include among others a "men in headscarves" campaign in Iran, an Islamic call-in radio programme in Mombassa, a refugee-related court case in Germany, the Arab revolutions and aftermath from various theoretical perspectives, Ottoman family photos, Qurʾān translation in South Asia, and words that can't be read.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004386891 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Arabic studies in the Netherlands : a short history in portraits, 1580-1950 /
Arabic is the only living language to have been taught in Dutch higher education for more than four centuries. Practical usefulness, however, has been a prerequisite from the start. Knowledge of Arabic was to promote Dutch interests in the Muslim world, or to help refute Islam. As a cognate of Classical Hebrew, the study of Arabic served as an ancillary science to Biblical studies. Nevertheless, many Arabists such as Thomas Erpenius and Jacobus Golius rose to international distinction. With more than 110 colour illustrations from the Leiden Oriental collections, Arabic Studies in the Netherlands. A Short History in Portraits, 1580-1950 by Arnoud Vrolijk and Richard van Leeuwen will help the reader to gain insight into a fascinating aspect of Dutch intellectual history.
1 online resource. :
Muqarnas : an annual on the visual culture of the Islamic world.
Muqarnas is sponsored by The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. In Muqarnas articles are being published on all aspects of Islamic visual culture, historical and contemporary, as well as articles dealing with unpublished textual primary sources.
"The Aga Khan Program for Islamic architecture, thirtieth anniversary special volume." :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789047426745 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World is sponsored by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The articles in Muqarnas 27 address topics such as spolia in medieval Islamic architecture, Islamic coinage in the seventh century, the architecture of the Alhambra from an environmental perspective, and Ottoman-Mamluk gift exchange in the fifteenth century. The volume also features a new section, entitled "Notes and Sources", with pieces highlighting primary sources such as Akbar's Kathāsaritsāgara . Contributors include Ebba Koch, Elizabeth Lambourn, Elias Muhanna, Rina Avner, Kathryn Moore, Alicia Walker, Todd Willmert, Julia Gonnella, Zeynep Ertuğ, Jere Bacharach, Persis Berlekamp, Heike Franke, Vincenza Garofalo, and Fabrizio Agnello.
1 online resource. :
9789004191105 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant : Essays in Honour of Alastair Hamilton /
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant is a collection of essays in honour of Professor Alastair Hamilton. His pioneering research into the history of European Oriental studies has deeply enhanced our understanding of the dynamics and processes of cultural and religious exchange between Christian Europe and the Islamic world. Written by students, friends and colleagues, the contributions in this volume pay tribute to Alastair Hamilton's work and legacy. They discuss and celebrate intellectual, artistic and religious encounters between Europe and the cultural area stretching from Northern Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, and spanning the period from the sixteenth to the late nineteenth century. Contributors: Asaph Ben-Tov, Alexander Bevilacqua, Maurits H. van den Boogert, Charles Burnett, Ziad Elmarsafy, Mordechai Feingold, Aurélien Girard, Bernard Heyberger, Robert Irwin, Tarif Khalidi, J.M.I. Klaver, Noel Malcolm, Martin Mulsow, Francis Richard, G. J. Toomer, Arnoud Vrolijk, Nicholas Warner, Joanna Weinberg, and Jan Just Witkam.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
International review of biblical studies / internationale...
Formerly known by its subtitle "Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete", the International Review of Biblical Studies has served the scholarly community ever since its inception in the early 1950's. Each annual volume includes approximately 2,000 abstracts and summaries of articles and books that deal with the Bible and related literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, Non-canonical gospels, and ancient Near Eastern writings. The abstracts - which may be in English, German, or French - are arranged thematically under headings such as e.g. "Genesis", "Matthew", "Greek language", "text and textual criticism", "exegetical methods and approaches", "biblical theology", "social and religious institutions", "biblical personalities", "history of Israel and early Judaism", and so on. The articles and books that are abstracted and reviewed are collected annually by an international team of collaborators from over 300 of the most important periodicals and book series in the fields covered.
V. 53. :
1 online resource. :
9789047433064 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
International review of biblical studies.
Formerly known by its subtitle "Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete", the International Review of Biblical Studies has served the scholarly community ever since its inception in the early 1950's. Each annual volume includes approximately 2,000 abstracts and summaries of articles and books that deal with the Bible and related literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, Non-canonical gospels, and ancient Near Eastern writings. The abstracts - which may be in English, German, or French - are arranged thematically under headings such as e.g. "Genesis", "Matthew", "Greek language", "text and textual criticism", "exegetical methods and approaches", "biblical theology", "social and religious institutions", "biblical personalities", "history of Israel and early Judaism", and so on. The articles and books that are abstracted and reviewed are collected annually by an international team of collaborators from over 300 of the most important periodicals and book series in the fields covered.
Includes indexes. :
1 online resource. :
9789047419228 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
الفكاهة في الإسلام المبكر أشعب وأخباره أنموذجًا : [Humor in Early Islam: Ashʿab and the Anecdotes...
نظر أشعب إلى شيخٍ قبيح الوجه؛ فقال: ألم ينهكم سُليمان بن داود عن أن تخرجوا بالنهار؟ إن الفكاهة عمليَّةٌ متعلقةٌ بالسرور والبهجة واكتشافهما وتذوقهما وإبداعهما. ويذهب الفلاسفة والأطباء اليونانيين إلى أن توازن السوائل في جسم الإنسان؛ ي
1 online resource (140 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Islamic reformism and Christianity : a critical reading of the works of Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā and his associates (1898-1935) /
No previous full-scale study has been undertaken so far to study the polemical writings of the Muslim reformist Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā (1865-1935) and his associates in his well-known journal al-Manār (The Lighthouse). The book focuses on the dynamics of Muslim understanding of Christianity during the late 19th and the early 20th century in the light of al-Manār's sources of knowledge, and its answers to the social, political and theological aspects of missionary movements in the Muslim World of Riḍā's age. The basis of the analysis encompasses the voluminous publications by Riḍā and other Manārists in his journal. Besides, it makes use of newly-discovered materials, including Riḍā's private papers, and some other remaining personal archives of some of his associates.
Revision of author's thesis (doctoral)--Leiden University, 2008. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [321]-340) and index. :
9789047441465 :
1570-7350 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.