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"legal tradition" » "oral tradition" (Expand Search), "textual tradition" (Expand Search)
Between Roman culture and local tradition : Roman provincial coinage of Bithynia and Pontus during the reign of Trajan (98-117 AD) /
Offering a detailed analysis of the Roman provincial coinage of Bithynia and Pontus during the reign of Trajan (98-117), this book characterises individual mints, the rhythm of monetary production, iconography and legends, and considers the attribution and dating of individual issues.
Also issued in print: 2023. :
1 online resource (xiii, 262 pages) : illustrations (colour), map (colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781803274669 (PDF ebook) : :
Open access.
Continuity and innovation in the Aramaic legal tradition /
Ever since the Elephantine papyri were first published over a century ago, scholars have speculated on the origins of the well-developed legal formularies used in these documents. Since then, many more Aramaic deeds of conveyance both from Elephantine and from elsewhere have been published, especially within the last decade or so. With this expanded text base now available, the time is ripe for a comprehensive re-assessment of these legal formularies. This book endeavors to show that these disparate Aramaic documents, whose chronological scope spans several centuries, form a discrete and coherent tradition. It isolates and identifies the distinctive elements that form the core of this tradition and traces the histories of these elements back through the cuneiform record.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [204]-226) and index. :
9789047442226 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Achaemenid culture and local traditions in Anatolia, Southern Caucasus and Iran : new discoveries /
This book contains papers representing the results of the latest research into the relationship between the 'imperial' culture of the Achaemenids and local traditions. Some of them are devoted to the Southern Caucasus, especially to latest archaeological excavations and to investigations into specific categories of archaeological finds. Other articles concern other regions of the Achaemenid world. The article by L. Summerer represents a publication of a unique work of art: the painting on one of the walls of a wooden tomb in Tatarlı in Western Anatolia, depicting a battle between Persians and warriors of nomadic (Scythian-Saka) appearance. The article by S. Sajjadi presents readers with the results of interesting research, which has been going on in Sistan. Originally published as issue 3-4 of Volume 13 (2007) of Brill's journal Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia . For more details on this journal, please click here .
"The content of this volume is a reprint of volume 13, issue 1-2 (2007) of Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia"--P. [4] of cover. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789047423980 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Gender and Islam in Southeast Asia : women's rights movements, religious resurgence and local traditions /
The volume is the first comprehensive compilation of texts on gender constructions, normative gender orders and their religious legitimizations, as well as current gender policies in Islamic Southeast Asia, which besides the Islamic core countries of Malaysia and Indonesia also comprises southern Thailand and Mindanao (the Philippines). The authors trace the impact of national development programmes, modernization, globalization, and political conflicts on the local and national gender regimes in the twentieth century, and elaborate on the consequences of the revitalization of a conservative type of Islam. The book, thus, elucidates the boundary lines of cultural and political processes of negotiation related to state, society, and community. It employs a broad analytical framework, offers rich empirical data and gives new insights into current debates on gender and Islam. Contributors include Nelly van Doorn-Harder, Farish A. Noor, Siti Musdah Mulia, Amporn Marddent, Maila Stivens, Alexander Horstmann, Amina Rasul-Bernardo, Monika Arnez, Susanne Schröter, Nurul Ilmi Idrus, Vivienne S.M. Angeles and Birte Brecht-Drouart.
1 online resource (x, 335 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004242920 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Writing and communication in early Egyptian monasticism /
As senders of letters, copyists of literary texts, compilers of accounts, readers, and teachers, the monks of late antique Egypt articulated their interactions with their ascetic and secular environments via their role as authors, scribes, and owners of written text. This volume edited by Malcolm Choat and Maria Chiara Giorda examines the presence and practice of writing, modes of written communication, and the symbolic and spiritual value of the written word in monastic communities. Contributions cover evidence from papyri and inscriptions to literature transmitted in manuscripts, positioned within the shift in recent scholarship away from literature such as hagiography as a source of positivistic history, towards evidence that derives more directly from the monk or period in focus.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004336506 :
2213-0039 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Yearbook of Muslims in Europe.
The Yearbook of Muslims in Europe provides an up-to-date account of the situation of Muslims in Europe. Covering 46 countries of Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals, the Yearbook consists of three sections: the first section presents a country-by-country summary of essential data with basic statistics with evaluations of their reliability, surveys of legal status and arrangements, organisations, et cetera Data have been brought up to date from the first volume. The second section contains analysis and research articles on issues and themes of current relevance written by experts in the field. The final section provides reviews of recently published books of significance. The Yearbook is an important source of reference for government and NGO officials, journalists, and policy makers as well as researchers
1 online resource. :
Elephantine in context : studies on the history, religion and literature of the Judeans in Persian period Egypt /
"The Persian period has long been considered a "dark era" in Israel's history. For this reason, research has mainly focused on how it is depicted in the Hebrew Bible. A spectacular discovery of archaeological relics and epigraphic sources was hence hardly noticed: the military colony located on the island of Elephantine in the Nile, on the border between Egypt and present-day Sudan. The basic approach of this volume, which documents a three-year Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft project, is to break with a research tradition focusing on the Judeans (Jews) mentioned in the Aramaic papyri from Elephantine and instead investigate the military colony in a broader historical context also documented by Demotic and Egyptian-hieratic evidence found at Elephantine. The studies presented focus on three main subject areas: society and administration, religion, and literature. They show that historically the island of Elephantine hosted a multicultural society with several interactions between the Egyptians and the other inhabitants, and that it was also an important administrative centre for the Persian authorities."
xii, 385 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
3161609964 :
0940-4155 ;
Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa : Entering the 21st Century /
A scholarly volume devoted to an understanding of contemporary nomadic and pastoral societies in the Middle East and North Africa. This volume recognizes the variable mobile quality of the ways of life of these societies which persist in accommodating the 'nation-state' of the 20th and 21st century but remain firmly transnational and highly adaptive. Composed of four sections around the theme of contestation it includes examinations of contested authority and power, space and social transformation, development and economic transformation, and cultures and engendered spaces.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047417750 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Animal Names of the Arab Ancestors : Explaining the Non-human Names of Arab Kinship Groups, Volume 2-1 Appendices /
In the Arab world, people belong to kinship groups (lineages and tribes). Many lineages are named after animals, birds, and plants. Why? This survey evaluates five old explanations - "totemism," "emulation of predatory animals," "ancestor eponymy," "nicknaming," and "Bedouin proximity to nature." It suggests a new hypothesis: Bedouin tribes use animal names to obscure their internal cleavages. Such tribes wax and wane as they attract and lose allies and clients; they include "attached" elements as well as actual kin. To prevent outsiders from spotting "attached" groups, Bedouin tribes scatter non-human names across their segments, making it difficult to link any segment with a human ancestor. Young's argument contributes to theories of tribal organization, Arab identity, onomastics, and Near Eastern kinship.
1 online resource (450 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
For out of Babylonia shall come Torah and the word of the Lord from Nehar Peqod : the quest for Babylonian tannaitic traditions /
In For Out of Babylonia Shall Come Torah and the Word of the Lord from Nehar Peqod , Barak S. Cohen reevaluates the evidence in Tannaitic and Amoraic literature of an independent "Babylonian Mishnah" which originated in the proto-talmudic period. The book focuses on an analysis of the most notable halakhic corpora that have been identified by scholars as originating in the Tannaitic period or at the outset of the amoraic. If indeed such an early corpus did exist, what are its characteristics and what, if any, connection does it have with the parallel Palestinian collections? Was this Babylonian Mishnah created in order to harmonize the Palestinian Mishnah with a corpus of rabbinic teachings already existent in Babylonia? Was this corpus one of the main contributors to the forced interpretations and resolutions found so frequently in the Bavli?
1 online resource (viii, 295 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004347021 :
1571-5000 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dar al-Islam revisited : territoriality in contemporary Islamic legal discourse on Muslims in the West /
Where is dār al-islām , and who defines its boundaries in the 21st century? In Dār al-Islām Revisited. Territoriality in Contemporary Islamic Legal Discourse on Muslims in the West , Sarah Albrecht explores the variety of ways in which contemporary Sunni Muslim scholars, intellectuals, and activists reinterpret the Islamic legal tradition of dividing the world into dār al-islām , the "territory of Islam," dār al-ḥarb , the "territory of war," and other geo-religious categories. Starting with an overview of the rich history of debate about this tradition, this book traces how and why territorial boundaries have remained a matter of controversy until today. It shows that they play a crucial role in current discussions of religious authority, identity, and the interpretation of the shariʿa in the West.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004364578 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Negotiating Homosexuality in Islam : A Legal-hermeneutical Examination of Modern Shīʿī Discourse /
To enrich the existing debates on Islam and sexual diversity, in the present book, I seek the potential discursive spaces on homosexuality in modern Imāmī legal debates. I have undertaken this research on the thesis that modern Imāmī legal tradition on homosexuality is more flexible and dynamic than one might expect. To address this essential issue, I build the study around the following constructive question: what are the discursive spaces on homosexuality in contemporary reflections within modern Shiʿi legal scholarship? Responding to this central query, the study is premised on the notion that Imāmī legal sources consist of a tradition of sacred (textual) sources, intellectual reasoning, a vast stockpile of (often contrasting) interpretations of these sources, and a distinguished methodological repertoire called ijtihad . Following the same methodology, in this work, I describe, analyse, and critique such textual-exegetical and intellectual-rational discursive aspects concerning homosexuality.
1 online resource (370 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Politics of Ritual Change : The zukru Festival in the Political History of Late Bronze Age Emar /
In The Politics of Ritual Change: The zukru Festival in the Political History of Late Bronze Age Emar, John Thames explores the intersection of ritual and politics in ancient Syria. The cuneiform texts describing an elaborate festival called zukru invite the reader to consider the development of the ritual as a result of political influence. This book suggests a new understanding of the relationship between the Hittite Empire and the city of Emar that is best observed through religious texts. The Harvard Semitic Monographs series publishes volumes from the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East. Other series offered by Brill that publish volumes from the Museum include Harvard Semitic Studies and Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant, https://hmane.harvard.edu/publications.
1 online resource. :
Adab and modernity : a "civilising" process? (sixteenth--twenty-first century) /
Adab is a concept situated at the heart of Arabic and Islamic civilisation. Adab is etiquette, ethics, and literature. It is also a creative synthesis, a relationship within a configuration. What became of it, towards modernity ? The question of the "civilising process" (Norbert Elias) helps us reflect on this story. During the modern period, maintaining one's identity while entering into what was termed "civilisation" ( al-tamaddun ) soon became a leitmotiv . A debate on what was or what should be culture, ethics, and norms in Middle Eastern societies accompanied this evolution. The resilient notion of adab has been in competition with the Salafist focus on mores ( akhlāq ). Still, humanism, poetry, and transgression are constants in the history of adab . Contributors: Francesca Bellino, Elisabetta Benigni, Michel Boivin, Olivier Bouquet, Francesco Chiabotti, Stéphane Dudoignon, Anne-Laure Dupont, Stephan Guth, Albrecht Hofheinz, Katharina Ivanyi, Felix Konrad, Corinne Lefevre, Cathérine Mayeur-Jaouen, Astrid Meier, Nabil Mouline, Samuela Pagani, Luca Patrizi, Stefan Reichmuth, Iris Seri-Hersch, Chantal Verdeil, Anne-Sophie Vivier-Muresan.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
The religious life of Nabataea /
Flourishing in the centuries around the birth of Christ, the Nabataean kingdom covered a large swathe of the north-western Arabian Peninsula and was shaped by cultural influences from the Mediterranean, Arabian and wider Semitic worlds. The Religious Life of Nabataea examines the inscriptions, sculptures and architectural remains left by worshippers in every corner of the kingdom, from the spectacular remains of the desert city of Petra to the fertile plains of southern Syria. While previous scholarly approaches have minimised the diversity of cultic practices and traditions found in Nabataea, this study reveals a vibrant religious landscape dominated by a variety of local traditions.
1 online resource (xi, 316 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p;ages [241]-256) and index. :
9789004216235 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence : Meccan Fiqh before the Classical Schools /
The current view among Western scholars of Islam concerning the early development of Islamic jurisprudence was shaped by Joseph Schacht's famous study on the subject published 50 years ago. Since then new sources became available which make a critical review of his theories possible and desirable. This volume uses one of these sources to reconstruct the development of jurisprudence at Mecca, virtually unknown until now, from the beginnings until the middle of the second Islamic century. New methods of analysis are developed and tested in order to date the material contained in the earliest compilations of legal traditions more properly. As a result the origins of Islamic jurisprudence can be dated much earlier than claimed by Schacht and his school.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Archive of the Theban Choachyte Petebaste Son of Peteamunip (Floruit 7th Century BCE) : Abnormal Hieratic Papyrus Louvre E 3228 A-H /
This book is the first ever edition of an abnormal hieratic business archive from the Louvre once kept by a mortuary priest in 7th century BCE Thebes (Egypt). In addition to providing a full edition of the eight texts from this unique - and partly unpublished - archive, the author also discusses points of Late Period history, law, economics, religion, grammar, and chronology. There is also a particular focus on abnormal hieratic palaeography, thereby turning this publication into a genuine handbook for the study of the most difficult script from Ancient Egypt that will serve students for the next hundred years, offering a unique insight into the ancient Egyptian abnormal hieratic and demotic legal traditions.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The rhetorical function of the book of Ezekiel /
This study analyses the book of Ezekiel as a tool of communication, arguing that the book was designed to shape the self-understanding of the exilic community. A discussion of the historical context precedes a chapter that deals with the basic thrust and literary arrangement of Ezekiel. A detailed examination of individual rhetorical techniques (use of the watchman motif, legal traditions, emotional language, and others) and of crucial passages (especially 24:15-27 and 37:1-14) follows. The final chapter explores the book's suitability for the situation for which it was designed. This work gives readers the opportunity to study the book of Ezekiel as a whole and to explore some of its intricacies. Its methodology is an example of the fruitful integration of traditional critical methods and more recent literary and sociological approaches. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [253]-276) and index. :
9789004276017 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.