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Littérature arabe moderne : Genèse et problématiques /
Cet ouvrage analyse la genèse de la notion d' adab , quelques grandes œuvres fondatrices depuis le milieu du 19° siècle, la constitution des grands genres à partir des grands modèles classiques mis au contact de la littérature occidentale.
1 online resource (420 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Religious transformation in modern Asia : a transnational movement /
This volume explores the religious transformation of each nation in modern Asia. When the Asian people, who were not only diverse in culture and history, but also active in performing local traditions and religions, experienced a socio-political change under the wave of Western colonialism, the religious climate was also altered from a transnational perspective. Part One explores the nationals of China (Taiwan), Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan, focusing on the manifestations of Japanese religion, Chinese foreign policy, the British educational system in Hong Kong in relation to Tibetan Buddhism, the Korean women of Catholicism, and the Scottish impact in late nineteenth century Korea. Part Two approaches South Asia through the topics of astrology, the works of a Gujarātī saint, and Himalayan Buddhism. The third part is focused on the conflicts between 'indigenous religions and colonialism,' 'Buddhism and Christianity,' 'Islam and imperialism,' and 'Hinduism and Christianity' in Southeast Asia.
1 online resource (xxxiii, 304 pages) : color illustrations, color map. :
Includes bibliographical referenced and index. :
9789004289710 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Reshaping China : The Concept of the Chinese Nation in Modern Times /
This book is the first and only English-language edition of Huang Xingtao's Reshaping China , translated by Lane J. Harris and Mei Chun. In this landmark text, Huang Xingtao uses a cultural approach to the history of ideas. He traces the complex contours in the discursive debates around the concept of the Chinese nation ( Zhonghua minzu ) from its origins in the late Qing; through the pivotal moment of the 1911 Revolution; into the contentious revolutionary upheavals of the 1920s, amidst the national crisis brought on by Japanese invasions in the 1930s; and culminating in the widespread acceptance of the concept during the Civil War. By the late 1940s, the Chinese nation came to represent the idea that all peoples within the country, whatever their ethnicity, were equal citizens who shared common goals and aspirations.
1 online resource (530 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Commentaire sur les Catégories.
The French translation with commentary, the first in a modern language, allows historians of philosophy access to a fundamental work for the understanding of medieval and modern thought. They could also explore more easily the great variety of information contained in the commentary of Simplicius on the history of the exegis of the Catégories of Aristotle , and more generally on the history of comparative philosophy of Simplicius. They will discover some important aspects in the actual thought of Simplicius, which so far has hardly been explored.
Translation of: Commentarium in decem Categorias Aristotelis. :
1 online resource (vx, 239 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004320727 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Defining identities : we, you, and the other in the Dead Sea Scrolls : proceedings of the fifth meeting of the IOQS in Gröningen /
This volume contains 15 of the papers read at the Fifth Meeting of the IOQS, celebrated in Groningen 27-28 July, 2004. The meeting focused on the identity formation of the group or groups represented in the Scrolls, explored issues of self-definition of Jewish groups in relation to, or in reaction towards other groups within Judaism ("sectarian" identity, inner-Jewish discourses and polemics), and inquired into the development of Jewish identity vis-à-vis other non-Jewish persons, groups or peoples as reflected in the Scrolls.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047432470 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New Developments in the Theory of the Historical Process : Polish Contributions to Non-Marxian Historical Materialism /
The first part of this book contains a selection of Leszek Nowak's (1943-2009) works on non-Marxian historical materialism, which are published here in English for the first time. In these papers, Nowak constructs a dynamic model of religious community, reconstructs historiosophical assumptions of liberalism and considers the methodological status of prognosis of totalitarization of capitalist society. In the second part of the book, new contributions to non-Marxian historical materialism are presented. Their authors analyze mechanisms of the oligarchization of liberal democracy, the democratization of real socialism, and the development of early modern Ottoman and post-war Chinese societies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
State Succession to International Responsibility /
In the context of the break-up of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the independence of Montenegro and the unification of Germany, can a new State be held responsible for wrongful acts committed before its independence by the predecessor State? This book is the most comprehensive analysis of State practice, case law and scholarship identifying the factors and circumstances under which the rights and obligations arising from wrongful acts committed before independence can be transferred to a new State. This updated and revised second edition covers new developments, including the recent works of the International Law Commission and the Institute of International Law.
1 online resource (485 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Les representations architecturales dans l'iconographie Neo-Assyrienne /
In this book Nicolas Gillmann provides scholars as well as non-specialists with a comprehensive study of architectural representations in Neo Assyrian iconography. The author answers three important questions: How are Mesopotamian images conceived? What rules are presiding over them and how are they to be interpreted by modern viewers? Can the architectural representations be of some use to archaeologists or are they merely schematic depictions of given building types? Nicolas Gillmann shows that new conclusions can be reached once the reader is given the right reading keys and interpretation framework.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004324015 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
An Introduction to Islamic Finance /
Although the principles of Shari'ah require banks and financial institutions to be structured on an interest-free basis, this does not mean that such institutions are charitable concerns. As long as a person advancing money expects to share in the profits earned (or losses incurred) by the other party, a stipulated proportion of profit is legitimate. The philosophy is enshrined in the traditional Islamic concepts of musharakah and mudarabah, along with their specialized modern variants murabahah, ijarah, salam, and istisna'. This invaluable guide to Islamic finance clearly delineates the all-important distinctions between Islamic practices and conventional procedures based on interest. Justice Usmani of Pakistan, who chairs several Shari'ah supervisory boards for Islamic banks, clearly explains the various modes of financing used by Islamic banks and non-banking financial institutions, emphasizing the necessary requirements for their acceptability from the Shari'ah standpoint and the correct method for their application. He deals masterfully with practical problems as they arise in the course of his presentation, and offers possible solutions in each instance.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The International Status of Taiwan in the New World Order: Legal and Political Considerations /
This book examines the most important issues determining the international status of Taiwan today: its international legal status, the viability of its flexible democracy, its efforts to gain participation or membership in international organizations, most notably the United Nations, and its future relations with mainland China, ranging from reunification to declared independence. Issues of American and European foreign policy and of domestic Chinese and Taiwanese politics are also addressed where relevant. This book is unique in that it looks at the question of Taiwan from the perspective of both international law and politics as it confronts the imperatives of law and the limitations of real world politics. As a result it offers insights and strategies that are both sensible and feasible. This book is aimed at scholars and practitioners of international law and international relations alike.
1 online resource (356 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Femme, Gnose et Manichéisme : De l'espace mythique au territoire du réel /
The present volume offers twelve studies dealing with feminine figures in Gnosticism and Manichaeism. In Part One ("Images et symboles"), the Author unveils the hidden meaning of some feminine figures having played a role on the mythical scene of those trends. Some of these figures, borrowed from other traditions, have been deeply reworked by Gnostics or Manichees assuming thereby a new significance. An intermezzo ("Passages") investigates the presence of women names in titles preserved in the Nag Hammadi Library and the relationship between a female protagonist and a specific literary genre. Part Two ("Histoire et réalité") reconstructs the portraits of some women, especially Manichaean, to whom the historical inquiry gives life again, thanks to a fresh reading of first hand sources, as well of heresiological or archeological testimonies. Some of these studies have been previously published and have now been significantly updated and expanded. Some others are lectures on Feminine in Gnosticism and Manichaeism given by the Author in Sorbonne, Paris, since 1994. *** Les douze études que rassemble ce volume abordent sous différentes facettes le personnage de la femme dans la gnose et dans le manichéisme. Dans la première partie (« Images et symboles »), l'Auteur dévoile la signification cachée de quelques figures féminines qui ont joué un rôle sur la scène du mythe. Si les auteurs gnostiques et manichéens ont emprunté certaines d'entre elles à d'autres traditions, ils ont toutefois remodelé ces figures en profondeur en les chargeant d'une nouvelle signification. La deuxième partie (« Passages ») s'interroge sur la présence de noms féminins dans les titres conservés de la bibliothèque de Nag Hammadi et sur la relation éventuelle entre une protagoniste féminine et le choix d'un genre littéraire. La troisième partie (« Histoire et réalité ») reconstruit les portraits de quelques femmes, surtout manichéennes, dont les traits effacés se précisent grâce à une lecture originale de la documentation directe et des sources hérésiologiques, grâce aussi à l'apport de l'archéologie. Une partie de ces études, publiée auparavant, paraît ici sous une forme largement amplifiée. D'autres reprennent les thèmes de conférences sur la femme dans le manichéisme, données par l'Auteur à la Sorbonne entre 1997 et 2002.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
La langue berbère au Maghreb médiéval : textes, contextes, analyses /
La langue berbère au Maghreb médiéval constitue un nouvel apport aux études historiques et linguistiques dans la mesure où de nombreux matériaux sur la langue berbère font l'objet d'une monographie spécifique. Plusieurs faits de langue sont reliés par une trame précise et ils sont réunis afin de mettre en relief les indices textuels puisés dans diverses sources écrites en arabe et en berbère. Dans les quatre parties du livre, il est tour à tour question des apports de la documentation narrative, de la littérature hagiographique et des textes ibadites ainsi que de l'importance des contacts entre le berbère et les langues africaines à travers la littérature narrative et l'épigraphie islamique. Ce livre a été conçu comme un essai documentaire mais également afin d'attirer l'attention des chercheurs sur la présence relativement bien documentée de la langue berbère dans les textes produits en milieu arabo-musulman du Moyen Âge à l'époque moderne. La langue berbère au Maghreb médiéval is a new contribution to the historical and linguistic studies in that many materials on the Berber language are the subject of a specific monograph. Several facts of language are connected by an accurate frame and are gathered to highlight textual clues collected from various sources written in Arabic and Berber. The four parts of the book treat contributions of narrative documentation, hagiographical literature and Ibadi texts and the importance of contacts between Berber and African languages through the narrative literature and Islamic epigraphy. This book was conceived as a documentary essay, but also to attract the attention of researchers on the relatively well-documented presence of the Berber language in the texts produced in Arab-Muslim environment from the Middle Ages to Modern era.
1 online resource (xvi, 479 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004302358 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Communication and conversion in northern Cameroon : the Dii people and Norwegian missionaries, 1934-1960 /
Was modern Christian mission to Africa primarily a colonial project and a civilizing mission or was it a spiritual revival spreading to new areas? This book tells the tale of the Dii people in northern Cameroon and describes their encounter with Norwegian missionaries. Through archival studies and through fieldwork among the Dii, an intriguing scenario is presented. Whereas the missionaries describe their mission as one of spiritual liberation, and the Dii highligt the social liberation they received through literacy and political independence, the author shows how both spiritual and social changes were results of captivation, miscommunication and constant negotiations between the two parties.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047430988 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Finance of International Trade in the Gulf /
This book analyses the legal structure and operation of the conventional and Islamic banking systems in the Gulf Arab states. It defines the legal issues involved and case law decided by the English, American and the Gulf Arab states courts in operating the two systems in financing the international trade transactions and covering the concurrent application, the advantages and disadvantages and the problems of each system. This book also gives a particular challenge to the fraud in international trade and considers the development of countertrade and electronic funds transfer as methods of financing some of the international business transactions. This book is very helpful for those who are dealing with the financing of the international trade, their professional advisors, staff of the conventional and Islamic banks and students who study law and commerce as part of their syllabuses of legal and international business studies. This book is also very essential reading for anyone who wants to succeed in the competitive conditions of modern banking business vis-a-vis the international trade in the Gulf Arab states. This book is also very helpful for the lawyer who is called upon to assist the businessman in his ventures or who wants to resolve a problem which has arisen in financing the international business transactions.
1 online resource (358 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :