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Published 2018
Creating the Mediterranean : maps and the Islamic imagination /

: In Creating the Mediterranean: Maps and the Islamic Imagination Tarek Kahlaoui treats the subject of the Islamic visual representations of the Mediterranean. It tracks the history of the Islamic visualization of the sea from when geography was created by the Islamic state's bureaucrats of the tenth century C.E. located mainly in the central Islamic lands, to the later men of the field, specifically the sea captains from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries C.E. located in the western Islamic lands. A narrative has emerged from this investigation in which the metamorphosis of the identity of the author or mapmaker seemed to be changing with the rest of the elements that constitute the identity of a map: its reader or viewer, its style and structure, and its textual content.
: 1 online resource (xv, 353 pages) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004347380 : 0169-9423 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2022
Thomas Vaughan and the Rosicrucian Revival in England : 1648-1666 /

: In the first book-length study of Thomas Vaughan (1621-1666), Thomas Willard builds on recent scholarship in Western esotericism to show that his curious books offer much more than the lively quotations extracted from them. Treating more than alchemy and the Hermetic tradition, they develop themes from the synthesis of alchemy, magic, and Christian cabala, associated associated with the Rosicrucian movement that Vaughan introduced to English readers. His books respond to a moment in history when the breakdown in book censorship during the English Civil War allowed books with radical ideas to circulate, while political upheaval in the universities created audiences for new ideas. This book will be of interest to students of early modern religion, philosophy, science, and culture as seen by an intelligent and eloquent outsider.
: Thomas Vaughan's challenging books on alchemy, magic, and other esoterica make better sense in the context of the Rosicrucian ideas he introduced to English readers in the seventeenth century. This is the first scholarly book on his life, sources, writings, and subsequent influence. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004519732

Published 2018
Interpreting New Testament Narratives, Recovering the Author's Communication, Valuing the Author's Voice.

: Narratives are the concrete manifestation of an author's subjectivity. They function as that person's voice, and should be treated with the same respect that is granted to all voices. In Interpreting New Testament Narratives , Eric Douglass develops this ethical perspective, so that narratives are treated as communication, and the author's voice is regarded as a valued perspective. Employing a cross-disciplinary approach, Douglass shows how readers engage narratives as mental simulations, creating a temporary possible world that readers enter and experience. To recover communication, readers locate the events of this world in the culture of the intended audience, and translate this meaning into the modern reader's worldview. Using a staged reading design, this initial reading is followed by readings of critique.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004387454

Published 1993
Narrative setting and dramatic poetry /

: This volume evaluates a single element of tragic art, namely the way in which narrative descriptions of place participate in the poetry of tragedy. They join together structures of the theater to create a context for tragic performance, and ultimately reflect upon tragedy's connection to earlier narrative forms and to the traditional tales that regularly supply tragic plots. The first part of this book examines the introductory function of spatial descriptions and the peculiar resources offered to the playwright by cult settings. In the second part, the spatial oppositions, that are inherent structuring devices in traditional tales, are taken up in chapters treating the motif of exile in extant tragedy.
: Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral--Yale), presented in 1985 under the title, Setting and theme in Greek tragedy. : 1 online resource (178 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 162-168) and index. : 9789004329201 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1995
The Gorgon's severed head : studies in Alcestis, Electra, and Phoenissae /

: The Gorgon's Severed Head looks at three plays of Euripides, one early, one middle and one late in his career. Innovations in genre, in the use of the traditional stories, in the representation of women and of gender issues are present at every period. In all three plays characters are depicted creating themselves and each other. Chapter One on Alcestis looks at the artistry of the two main characters and is especially concerned with finding a role for Admetus, the play's most serious problem. The second chapter treats the physical displacement of the myth in Euripides' version of the Electra-Orestes story. A last section approaches the layers of time and space in Phoenissae .
: 1 online resource (xv, 255 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004329799 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2021
Hakol Kol Yaakov : The Joel Roth Jubilee Volume /

: Hakol Kol Yaakov: The Joel Roth Jubilee Volume contains twenty articles dedicated to Rabbi Joel Roth, written by colleagues and students. Some are academic articles in the general area of Talmud and Rabbinics, while others are rabbinic responsa that treat an issue of contemporary Jewish law. In his career, Joel Roth has been known as a scholar and teacher of Talmud par excellence, and, without question, as the preeminent decisor of Jewish law for the Conservative movement of his generation. In the meticulous style and approach of the Talmud scholarship of his generation, Roth painstakingly and precisely assayed the vast array of rabbinic legal sources, and proceeded to apply these in pedagogy, in scholarship and particularly in the production of contemporary legal responsa. The articles in this volume reflect the unique and integrated voice and vision that Joel Roth has brought to the American Jewish community.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004420465

Published 2024
Post-Systematic Theology II : The Trinitarian Adventure of Love - Ecological Ways of Creation, Humaning and its Displacement /

: This second volume of the comprehensive and conceptual proposal of a Post-Systematic Theology - based on a phenomenological, narrative ontology - treats the trinitarian adventure of love, from the doctrine of God up to the doctrine of sin. In the doctrine of God, the distinctions of divine revealed personality, narrative divine unity, and the divine attributes are discussed. The ecological ways of creation deal with classical themes of creation as the image of the Trinity, cosmology, real possibilities, angels and aliens as well as biological evolution. Humans are presented as relational processes of becoming (humaning) in ontic solidarity to the created mesh. The chapter on hamartiology understands human sin as a misplaced becoming in this mesh. The volume concludes with a proposal for an ethos of creatureliness. Interdisciplinary considerations between theology, philosophy, and the natural sciences play a major role throughout the work.
: 1 online resource (980 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783846766279

Published 2005
The Book of Tobit: Text, Tradition, Theology : Papers of the First International Conference on the Deuterocanonical Books, Pápa, Hungary, 20-21 May, 2004 /

: This volume contains the proceedings of the first of an international series of conferences on the deuterocanonical literature organised by the Shime'on Centre in Pápa, Hungary. Renowned international scholars of the field treat questions of text in the Book of Tobit, the underlying traditions and theological questions. The importance of the deuterocanonical corpus is widely recognised in contemporary scholarship. This is marked by the growing number of related publications. Yet it remains important to create an opportunity to work through the entire deuterocanonical material as such. These conferences aim to provide a yearly forum for discussion of this literature. The next conferences planned are on Maccabees (2005), Sirach (2006), Wisdom (2007), Additions (2008) and Judith (2009), and as a result, the organisers plan to publish five more volumes. Together with the present volume these will cover the entire deuterocanonical corpus.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047415329

Published 1997
Mine and yours are hers : retrieving women's history from rabbinic literature /

: This book discusses the interaction between history, rabbinic literature and feminist studies. Recent approaches to rabbinic literature have overturned the traditional view of these writings and new literary methods were suggested, mostly denying them all historical value. But rabbinic literature constitutes the main source for the lives of Jews in Palestine and Babylonia during the late Roman period, and thus should not be totally rejected. This study suggests a new post-literary approach, id est it discusses the residue of the texts after these have been analyzed and dissected by literary critics. But mainly this is a book about women's history, adopting many assumptions of feminist criticism about the androcentric nature of all ancient texts, and approaches them with due suspicion. The Rabbis treated women differently from the way they treated men. This resulted in the former's marginalization and manipulation by the texts. On the other hand, however, it created an ironic situation whereby principles useful for the recovery of historical information on women, are useless when applied to men. This study describes such principles and demonstrates them with the help of many examples.
: 1 online resource (xiii, 346 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 319-331) and indexes. : 9789004332454 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Synagogues in the works of Flavius Josephus : rhetoric, spatiality, and first-century Jewish institutions /

: In Synagogues in the Works of Flavius Josephus , Andrew Krause analyses the place of the synagogue within the cultural and spatial rhetoric of Flavius Josephus. Engaging with both rhetorical critical methods and critical spatial theories, Krause argues that in his later writings Josephus portrays the Jewish institutions as an important aspect of the post-Temple, pan-diasporic Judaism that he creates. Specifically, Josephus consistently treats the synagogue as a supra-local rallying point for the Jews throughout the world, in which the Jewish customs and Law may be practiced and disseminated following the loss of the Temple and the Land. Conversely, in his earliest extant work, Bellum judaicum , Josephus portrays synagogues as local temples in order to condemn the Jewish insurgents who violated them.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004342040 : 1871-6636 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1995
Josua und Salomo : eine Studie zu Autorität und Legitimität des Nachfolgers im Alten Testament /

: Josua und Salomo puts forward the thesis that the literary figure of the successor was created by circles who strongly relied on the book of Deuteronomy. In order to construct the ideal of a successor they used the characters of Joshua and Solomon and implemented the results of their theological reflection which were unleashed by the complete destruction of the pre-exilic political, social and religious organization of the nation. The figure of Joshua combines all the treats of their theological conception of an ideal political leader, whereas the figure of Solomon demonstrates the dangers which are implied in monarchical succession. From the theological perspective of deuteronomism "Solomon" and "Joshua" are opposite characters. The deuteronomic concepts of God and authority play a central role for the reflection on both characters.
: Revision of the author's Habilitationsschrift, Heidelberg, 1992. : 1 online resource (xii, 424 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 375-411) and index. : 9789004275829 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1988
Time holds the mirror : a study of knowledge in Euripides' Hippolytus /

: The work is limited to the question of knowledge in Euripides' Hippolytus and seeks to show that one of the major themes of the Hippolytus , as of the Oedipus , is knowledge. In successive chapters these subjects are treated: (1) the witness theme, seeing and knowing, what the senses reveal; (2) fantasies of other worlds created by the characters and how these fantasies reavel the character's perceptions of the world; (3) how Euripides causes his characters to become aware of the shifting meanings of words and how it happens that one statement and its opposite can be predicated of the same individual or act; (4) the desire for and fear of knowledge and the choice of ignorance; (5) the use of generalization as a kind of ignorance; (6) the relation of the character's knowledge to that of the audience. The work offers a new perception of the drama through a detailed examination of this important question that was so warmly debated among the early Sophists.
: 1 online resource (xii, 118 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-118). : 9789004328938 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1995
Blood and iron : stories and storytelling in Homer's Odyssey /

: Blood and Iron is an exploration of the role of gossip, rumor and storytelling in the society depicted in the Odyssey and in the real world in which the poem was performed. It includes extensive analysis of Homeric narrative technique, with particular attention to the way the singer creates tension in a largely traditional tale. Individual chapters treat discrete, generally very traditional literary and historical problems, including the significance of the term kleos , the presentation of Telemachos, the internal chronology of the poem, the nature of Homeric kingship, and the role of violence in the ancient Greek family. The book will be of importance for anyone interested in the literary content or storytelling technique of Homeric epic, as well for historians of the late Dark Ages.
: 1 online resource (x, 260 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-252) and index. : 9789004329539 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1992
Pseudo-Basilius, Adversus Eunomium IV-V : Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar /

: This book treats a decisive phase in the theological history of the fourth century AD. When in 360 the 'Arians' Aetius and Eunomius maintained the difference in essences between the Father and the Son and the created nature of the Holy Spirit, the theologians of Nicaean orthodoxy were challenged to develop a theory of the Homousia of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost which paved the way to the Trinitarian doctrinal decisions of the Council of Constantinople in 381. The two books Adversus Eunomium IV-V probably form the first literary reaction to the 'Neo-Arians' and set the tone for the further development of the debate. In the MSS in which they are transmitted they follow on from the three books by Basil of Caesarea against Eunomius, but have been seen since at least the 18th century as pseudepigraphical and were probably composed by Apolinarius of Laodicea. The introduction to the present work discusses questions of authorship, identifies opponents (not only Aetius and Eunomius but also Marcellus of Ankyra), demonstrates the hitherto often questioned integrity of the tract and establishes the date of composition of Book IV as 360 and of Book V as 362/3. It also makes particularly clear the influence of contemporary philosophy. The translation follows the improved Migne text of 1886, while the commentary elucidates the often difficult content and prepares the way for further research on the interweaving of the threads of theological debate in the second half of the fourth century.
: Variously attributed to Basil of Caesarea, Didymus of Alexandria, or Apollinaris of Laodicea. : 1 online resource (234 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-215) and index. : 9789004312821 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
Poznań School of Legal Theory /

: "This book grew out of the conviction that the original concepts of the Poznań School of Legal Theory are still perfectly suited for application in the era of moral pluralism and multicentric legal systems. Moreover, the legal-theoretical proposals put forward by the circle of Poznań legal theorists, and supported by firm methodological foundations, have not, by any means, lost their value. Although each of the authors tackles issues from different perspectives, there is a discernible unity in their approaches, expressed in the conviction that modest analysis makes more sense than ambitious analysis of the concept of law or the nature of law. The Poznań School has made several valuable contributions to contemporary legal theory: Its works have drawn from Polish philosophy of language and therefore embedded its theoretical and legal considerations in the Polish philosophical culture; it created an original model method which consists of considering ideal situations in which dependencies are not disturbed by the influence of other factors; and it treats the human being as a rational person, and thus as a cognizing subject and a rational agent"--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004448445