Showing 1 - 20 results of 55 for search '(((( collection du. histoire ) or ( collection des. histoire ))) or ( collection a. histoire ))', query time: 0.28s Refine Results
Kerma et archéologie nubienne : collection du Musée d'art et d'histoire, Genève : [publié à...

: 59 pages : color illustrations, map ; 22 x 24 cm. : 2884741283

Published 2017
Du Nil à la Loire : la collection égyptienne des musées d'Orléans /

: 270 pages : illustrations(some color) ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 262-269) and index. : 9782910173494

Published 2016
Exercices d'histoire des religions : comparaison, rites, mythes, et emotions /

: Exercices d'histoire des religions is a collection of the most important articles published by Philippe Borgeaud during his career as the professor of history of religions at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). These nineteen studies showcase the many reflections of the Swiss scholar of religion on the categories and tools used to describe and compare such evanescent concepts as "religions", "myths" and "rituals", and his methodology for a critical and comparative study of ancient and modern religions. Through them, readers will gain a clear understanding of the importance such an approach can wield in the contemporary discussions and dissents about religions. Exercices d'histoire des religions rassemble les articles les plus importants publiés par Philippe Borgeaud durant sa carrière en tant que professeur d'histoire des religions à l'Université de Genève. Ces dix-neuf enquêtes illustrent les réflexions du savant suisse sur les outils et catégories utilisés par l'historien des religions pour décrire et comparer des concepts aussi évanescents que les « religions », les « mythes » ou les « rituels », et sur le rôle joué par les émotions dans leur élaboration. À travers eux, le lecteur est amené à découvrir la méthode développée par Philippe Borgeaud pour étudier de manière critique et comparative les religions antiques et modernes, une approche sans doute fondamentale pour mieux saisir les discussions et controverses contemporaines sur ce sujet.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004319141 : 1570-078X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1975
Les textes de Nag Hammadi : Colloque du Centre d'Histoire des Religions. Strasbourg, 23-25 octobre 1974 /

: English, French, or German. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004437142

Published 2007
Rêves hittites : contribution à une histoire et une anthropologie du rêve en Anatolie ancienne /

: This volume deals with the ancient Anatolian textual evidence on dreams. The book starts with a study of the evidence from different perspectives. The second and third parts are of special interest for anthropologists and historians of religion, as they focus on the various shapes and functions allotted to dreams in Hittite Anatolia. The fourth part assembles the Hittite cuneiform texts in which a dream is either described or mentioned. The texts are given in transliteration and translation, with relevant bibliography. This study makes a significant contribution to our understanding of dream conception in the ancient Near East by providing a systematic edition and analysis of the Hittite testimonies.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [319]-331) and indexes. : 9789047421566 : 1566-2055 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2022
Histoire des textiles en Babylonie, 626-484 av. J.-C. : Production, circulations et usages /

: Textiles were one of the most celebrated products of Near-Eastern craft in Antiquity. In Histoire des Textiles en Babylonie, 626-484 av. J.-C. , Louise Quillien offers an analysis of textile manufacturing, exchanges and uses in Babylonian society. In a context where archaeological textile remains are rare, cuneiform texts provide rich information on this craft. The book demonstrates that through the study of objects, it is possible to highlight a whole section of the economy, culture, religion and social customs of an ancient society, and proposes to immerse the reader in the daily life of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004463936

Published 2013
Documents et histoire Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle = Documents and history Islam, VIIth-XVIth century / Islam, VIIth-XVIth century.

: "Actes des premières Journées d'étude internationales, École pratique des hautes études, IVe section musée du Louvre, département des Arts de l'Islam, Paris 16 et 17 mai 2008." : x, 338 p. : Illustrations ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782600013710 :

Published 2018
The trade in papers marked with non-Latin characters :documents and history.

: The nine contributions in The Trade in Papers Marked with non-Latin Characters initiated by Anne Regourd (edition) approach global history through the paper trade. They cover, in addition to a paper used in 14th C Persia, papers used in Africa (Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tunisia) and Asia (the Ottoman Levant, Mecca, Persia, Russia, and Yemen) during the 19th-20th C. Primarily based on paper examination and quantitative data, the book invites us to treat papers as a source, and provides tools to determine the production of manuscripts in space and time for the area of interest. This methodology offers new insights on the competition between suppliers to the various markets particularly in respect of the emergence of import-export trading companies. Le commerce des papiers à marques à caractères non-latins , dont Anne Regourd (éd.) est à l'initiative, a pour projet de traiter d'histoire globale par le commerce du papier. Les neuf contributions réunies ici font apparaître un premier exemple de ce papier, persan, dès le xive s. sous les Moẓaffarides et, principalement, des papiers utilisés en Afrique (Éthiopie, Nigéria, Tunisie) et en Asie (Levant ottoman, La Mecque, Perse, Russie et Yémen), aux xixe et xxe s. S'appuyant sur l'observation des papiers et des données quantitatives, le livre invite à prendre le support de l'écrit comme source de l'histoire du commerce et donne des instruments pour déterminer la production de manuscrits dans l'espace et le temps pour une aire définie. Cette méthode renouvelle notre connaissance de l'approvisionnement des marchés, avec, en particulier, l'apparition de compagnies d'import-export. Contributors are: Michaelle Biddle, Evyn Kropf, Anne Regourd, Francis Richard, Alice Shafi-Leblanc, Jan Just Witkam, Olga Yastrebova. Foreword by Anna-Grethe Rischel.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004360877 : 1877-9964 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
L'imamat et l'occultation selon l'imamisme : étude bibliographique et histoire de textes /

: La présente étude, L'imamat et l'Occultation selon l'imamisme, Étude bibliographique et histoire de textes , concerne l'évolution religieuse et historique du Hadith imamite autour de la constitution progressive et complexe des doctrines aussi fondamentales que l'imamat et l'Occultation. L'annexe de ce travail comprend les textes en arabe de ces écrits identifiés et reconstitués à travers leurs citations. In his work, L'imamat et l'Occultation selon l'imamisme, Etude bibliographique et histoire de textes , Hassan Ansari has attempted to reconstruct a number of doctrines related to the concepts of religious authority ( imāma ) as well as occultation ( ghayba ) in Twelver Shi'i Islam ( Ithnā'ashariyya ). This has been done through identifying and collecting numerous references to quotations of early works in later Shiʿi texts. Ansari has reconstructed earlier layers of primary materials that are entirely lost and only pre-served in later sources.The book's Appendix comprises fragments of early works of Hadith reconstructed from later sources.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004326057 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1913
Tarikh el-fettach : fi akhbâr el-bouldân oua-l-djouyoûch oua-akâbir en-nâs : ou, Chronique du chercheur, pour servir à l'histoire des villes, des armées et des principaux personnages du Tekrour /

: Includes index. : xx, 361 pages : map ; 29 cm.

Published 2011
Fastueuse Egypte /

: 189 pages : color illustrations ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 163-175) and index. : 9782754105750

Published 2019
Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX : protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque: stylistique, poétique et histoire /

: La traduction grecque des Douze Prophètes est intéressante à plus d'un titre. Le caractère littéraire de ces textes légitime le réexamen des protocoles et des procédures stylistiques et poétiques mis en œuvre par le traducteur lors du transfert de l'hébreu au grec. Les acquis récents en histoire textuelle justifient de revenir sur certaines variantes du texte grec, qu'elles relèvent d'une Vorlage différente du texte massorétique ou des procédures textuelles imaginées face à un mot hébreu rare ou à une difficulté exégétique. Les traces d'interprétation obligent ainsi à interroger le milieu de production - culturel, politique ou religieux - de la Septante des Douze. Les lectures juives et chrétiennes du Dodékaprophéton, de Symmaque à l'expression iconographique byzantine, témoignent enfin de l'importance de l'histoire de la réception autant que du texte lui-même. The Greek translation of the Minor Prophets is interesting from several points of view. The literary character of the texts calls for a re-examination of the stylistic and poetic strategies employed by the translator. Recent developments in the study of textual history justify a fresh study of certain variants in the Greek that may arise either from a non-Masoretic Vorlage or from attempts to deal with rare Hebrew words or exegetical difficulties. Such signs of interpretative activity thus raise questions about the original context in which the Septuagint of the Twelve was produced. Finally, Jewish and Christian readings of the Dodekapropheton testify to the importance of the book's reception history as well as of the text itself.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004407657

Published 2013
Antinoé : momies, textiles, céramiques et autres antiques : envois de l'État et dépôts du musée du Louvre de 1901 à nos jours /

: 599 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 577-599). : 9782757206669

Bulletin des Journées internationales du verre.

: No 1-4 (1965-1966) : Each v. considers glass of a particular area: no. 1, Netherlands; no. 2, Poland; no. 3, Syria; no. 4, Czechoslovakia. Each covers important glass collections in the country and has a bibliography about the country's glass.
Joseph Philippe, ed. : 4 voulmes : Illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. : Annual.

Published 1997
Syncretistic Religious Communities in the Near East : Collected Papers of the International...

: This volume deals with Islamic sects in the Near East such as the Alevis (Turkey), Druzes (Libanon), Alawis (Syria), Ahl-i Haqq (Iran, Iraq) and Shabak (Iraq), which have in common a syncretistic system of belief with a strong Shi'ite influence, as well as secrecy and endogamy. The contributions in this volume focus on the present situation of these communities, their relation to mainstream Islam, their involvement in national and ethnic politics, aspects of faith and rituals, the relevance of sacred texts, modes of religious and social transformation, and the recent revival of Alevism. In view of the new visibility of these formerly "hidden" sects and their increasing social and political importance, this volume provides important information for all scholars interested in the religious and political situation of the region.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004378988 : 0169-8834 ;

Published 2007
Les manuscrits araméens du Wadi Daliyeh et la Samarie vers 450-332 av. J.-C. /

: This book deals with the manuscripts from the Wadi Daliyeh (Samaria Papyri) written in Aramaic in the fourth century B.C.E. in the city of Samaria, in the last decades of the Persian period. The book contains a complete edition of the Wadi Daliyeh manuscripts, their new historical interpretation, and an analysis of their legal aspects. The historical interpretation sheds new light on the history of Samaria and its institutions in the Persian period, as well as on the history of the Persian province of Judaea. This book is particulary useful for historians of Palestine in the Second Temple period, for biblical scholars, and for scholars dealing with Near Eastern legal texts.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [623]-638) and indexes. : 9789047421498 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1897
Manuscrits coptes du Musée d'Antiquités des Pays-Bas à Leide /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004603752

Published 1978
Hommages à Maarten J. Vermaseren.

: 1 online resource (xvii pages, plates a-xcvi, 500 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004295421 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
The Gospel of Judas in context : proceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas, Paris, Sorbonne, October 27th-28th, 2006 /

: The papers gathered in this book were presented at the First International Conference (held in Paris, University of Sorbonne, October 27th-28th 2006), devoted to the newly discovered Gospel of Judas, preserved in the 4th century Coptic Codex Tchacos. These essays explore several crucial literary, historical and doctrinal issues related to this gospel, composed in the second half of the 2nd century. This unexpected discovery sheds a new light on the role attributed to Judas by some Gnostic Christian movements. A hotly debated question is precisely the significance of Judas in this gospel: hero or villain? Special attention is given to the sources - Greek, Jewish, Christian and even Iranian - used by the unknown author. This book will be of special interest for historians of late Antiquity religions and scholars in New Testament studies, Gnosticism and Coptic literature.
: xv, 404 p. ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [361]-374) and indexes. : 9789047442851 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Aux origines du classicisme, Calligraphes et bibliophiles au temps des dynasties mongoles (Les Ilkhanides et les Djalayirides 656-814 / 1258-1411).

: Cet ouvrage explore une période charnière de l'histoire du livre islamique et iranien: la période mongole envisagée dans le long terme, sous les dynasties ilkhanide et djalayiride. Il étudie la question de la maturation de la calligraphie arabe classique à travers la vie et l'œuvre de Yāqūt al-Mustaʿṣimī qui sont, pour la première fois, soumises à une analyse systématique, mettant en avant l'importance de son école et des maîtres bagdadiens pour les arts du livre des décennies suivantes. L'ouvrage se penche aussi sur les manuscrits des Ilkhans musulmans et du vizir Rashīd al-Dīn dans le cadre de la problématique de la naissance de la kitābkhānah et de l'affirmation du statut des calligraphes et des peintres sous les derniers Ilkhanides et les Djalayirides. This book explores a pivotal period in the history of the book in the Islamic world and Iran, id est the Mongol period viewed in a long-term perspective, under the Ilkhanid and the Djalayirid dynasties. It examines the issue of the maturation of classical Arabic calligraphy through the life and work of Yāqūt al-Mustaʿṣimī, which are for the first time subjected to a systematic analysis, highlighting the importance of his school and the Baghdadi masters for the arts of the book of the following decades. The study also looks at the manuscripts of the Muslim Ilkhans and the Vizier Rashīd al-Dīn in the context of the birth of the kitābkhānah and the rise in the status of calligraphers and painters under the last Ilkhanids and the Djalayirids.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004369788