Showing 1 - 20 results of 35 for search '(((( gill group ) OR ( hill group ))) OR ( ((gil group) OR (ix group)) ))', query time: 0.17s Refine Results
Published 1981
Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic religions : presented to Gilles Quispel on the occasion of his 65th birthday /

: Text in English, French, and German. : 1 online resource (xiv, 622 pages) : portrait. : "List of Professor Quispel's publications": pages 1-12.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004295698 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1953
Four tomb groups from Jordan /

: xi, 72 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm. : Bibliography : pages ix-xi.

Prehistoric Britain : the ceramic basis /

: 195 pages : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm. : Bibliography : pages [173]-195. : 1842170716

Published 2016
Rome and the worlds beyond its frontiers /

: This volume offers an expansive approach to interactions between Romans and those beyond the borders of Rome. The range of papers included here is wide, both in terms of subject matter and with respect to approach. That said, a number of important themes bind the essays. Who is an insider, and who the outsider? How were these categories of person, or identity, fashioned and/or recognized in antiquity? How shall we recognize them now? What are the categories, or standards, for measuring or determining inside and outside in the Roman world? And then, of course, what are the repercussions when inside and outside come into contact? What happens when the outside is in, or the inside out?
: 1 online resource (xii, 262 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004326750 : 1572-0500 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Private houses and graves in the Diyala region /

: "This publication is one of a group planned to present as a whole the work of the Oriental Institute's Iraq Expedition in the Diyala region." : xvii, 361 pages : illustrations, maps (part fold.), plans. ; 30 cm.

Published 2013
Social identity and sectarianism in the Qumran movement /

: 'Identity' and 'sectarianism', two crucial and frequently used concepts in Qumran studies, are here problematized, appraised, and redefined. Two social-scientific theories inform the investigation of the serakhim (rule documents) and pesharim (commentaries). The sociology of sectarianism is presented in retrospect in order to identify appropriate methodological tools for speaking about sectarianism in the ancient context, and for comparing sectarian stances in the serakhim . Furthermore, a social-psychological perspective into identity is introduced for the first time for appreciating the dynamic and context-dependent nature of a person's social identity. The final chapter takes a fresh approach to the study of the pesharim , arguing for the need to read each Pesher as a whole. It analyses the prototypical 'teacher' and brings forward new interpretations of this captivating and cloudy figure.
: 1 online resource (ix, 261 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004238640 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Progress in old world palaeoethnobotany : a retrospective view on the occasion of 20 years on the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany /

: IX, 350 pages ; 26 cm : 9061918812

Published 1996
The Jewish apocalyptic heritage in early Christianity /

: This volume contains five chapters which investigate the early Christian appropriations of Jewish apocalyptic material. An introductory chapter surveys ancient perceptions of the apocalyses as well as their function, authority, and survival in the early Church. The second chapter focuses on a specific tradition by exploring the status of the Enoch-literature, the use of the fallen-angel motif, and the identification of Enoch as an eschatological witness. Christian transmission of Jewish texts, a topic whose significance is more and more being recognized, is the subject of chapter three which analyzes what happend to 4,5 and 6 Ezra as they were copied and edited in Christian circles. Chapter four studies the early Christian appropriation and reinterpretation of Jewish apocalyptic chronologies, especially Daniel's vision of 70 weeks. The fifth and last chapter is devoted to the use and influence of Jewish apocalyptic traditions among Christian sectarian groups in Asia Minor and particularly in Egypt. Taken together these chapters written by four authors, offer illuminating examples of how Jewish apocalyptic texts and traditions fared in early Christianity. Editors James C. VanderKam is lecturing at the University of Notre Dame; William Adler is lecturer at North Carolina State University. Series: Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Section 1 - The Jewish people in the first century Historial geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions Edited by S. Safrai and M. Stern in cooperation with D. Flusser and W.C. van Unnik Section 2 - The Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud Section 3 - Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature
: 1 online resource (xii, 286 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 242-258) and indexes. : 9789004275171 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
David Jones : a Christian modernist? : new approaches to his art, poetry and cultural theory /

: David Jones: A Christian Modernist? is a major reassessment of the work of the poet, artist and essayist David Jones (1895-1974) in light of the complex, ambiguous idea of a 'Christian modernism'. His richly experimental and palimpsestic poetry, art and thought drew extensively on Christian tradition and symbolism as a key to the future: rejecting a technocratic and utilitarian modernity in favour of a revitalised culture of sign and sacrament. This volume examines historical influences on Jones's development, his impassioned engagement with the idea of modernity and with modernist literature and art, the theological sources and resonances of his work, and contemporary or late-modern perspectives on his achievement.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004356993 : 1877-3192 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
Just war theory /

: Just War Theory raises some of the most pressing and important philosophical issues of our day. When is a war a just war, if ever? Do all soldiers in war have moral equivalence? What is the difference between combatants and non-combatants? This book brings together some of the most important essays in this area written by leading scholars and offering significant contributions to how we understand just war theory. The essays have all appeared in the Journal of Moral Philosophy , an internationally recognized leading philosophy journal.
: 1 online resource (ix, 222 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004242029 : 2211-2014 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1977
Prophetic vocation in the New Testament and today /

: "Produced within the framework of a consultation ... at the Ecumenical Institute, Bossey, Switzerland from 12-17 September 1975."
English, French, or German. : 1 online resource (viii, 248 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004266568 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Les traditions anciennes sur la Dormition et l'Assomption de Marie : études littéraires, historiques et doctrinales /

: Les traditions anciennes, antérieures au VIIIe siècle, sur le sort final de Marie forment un ensemble à la fois très étendu et fort complexe. Les traditions littéraires sur la dormition et l'assomption représentent une pièce majeure du dossier. Mais elles ne peuvent être situées et classées que si l'on considère également les traditions topologiques s'y rapportant. Le présent volume, qui complète celui publié en 1995 ( Dormition et Assomption de Marie. Histoire des traditions anciennes ), présente de manière définitive une recherche commencée en 1986. Dans ce recueil, un certain nombre de contributions, treize, parues à part du premier volume, entre 1992 et 2007, ont été regroupées. Ces différents travaux, corrigés et complétés, fournissent des apports fondamentaux, d'ordre littéraire comme d'ordre doctrinal : en particulier ceux relatifs à l'histoire de la recherche dans ce domaine, aux Vies de la Vierge et aux Apocalypses de la Vierge . The ancient traditions before the VIIIth century concerning the final fate of Mary constitute a large and very complex group. The literary traditions on the dormition and the assumption represent the major part of this dossier. We can only situate and classify them if we also study their topological traditions. The present volume completes the volume published in 1995 ( Dormition et Assomption de Marie. Histoire des traditions anciennes ). It is the final result of a research started in 1986. In the current compilation we regroup thirteen contributions published between 1992 and 2007. These different articles, rectified and completed, present a fundamental contribution, literary and doctrinal: particularly those on the history of the research, the Lives of the Virgin and the Apocalypses of the Virgin.
: 1 online resource (xxix, 382 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 365-368) and index. : 9789004191167 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1997
Arché : a collection of patristic studies /

: During the past forty years J.C.M. van Winden OFM, Emeritus Professor of Early Christian Literature at Leiden University and editor of Vigiliae Christianae , has built up an impressive body of published research on early Christian thought and related areas of Greek and Jewish philosophy. In this volume in honour of his 75th birthday his more important contributions, originally published in a wide range of journals and other publications, have been collected together. These are grouped together in five categories: The archè in early christian thought, Essays on the Church Fathers, Philonica, Plotiniana, Essays on the relation between Greek and Patristic Thought. The volume includes a hitherto unpublished survey article on early Christian exegesis of 'the beginning' in Gen. 1:1 (in German), English translations of five contributions originally published in Dutch, and a complete bibliography of Pater van Winden's scholarly work.
: 1 online resource (xiii, 331 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004313088 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Prehistoric pottery : people, pattern and purpose /

: Proceedings of a conference organized by the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group in conjunction with the Ceramics Petrology Group, held at the University of Bradford, Oct. 2002. : xii, 226 pages : illustration, maps ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 1841715263

Published 2010
Hidden hands : Egyptian workforces in Petrie excavation archives 1880-1924 /

: ix, 334 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 313-322) and index. : 9780715639047

Published 1995
Theophrastus of Eresus : sources for his life, writings, thought and influence.

: This volume forms part of the international Theophrastus project started by Brill in 1992 and edited by W.W. Fortenbaugh, P.M. Huby, R.W. Sharples and D. Gutas. Along with volumes containing texts and translations, the commentary volumes provide classicists and philosophers with an up-to-date collection of the material relating to Theophrastus (ca. 370-286 BC), Aristotle's pupil and successor as head of the Peripatetic school. This is the second volume of Huby's commentary on Theophrastus of Eresus. Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought and Influence . Dimitri Gutas has written on the Arabic passages, including some unique material, and Pamela Huby has covered the rest. Theophrastus largely followed Aristotle's logical views, but made important changes in modal logic, and dealt with hypothetical and prosleptic syllogisms. He also influenced medieval logic.
: "With contributions on the Arabic material by Dimitri Gutas"--T.p., volumes 2, 3.1 and 4.
Accompanies the 2-volume collection of texts published in 1992 under the title: Theophrastus of Eresus, sources for his life, writings, thought and influence.
The first of these commentary volumes to be published was volume 5; the set is intended for completion in 9 volumes--Cf. volume 5, pages [ix]. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047410553 : 0079-1687 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1968
The 1957 excavation at Beth-zur /

: ix, 87 p. : illus., plans, 47 plates (incl. 2 group ports.) ; 27 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 2012
All the wisdom of the East : studies in Near Eastern archaeology and history in honor of Eliezer D. Oren /

: xxvii, 475, 85 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9783727817199 : 1015-1850 ; : Hadeer

Published 2013
Liens personnels, clientélisme et réseaux de pouvoir dans le sultanat mamelouk :

: 605 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 2351593812

Published 1934
Sumerian texts of varied contents /

: "This volume ... consists of facsimiles of tablets from the Nippur collection of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Samuel N. Kramer ... has ... grouped the portraits in their present arrangement and contributed the introductory descriptions of the texts."--Editorial note.
The texts include Sumerian proverbs, incantations, lamentations, hymns, and liturgies together with a few apparently legendary and historical texts. : 4 pages 1., vii-ix, 7, [1] pages, 109 number 1 ; 31 cm. : Bibliography : page ix.