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David Jones : a Christian modernist? : new approaches to his art, poetry and cultural theory /
David Jones: A Christian Modernist? is a major reassessment of the work of the poet, artist and essayist David Jones (1895-1974) in light of the complex, ambiguous idea of a 'Christian modernism'. His richly experimental and palimpsestic poetry, art and thought drew extensively on Christian tradition and symbolism as a key to the future: rejecting a technocratic and utilitarian modernity in favour of a revitalised culture of sign and sacrament. This volume examines historical influences on Jones's development, his impassioned engagement with the idea of modernity and with modernist literature and art, the theological sources and resonances of his work, and contemporary or late-modern perspectives on his achievement.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004356993 :
1877-3192 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Discussing modernity : a dialogue with Martin Jay /
Martin Jay is one of America's leading intellectual historians. His work spans almost all important questions concerning the subject of modernity. Outstanding Polish scholars engage in a dialogue with Jay's work, discussing significant problems of modernity and postmodernity. The book offers a broad panorama of contemporary thought approached from various angles. It is also a unique exercise of intercultural intellectual dialogue covering many areas from literature to politics. The book also includes an essay on photography by Martin Jay and his detailed response to the other contributors, which has the character of an extended conversation with them. The book can serve as an assessment of the uptake of Jay's ideas, and equally well as a general introduction to the genealogy of modernity and postmodernity.
1 online resource (153 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401209304 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
America's Great Age of Rhetoric, 1770-1860 : Advocacy, Conceptualization, Institutionalization /
This book analyzes the advocacy, conceptualization, and institutionalization of rhetoric from 1770 to 1860. Among the forces promoting advocacy was the need for oratory calling for independence, the belief that using rhetoric was the way to succeed in biblical interpretation and preaching, and the desire for rhetoric as entertainment. Conceptually, leaders followed classical and German rhetoricians in viewing rhetoric as an art of ethical choice. Institutionally, a rhetorician such as Ebenezer Porter called for the development of organizations at all levels, a "sociology of rhetoric." Orville Dewey highlighted the passion for rhetoric, calling his times "the age of eloquence."
1 online resource (724 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Modern individuality in Hegel's practical philosophy /
In Modern Individuality in Hegel's Practical Philosophy , Erzsébet Rózsa aims to reconstruct Hegel's theory of individuality in the light of his idea of modernity. Modern individuality is one of the central topics of Hegel's practical philosophy, discussed systematically in the forms of subjectivity in subjective, objective, and practical spirit. Hegel interpreted modern existence and lifeworld in the context of law, politics, economy, and private life. "Infinite subjective freedom" is the historical principle of the "modern age", as well as the basic determination of modern individual forms of existence and knowledge. Modern form of life and mentality based on the values and practical actions of self-knowledge and self-determination is an achievement of historical significance. This radical turn, however, gives a new perspective to the problem of good life: the normative role of substantial values is overshadowed by the stabilizing function of the "objective order" of institutions.
1 online resource (xviii, 311 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004235724 :
1878-9986 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Inquisitionis Hispanicae artes /
The Inquisitionis Hispanicae Artes (Heidelberg, 1567), written by exiled Spanish Protestants, is the first systematic denunciation of the Spanish Inquisition. Its first part is a description of the Inquisition's methods, making use of the Inquisition's own instruction manual, which was not publicly known. Its second section presents a gallery of individuals who suffered persecution in Seville during the anti-Protestant repression (1557-1565). The book had a great impact, being almost immediately translated into English, French, Dutch, German, and Hungarian. The portraits very soon passed into Protestant martyrologies, and the most shocking descriptions (torture, auto de fe) became ammunition for anti-Spanish literature. This critical edition presents a new text as well as, for the first time, extensive notes.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004365766 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
European Military Books and Intellectual Cultures of War in 17th-Century Russia : From Translation to Adaptation /
This book discusses the role Western military books and their translations played in 17th-century Russia. By tracing how these translations were produced, distributed and read, the study argues that foreign military treatises significantly shaped intellectual culture of the Russian elite. It also presents Tsar Peter the Great in a new light - not only as a military and political leader but as a devoted book reader and passionate student of military science.
1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Bridging the analytical continental divide : a companion to contemporary western philosophy /
This volume, edited by Tiziana Andina, tackles some of the most compelling questions addressed in contemporary philosophy. Covering areas so diverse as metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, political philosophy, philosophy of art, epistemology and philosophy of mind, this book maps the past fifty years of philosophical reflection, Bridging the Analytical Continental Divide . Not only will the reader get to know philosophy's most interesting and promising developments, but she will also be immersed in human thought in a broader sense, as the book explores both our ability to explore the world and ask questions and our capability to organize societies, create art and give humankind an ethical and a political dimension. Contributors include: Tiziana Andina, Annalisa Amoretti, Luca Angelone, Alessandro Arbo, Carola Barbero, Andrea Borghini, Francesco Berto, Chiara Cappelletto, Stefano Caputo, Elena Casetta, Annalisa Coliva, Francesca De Vecchi, Maurizio Ferraris, Valeria Ottonelli, Andrea Pedeferri, Daniela Tagliafico, Italo Testa, Giuliano Torrengo, Vera Tripodi.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds : Studies in Honour of Erica Cruikshank Dodd /
"Dedicated to Erica Cruikshank Dodd, Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds offers new perspectives on the Christian and Muslim communities of the east Mediterranean from medieval to contemporary times. The contributors examine how people from diverse religious backgrounds adapted to their changing political landscapes and show that artistic patronage, consumption, and practices are interwoven with constructed narratives. The essays consider material and textual evidence for painted media, architecture, and the creative process in Byzantium, Crusader-era polities, the Ottoman empire, and the modern Middle East, thus demonstrating the importance of the past in understanding the present"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great.
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great offers a considerable range of topics, of interest to students and academics alike, in the long tradition of this subject's significant impact, across a sometimes surprising and comprehensive variety of areas. Arguably no other historical figure has cast such a long shadow for so long a time. Every civilisation touched by the Macedonian Conqueror, along with many more that he never imagined, has scrambled to "own" some part of his legacy. This volume canvasses a comprehensive array of these receptions, beginning from Alexander's own era and journeying up to the present, in order to come to grips with the impact left by this influential but elusive figure.
1 online resource. :
Early Christianity and classical culture : comparative studies in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe /
This volume contains 28 essays in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe, whose work has been especially influential in exploring modes of cultural interaction between early Jews and Christians and their Graeco-Roman neighbours. Following an introductory essay on the problems inherent to such comparative studies in the history of New Testament scholarship, the essays are grouped into five topic areas: Graphos - semantics and writing, Ethos - ethics and moral characterization, Logos - rhetoric and literary expression, Ethnos - self-definition and acculturation, and Nomos - law and normative values. Some key examples are studies dealing with The Greek Idea of "Divine Nature" and its relation to the "Divine Man" tradition; Compilation of Letters in Cicero's collection; Radical Altruism in Paul; Greek Ideas of Concord and Cosmic Harmony in 1 Clement; The Rhetorical Use of Friendship Motifs in Galatians in comparison with Second Sophistic Orators; Wills and Testaments in Graeco-Roman perspective.
1 online resource (xx, 740 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047402190 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Hellenizing art in ancient Nubia, 300 BC-AD 250, and its Egyptian model s a study in "acculturation" /
Presenting a large body of evidence for the first time, this book offers a comprehensive treatment of Nubian architecture, sculpture, and minor arts in the period between 300 BC-AD 250. It focuses primarily on the Nubian response to the traditional pharaonic, Hellenistic/Roman, Hellenizing, and "hybrid" elements of Ptolemaic and Roman Egyptian culture. The author begins with a history of Nubian art and a critical survey of the literature on Ptolemaic and Roman Egyptian art. Special chapters are then devoted to the discussion of the Egyptian-Greek interaction in the arts of Ptolemaic Egypt, the place of Egyptian Hellenistic and Hellenizing art within the oikumene, the pluralistic visual world of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, as well as on the specific genre of terracotta sculpture. Utilizing examples from Meroe City and Musawwarat es Sufra, the author argues that cultural transfer from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt to Nubia resulted in an inward-focused adaptation. Therefore, the resulting Nubian art from this period expresses only those aspects of Egyptian and Greek art that are compatible with indigenous Nubian goals.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004211292 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Stories of Globalization: The Red Sea and the Persian Gulf from Late Prehistory to Early Modernity : Selected Papers of Red Sea Project VII /
This book contains a selection of papers presented at the Red Sea VII conference titled "The Red Sea and the Gulf: Two Maritime Alternative Routes in the Development of Global Economy, from Late Prehistory to Modern Times". The Red Sea and the Gulf are similar geographically and environmentally, and complementary to each other, as well as being competitors in their economic and cultural interactions with the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. The chapters of the volume are grouped in three sections, corresponding to the various historical periods. Each chapter of the book offers the reader the opportunity to travel across the regions of the Red Sea and the Gulf, and from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean from prehistory to the contemporary era. With contributions by Ahmed Hussein Abdelrahman, Serena Autiero, Mahmoud S. Bashir, Kathryn A. Bard, Alemsege, Beldados, Ioana A. Dumitru, Serena Esposito, Rodolfo Fattovich, Luigi Gallo, Michal Gawlikowski, Caterina Giostra, Sunil Gupta, Michael Harrower, Martin Hense, Linda Huli, Sarah Japp, Serena Massa, Ralph K. Pedersen, Jacke S. Phillips, Patrice Pomey, Joanna K. Rądkowska, Mike Schnelle, Lucy Semaan, Steven E. Sidebotham, Shadia Taha, Husna Taha Elatta, Joanna Then-Obłuska and Iwona Zych
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004362321 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to Alexander the Great /
Many important issues surrounding Alexander the Great's conquest have captured the interest of scholars and general readers since antiquity. This book acquaints us with these issues and their current interpretations, and opens up new directions of investigation as it confronts them. It covers a broad range of topics: the ancients' representations of the king in literature and art; Alexander's relations with Greeks, Macedonians, and the peoples of Asia; the military, political, sociological, and cultural aspects of his campaigns; the exploitation of his story by ancient philosophers to argue a moral point and by modern communities to affirm or contest ethnic and national identities. This volume will be of interest to scholars and nonspecialists alike and serve as a standard reference work for years to come.
1 online resource (xv, 400 pages, [16] pages of plates) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [365]-388) and index. :
9789004217553 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in Honour of Clifford Edmund Bosworth, Volume I : Hunter of the East: Arabic and Semitic Studies /
Professor C.E. Bosworth FBA is a Middle East historian of world stature. In this volume his friends and colleagues come together to honour his 70th birthday. The diversity of these essays reflects the diversity and depth of Professor Bosworth's own interests. Ranging through the five areas of Literature, Language, History, Law, and Art and Epigraphy, this volume embraces the ancient, the medieval and the modern, covering topics as diverse as the Maqāma genre, the significance of wooden weapons in al-Mukhtār's revolt and nineteenth century exchanges in Himyaritic inscriptions. The volume illustrates the vibrancy and dynamism of modern scholarship in the field of Arabic and Semitic Studies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The New Testament and early Christian literature in Greco-Roman context : studies in honor of David E. Aune /
This volume is a collection of scholarly studies honoring Prof.Dr. David. E. Aune on his 65th birthday. Its title, The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context: Studies in Honor of David E. Aune , reflects Prof. Aune's academic training, interests, and extensive publications. The volume's studies investigate a range of topics within the Pauline correspondence, Gospels, Apocalypse of John, and other early Christian writings with insights drawn from Greco-Roman culture and Hellenistic Judaism. Thus, the studies make use of Greco-Roman literature, rhetoric, magic, medicine, moral philosophy, iconography, archaeology, religious cults, and social conventions while also utilizing social-historical, social-scientific, literary-critical, and rhetorical-critical methodologies, thereby adding an interdisciplinary dimension to the volume. These groundbreaking studies have been written by prominent international scholars and are published here for the first time.
1 online resource. :
"David E. Aune's major publications": pages [445]-456.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047407140 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Indigeneity on the Oceanic Stage : Intimations of the Local in a Globalised World /
This volume examines how Indigenous theatre and performance from Oceania has responded to the intensification of globalisation from the turn of the 20th to the 21st centuries. It foregrounds a relational approach to the study of Indigenous texts, thus echoing what scholars such as Tui Nicola Clery have described as the stance of a "Multi-Perspective Culturally Sensitive Researcher." To this end, it proposes a fluid vision of Oceania characterized by heterogeneity and cultural diversity calling to mind Epeli Hau'ofa's notion of "a sea of islands." Taking its cue from the theories of Deleuze and Guattari, the volume offers a rhizomatic, non-hierarchical approach to the study of the various shapes of Indigeneity in Oceania. It covers Indigenous performance from Aotearoa/New Zealand, Hawai'i, Samoa, Rapa Nui/Easter Island, Australia and the Torres Strait Islands. Each chapter uses vivid case histories to explore a myriad of innovative strategies responding to the interplay between the local and the global in contemporary Indigenous performance. As it places different Indigenous cultures from Oceania in conversation, this critical anthology gestures towards an "imparative" model of comparative poetics, favouring negotiation of cultural difference and urging scholars to engage dialogically with non-European artistic forms of expression.
1 online resource (339 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
In search of trut h Augustine, Manichaeism and other gnosticism : studies for Johannes van Oort at sixty /
This volume in honour of Johannes van Oort, formerly University of Utrecht, presently Professor of Patristics and Gnosticism at the Universities of Nijmegen and Pretoria, and past-President of the International Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS), brings together a rich variety of studies on Augustine, Manichaeism, and other Gnostic currents, thus reflecting the honorand's research interests. The unique collection is divided into four sections: I. Studies in Augustine: Confessions, Sermons, Letters andamp; De Haeresibus; Augustine on Grace andamp; Pluralism; Augustinian 'Gnosis'; II. Studies in Manichaeism: Origins andamp; Myth; Doctrines andamp; Cult; Diffusion andamp; Art; III. Studies in Manichaeism and Augustine: Doctrines; Polemics andamp; Debates with Manichaean Contemporaries; IV. Studies in 'Other Gnosticism': Gnosticism and 'Apocryphal' Texts; Sources of (Ps.) Hippolytus' Refutatio; the Gospel of Judas; Modern Yesidi Gnosticism. The 35 studies are preceded by an overview of Prof. van Oort's scholarly activities and publications
1 online resource. :
"Bibliography Johannes van Oort": pages xiii-xxxi.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004195790 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant : Essays in Honour of Alastair Hamilton /
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant is a collection of essays in honour of Professor Alastair Hamilton. His pioneering research into the history of European Oriental studies has deeply enhanced our understanding of the dynamics and processes of cultural and religious exchange between Christian Europe and the Islamic world. Written by students, friends and colleagues, the contributions in this volume pay tribute to Alastair Hamilton's work and legacy. They discuss and celebrate intellectual, artistic and religious encounters between Europe and the cultural area stretching from Northern Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, and spanning the period from the sixteenth to the late nineteenth century. Contributors: Asaph Ben-Tov, Alexander Bevilacqua, Maurits H. van den Boogert, Charles Burnett, Ziad Elmarsafy, Mordechai Feingold, Aurélien Girard, Bernard Heyberger, Robert Irwin, Tarif Khalidi, J.M.I. Klaver, Noel Malcolm, Martin Mulsow, Francis Richard, G. J. Toomer, Arnoud Vrolijk, Nicholas Warner, Joanna Weinberg, and Jan Just Witkam.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
We Have Always Been Transcultural: The Arts as an Example /
Wolfgang Welsch demonstrates for the first time that transculturality - the mixed constitution of cultures - is by no means only a characteristic of the present, but has de facto determined the composition of cultures since time immemorial. The historical transculturality is demonstrated using examples from the arts. While transculturality was often viewed with reservation where political, social, or psychological levels were at stake, it was rather welcomed and appreciated in the field of art. The book therefore demonstrates the historical prevalence of transculturality via all areas of art and does so with respect to all cultures and continents of our world.
1 online resource (238 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :