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منشور في 2007
Urban and natural landscapes of an ancient Syrian capital : settlement and environment at Tell...

: "La serie 'Studi archeologici su Qatna' è pubblicata in coedizione con la serie 'Documents d'archéologie syrienne' (SAQ 1=DAS XII)"--P [2].
Three folded, col. plates issued in pocket. : 350 pages : illustrations, maps (some color) ; 28 cm. + 3 plates (46 x 68 cm.) in pocket. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 8884204186
9788884204189 : aya

منشور في 2020
Recherches sur la statuaire royale de la XIXe dynastie /

: "Cet ouvrage constitue la synthèse de la recherche sur la statuaire royale de la XIXe dynastie dont le catalogue a paru en ligne en 2018. Le présent volume regroupe les résultats des observations sur les statues réparties par types. Un premier chapitre expose le nombre de statues par règne et la fréquence des types auxquels elles correspondent, y compris les statues remployées sous la XIXe dynastie et celles qui lui sont attribuées. Les chapitres suivants condensent l'évolution des types de statues en suivant celle de leurs costumes, coiffures et attributs, leur fréquence dans les groupes statuaires, mais aussi des représentations en deux dimensions de ces statues et leurs parallèles dans des scènes rituelles. L'examen mené permet d'établir la place qu'occupe chaque type de statue dans un temple et donne lieu à un essai d'interprétation de sa fonction dans l'ensemble du mobilier du temple. Il se poursuit par une synthèse des provenances, dimensions, matériaux et techniques, une autre consacrée à l'accoutrement et, enfin, une présentation récapitulative du style et de l'iconographie, assortie de notices sur les critères de datation. Une conclusion résume l'état des observations en retraçant le parcours royal à travers les types statuaires dans les parties correspondantes du temple imaginaire. This publication is a synthesis of research on the royal statuarv of the Nineteenth Dynasty. It accompanies the catalogue of these statues that appeared on line in 2019.The present volume contains the results of observations on the royal statues, which are presented by type. The first chapter presents the statues by reign and by the types of statues within each reign, including statues reused by kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty as well as ones attributed to them.The succeeding chapters follow the evolution of statue types alongside the development of costume, coiffure and attributes. The frequency of these features in group statues and in two dimensional representations as well as their parallels in ritual scenes are also studied. The investigation defines the position of each type of statue in the temple and ends with an attempt to understand the rote of each statue type within the temple furniture. The next chapters deal with provenances, dimensions, materials, and techniques of the statues, followed by those on the accessories, and finally the style and the iconography are discussed, accompanied by comments on dating criteria. A general conclusion summarizes these observations, and traces the itinerary of the king through a model temple according to the corresponding statue types."--Page 4 of cover.
: Preface by Nicolas Grimal. : xxxviii, 708 pages, plates : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9782724707342
2724707346 : 0259-3823 ;

منشور في 2021
Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Our Father. An English Translation with Commentary and Supporting Studies : Proceedings of the 14th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (...

: Gregory of Nyssa's Homilies on the Our Father are the second explanation of this central prayer of Christian worship in Greek Antiquity. Composed at the end of the 4th century, these five homilies offer a spiritual and pastoral commentary of the Pater Noster. The present volume, edited by Matthieu Cassin (Paris), Hélène Grelier-Deneux (Paris) and Françoise Vinel (Strasbourg), offers introductory materials, a new English translation, the first edition of the 15th century Latin translation by Athanasios Chalkeopoulos, together with five studies that form a commentary for the different homilies, and nineteen shorter contributions on various aspects of the text. The contributors envisage the text according to exegesis and theology, but also to philosophy, rhetoric and history of Christian communities.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004463011

منشور في 2007
Flores Florentino : Dead Sea Scrolls and other early Jewish studies in honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez /

: This volume contains forty-eight essays, presented by friends, colleagues and students from many countries, in honour of Florentino García Martínez, director of the Groningen Qumran Institute, editor-in-chief of the Journal for the Study of Judaism, and professor in Leuven. The majority of the essays are in the areas of the honoree's own scholarship and interests, including primarily Qumranica, but also many other fields of Second Temple Judaism, from late biblical texts and Septuagint up to early rabbinic writings. Florentino's own polyglottism, evident from his bibliography, and his close relations with many scholars from Southern Europe, is reflected in the inclusion of a few French, Spanish and Italian articles in this volume.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047423096 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2025
The Learned and Lived Law : Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue /

: This wide-ranging collection of essays reflects the manifold scholarly interests of legal historian Charles Donahue, whose former students engage here with questions related to foundational Roman law concepts, the impact of the law on women and families in medieval and early modern Europe, the intersection of law and religion, and the echoes of legal ideas on later developments in American law and in world literature and philosophy. From the monks of Metz to the book sellers of colonial Boston, from fourteenth-century English charters to the writings of Faust, these essays invite you to experience law at once learned and lived. Contributors are: Charles Bartlett, Anton Chaevitch, Wim Decock, Rowan Dorin, Sally E. Hadden, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, Nikitas Hatzimihail, Samantha Kahn Herrick, Daniel Jacobs, Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Amalia D. Kessler, Saskia Lettmaier, Sara McDougall, Stuart M. McManus, Elizabeth W. Mellyn, Bharath Palle, Ryan Rowberry, Carol Symes, James R. Townshend, and John Witte, Jr. See Less
: 1 online resource (636 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004710696

منشور في 2017
Reading Aristotle : argument and exposition /

: Reading Aristotle: Argument and Exposition argues that Aristotle's treatises must be approached as progressive unfoldings of a unified position that may extend over a single book, an entire treatise, or across several works. Contributors demonstrate that Aristotle relies on both explanatory and expository principles. Explanatory principles include familiar doctrines such as the four causes, actuality's priority over potentiality and nature's doing nothing in vain. Expository principles are at least as important. They pertain to proper sequence, pedagogical method, the role of reputable views and the opinions of predecessors, the equivocity of key explanatory terms, and the need to scrupulously observe distinctions between the different sciences. A sensitivity to expository principles is crucial to understanding both particular arguments and entire treatises.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004340084 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2024
Sovereign Wealth Funds and State Immunity /

: How does the hybrid nature of SWFs affect the application of state immunity to these funds? May an SWF be sued in foreign courts for wrongful acts committed in the course of its investment activities? Can SWF investments be attached by a private creditor seeking to enforce an investment arbitration award against the fund's state of nationality? This monograph addresses these questions from the perspective of the 2004 New York Convention and six selected jurisdictions (US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, China), with the broader aim of highlighting potential new standards for implementation of the state immunity rule to SWFs.
: 1 online resource (175 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004710795