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Imperial Ideology and Architecture /
The goals and tactics of a state's ruling elite influence its artistic and architectural output, shaping the overall characteristics, orientation, and themes of its creations. Architecture reflects political ideology and historical events, showcasing the power and cultural values of the state, with implications for politics and authority. This book presents a comprehensive and nuanced exploration of the intricate interplay between art, politics, and religion within the architectural legacy of Mamluk Damascus. It sheds light on how these dynamics enrich our comprehension of the past and contribute to contemporary dialogues concerning the preservation of cultural heritage.
1 online resource (125 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Image of an Ottoman City : Imperial Architecture and Urban Experience in Aleppo in the 16th and 17th Centuries /
This urban and architectural study of Aleppo, a center of early modern global trade, draws upon archival and narrative texts, architectural evidence, and contemporary theoretical discussions of the relation between imperial ideology, urban patterns and rituals, and architectural form. The first two centuries of Ottoman rule fostered tremendous urban development and reorientation through judiciously sited acts of patronage. Monumental structures endowed by Ottoman officials both introduced a new imperial architecture from Istanbul and incorporated formal elements from the local urban visual language. By viewing the urban and social contexts of these acts, tracing their evolution over two centuries, and examining their discussion in Ottoman and Arabic sources, this book proposes a new model for understanding the local reception and adaptation of imperial forms, institutions and norms.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Egypt in Italy : visions of Egypt in Roman imperial culture /
"This book examines the appetite for Egyptian and Egyptian-looking artwork in Italy during the century following Rome's annexation of Aegyptus as a province. In the early imperial period, Roman interest in Egyptian culture was widespread, as evidenced by works ranging from the monumental obelisks, brought to the capital over the Mediterranean Sea by the emperors, to locally made emulations of Egyptian artifacts found in private homes and in temples to Egyptian gods. Although the foreign appearance of these artworks was central to their appeal, this book situates them within their social, political, and artistic contexts in Roman Italy. Swetnam-Burland focuses on what these works meant to their owners and their viewers in their new settings, by exploring evidence for the artists who produced them and by examining their relationship to the contemporary literature that informed Roman perceptions of Egyptian history, customs, and myths"-- |c Provided by publisher.
xii, 249 pages ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Arabic literary thresholds : sites of rhetorical turn in contemporary scholarship /
This volume, dedicated to Jaroslav Stetkevych, includes a number of original contributions that signify a rhetorical shift in the social sciences and Arabic studies. The articles and essays deal with Orientalism, classical Arabic tradition, Andalusian poetry, Francophone literature, translation, architecture and poetry, comparative studies, and Sufism. Literary production is studied in its own terms to situate these literary concerns in the mainstream of cultural studies. The outcome is a solid and highly sophisticated scholarship that makes this book one of the most needed among scholars and students of comparative literature, Arabic poetics and politics, Orientalism, Afro-Asian studies, East/West encounters and translation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047430339 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Images and monuments of near eastern dynasts, 100 BC-AD 100 /
This book is an archaeological and art-historical study of the images and monuments of Roman 'client' kings in the Near East from the Taurus to Edom (modern South East Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan) in the important transitional period between the downfall of the Seleucid empire and Rome's establishment of provincial administration across the entire region. In this volume, Kropp treats royal portraits, tombs, palaces, coins, and temples as historical documents and aims at uncovering royal identities and ideological aspirations. In particular, he focuses on the six major players: the Kommagenian, Emesan, Ituraean, Nabataean, Hasmonaean, and Herodian dynasties.
Revised and expanded version of author's thesis (D.Phil) -- University of Oxford, 2007. :
xx, 497 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9780199670727 :
Roman rule and civic life : local and regional perspectives /
Contents: I. INSTRUMENTS OF IMPERIAL RULE. ECK, W.: Lateinisch, Griechisch, Germanisch ...? Wie sprach Rom met seinen Untertanen? TALBERT, R.: Rome's provinces as framework for world-view. KOKKINIA, C.: Ruling, inducing, arguing: how to govern (and survive) a Greek province. SLOOTJES, D.: The governor as benefactor in Late Antiquity. LIGT, L. DE: Direct taxation in western Asia Minor under the early Empire. II. CONQUEST AND ITS EFFECTS BIRLEY, A.: Britain 71-105: advance and retrenchment. ROSSUM, J.A.. VAN: The end of the Batavian auxiliaries as 'national' units. COULSTON, J.C.N.: Military identity and personal self-identity in the Roman army. BRUUN, C.: The legend of Decebalus. III. ROMANIZATION AND ITS LIMITS LOMAS, K.: Funerary epigraphy and the impact of Rome in Italy. BINTLIFF, J.L.: Town and chôra of Thespiae in the imperial age. ELTON, H.: Romanization and some Cilician cults. HESBERG, H. VON: Grabmonumente als Zeichen des sozialen Aufstiegs der neuen Eliten in den germanischen Provinzen. HAAN, N. DE: Living like the Romans? Some remarks on domestic architecture in North Africa and Britain. IV. URBAN ELITES AND CIVIC LIFE VRIES, T. DE & W.J. ZWALVE: Roman actuarial science and Ulpian's life expectancy table. KRIECKHAUS, A.: Duae Patriae? C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus zwischen germana patria und urbs. STRUBBE, J.H.M.: Cultic honours for benefactors in Asia Minor. HORSTER, M.: Substitutes for emperors and members of the imperial families as local magistrates. DONDIN-PAYRE, M.: Notables et élites dans les Trois Gaules. BRANCO, M. DI: Entre Amphion et Achille: réalité et mythologie de la défense d'Athènes du IIIe au IVe siècle. NAVARRO CABALLERO, M.: L'élite, les femmes et l'argent dans les provinces hispaniques. HIRSCHMANN, V.: Methodische Überlegungen zu Frauen in antiken Vereinen. HEMELRIJK, E.: Patronage of cities: the role of women.
"Proceedings of the fourth workshop of the international network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. - A.D. 476), Leiden, June 25-28, 2003." :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Twice Neokoros : Ephesus, Asia, and the cult of the Flavian imperial family /
Twice Neokoros is a case study of the Cult of the Sebastoi that was established in the city of Ephesus by the province of Asia during the late first century C.E. Epigraphic and numismatic data indicate that the Cult of the Sebastoi was dedicated in 89/90 to the Flavian imperial family. The architecture, sculpture, municipal titles, and urban setting of the cult all reflect Asian religious traditions. The image of Ephesus was significantly altered by the use of these traditions in the institutions related to the Cult of the Sebastoi. Within the context of the history of provincial cults in the Roman Empire, the Cult of the Sebastoi became a turning point in the rhetoric of social order. Thus, the Cult of the Sebastoi served as a prototypical manifestation of socio-religious developments during the late first and early second century in the Eastern Mediterranean.
1 online resource (xvi, 237 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 218-225) and indexes. :
9789004283442 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Art of empire : the Roman frescoes and Imperial Cult Chamber in Luxor Temple /
"This publication is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)"-Page v. :
xi, 227 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color), plans (some color) ; 32 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 193-210) and index. :
Rhétorique et image : Textes en Hommage à Á. Kibédi Varga /
Ce livre est centré sur une problématique exclusive, fascinante autant que complexe, celle des rapports entre texte et image. Les auteurs, venus d'horizons très divers - théoriciens et historiens de la littérature et de l'art, philosophes, poètes - invitent le lecteur à lire un tableau de Chardin avec Proust, à interpréter Wilde à travers Whistler, ou à commenter Diderot avec Goethe. Poésie et roman, critique et commentaire, peinture et architecture, typographie et photographie sont convoqués concurremment pour comprendre les textes littéraires et les arts plastiques à partir du dialogue qu'ils n'ont cessé d'entretenir. Les contributions savantes, richement illustrées, sont encadrées par deux poèmes inédits. Ainsi l'inspiration précède et dépasse l'érudition. Ce recueil s'adresse au cœur, à l'œil et à l'esprit de lecteurs prêts à passer allègrement les frontières convenues entre texte et image, théorie et histoire, savoir et création.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Roman villas in central Italy : a social and economic history /
This volume, which was awarded Honorable Mention and a Silver Medal from the Premio Romanistico Internationazionale Gérard Boulvert, investigates the socio-economic role of elite villas in Roman Central Italy drawing on both documentary sources and material evidence. Through the composite picture emerging from the juxtaposition of literary texts and archaeological evidence, the book traces elite ideological attitudes and economic behavior, caught between what was morally acceptable and the desire to invest capital intelligently. The analysis of the biases affecting the application of modern historiographical models to the interpretation of the archaeology frames the discussion on the identification of slave quarters in villas and the putative second century crisis of the Italian economy. The book brings an innovative perspective to the debate on the villa-system and the decline of villas in the imperial period.
Based on the author's thesis (Ph.D., Columbia University, 2004). :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [797]-816) and indexes. :
9789047421221 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Public Lives of Ancient Women (500 BCE-650 CE) /
Building on the important work by Hemelrijk, this volume endeavours to bring ancient women out of the domestic sphere and to examine their presence and activities in the public domain, for example as rulers, patrons, priestesses, wives, athletes and pilgrims. Covering the period 500 BCE to 650 CE and ranging across the Mediterranean and beyond, it fruitfully employs a great variety of source types and thematic approaches to argue that women in the ancient world were active in many parts of the public domain, including the civic, the religious and at times even the political and military spheres.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World is sponsored by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The articles in Muqarnas 27 address topics such as spolia in medieval Islamic architecture, Islamic coinage in the seventh century, the architecture of the Alhambra from an environmental perspective, and Ottoman-Mamluk gift exchange in the fifteenth century. The volume also features a new section, entitled "Notes and Sources", with pieces highlighting primary sources such as Akbar's Kathāsaritsāgara . Contributors include Ebba Koch, Elizabeth Lambourn, Elias Muhanna, Rina Avner, Kathryn Moore, Alicia Walker, Todd Willmert, Julia Gonnella, Zeynep Ertuğ, Jere Bacharach, Persis Berlekamp, Heike Franke, Vincenza Garofalo, and Fabrizio Agnello.
1 online resource. :
9789004191105 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Herodian's World : Empire and Emperors in the III Century /
The History of the Empire from the Death of Marcus of Herodian in eight books, written in Greek, is a key source for the period from the reign of Commodus (AD 180) to that of Gordian III (238). Herodian is an eyewitness and the only contemporary historian whose work has come down to us in full. His point of view is all the more valuable because he is an outsider with respect to both court historiography, whose flattery he stigmatized, and to senatorial historians, represented mainly by Cassius Dio and by the biographies in the Historia Augusta . Nonetheless, Herodian has often been harshly criticized as a historian. This volume aims to shed light on the different areas and themes in which his historical work moves - literary technique, political lexicon, religious conception, geographical space, economic, political, cultural and military themes - to better understand the relevance of his historiographical approach and his historical thought.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Creating medieval Cairo : empire, religion, and architectural preservation in nineteenth-century Egypt /
"This book argues that the historic city we know as Medieval Cairo was created in the nineteenth century by both Egyptians and Europeans against a background of four overlapping political and cultural contexts: namely, the local Egyptian, Anglo-Egyptian, Anglo-Indian, and Ottoman imperial milieux. Addressing the interrelated topics of empire, local history, religion, and transnational heritage, historian Paula Sanders shows how Cairo's architectural heritage became canonized in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The book also explains why and how the city assumed its characteristically Mamluk appearance and situates the activities of the European-dominated architectural preservation committee (known as the Comiť) within the history of religious life in nineteenth-century Cairo. Sanders explores such varied topics as the British experience in India, the Egyptian debate over religious reform, and the influence of The Thousand and One Nights on European notions of the medieval Arab city ... this volume examines the unacknowledged colonial legacy that continues to inform the practice of and debates over preservation in Cairo."
xv, 216 pages, [16] pages of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 188-206) and index. :
Dalmatia and the Mediterranean : portable archeology and the poetics of influence /
Using the Braudelian concept of the Mediterranean this volume focuses on the condition of "coastal exchanges" involving the Dalmatian littoral and its Adriatic and more distant maritime network. Spalato and Ragusa intersect with Constantinople, Cairo and Spanish Naples just as Sinan, Palladio and Robert Adam cross paths in this liquid expanse. Concentrating on materiality and on the arts, architecture in particular, the authors identify portability and hybridity as characteristic of these exchanges, and tease out expected and unexpected serendipitous moments when they occurred. Focusing on translation and its instruments these essays expand the traditional concept of influence by thrusting mobility and the \'hardware\' of cultural transmission, its mechanisms, rather than its effects, into the foreground. Contributors include: Doris Behrens-Abouseif , SOAS, University of London ; Joško Belamarić , Institute of Art History , Split; Marzia Faietti , Uffizi , Florence; Jasenka Gudelj , University of Zagreb ; Cemal Kafadar , Harvard University ; Ioli Kalavrezou , Harvard University ; Suzanne Marchand , State University of Louisiana ; Erika Naginski , Harvard University ; Gülru Necipoğlu , Harvard University ; Goran Nikšić , City of Split , Split; Alina Payne , Harvard University ; Avinoam Shalem , Columbia University and David Young Kim , University of Pennsylvania
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004263918 :
2213-3399 ;