Museum archetypes and collecting in the ancient world /
Museum Archetypes and Collecting in the Ancient World offers a broad, yet detailed analysis of the phenomenon of collecting in the ancient world through a museological lens. In the last two decades this has provided a basis for exciting interdisciplinary explorations by archaeologists, art historians, and historians of the history of collecting. This compendium of essays by different specialists is the first general overview of the reasons why ancient civilizations from Archaic Greece to the Late Classical/Early Christian period amassed objects and displayed them together in public, private and imaginary contexts. It addresses the ranges of significance these proto-museological conditions gave to the objects both in sacred and secular settings.
1 online resource (xiv, 222 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-192) and index. :
9789004283480 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to ancient Macedon : studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD /
In the past 35 years our archaeological and epigraphic evidence for the history and culture of ancient Macedon has been transformed. This book brings together the leading Greek archaeologists and historians of the area in a major collaborative survey of the finds and their interpretation, many of them unpublished outside Greece. The recent, immensely significant excavations of the palace of King Philip II are published here for the first time. Major new chapters on the Macedonians' Greek language, civic life, fourth and third century BC kings and court accompany specialist surveys of the region's art and coinage and the royal palace centres of Pella and Vergina, presented here with much new evidence. This book is the essential companion to Macedon, packed with new information and bibliography which no student of the Greek world can now afford to neglect.
1 online resource (xiii, 642 pages, [72] pages of plates) : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004209237 :
1872-3357 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The role of metals in ancient Greek history /
The first in-depth study of the field in more than 20 years analyzes the role of various metals in the context of Greek economic life, politics, culture and art, traces the movement of metal from ore to finished objects, including works of art, and shows the relations between the regions where metals were extracted and the centres of metalworking, the structure of the workshops and the connections between them and the role of the workshops in economic life at different stages in Greek history. In doing so it adopts a multidisciplinary approach, defining the role of metals in the history of Greek society using the widest possible variety of sources: the excavated remains of workshops and hoards, archaeometallurgical finds; the results of studies of ancient mines and analyses of ancient metal objects; bronze plastics and jewelry, coins et cetera The chronological span of the study is the 8th-1st centuries B.C., id est from the beginning of the main period of Greek colonization till the end of the Hellenistic era. The geographical scope of the work is the Greek oikumene. New to most scholars will be Treister's knowledge of objects and technologies in the eastern Greek and Roman world of the Northern Black Sea and Colchis. While this book does not pretend to be a definitive survey of the history of mining and metallurgy in the Greek world, it is a particularly useful interim report.
1 online resource (xiv, 481 pages, [61] pages of plates) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 404-454) and index. :
9789004329829 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to military defeat in ancient Mediterranean society /
In Brill's Companion to Military Defeat in Ancient Mediterranean Society , Jessica H. Clark and Brian Turner lead a re-examination of how Near Eastern, Greek, and Roman societies addressed - or failed to address - their military defeats and casualties of war. Original case studies illuminate not only how political and military leaders managed the political and strategic consequences of military defeats, but also the challenges facing defeated soldiers, citizens, and other classes, who were left to negotiate the meaning of defeat for themselves and their societies. By focusing on the connections between war and society, history and memory, the chapters collected in this volume contribute to our understanding of the ubiquity and significance of war losses in the ancient world.
1 online resource (xviii, 382 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004355774 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Urban dreams and realities in antiquity : remains and representations of the ancient city /
A unique variety of approaches to all aspects of urban culture in the ancient world can be found in Urban Dreams and Realities in Antiquity , a collection of 19 essays addressing ancient cities from an interdisciplinary perspective. As the title indicates, the volume considers both how ancient people lived in their cities as physical structures and how they thought with them as ideas and symbols. Essays in this volume deal with texts and sites from Spain to South India, but there is a particular focus on the archaeology and epigraphy of Roman-era Italy, civic identity in the Roman provinces, the Hebrew Bible and Early Christian literature, Vergil and other imperial Latin authors.
1 online resource (xiv, 533 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004283893 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Roman collegia : the modern evolution of an ancient concept /
This volume maintains that contemporary events, ideologies, and institutions have shaped scholarly work on the ancient Roman collegia , a group of institutions known principally from epigraphic and legal sources. It traces the origins of thinking on the subject from the creation of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum through the political and social movements of the 19th and 20th centuries in Western Europe. The bulk of the book focuses particularly on the intersection of scholarship and economic theory in Fascist Italy, as the collegia were analysed by the Istituto di Studi Romani, incorporated into the Mostra Augustea della Romanità , and ultimately championed by the Minister of National Education, Giuseppe Bottai, in 1939.
1 online resource (xii, 247 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-242) and indexes. :
9789047409373 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Judeans in the Greek cities of the Roman Empire : rights, citizenship and civil discord /
In the first century CE, Philo of Alexandria and Josephus offer vivid descriptions of conflicts between Judeans and Greeks in Greek cities of the Roman Empire over various issues, including the Judeans' civic identity, the extent of their obligations to local cities and cults, and the potential security threat they posed to those cities. This study analyzes the narratives of these conflicts, investigating what citizenship status Judeans enjoyed, their political influence and whether they enjoyed the right to establish institutions for observing their ancestral worship. For these narratives to be understood properly, it should be assumed that many Judeans were already citizens of their cities, and that this status played a central role in those conflicts.
1 online resource (xvi, 341 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 299-321) and indexes. :
9789004292352 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient Jewish art and archaeology in the diaspora /
Jewish Diaspora in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods from first to the eighth centuries C.E. is the subject of this work. The author thoroughly investigates origin, symbolism and significance of the mainly synagogal and funerary art forms in the Diaspora. Ancient Jewish Art and Archaeology in the Diaspora is the companion volume to the successful Ancient Jewish Art and Archeaeology in the Land of Israel (1988) by the same author. The geographical area covered includes Syria, Asia Minor, North Africa and Mediterranean Europe. The first section examines the characteristic features of Diaspora Art synagogue architecture and art (including the Torah shrine and mosaic pavements). Another section deals with burial and funerary practices. Of special importance are the sections on the Biblical scenes , designs and iconography of the Dura Europos synagogue, and the Jewish symbols such as the Menorah, ritual objects, the Ark, the conch and the Torah Scrolls . The book is richly illustrated with more than 325 drawings and photographs, some in colour.
1 online resource (xxxiii, 499 pages, [64] pages of plates) : illustrations (some color), maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 466-486) and index. :
9789004294042 :
0169-9423 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient Greeks west and east /
This volume deals with the concept of 'West' and 'East', as held by the ancient Greeks. Cultural exchange in Archaic and Classical Greece through the establishment of Hellenic colonies around the ancient world was an important development, and always a two-way process. To achieve a proper understanding of it requires study from every angle. All 24 papers in this volume combine different types of evidence, discussing them from every perspective: they are examined not only from the point of view of the Greeks but from that of the locals. The book gives new data, as well as re-examining existing evidence and reinterpreting old theories. The book is richly illustrated.
1 online resource (xxi, 623 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004351257 :
0169-8958. Supplementum ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
After the past : essays in ancient history in honour of H.W. Pleket /
What was funny about ancient jokes, and why? Why did the Roman state legislate to curb the behaviour of its obscenely rich and powerful elite, if it never really expected such laws to be obeyed? Why did it oppress the poor, and lavish public child support on them? These are important questions, but ancient Greeks and Romans could never have thought of them. They never questioned the right of the rich to be rich. They could not improve their understanding of Homeric gift-giving with the experience of ritualized friendship among the Trobriand islanders. Such questions and such answers can only come from those who live after the ancient past. This volume honours the well-known Dutch epigraphist and ancient historian H.W. Pleket. Ten substantial essays reflect his wide range, from early Greece to the Roman Empire, and his taste for comparative economic and social history.
1 online resource (xxiv, 378 pages) : maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004350915 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Childhood in ancient Egypt /
"There could be no society, no family, and no social recognition without children. The way in which children were perceived, integrated, and raised within the family and the community established the very foundations of Egyptian society. Childhood in Ancient Egypt is the most comprehensive attempt yet published to reconstruct the everyday life of children from the Predynastic period to the end of the New Kingdom. Drawing on a vast wealth of textual, iconographic, and archaeological sources stretching over a period of 3,500 years, Amandine Marshall pieces together the portrait of a society in which children were ever-present in a multiplicity of situations. The ancient sources are primarily the expressions of male adults, who were little inclined to take an interest in the condition of the child, and the feelings of young Egyptians and all that touches on their emotional state can never be deduced from the sources. Nevertheless, by cross-referencing and comparing thousands of documents, Marshall has been able to explore how ancient Egyptians perceived children and childhood, and whether children had a particular status in the eyes of the law, society, and the Egyptian state. She examines the maintenance of the child and the care expended on its being, and discusses the kinds of clothing, jewelry, and hairstyles children wore, the activities that punctuated their daily lives, the kinds of games and toys they enjoyed, and what means were employed to protect them from illness, evil spirits, or ghosts. Accessibly written and copiously illustrated with 160 drawings and photographs, this book sheds unprecedented light upon the experience of childhood in ancient Egypt and represents a major contribution to the growing field of ancient-world childhood studies."--
"First published in French in 2013 by Éditions du Rocher as Être un enfant en Égypte ancienne" -- title page verso. :
xxxi, 266 pages : illustrations, map; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Studies in the cult of Yahweh.
These two volumes collect some of the most influential and important scholarly essays by the late Morton Smith (1915-1991), for many years Professor of Ancient History at Columbia University in New York City. Smith was admired and feared for his extraordinary ability to look at familiar texts in unfamiliar ways, to re-open old questions, to pose new questions, and to demolish received truths. He practiced the \'hermeneutics of suspicion\' to devastating effect. His answers are not always convincing but his questions cannot be ignored. The essays of Volume I center on the Hebrew Bible (\'Old Testament\'), Ancient Israel and Ancient Judaism, of Volume II on the Christian Bible (\'New Testament\'), Early Christianity and Ancient Magic. Volume II also contains an assessment of Smith's scholarly achievement and a complete list of his publications.
1 online resource (viii, 334 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004295872 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jerusalem and Babylon : a study into Augustine's City of God and the sources of his doctrine of the two cities /
Although many studies have been devoted to Augustine's City of God and its most important theme, viz. the antithesis between the civitas Dei and the terrena civitas ,until now no consensus has been reached concerning the sources of this doctrine. Was Augustine decisively influenced by Manichaeism, by (Neo)Platonism, the Stoa or Philo, by the Donatist Tyconius? Or should we look in another direction and refer to preceding Christian, Jewish, and especially to archaic Jewish-Christian traditions? This lucidly written books opens with a survey of the research carried out so far on the aim, structure and central theme of the City of God . Chapter 2 analyzes the essentials of Augustine's life, of his City of God , and of his doctrine of the two cities. Making use of one of the recently discovered letters of Augustine in Chapter 3 the author describes the City of God as an apology and as a catechetical work. Chapter 4 provides an investigation into the possible sources of Augustine's doctrine of the two cities in Manichaeism, in (Neo)Platonism, the Stoa and Philo, and in the works of Tyconius. The idea of two antithetical cities proves to be present most clearly in writings in which, closely related to Jewish thinking, archaic Christian concepts occupy an important place. In a final chapter some pertinent remarks are made on Jewish and Jewish-Christian influences on pre-Augustinian Christianity in Africa.
"English version of my doctoral thesis, which was originally submitted to the Theological Faculty of the University of Utrecht in September 1986 and published in Dutch"--Preface. :
1 online resource (ix, 427 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 375-405) and indexes. :
9789004253346 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Oikistes : studies in constitutions, colonies, and military power in the ancient world, offered in honor of A.J. Graham /
This Festschrift includes a range of essays, mirroring the diverse abilities of the honoree, A. J. Graham, in ancient Greek and Roman constitutional history, military history, and colonization. The articles feature discussions of individual problems in politics, epigraphy, historiography, numismatics, and archaeology, including topics such as the Battle of Actium, the Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus, the Spartan constitution, democracy in Camarina, Persian coinage, mercenary soldiers, the origins of both Greek and Roman historical writing, cult practice at Berezan, the Athenian Long Walls, the Peloponnesian War, and various aspects of Greek colonization and Roman provincial policy.
1 online resource (xvii, 396 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004350908 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ships and sea-power before the great Persian War : the ancestry of the ancient trireme /
This book presents a new theory about the developments in shipping and naval organization that culminated in the invention - around 530 BC in the eastern Mediterranean - of the trireme, and the subsequent adoption of this first specialized warship of antiquity by all the naval powers of the time. New interpretations are proposed of Greek and Assyrian iconographic data and of hitherto ignored evidence in Herodotos and Thukydides, the non-military factors determining developments are emphasized. Thukydides' fundamental essay on the genesis of Greek sea-powers is studied in depth, the rarity of these sea-powers stressed, and the peculiar background of the naval power of Phokaia and the Samian tyrant Polykrates exposed. The problem of the trireme's place of origin, the factors determining its invention, probably in Saïte Egypt, and its immediate adoption by the Persian king Kambyses are discussed. The first naval operations of the Persians are surveyed, reasons and circumstances of the trireme's introduction into the navies of the Greek city-states analysed with special attention for Themistokles' navy bill. The book offers ancient historians and classical philologists a radically new approach to archaic maritime and naval history. It will also be useful to (nautical) archaeologists.
1 online resource (xv, 217 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-193) and indexes. :
9789004329171 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Not wholly free : the concept of manumission and the status of manumitted slaves in the ancient Greek world /
Not Wholly Free is a comprehensive study of manumission in the Greek world, based on a thorough appraisal of the extant evidence and on a careful examination of manumission terminology. R. Zelnick-Abramovitz investigates the phenomenon of manumission in all its aspects and features, by analyzing modes of manumission, its terminology, the group composition of manumittors and freed slaves, motivation, procedures and conditions of manumission, legal actions and laws concerning manumitted slaves, and the latter's legal status and position in society. A very important work for all those interested in social history of ancient Greece , slavery, and manumission, as well as ancient historians and classical philologists.
1 online resource (vi, 385 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 347-356) and indexes. :
9789047408178 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Epea and Grammata : oral and written communication in ancient Greece /
This volume deals with aspects of orality and oral traditions in ancient Greece, and is a selection of refereed papers from the fourth biennial Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece conference, held at the University of Missouri Columbia in 2000. The book is divided into three parts: literature, rhetoric and society, and philosophy. The papers focus on genres such as epic poetry, drama, poetry and art, public oratory, legislative procedure, and Simplicius' philosophy. All papers present new approaches to their topics or ask new and provocative questions.
1 online resource (viii, 206 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-201) and index. :
9789004350922 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
From single sign to pseudo-script : an ancient Egyptian system of workmen's identity marks /
Writing is not the only notation system used in literate societies. Some visual communication systems are very similar to writing, but work differently. Identity marks are typical examples of such systems, and this book presents a particularly well-documented marking system used in Pharaonic Egypt as an exemplary case. From Single Sign to Pseudo-Script is the first book to fully discuss the nature and development of an ancient marking system, its historical background, and the fascinating story of its decipherment. Chapters on similar systems in other cultures and on semiotic theory help to distinguish between unique and universal features. Written by Egyptologist Ben Haring, the book addresses scholars interested in marking systems, writing, literacy, and the semiotics of visual communication.
1 online resource (xvi, 291 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004357549 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.