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Gods and heroes of the European Bronze Age /
"25th Council of Europe Art Exhibition"--Pages iv.
"Catalogue" : pages [207]-279.
OCLC 40609819
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Gods and heroes of the Bronze Age. Europe at the time of Ulysses", etc., held from Dec. 19, 1998-April 5, 1999, at the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen; from May 13 to Aug. 22, 1999, at the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands, Bonn; from Sept. 28, 1999, to Jan. 9, 2000 at the Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris; and from Feb. 11 to May 7, 2000 at the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. :
xi, 304 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 280-296). :
Tod am Nil : Tod und Totenkult im antiken Ägypten : mit einem Beitrag zum Totenlied und Totenbrauch im Österreich /
Exhibition catalog.
OCLC 52774951 :
134 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
3901232419 :
When rituals go wrong : mistakes, failure and the dynamics of ritual /
The present volume is entirely dedicated to the investigation of the implications and effects of breaking ritual rules, of failed performances and of the extinction of ritual systems. While rituals are often seen as infallible mechanisms which 'work' irrespective of the individual motivations of the performers, it is clearly visible here that rituals can fail, and that improper performances do in fact matter. These essays break new ground in their respective fields and the comparative analysis of rituals that go wrong introduces new perspectives to ritual studies. As the first book-length study on ritual mistakes and failure, this volume begins to fill a significant gap in the existing literature. Contributors include: Claus Ambos, Christiane Brosius, Johanna Buss, Burckhard Dücker, Christoph Emmrich, Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin, Maren Hoffmeister, Ute Hüsken, Brigitte Merz, Axel Michaels, Karin Polit, Michael Rudolph, Edward L. Schieffelin, Jan A.M. Snoek, Eftychia Stavrianopoulou, and Jan Weinhold.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047419884 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Essays in contextual theology /
Essays in Contextual Theology is a collection of essays that reflect on the doing of contextual theology from several perspectives. After a general introductory essay, subsequent essays reflect on topics such as contextual theology and prophetic dialogue, criteria for orthodoxy, the nature of tradition, the role of culture, the dynamics of conversion, and the way theology is being done in World Christianity. The collection closes with an autobiographical essay tracing the author's journey to becoming a "global theologian."
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004363083 :
2452-2953 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
For the love of Carthage : cemeteries, a bath and the circus in the southwest part of the city; pottery, brickstamps and lamps from several sites; the presence of saints, & urban d...
349 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Decoding signs of identity : Egyptian workmen's marks in archaeological, historical, comparative and theoretical perspective : proceedings of a conference in Leiden, 13-15 December...
Series numbering incorrectly called XXII on series title page. Correct series numbering on cover and spine.
"The symposium "Decoding Signs of Identity" was organised as part of the research project "Symbolizing Identity. Identity marks and their relation to writing in New Kingdom, Egypt", which was supported by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO). The symposium was hosted by the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS)."--Title page verso :
vi, 218 pages : illustrations (some color), charts ; 27 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Ancient board games in perspective : papers from the 1990 British Museum colloquium, with additional contributions /
: "In September 1999, a three-day colloquium entitled Board Games in the Ancient World took place in the British Museum" Pages1. : vi, 281 pages : illustration ; 31 cm. : 9780714111537
Yearbook of Chinese theology 2015 /
The Yearbook of Chinese Theology is an international, ecumenical and fully peer-reviewed series on Chinese theology in English. Its main focus is on interdisciplinary, contextual, and cross-cultural studies in the areas of Biblical Studies, Church History, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, and Comparative Religions. The Yearbook also features articles exploring wider issues in church and society. The Yearbook of Chinese Theology thus meets the growing demand for the study of the new academic discipline of Christianity in a Chinese context. In this first volume, harmony and Sinicization of Christianity in China are studied from a systematic theological viewpoint. Confucian Ruism and the Human-God relationship are investigated from a practical theological perspective. Articles on the rebellious Taiping tianguo movement and on a Fujian Catholic community shed light on the history of Christianity in China, and two articles draw attention to the Bible in relation to literature and general public. Furthermore, a review of the Protestant Church is offered from the viewpoint of Civil Society construction, and Chinese contemporary ideology and historical Nestorianism are researched using methodology derived from the field of Comparative Religions. This volume offers genuine Chinese theological research, which was previously unavailable in English, by top scholars in the study of Christianity in China.
1 online resource (xi, 251 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004293649 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Handbook of contemporary religions in Brazil /
The Brill Handbook of Contemporary Religions in Brazil provides an unprecedented overview of Brazil's religious landscape. It offers a full, balanced and contextualized portrait of contemporary religions in Brazil, bringing together leading scholars from both Brazil and abroad, drawing on both fieldwork and detailed reviews of the literatures. For the first time a single volume offers overviews by leading scholars of the full range of Brazilian religions, alongside more theoretically oriented discussions of relevant religious and culture themes. This Handbook's three sections present specific religions and groups of traditions, Brazilian religions in the diaspora, and issues in Brazilian religions (e.g., women, possession, politics, race and material culture).
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004322134 :
1874-6691 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Handbook of new religions and cultural production /
The cultural products of new religions and spiritualities are frequently ignored or dismissed within academia, often stemming from a hesitation to acknowledge these movements as genuine. This volume explores the impact of new religions upon cultural production, exemplifying the theological and spiritual principles of particular movements and demonstrating their substantial impact on wider society. Contributions explore the realms of music, architecture, food, art, books, films, video games, and more. This scholarship will be of interest to those who wish to explore the gamut of modern religious expression, and those who wish to broaden their knowledge of the spiritual origins of human culture.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (xxix, 789 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004226487 :
1874-6691 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Bausteine zur Geschichte der Philosophie an der Universität Graz /
Der Band ,,Bausteine zu einer Geschichte der Philosophie an der Universität Graz" enthält die Vorträge eines Symposiums, das aus Anlaß des 100-jährigen Bestandsjubiläums des Grazer Philosophischen Institutes im Herbst 1997 veranstaltet wurde. Außerdem finden sich darin Aufsätze und Studien veröffentlicht, die aus einem Projekt der Forschungsstelle für österreichische Philosophie hervorgegangen sind, welches einer eingehenderen Untersuchung der Geschichte der Philosophie an der Grazer Universität mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jesuiten- und Lyzeumszeit gewidmet war; zur Vervollständigung des Gesamtbildes werden schließlich noch weitere, eigens für diesen Sammelband verfaßte Arbeiten über Grazer Philosophen präsentiert. Der frühen historischen Phase sind die ersten drei Beiträge des Bandes gewidmet, wobei in der ausführlichen Studie ,,Zur frühen Philosophielehre an der Grazer Jesuitenuniversität" erstmals der Versuch unternommen wird, die Inhalte des philosophischen Unterrichts, wie er am Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts im Rahmen der ,,ratio studiorum" angeboten wurde, am Beispiel eines vollständigen Kurses darzustellen. Die folgenden Aufsätze behandeln jeweils einzelne, an der Grazer Universität wirkende Lehrer oder befassen sich mit Problemen, die mit Ideen und Lehrmeinungen im Zusammenhang stehen, die von Grazer Philosophen vertreten bzw. angeregt wurden. In einigen Beiträgen werden zudem übergreifende Traditionslinien herausgearbeitet, die sich aus der von Alexius Meinong begründeten sog. ,,Grazer Schule" wie auch aus anderen Impulsen (besonders den von Alois Riehl und Hugo Spitzer ausgehenden) entwickelten. Die Reihe der hier vorgestellten Philosophen wird schließlich bis in die Gegenwart fortgeführt: So zeigen die Beiträge, in denen das philosophische Werk zweier prominenter Denker - nämlich Roderick M. Chisholms und Stephan Körners - gewürdigt wird, sowie die Selbstdarstellungen der Grazer Emeriti Ernst Topitsch und Rudolf Haller das breite und vielfältige Spektrum philosophischen Lehrens und Forschens an der Grazer Universität. Der Band wird mit einer bis zum Jahre 2000 reichenden Gesamtübersicht der Grazer Philosophen abgeschlossen.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Knowing the Mind : The Key to Promoting Well-being in Education /
This book is about Yau Yan Wong's experiences as a teacher-researcher in practicing, teaching, and researching mindfulness practice in Thailand over the past 13 years. After learning from several Buddhist masters from different wisdom traditions, she introduced mindfulness practice to the students and teachers in an international school to nurture a healthier and more compassionate culture within the community. This book includes Wong's years of research findings on the benefits of mindfulness on child development, such as better focus, higher emotional intelligence, psychological resilience, and more. It also includes many short mindfulness practices and heuristics for teachers and parents to promote their emotional well-being and that of others in their daily lives.
1 online resource (287 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :