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Dictionary of archaeological terms : English-German / German-English = Archäologisches fachwörterbuch : Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch /
This concise dictionary is intended to be helpful in the reading of archaeological books and publications, and in the writing of papers and articles in both English and German. The aim of this work is to help, in particular, students and on-site archaeologists to find quickly a word relating to a specific period, a specific area or a research field, in a book easy to carry everywhere; but this dictionary is also intended for those with a general interest in archaeology wishing to broaden their vocabulary.
Also issued in print: 2012. :
1 online resource (138 pages) :
Specialized. :
9781789691641 (PDF ebook) :
Athribis I : General site survey 2003-2007, archaeological & conservation studies. The Gate of Ptolemy IX : architecture and inscriptions /
: 2 v. (xli, 289 p.; [23] folded leaves of plates) : ill. (some col.), maps (some col.), plans (some col.) ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [xxvii]-xli) and indexes. : 9782724705294
North Pontic Archaeology : Recent Discoveries and Studies /
This volume deals with the classical archaeology of the northern Black Sea littoral, discussing excavations and studies conducted by Russian, Ukrainian, German, Czech and British archaeologists and classicists over the last 10-12 years. It presents the results of excavations of such sites as Berezan, Nikonion, the chora of Olbia, the chora of Chersonesus, rural settlements of the European Bosporus, sites on the Taman Peninsula, etc. Several articles discuss the Scythians and other local peoples, as well as particular objects. This 6th volume of Colloquia Pontica publishes much previously unknown material, and gives a clear picture of the achievements of scholarship in the study of the North Pontic Region. Included are book reviews and an eloborate listing of new publications. The book is very richly illustrated.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Die sogenannte Hundestele des Königs Wah-Anch Intef aus el-Târif : eine Forschungsgeschichte /
Anhand einer vor rund 160 Jahren in el-Târif bei Luxor/Oberägypten gefundenen Reliefplatte aus Kalkstein zeichnet dieser Band ein Stück ägyptologisch-archäologischer Forschungsgeschichte nach. Im Zentrum der Betrachtung steht die aufgrund ihrer Darstellungen "Hundestele" genannte Grabstele des Königs Wah-Anch Intef (um 2050 v.Chr.). Das Hauptinteresse liegt dabei jedoch weniger auf ihren ikonografischen Besonderheiten oder dem historisch bedeutsamen Text. Es gilt vielmehr den unklaren Umständen der Auffindung und Bergung und dem darauffolgenden Verbleib der Stele sowie ihrem unmittelbaren archäologischen und damit ehemaligen baulichen Kontext. In akribischer Aufarbeitung der zum Teil widersprüchlichen und irrtümlichen Angaben, von Fundort und -datum bis hin zu den Abmessungen, wird die moderne Geschichte dieser königlichen Stele rekonstruiert. Dadurch wird ein der Ägyptologie lange bekanntes und viel diskutiertes Forschungsobjekt nachträglich mit neuen archäologischen Informationen versehen.
84 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 75-81). :
Frontiers of the Roman Empire = Grenzen des Römischen Reiches : the Antonine Wall = Der Antoninus Wall : a World Heritage Site /
The Antonine Wall lay at the very extremity of the Roman world. This volume, presented in English and German, presents a concise introduction to the wall which is, in many ways, one of the most developed frontier in Europe. Perhaps of greatest significance is the survival of the collection of Roman military sculpture, the Distance Slabs.
This edition also issued in print: 2022.
Previous edition: 2009. :
1 online resource (76 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789699968 (PDF ebook) :
Taymāʼ I : archaeological exploration, palaeoenvironment, cultural contacts /
This is the first of a series of books reporting on a Saudi-German archaeological project at at Taymāʼ: the current archaeological exploration of the oasis is contextualised with previous and ongoing research within the region, while offering a first overview of the settlement history of the site, possibly starting more than 6000 years ago.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (xii, 268 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781789690446 (ebook) :
Taymāʼ I : archaeological exploration, palaeoenvironment, cultural contacts /
This is the first of a series of books reporting on a Saudi-German archaeological project at at Taymāʼ: the current archaeological exploration of the oasis is contextualised with previous and ongoing research within the region, while offering a first overview of the settlement history of the site, possibly starting more than 6000 years ago.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (xii, 268 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781789690446 (ebook) :
Wadi Shaw - Wadi Sahal : Studien zur holozänen Besiedlung der Laqiya-Region (Nordsudan) /
Corrected version of the author's thesis (doctoral) -- Universität Köln, 2002. :
613 pages : numerous illustrations (some color) ,maps, table ; 29cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9783927688308 :
0947-2673 ; :
Rettung des Kulturerbes, Projekte rund ums Mittelmeer = Saving cultural heritage, projects around the Mediterranean = Sauvetage du patrimoine, projets autour de la Mediterranee : H...
296 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color maps, color plans ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Pelusium : prospection archéologique et topographique de la région de Tell el-Kanaʼis : 1993 et 1994 /
: At head of title : Campagne internationale pour l'étude et le sauvegarde des sites archéologiques du nord-sinaï, Institut suisse de recherches architecturales et archéologiques de l'ancienne Égypte en collaboration avec le Conseil suprême des antiquités de l'Égypte." : 222 pages, [18] pages of plates : illustrations ; 30 cm. : Bibliography : pages 219-222. : 351506804X