theological architecture » theotopy architecture (Expand Search)
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Christianity and monasticism in Alexandria and the Egyptian deserts /
The great city of Alexandria is undoubtedly the cradle of Egyptian Christianity, where the Catechetical School was established in the second century and became a leading center in the study of biblical exegesis and theology. According to tradition, St. Mark the Evangelist brought Christianity to Alexandria in the middle of the first century and was martyred in that city, which was to become the residence of Egypt's Coptic patriarchs for nearly eleven centuries. By the fourth century Egyptian monasticism had began to flourish in the Egyptian deserts and countryside. The contributors to this volume, international specialists in Coptology from around the world, examine the various aspects of Coptic civilization in Alexandria and its environs, and in the Egyptian deserts, over the past two millennia. The contributions explore Coptic art, archaeology, architecture, language, and literature. The impact of Alexandrian theology and its cultural heritage as well as the archaeology of its 'university' are highlighted. Christian epigraphy in the Kharga Oasis, the art and architecture of the Bagawat cemetery, and the archaeological site of Kellis (Ismant al-Kharab) with its Manichaean texts are also discussed.
"A Saint Mark Foundatoin book".
Papers presented at the eighth international symposium of the St. Mark Foundation for Coptic History Studies and the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society, held at the Logos Center in Wadi al-Natrun, February 12-15, 2017.
"[T]his last volume of the series Christianity and Monasticism in Egypt ..." --Foreword. :
xxvi, 390 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-390). :
The performative structure : ritualizing the pyramid of Pepy I /
In The Performative Structure: Ritualizing the Pyramid of Pepy I , Nils Billing investigates the ancient Egyptian pyramid complex as a performative structure, ritualized through the operative faculty inherent in monumental architecture, text, and image. The main body of research is given over to an analysis of the Pyramid Texts found in the pyramid of king Pepy I of the Sixth Dynasty (ca 2300 BCE). It is demonstrated that the texts were distributed on distinct space-bound thematic and ritual levels in order to perpetuate a cultic activity from which the lord of the tomb could be transformed by moving through the different chambers and corridors towards the exit. Just as the decoration program of the mortuary temple once delineated the ritual and ideological structure of the royal mortuary cult, the corpus of texts distributed in the pyramid provided a monumentalized performative structure that effectuated the perennial rebirth for its owner.
"This is a lightly revised version of a doctoral thesis in the History of Religions, defended in the spring term of 2013 at the Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University." :
1 online resource. :
9789004372375 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Heaven on earth : temples, ritual and cosmic symbolism in the ancient world : papers from the Oriental Institute Seminar Heaven on Earth, held at the Oriental Institute of the Univ...
: viii, 463 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781885923967 : 1559-2944 ; : Hadeer
Mammisis of Egypt : Proceedings of the First International Colloquium, held in Cairo, IFAO, 27-28 March 2019 /
Birth Houses (Mammisis) are important components of late Egyptian temple complexes but have not been investigated in detail since the fundamental study of François Daumas published in 1958. In the meantime, new archaeological findings as well as re-evaluations of theology and piety in Greco-Roman Egypt have considerably expanded our traditional understanding of these extraordinary buildings. Therefore, reassessment of phenomena and expanded research approaches need to be undertaken.This book presents the printed versions of the lectures given by international Egyptologists at the IFAO in Cairo on March 27-28, 2019, as part of the 1st Colloquium on "Mammisis of Egypt". In the publication, criteria and reconsiderations are put up for discussion that can be decisive for the identification and definition of Mammisis. The spectrum of topics ranges from theological basics (including the significant birth cycle) and typical features, through historical development and cultic events, to the architecture of these temple buildings. Special motifs, theoretical and iconographic concepts and finally the persistence of certain rites in modern Egypt are also covered. One chapter introduces current scientific projects and their methods that are dedicated to selected mammisis or chapels (Coptos, Deir el-Medina, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Philae, Bahariya, Kellis, Jebel Barkal).Numerous illustrations complement the contributions. They contain new material from excavations that is being published for the first time.
Les maisons de naissance (mammisis) sont des éléments importants des temples égyptiens de l'époque tardive, mais elles n'ont pas fait l'objet d'études détaillées depuis celle fondamentale de François Daumas, publiée en 1958. Depuis lors, des découvertes archéologiques et de nouvelles approches de la théologie et de la piété de l'Égypte gréco-romaine ont considérablement amélioré notre compréhension de ces bâtiments exceptionnels. Il est donc nécessaire de faire le point sur le sujet en élargissant les techniques d'approche.Ce livre rassemble les textes des communications présentées par des spécialistes internationaux dans le cadre du 1er colloque sur les mammisis d'Égypte, qui s'est tenu à l'Ifao les 27 et 28 mars 2019. Dans le cadre de cette publication, le réexamen des données disponibles est mis en discussion, avec l'établissement de critères permettant l'identification et la définition des mammisis. L'éventail des sujets abordés est large : il couvre les bases théologiques (y compris l'important cycle des naissances) et les traits caractéristiques de ces bâtiments sacrés, envisagés à travers leur évolution historique et les événements cultuels qui les ont marqués, jusqu'à leur architecture. Sont également envisagés des représentations spécifiques et des concepts théoriques et iconographiques, ainsi que la persistance de certains rites dans l'Égypte moderne. Un chapitre présente les projets scientifiques actuels et les méthodes appliquées à certains mammisis ou chapelles (Coptos, Deir el-Médina, Edfou, Kôm Ombo, Philae, Bahariya, Kellis, Gebel Barkal).De nombreuses illustrations complètent les textes des contributions, qui révèlent les nouvelles données issues des fouilles, publiées ici pour la première fois.
Sommaire disponible à l'adresse.
Texte en anglais. Résumés des contributions en anglais. Résumés en français et en anglais en 4e de couverture. :
XIII-424 pages : illustrations, maps, charts, plans ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 330-331). :
2724709675 :
0259-3823 ;