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God's war : a new history of the Crusades /

: xvi, 1023 pages, [16] pages of plates : color illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 923-990) and index. : 0713992204 : .alaa-sweed

منشور في 1999
Gods and heroes of the European Bronze Age /

: "25th Council of Europe Art Exhibition"--Pages iv.
"Catalogue" : pages [207]-279.
OCLC 40609819
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Gods and heroes of the Bronze Age. Europe at the time of Ulysses", etc., held from Dec. 19, 1998-April 5, 1999, at the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen; from May 13 to Aug. 22, 1999, at the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands, Bonn; from Sept. 28, 1999, to Jan. 9, 2000 at the Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris; and from Feb. 11 to May 7, 2000 at the National Archaeological Museum, Athens. : xi, 304 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 280-296). : 0500019150

منشور في 1992
The city of the moon god : religious traditions of Harran /

: viii, 232 pages ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [218]-224) and index. : 9004095136 : 0927-7633 ; : wafaa.lib

منشور في 2008
Inscribing devotion and death : archaeological evidence for Jewish populations of North Africa /

: Reliance on essentialist or syncretistic models of cultural dynamics has limited past evaluations of ancient Jewish populations. This reexamination of evidence for Jews of North Africa offers an alternative approach. Drawing from methods developed in cultural studies and historical linguistics, this book replaces traditional categories used to examine evidence for early Jewish populations and demonstrates how direct comparison of Jewish material evidence with that of its neighbors allows for a reassessment of what the category of "Jewish" might have meant in different North African locations and periods and, by extension, elsewhere in the Mediterranean. The result is a transformed analysis of Jewish cultural identity that both emphasizes its indebtedness to larger regional contexts and allows for a more informed and complex understanding of Jewish cultural distinctiveness.
: 1 online resource (xviii, 342 pages) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-334) and index. : 9789047423843 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2007
La romanisation des dieux : l'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-Empire /

: Heirs to the Punic and Berber traditions, the North Africans, once conquered by the Romans and willing to show respect for their new masters' gods, did not want to forsake their beloved ancestral deities and solved this dilemma by giving Roman names to their traditional gods, who nevertheless kept most of their former natures. This phenomenon, known as interpretatio romana, resulted in an interpenetration of both religious universes, each being enriched in the process. Roman African gods thus conceal dual personalities within themselves, which this book tries to investigate through all available sources (epigraphy, literature, numismatic and archaeology), unveiling many unsuspected aspects of great deities like Saturn/Baal Hammon, Astarte/Venus or Mercury/Baal Addir. If those gods of Roman Africa have inspired many individual studies, there was still a need for a book examining them all together within their interrelations. Here is then at last a real global study of the Roman-African pantheon. *** Héritiers des traditions puniques et berbères, les Nord-africains, à l'arrivée du conquérant romain, voulurent conserver leurs divinités ancestrales tout en respectant les dieux de leur nouveau maître. Ils affublèrent donc de noms romains leurs dieux traditionnels tout en leur conservant l'essentiel de leur personnalité d'origine. Ce phénomène, connu sous le terme d' , résulta en une interpénétration des deux univers religieux, qui s'enrichirent ainsi mutuellement. Les dieux de l'Afrique romaine cachent donc des personnalités multiples que cet ouvrage tente de dévoiler en mettant à profit toutes les sources disponibles : épigraphie, littérature, numismatique et archéologie. Ces grandes divinités, telles que Saturne/Baal Hammon, Vénus/Astarté ou Mercure/Baal Addir livrent ainsi tour à tour des aspects insoupçonnés de leurs personnalités. Si les dieux d'Afrique romaine ont suscité diverses études individuelles, il manquait encore un ouvrage qui les examinerait tous ensemble et dans leurs rapports entre eux. Voici donc enfin une véritable étude globale du panthéon romano-africain.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 750 pages) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 671-693) and indexes. : 9789047410331 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2012
Gottes Herrlichkeit : Bedeutung und Verwendung des Begriffs kābôd im Alten Testament /

: Die Untersuchung des Begriffs kābôd JHWH im Alten Testament weist drei Profile einer biblischen kābôd-Theologie auf. Während die altorientalischen Quellen die Wurzel kbd / kbt jeweils mit der Bedeutung 'Schwere' oder 'ehren' verwenden, entwickelten es die biblischen Autoren in einem längerem Traditionsprozess zu einem Aspekt göttlicher Gegenwart fort. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Priesterschrift, das Buch Jesaja und das Buch Ezechiel unterschiedliche Motive aus unterschiedlichen Quellen, biblischen und nicht-biblischen aufnahmen und auf diese Weise drei literarische Profile des göttlichen kābôd. Die Untersuchung späterer Pentateuch- und Jesajatexte weist auf Wechselwirkungen hin, während die Vorstellungen des Ezechielbuches nicht weiter aufgenommen wurden. The investigation focusses on the meaning and function of the term kābôd JHWH in the Hebrew Bible and presents three profiles of kābôd-Theology. While Ancient Near Eastern sources contain the root kbd / kbt always with the meaning 'heaviness' or 'to hounour', in biblical texts the authors developed the term towards an aspect representing his presence. The study shows that the Priestly sources of the Pentateuch, the Book of Isaiah and the Book of Ezekiel contain different images deriving from various sources - bilibcal and non-biblical - forming three literary profiles of the divine kābôd. The investigation of later Pentateuchal and Isaian texts shows that these texts interact while the profile of the Ezekialian tradition was not incorprated anymore.
: 1 online resource (xvi, 493 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. [455]-471) and indexes. : 9789004225237 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2021
Mediterranean Captivity through Arab Eyes, 1517-1798 /

: The post-Lepanto Mediterranean was the scene of "small wars," to use Fernand Braudel's phrase, which resulted in acts of piracy and captivity. Thousands upon thousands of Europeans, Arabs, and Turks were seized into bagnios stretching from Cadiz to Valletta and from Salé to Tripoli. After returning to their homelands, dozens from England and France, Germany and Spain, Malta and Italy wrote about their captivities. Their accounts were printed, distributed, translated, and plagiarized, making captivity a key subject in Europe's Mediterranean history. While Europeans wrote extensively about their ordeals, the Arabs wrote little because their religious culture militated against such writings, which would be construed as expressing disaffection with the will of God. Nor were there detailed records and registers of captives - their names, places of origin, and ransom prices - similar to what was kept in the European archives. Contrary, however, to what some historians have claimed, there was a distinct Arabic narrative of captivity that survives in anecdotes, recollections, reports, miracles, letters, fatawa, exempla and short biographies in both verse and prose. Cumulatively, these sources constitute the Arabic qiṣṣas al-asrā, or stories of the captives, in the native language and idiom of the men and women of the early modern Mediterranean.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004440258

منشور في 2018
Essays in contextual theology /

: Essays in Contextual Theology is a collection of essays that reflect on the doing of contextual theology from several perspectives. After a general introductory essay, subsequent essays reflect on topics such as contextual theology and prophetic dialogue, criteria for orthodoxy, the nature of tradition, the role of culture, the dynamics of conversion, and the way theology is being done in World Christianity. The collection closes with an autobiographical essay tracing the author's journey to becoming a "global theologian."
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004363083 : 2452-2953 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2011
Severus Pius Augustus : Studien zur sakralen Reprasentation und Rezeption der Herrschaft des Septimius Severus und seiner Familie (193-211 n. chr.) /

: The Roman Emperor Septimius Severus (193-211 A.D.) originated from the North-African town of Lepcis Magna. His reign is seen as a time in which profound changes within Roman society became evident resulting in many provincials achieving important positions in the Roman state. The book examines this development from the perspective of a possible use of the non-Italian home and deities of the Emperor within Imperial iconographics. Important evidence for that are the native deities propagated by the Emperor. The book further discusses the relationship of Severus towards Roman gods and a possible sacralisation of the Emperor which might suggest changing attitudes towards the Emperor. The latter however has to be critically assessed and asked who was responsible for certain images. Was it the Imperial house or were it other groups? Der römische Kaiser Septimius Severus (193-211 n. Chr.) stammte aus dem nordafrikanischen Lepcis Magna. Seine Regierung wird als eine Zeit des Umbruchs charakterisiert, geprägt von einer Veränderung der römischen Gesellschaft, in die nun immer mehr Provinzialen in führende Positionen kamen und eine Verschiebung des Zentrums weg von Rom erfolgte. In dem Buch wird dieser Entwicklung aus der Perspektive der möglichen Instrumentalisierung einer nicht-italischen Heimat des Kaisers in der kaiserlichen Repräsentation nachgegangen. Wichtigstes Zeugnis dafür sind heimatliche Götter, die vom Kaiserhaus propagiert wurden. Außerdem betrachtet das Buch die religionspolitischen Schwerpunktsetzungen des Kaisers und die auf seine Person bezogenen Sakralisierungstendenzen, die auf eine möglicherweise veränderte Auffassung des Kaisertums zurückschließen lassen, wobei insbesondere zu fragen ist, ob dies auf das Kaiserhaus oder andere Gruppen zurückzuführen ist.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004211964 : 1572-0500 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2021
The Religious and Cultural Landscape of Ottoman Manastır /

: In this ground-breaking work on the Ottoman town of Manastir (Bitola), Robert Mihajlovski, provides a detailed account of the development of Islamic, Christian and Sephardic religious architecture and culture as it manifested in the town and precincts. Originally a town on the edge of the Via Egnatia, this small provincial town gradually developed into a significant administrative, military, religious, cultural and intellectual centre for the Balkans; a vibrant place, nurturing progressive multi-cultural and multi-confessional values with considerable influence on the formation of modern Balkan identities. The present work is the culmination of thirty years of research using primary source material from archives and chronicles and the monuments themselves for the purpose of both preserving and extending the boundaries of current knowledge. It offers a comprehensive biography of a great cultural knot in the Balkans and offers a rich source for further use by scholars, students and non-technical readership alike.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004465268

منشور في 2021
Tyconius' Book of Rules : An Ancient Invitation to Ecclesial Hermeneutics /

: "In Tyconius' Book of Rules Matthew R. Lynskey explores the church-centric interpretation of ancient biblical exegete Tyconius in his hermeneutical treatise Liber regularum. Influential within his Donatist tradition and the broader context of early North African Christianity, Tyconius wrote one of the earliest works on exegetical theory and praxis in Latin Christianity. By investigating five key concepts undergirding Tyconius's theology of church, Lynskey demonstrates how Tyconius' ecclesiology shaped his hermeneutical enterprise. Through careful readings and close analysis of Liber regularum, this study seeks to describe Tyconius' exegesis on its own terms, reflecting on notable historical, theological, formational, and missiological implications of his ecclesial exegesis as it concerns the ancient and contemporary church"--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004456532

منشور في 1975
Weg in die Zukunft : Festschrift für Prof.Dr. Anton Antweiler zu seinem 75. Geburtstag /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004378506 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2015
Yearbook of Chinese theology 2015 /

: The Yearbook of Chinese Theology is an international, ecumenical and fully peer-reviewed series on Chinese theology in English. Its main focus is on interdisciplinary, contextual, and cross-cultural studies in the areas of Biblical Studies, Church History, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, and Comparative Religions. The Yearbook also features articles exploring wider issues in church and society. The Yearbook of Chinese Theology thus meets the growing demand for the study of the new academic discipline of Christianity in a Chinese context. In this first volume, harmony and Sinicization of Christianity in China are studied from a systematic theological viewpoint. Confucian Ruism and the Human-God relationship are investigated from a practical theological perspective. Articles on the rebellious Taiping tianguo movement and on a Fujian Catholic community shed light on the history of Christianity in China, and two articles draw attention to the Bible in relation to literature and general public. Furthermore, a review of the Protestant Church is offered from the viewpoint of Civil Society construction, and Chinese contemporary ideology and historical Nestorianism are researched using methodology derived from the field of Comparative Religions. This volume offers genuine Chinese theological research, which was previously unavailable in English, by top scholars in the study of Christianity in China.
: 1 online resource (xi, 251 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004293649 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2001
Christian Hope in Context II /

: The International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI) was founded in 1995. Its purpose is to create a platform where Reformed theologians from all over the world can meet each other, become acquainted with each other's work, discuss theological issues and stimulate each other in scholarly theological research. The members of IRTI present their work in the series Studies in Reformed Theology . Thus, the volumes of this series offer a perspective on the theological insights and spirituality of Reformed theologians all over the world. The fourth and fifth volume of the series Studies in Reformed Theology contain the contributions to the third international conference of the IRTI. Leading theme of the conference was 'Christian Hope in Context.' This fifth volume contains contributions form the different African and Asian perspectives. Other articles reflect the ecological crisis, feminist theology and Ecumenism. At the end of this volume the devotional contributions to the conference may be found. All articles and contributions in one way or another reflect the context of the author.
: 1 online resource : 9789004389120

منشور في 2014
Trajectories of religion in Africa : essays in honour of John S. Pobee /

: The book, in the main, discusses issues relating to mission, ecumenism, and theological education and is presented in four sections. The first segment discusses works on ecumenical and theological education and assesses the relevance of the World Council of Churches. Other issues discussed in this segment relate to the interrelationships that exist between academic theology, ecumenism, and Christianity. The World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910, which set the agenda for world-wide mission in a promising manner in the 1920s, is also assessed in this section of the work. The second segment, which covers Religion and Public Space, discusses works that examine the relationships between religion and power, religion and development, religion and traditional religious beliefs, and religion and practices in Africa. The third segment of the book treats Religion and Cultural Practices in African and how all these work out in couching out an African theology and African Christianity. Some of the issues discussed in this section related to African traditional philosophy, spiritism, and the interrelationships that exist between African Christianity and African Traditional Religion. The last segment of the book discusses the issue of African biblical hermeneutics and specifically looks at contemporary hermeneutical approaches to biblical interpretations in Africa.
: 1 online resource (414 pages) : 9789401210577 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Ancient Egypt transformed : the Middle Kingdom /

: The Middle Kingdom (ca. 2030-1700 B.C.), the second great era of ancient Egyptian culture, was a transformational period during which the artistic conventions, cultural principles, religious beliefs, and political systems formed during earlier dynasties were developed and reimagined. This comprehensive volume presents a detailed picture of the art and culture of the Middle Kingdom, arguably the least known of Egypt's three kingdoms yet a time of remarkable prosperity and unprecedented change. International specialists present new insights into how Middle Kingdom artists refined existing forms and iconography to make strikingly original architecture, statuary, tomb and temple relief decoration, and stele. Thematic sections explore art produced for different strata of Egyptian society, including the pharaoh, royal women, the elite, and the family, while other chapters provide insight into Egypt's expanding relations with foreign lands and the themes of Middle Kingdom literature. More than 250 objects from major collections around the world are sumptuously illustrated, many with new photography undertaken specifically for this catalogue.
: Catalog of an exhibition held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 12, 2015-January 24, 2016. : xix, 379 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 31 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 337-367) and index. : 1588395642

منشور في 2008
The poetry of Statius /

: The Roman poet P. Papinius Statius (ca. 45-96) is the author of two epics (the Thebaid and the unfinished Achilleid ) and a large corpus of occasional verse ( Silvae ). This poetry, long seen as derivative or decadent, is increasingly appreciated for the daring and originality of its responses both to the Greek and Latin literary tradition and to the contemporary Roman world. This volume offers the papers delivered at a symposium on Statius (Amsterdam 2005) by leading scholars in the field from Europe and North America. These papers demonstrate the fascination of Statius' poetry on account of the poet's vast knowledge of Greek and Latin tragedy, his rapid narrative, psychological acumen, brilliant eulogies, and pessimistic views on gods and men. The focus of the collection is on literary technique in the Thebaid , on socio-historical aspects of the Silvae , and on the reception of Statius in European literature and scholarship.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-250) and indexes. : 9789047424659 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 1975
Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of the Int. Assoc. for the History of Religions, Held with the Support of Unesco and under the Ausp. of the Int. Council for Philos....

: 1 online resource. : 9789004378490

منشور في 2013
Restoration through redemption : John Calvin revisited /

: Restoration through Redemption offers examples of three ways in which John Calvin's theology can be revisited: by analysis, assessment, and reception. This volume contains analyses of Calvin's position on the trinity and on politics, as well as assessments of his theology for evolutionary biology and comparative ecclesiology. It also discusses the reception of his heritage, for instance, in North America and South Africa. The central theme in this volume is Calvin's approach to the renewal of creation that hinges on Christ the Redeemer. One of the golden threads is Calvin's emphasis upon the meditatio on the future life, the turning of the believer towards the eschatological perspective. Contributors include: J. Todd Billings, Johan Buitendag, Jaeseung Cha, Ernst M. Conradie, Roger Haight, I. John Hesselink, Rinse Reeling Brouwer, Philippe Theron, Henk van den Belt, Gijsbert van den Brink, Cornelis van der Kooi, J.H. (Amie) van Wyk, J.M. (Koos) Vorster, Nico Vorster, Robert Vosloo, and Paul Wells.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource (ix, 288 pages) : 9789004244672 : 1571-4799 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2010
Traversing the heart : journeys of the inter-religious imagination /

: The key wager of Traversing the Heart - Journeys of the Inter-religious Imagination is that a spiritual imaginary operating at the level of metaphor, narrative, symbol and epiphany can traverse the borders of dogma and ideology and open genuine conversations between wisdom traditions. Like every hermeneutics of the heart, this journey begins to unfold in a concrete space and time: the interreligious conference at Bangalore in June 2007. While this collection does not claim to cover the religious traditions of all continents, its concluding essay on transculturation in Andean-Christian art highlights the importance of the North-South dialogue as a necessary supplement to the East-West one largely addressed in the book. As a call to future journeys and dialogue, this volume aims to communicate the one seminal lesson learned during the India conference: that in our third millennium, religions will be inter-religious or they will not be at peace.
: Chiefly proceedings of a conference held in June 2007 in Bangalore, India. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004194274 : 1877-3192 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.