Showing 1 - 20 results of 608 for search '(((hordert OR (born OR have)) OR horn) OR hornt) god~', query time: 4.67s Refine Results
When the gods were born : Greek cosmogonies and the Near East /

: xii, 302 pages ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 255-284) and indexes. : 9780674049468 : wafaa.lib

Published 2018
Beyond Schools: Muḥammad born Ibrāhīm al-Wazīrʼs (d. 840/1436) Epistemology of Ambiguity.

: In Beyond Schools: Muḥammad born Ibrāhīm al-Wazīrʼs (d. 840/1436) Epistemology of Ambiguity , Damaris Wilmers provides the first extensive analysis of Ibn al-Wazīrʼs thought and its role in the "Sunnisation of the Zaydiyya", emphasizing its significance for conflicts between schools of thought and law beyond the Yemeni context. Contrasting Ibn al-Wazīrʼs works with those of his Zaydi contemporary Aḥmad born Yaḥyā born al-Murtaḍā, Damaris Wilmers offers a study of a number of heretofore unedited texts from 9th/15th century Yemen when Zaydi identity was challenged by an increasing theological and legal diversity. She shows how Ibn al-Wazīr, who has been classed with different schools, actually de-emphasized school affiliation and developed an integrative approach based on a unique theory of knowledge.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004381117

Published 2009
Liber amicorum Jürgen Horn zum Dank /

: "Herausgegeben von Mitarbeitern des Seminars für Ägyptologie und Koptologie der Universität Göttingen. Fur dieses Heft presserechtlich verantwortlich : Heike Sternberg-El Hotabi." -- Title page verso. : xii, 139 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : Hadeer

Published 2002
The human beings are awoken, you have set them upright : body structure and conception of man in ancient Egyptian art and the present day /

: 344 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. : 9783932803048

Published 1986
Studien zu den Märtyrern des nördlichen Oberägypten /

: volumes <1-2> ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 344702576X (volume 1 : Deut. Bibl.)
3447030879 (v. 2) : 0340-6342 ;

Published 2007
Wrestling with God and with evil : philosophical reflections /

: The fact of evil continues to raises questions - questions about the relationship between God and evil but also questions about human involvement in it. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is now time to see the existence of evil not just as a problem for belief in God; it is a problem for belief in humanity itself as well. For human involvement in evil is not simply a matter of coping with evil but also concerns the fact that humans themselves often seem to do wrong and evil inevitably. Human finitude, ignorance and the unforeseeable consequences of good intentions as well as of neglect can often lead to tragedy. This volume contains contributions from an equal number of male and female scholars in Western Europe and America. It contains discussions of thinkers like Kant, Kierkegaard, Barth, Weil, Levinas, Naber, Caputo and Johnson. It deals with issues like tragedy, finitude, critiques of Western culture, violence and God, and the question of whether theodicies are needed or are even honest. This volume offers an interesting survey of 'wrestling with God and evil' from a variety of perspectives in the philosophy of religion on both sides of the Atlantic.
: International conference proceedings.
This volume is part of the project on The problem of evil in religious traditions: origins, forms and coping, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Vrije Universiteit and the exhibition "Religion & Evil" in the Tropenmuseum. : 1 online resource (240 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789401204019 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
The silent god /

: The silence of God is a recurring theme in modern reflection. It is not only addressed in theology, religious studies and philosophy, but also in literary fiction, film and theatre. The authors show that the concept of a silent deity emerged in the ancient Near East (including Greece). What did the Ancients mean when they assumed that under circumstances their deities remained silent? What reasons are discernable for silence between human beings and their gods? For the first time the close interrelation between the divine and the human in the revelatory process is demonstrated here on the basis of a wealth of translated ancient texts. In an intriguing epilogue, the authors explore the theological consequences of what they have found.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004206564 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2009
Children in late ancient Christianity /

: xxvi, 497 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783161502354 : wafaa.lib

Published 2011
Current research in Egyptology 2010 : proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium /

: x, 205 pages : illustration ; 25 cm. : 9781842174296
1842174290 :

Published 2008
The Unheard Voice of God : A Pentecostal Hearing of the Book of Judges /

: With the wealth of colorful characters described in the book of Judges, scholars and general readers alike have a strong fascination for Israel's leaders in its earliest days. Theologians and biblical scholars from Luther on have found it difficult to relate to these figures. From a Pentecostal point of view, in particular, those characters can sometimes be an embarrassment, as their personal lives appear to be in stark tension with the purity-conscious, holy life to be expected of those touched by the Spirit of God. Apart from the moments of power, where is God in the lives of these characters? As the title suggests, it is time to listen and learn from God's role and perspective in these stories, who in faithfulness to his covenant acts with constant patience to save his flawed servants. Through a fresh hearing of The Unheard Voice of God,/i> the positive message of the book of Judges can become more apparent and accessible. Readers are shown a crucial part of the book's dynamics which they may have missed.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004397095

Published 2019
The Question of God's Perfection : Jewish and Christian Essays on the God of the Bible and Talmud /

: Philosophers have often described theism as the belief in the existence of a "perfect being"-a being that is said to possess all possible perfections, so that it is all-powerful, all-knowing, immutable, perfectly good, perfectly simple, and necessarily existent, among other qualities. But such a theology is difficult to reconcile with the God we find in the Bible and Talmud. The Question of God's Perfection brings together leading scholars from the Jewish and Christian traditions to critically examine the theology of perfect being in light of the Hebrew Bible and classical rabbinic sources. Contributors are James A. Diamond, Lenn E. Goodman, Edward C. Halper, Yoram Hazony, Dru Johnson, Brian Leftow, Berel Dov Lerner, Alan L. Mittleman, Heather C. Ohaneson, Randy Ramal, Eleonore Stump, Alex Sztuden, and Joshua I. Weinstein.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004387980 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
God, beyond me : from the I's absolute ground in Hölderlin and Schelling to a contemporary model of a personal God /

: German idealism has attempted to think an absolute ground to self-conscious I-hood. As a result it has been theologically disqualified as pantheistic or even atheistic since many maintain that such a ground cannot be reconciled with a personal God. In the early writings of Friedrich Schelling (1775-1854), it is clear that he and his contemporaries were aware of this difficulty. His Tübinger fellow student, Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843), was convinced of the ultimate inadequacy of any philosophical system to grasp the unitary ground of all that is and turned to poetry. The metaphysical insights expressed in his poetry have been largely neglected in both philosophical and theological scholarship. Drawing on the 20th century metaphysics of Dieter Henrich and Karl Rahner, this book elaborates on Hölderlin's poetry. This results in a novel concept of God as both unitary and personal ground of I-hood.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004182172 : 1878-9986 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Foundations of an African civilisation : Aksum & the northern Horn, 1000 BC- AD 1300 /

: x, 293 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 249-282) and index. : 1847010415 (hbk.)

Published 2007
Pure gold from the words of Sayyidī ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Dabbāgh =al-Dhabab al-Ibrīz min kalām Sayyidī ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Dabbāgh /

: Around 1720 in Fez Aḥmad born al-Mubārak al-Lamaṭī, a religious scholar, wrote down the words and teachings of the Sufi master ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Dabbāgh. Al-Dabbāgh shunned religious studies but, having reached illumination and met with the Prophet Muḥammad, he was able to explain any obscurities in the Qurʾān, ḥadīth s and sayings of earlier Sufis. The resulting book, known as the Ibrīz , describes how al-Dabbāgh attained illumination and access to the Prophet, as well as his teachings about the Council of the godly that regulates the world, relations between master and disciple, the darkness in men's bodies, Adam's creation, Barzakh, Paradise and Hell, and much more besides. This 'encyclopaedia' of Sufism with its many teaching stories and illustrations provides a window onto social life and religious ideas in Fez a generation or so before powerful outside forces began to play a role in the radical transformation of Morocco.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [933]-944) and indexes. : 9789047432487 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
God and grace in Philo and Paul /

: In God and Grace in Philo and Paul , Orrey McFarland examines how Philo of Alexandria and the Apostle Paul understood divine grace. While scholars have occasionally observed that Philo and Paul both speak about God's generosity, such work has often placed the two theologians in either strong continuity or stark discontinuity without probing into the theological logic that animates the particularities of their thought. By contrast, McFarland sets Philo and Paul in conversation and argues that both could speak of divine gifts emphatically and in formally similar ways while making materially different theological judgments in the context of their concrete historical settings and larger theological frameworks. That is, McFarland demonstrates how their theologies of grace are neither identical nor antithetical.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004308589 : 0167-9732 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Offerings to the gods in Egyptian temples /

: Kings and gods adorn the walls of Egyptian temples in face -to-face meetings, and for two millennia these depictions have united the king and the divine. The king, the son of the god, presents his ancestors an offering or performs a ritual. Over two hundred offerings are divided into broad categories : purification, beverages, foods, produce from the fields, fabrics, ointments and adornments ; rituals for goddesses and gods; symbolic, cosmic, funerary and defensive rituals ; and royal cult rituals. All are explained, from their simple action (e.g. offering beer as a daily drink) to their symbolic meaning (beer is also a sacred drink that induces ecstasy of a divine nature which annihilates the destructive force of the daughter of Ra). A drawing and photographs illustrate each offering. The title of the offering is given in hieroglyphs to enable everyone to locate the words on the temple walls. Translations of the most significant texts accompany each of the offerings.
: Originally published : 2011. : xiii, 282 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (page 18). : 9789042926189 :

Published 2013
Hindu gods in West Africa : Ghanaian devotees of Shiva and Krishna.

: In Hindu Gods in West Africa , Wuaku offers an account of the histories, beliefs and practices of the Hindu Monastery of Africa and the Radha Govinda Temple, two Hindu Temples in Ghana. Using historical material and data from his field work in southern Ghana, Wuaku shows how these two Hindu Temples build their traditions on popular Ghanaian religious notions about the powerful magicality of India's Hindu gods. He explores how Ghanaian soldiers who served in the colonial armies in India, Sri Lanka, and Burma during World War II, Bollywood films, and local magicians, have contributed to the production and the spreading of these cultural ideas. He argues that while Ghanaian worshippers appropriated and deployed the alien Hindu religious world through their own cultural ideas,as they engage Hindu beliefs and rituals in negotiating challenges their own worldviews would change considerably.
: 1 online resource (346 pages) : 9789004255715 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
The emergence of early Sufi piety and Sunni scholasticism : ʻAbdallah born al-Mubarak and the formation of Sunni identity in the second Islamic century /

: In the figure of ʿAbdallāh born al-Mubārak (118-181/736-797), we find a paragon of the fields of ḥadīth , zuhd , and jihād , as attested to by the large number of references to him in the classical Islamic texts. His superior rank as a ḥadīth transmitter earned him the title "commander of the faithful" in ḥadīth. He contributed to Islamic law at its early phases of development, practiced jihād, composed poetry, and participated in various theological discussions. In addition, Ibn al-Mubārak was a pioneer in writing on piety and was later regarded by many mystics as one of the earliest figures of Sufism. Ibn al-Mubārak's position during the formative period of Islamic thought illustrates the unique evolution of zuhd, ḥadīth, and jihād; these form a junction in the biography of Ibn al-Mubārak in a way that distinctively illuminates the second/eighth-century dynamics of nascent Sunnī identity. Furthermore, Ibn al-Mubārak's status as a fighter and pious figure of the Late Antique period reveals a great deal about the complex relationship between the early Muslim community and the religiously diverse setting which it inhabited. This critical and comprehensive monograph of ʿAbdallāh born al-Mubārak situates him within the larger context of the social and religious milieu of Late Antiquity. It explores the formation of Sunnī identity in the second Islamic century and demonstrates the way in which it manifested itself through networks of pious scholars who defined, preserved, and passed on what they understood to be normative Islamic practice and beliefs from one generation of Muslim intellectuals to another.
: Edited version of the author's thesis (Ph. D.--University of Chicago, 2013) under the title: 'Abd Allah born al-Mubarak between hadith, jihad, and zuhd : an expression of early Sunni identity in the formative period. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004314481 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Early Ibadī theology : six kalam texts /

: Early Ibāḍī Theology presents the critical edition of six Arabic theological texts recently discovered in two manuscripts in Mzāb in Algeria dating from the middle of the 8th century. The texts were sent by their author, the prominent Kūfan Ibāḍī kalām theologian 'Abd Allāh born Yazīd al-Fazārī to North Africa where he had a large following in the Ibāḍī community later known as the Nukkār. They constitute the earliest extant body of Muslim kalām theology and are vital for the study of the initial development of rational theology in Islam. The sophisticated treatment of the divine attributes in these texts indicates that this subject developed considerably earlier in Islamic theology than previously accepted in modern scholarship.
: 1 online resource (pages) : 9789004274594 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Persian wisdom in Arabic garb : ʻAlī born ʻUbayda al-Rayḥānī (d. 219/834) and his Jawāhir al-kilam wa-farāʼid al-ḥikam /

: This volume introduces ʿAlī born ʿUbayda al-Rayḥānī (d. 219/834), one of the central figures in the transmission of classical Greek and Persian wisdom into Arabic. It offers an edition, translation, and evaluation of his book Jawāhir al-kilam , one of the oldest collections of proverbial wisdom and moralia in Arabic, as well as other remaining pieces of his works. The first part of the book surveys the content of his more than sixty books and suggests that among his translations from Middle Persian into Arabic were the Sindbād-nāma and Bilawhar wa-Budhāsf . Moreover, he emerges as the author of the famous al-Adab al-ṣaghīr heretofore wrongly attributed to Ibn al-Muqaffa'. The second part contains the Arabic texts and translations as well as a rich documentation of their sources and their further transmission.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (v. 1, pages [339]-360) and index. : 9789047418757 : 0169-8729 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.