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Narrators, narratees, and narratives in ancient Greek literature /
This is the first in a series of volumes which together will provide an entirely new history of ancient Greek (narrative) literature. Its organization is formal rather than biographical. It traces the history of central narrative devices, such as the narrator and his narratees, time, focalization, characterization, description, speech, and plot. It offers not only analyses of the handling of such a device by individual authors, but also a larger historical perspective on the manner in which it changes over time and is put to different uses by different authors in different genres. The first volume lays the foundation for all volumes to come, discussing the definition and boundaries of narrative, and the roles of its producer, the narrator, and recipient, the narratees.
1 online resource (xvii, 583 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047405702 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New age in Latin America : popular variations and ethnic appropriations /
This book is at the crossroads where a New Age sensibility, advancing like an ecumen of worldwide spirituality without national, cultural, or ecclesiastical frontiers, meets Latin America's syncretic religions, practiced by groups of people wiht African or indigenous roots or developed from the tradition of popular Catholicism. The Syncretic character of the two sensibilities makes both the New Age and popular religion behave like two, syncretizing and syncreticizable matrices of meaning. This book opens up a rich vein of debate with new dilemmas and discussions, that will provide a framework for a new field of study in anthropology. What new ways of signifying living and experiencing religion is the New Age generating in Latin America? What are its limits?
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004316485 :
1542-1279 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond : Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong /
Emotions are at the core of much ancient literature, from Achilles' heartfelt anger in Homer's Iliad to the pangs of love of Virgil's Dido. This volume applies a narratological approach to emotions in a wide range of texts and genres. It seeks to analyze ways in which emotions such as anger, fear, pity, joy, love and sadness are portrayed. Furthermore, using recent insights from affective narratology, it studies ways in which ancient narratives evoke emotions in their readers. The volume is dedicated to Irene de Jong for her groundbreaking research into the narratology of ancient literature.
Taking its cue from Irene de Jong's groundbreaking narratological analyses of classical texts, this volume studies emotions in a wide range of ancient genres, focusing on emotions as they are described within narratives and on ways in which narratives trigger the emotions of their readers. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo : and across the Great Desert, to Morocco, performed in the years 1824-1828 /
: Translation of : Journal d'un voyage à Temboctou et à Jenné, dans l'Afrique Centrale. : 2 volumes : fronts (ports) 4 plates (1 fold) 2 fold maps , 23 cm. : bibliography : volume 2, pages [225]-501.
A Companion to Josephus in the Medieval West /
The works of Titus Flavius Josephus ben Matthias on biblical history and the Jewish war were read and studied throughout the Latin west during the Middle Ages. Each generation of Christian scholars had to contend with the Jewish writer's text, reputation, and content. This volume demonstrates the complex relationship between Josephus' legacy and his readers who sought to make use of that legacy across the period of 500 to 1300. Contributors include: Carson Bay, Susan Edgington, Anthony Ellis, Paul C. Hilliard, Karen M. Kletter, Justin Lake, Richard M. Pollard, Graeme Ward, and Julian Yolles.
1 online resource (328 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Luwian identities : culture, language and religion between Anatolia and the Aegean.
The Luwians inhabited Anatolia and Syria in late second through early first millennium BC. They are mainly known through their Indo-European language, preserved on cuneiform tablets and hieroglyphic stelae. However, where the Luwians lived or came from, how they coexisted with their Hittite and Greek neighbors, and the peculiarities of their religion and material culture, are all debatable matters. A conference convened in Reading in June 2011 in order to discuss the current state of the debate, summarize points of disagreement, and outline ways of addressing them in future research. The papers presented at this conference were collected in the present volume, whose goal is to bring into being a new interdisciplinary field, Luwian Studies. \'To conclude, the editors of this volume on Luwian identities and the authors of the individual papers are to be congratulatedwith a successful sequel to TheLuwians of 2003 edited by Melchert and with yet another substantial brick in the foundation of the incipient discipline of Luwian studies.\' Fred C. Woudhuizen
Description based upon print version of record. :
1 online resource (612 pages) :
9789004253414 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
National and Transnational Paths of Latin American Jews : Modernity, Community, Society, and the State /
The book studies Jewish life in Latin America through a dynamic past-present timeline. It combines the national, regional, and transnational dimensions by analyzing central crossing axes: the national within the diasporic, the transnational dialectically traversing both, and the national and regional dimensions developing in a global and interconnected Jewish world. Delving into the dilemmas and challenges that Modernity posed to Jews, this book emphasizes the practical and ideational responses it evoked. For Latin American Jews, this has involved moving from historical territories to new geographies, bringing with them the transmigration of worldviews and ideologies that were later re-signified.. The roots, displacements, embeddedness, and relocation of Jewish life are explored, shedding light on the richness and dilemmas of Jewish Modernity and Multiple Modernities. Thus, it critically analyzes membership criteria, social practices, and political participation, underscoring how visibility and agency in the public sphere were defined in different periods and contexts through the dyad belonging and Otherness. Its focus on Zionism and Mexico as a case study contributes to the field with original, in-depth research. With Diaspora, globalization, and transnationalism as an analytical framework, the book offers a unique and compelling insight into social and communal change and the multiple interactions of the contemporary Jewish world, sparking the curiosity and engagement of the academic audience and interested public.
1 online resource (728 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Moses und der Mytho s die Auseinandersetzung mit der griechischen Mythologie bei jüdisch-hellenistischen Autoren /
In the Hellenistic period Jews regularly encountered Greek mythology in one form or another: in literature, in art, or through language. This book is the first comprehensive study of the different strategies pursued by Jewish-Hellenistic authors as they engaged with Greek myth. The principal focus of this study is on the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, but a large range of other authors from the Third century BCE to the 1st century CE are also discussed. Far from limiting themselves to outright rejection, these authors often show a striking familiarity with Greek myth, which they sometimes even incorporated into Jewish myth. Ancient Jewish discourse on Greek myth was not primarily driven by apologetics, but constituted an important aspect of Jewish Hellenism. Juden trafen in der hellenistischen Zeit regelmässig auf griechische Mythen: in der Literatur, in der Kunst oder im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch. Dieses Buch ist die erste weitgespannte Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen Strategien, die jüdisch-hellenistische Autoren in ihrem Umgang mit griechischen Mythen anwandten. Das Hauptgewicht der Untersuchung liegt auf dem jüdischen Historiker Flavius Josephus, aber eine grosse Zahl weiterer Autoren vom 3. Jh. volumeChr. bis zum 1. Jh. n.Chr. wird auch einbezogen. Diese Autoren haben griechische Mythen nicht einfach nur verworfen. Häufig zeigen sie eine bemerkenswerte Vertrautheit mit ihnen und gelegentlich gar die Bereitschaft, sie mit jüdischen Mythen zu verbinden. Der antike jüdische Diskurs über die griechischen Mythen war nicht in erster Linie von Apologetik bestimmt, sondern bildete einen wichtigen Aspekt des jüdischen Hellenismus.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004191136 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Looking Within: Finding an Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship Lens /
Can we adopt human rights concepts, long used to frame problems of social justice, to define environmental justice? Can existing social institutions provide models and tools for achieving environmental justice? This volume views old models of agency through new lenses and examines how several social institutions, such as law, education and health care, address specific environmental problems. The volume presents arguments for human obligations towards the environment and future generations. Scholars assess the limitations of existing models and others point to recent failures in protecting the interests of indigenous groups or species. And on a hopeful note, examples are given of institutions that promise some success in effecting environmental goals. As this discussion of citizenship suggests, much like environmental justice, a global context both in definition and application is required.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jesus in the Latin Talmud : Judaism and Christianity during the Disputation of Paris in 1240 and Other Transcultural Issues /
Between 1238 and 1239, the notorious Jewish convert Nicholas Donin persuaded Pope Gregory IX to condemn the Talmud, prompting European kings to intervene. Only King Louis IX of France agreed to a public disputation in 1240, subjecting the Talmud to scrutiny. Prominent Jewish and Christian figures debated Jesus in the Talmud. The Talmud was condemned between 1241 and 1242, but the Church of Paris, responding to Jewish pleas, allowed an appeal. Scholars were commissioned to translate portions of the Talmud, resulting in two anthologies titled Extractiones de Talmud-the first translation of this work. Still, this did not save the Talmud from burning.
1 online resource (340 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Audias fabulas veteres : Anatolian studies in honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová /
The publication Audias fabulas veteres. Anatolian Studies in Honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová contains 31 contributions on current research topics in the fields of Ancient Anatolian and Near Eastern Languages, History, Religion, and Literature. The topics cover not only the main languages of this geographical area, such as Hittite, Luwian, Hattian, Hurrian, Akkadian, and Sumerian but also comparative linguistics and the latest methods of digitalising cuneiform texts, as well as religion, mythology and divinities, rituals, proverbs and analysis of geographical and historical documentation. Finally, it offers new analyses of some of the most remarkable texts and text passages of the ancient Anatolian literary tradition.
1 online resource (xl, 518 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004312616 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The rhetoric of gender terms : 'man', 'woman', and the portrayal of character in Latin prose /
The aim of this work is to recover classical Roman assumptions about women on the basis of the surviving linguistic data. The author provides a control to her study of the connotations of the major Latin words for women in the form of a corresponding examination of how Roman authors use the various words for men. The resulting analysis throws light not only on Roman gender vocabulary but also on Roman cultural perceptions of class, moral worth and nationality. Furthermore, the author's detailed discussions of strictly linguistic evidence enable her to offer several original and persuasive insights about the traditional Latin literary representation of women. Understanding the connotative range of gender terms such as homo , vir , femina , mulier also reveals the value judgments made by ancient authors on male and female behaviour and can even be applied as a tool of historical analysis.
1 online resource (x, 216 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-208) and index. :
9789004329164 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The imperial cult in the Latin West : studies in the ruler cult of the western provinces...
This volume concludes the series with an apparatus. The list of Abbreviated Titles comprises all Abbreviations used throughout the four Parts while the Bibliography consolidates the books and articles cited in the four sets of References. The intention of the various Indices is to let the reader find his way about the text in one way or another whereas the main focus of the Addenda is on publications that were either earlier missed or, as in most cases, appeared too late to be included at the appropriate stage of the text. Lastly, the list of errata in the Corrigenda consists mostly of typographical errors that escaped notice in the original manuscript.
1 online resource (i-vii, 256 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047416111 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Food and drink in Egypt and Sudan : selected studies in archaeology, culture, and history /
The study of historic foodways is as multifaceted and varied as food itself. The changes we see in food habits and choices over history reveal evolving social and political climates and help us envision our ancestors' everyday lives and imagined afterlives. Food certainly played a role in funerary rites; it was offered to the dead, of course, but also shared at the grave among the living family members, symbolically bridging between this world and the next. Choosing the food was embedded in a series of traditions and norms; how it relates to what was actually eaten in associated settlements enables an understanding of its meaning. Feasts, whether for the dead or the living, were laden with political and social meaning. Fasting, although requiring abstention from certain foods, also involves the management--from sourcing and storing to cooking and eating--of the permitted foods, a key concern in contexts such as monasteries where fasting occurred. This collective work demonstrates the diversity of possible approaches to food. It presents the current state of research on the foodways of Egypt and Sudan and highlights the importance of further interdisciplinary collaboration for a "big picture" approach. It brings together 16 articles covering archaeology (in the broadest sense), theory, anthropology, language, ethnography, and architecture to illustrate food traditions and history in Egypt and Sudan from as early as the 4th millennium BC to the 20th century.
L'étude des modes alimentaires historiques est aussi multiple et variée que la nourriture elle-même. Les changements que nous observons dans les habitudes et les choix alimentaires au fil du temps révèlent l'évolution des climats sociaux et politiques et nous aident à imaginer la vie quotidienne et l'au-delà de nos ancêtres. La nourriture jouait certainement un rôle dans les rites funéraires ; elle était offerte aux défunts, bien sûr, mais aussi partagée dans ou à proximité de la sépulture entre les membres vivants de la famille, jetant symboliquement un pont entre le monde d'ici-bas et l'au-delà. Le choix des aliments s'inscrivait dans une série de traditions et de normes ; la comparaison de ceux offerts avec ceux ordinairement consommés permet de comprendre la signification qui leur était attribuée. Les fêtes, qu'elles soient destinées aux morts ou aux vivants, étaient chargées d'une signification politique et sociale. Le jeûne, bien que consistant à s'abstenir de certains aliments, implique également la gestion - depuis l'approvisionnement et le stockage jusqu'à la cuisson et la consommation - des aliments autorisés, une préoccupation essentielle dans des contextes tels que les monastères, où le jeûne était pratiqué. Cet ouvrage collectif rend compte de la diversité des approches possibles portant sur l'alimentation. Il présente l'état actuel de la recherche sur les habitudes alimentaires de l'Égypte et du Soudan et souligne l'importance d'une collaboration interdisciplinaire plus poussée pour une approche globale. Il rassemble 16 articles couvrant l'archéologie (au sens large), la théorie, l'anthropologie, la langue, l'ethnographie et l'architecture, qui illustrent les traditions alimentaires et l'histoire de l'Égypte et du Soudan depuis le IVe millénaire av. J.-C. jusqu'au xxe siècle.
Text in English. Summaries of contributions in English. Summaries in French and English on the back cove. :
xv, 307 pages : color illustrations, maps, plans ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9782724709544 :
0259-3823 ;
Women and Latin in the Early Modern Period /
The first early modern women Latinists lived in mid-fourteenth century Italy, and were educated as diplomats. By the fifteenth century, other upper-class women were educated in order to perform as prodigies on behalf of their city. Both strands of education for women spread to other European countries in the course of the sixteenth century: the principal women humanists were either princesses or courtiers. In the seventeenth century Latin lost its importance as a language of diplomacy and was no longer needed at court, but there was still a place for the 'woman prodigy', and a variety of women performed in this way. However, the productions of seventeenth and eighteenth-century women Latinists are more extensive and more varied than those of their predecessors, and include scientific writing and ambitious translations. By the mid-nineteenth century the integration of studious women into the wider academy was well under way.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Women and the Roman city in the Latin West /
Roman Cities, as conventionally studied, seem to be dominated by men. Yet as the contributions to this volume-which deals with the Roman cities of Italy and the western provinces in the late Republic and early Empire-show, women occupied a wide range of civic roles. Women had key roles to play in urban economies, and a few were prominent public figures, celebrated for their generosity and for their priestly eminence, and commemorated with public statues and grand inscriptions. Drawing on archaeology and epigraphy, on law and art as well as on ancient texts, this multidisciplinary study offers a new and more nuanced view of the gendering of civic life. It asks how far the experience of women of the smaller Italian and provincial cities resembled that of women in the capital, how women were represented in sculptural art as well as in inscriptions, and what kinds of power or influence they exercised in the societies of the Latin West.
1 online resource (430 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004255951 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.