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Liber amicorum Jürgen Horn zum Dank /
: "Herausgegeben von Mitarbeitern des Seminars für Ägyptologie und Koptologie der Universität Göttingen. Fur dieses Heft presserechtlich verantwortlich : Heike Sternberg-El Hotabi." -- Title page verso. : xii, 139 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : Hadeer
Current research in Egyptology 2010 : proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium /
x, 205 pages : illustration ; 25 cm. :
1842174290 :
The Servant of God in Practice /
Practice Interpretation takes the everyday social conditions of people as they are described in the Bible and looks at emerging issues that confront today's interpreters in daily life.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A companion to Anglican eucharistic theology.
Anglican eucharistic theology varies between the different philosophical assumptions of realism and nominalism. Whereas realism links the signs of the Eucharist with what they signify in a real way, nominalism sees these signs as reminders only of past and completed transaction. This book begins by discussing the multifomity of the philosophical assumptions underlying Anglican eucharistic theology and goes on to present extensive case study material which exemplify these different assumptions from the Reformation to the Nineteenth century. By examining the multiformity of philosophical assumptions this book avoids the hermeneutic idealism of particular church parties and looks instead at the Anglican eucharistic tradition in a more critical manner.
1 online resource (1 volumes) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004221321 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A companion to Anglican eucharistic theology.
Anglican eucharistic theology varies between the different philosophical assumptions of realism and nominalism. Whereas realism links the signs of the Eucharist with what they signify in a real way, nominalism sees these signs as reminders only of past and completed transaction. This book begins by discussing the multifomity of the philosophical assumptions underlying Anglican eucharistic theology and goes on to present case extensive study material which exemplify these different assumptions from the 20th Century to the Present. By examining the multiformity of philosophical assumptions this book avoids the hermeneutic idealism of particular church parties and looks instead at the Anglican eucharistic tradition in a more critical manner.
1 online resource (1 volumes) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004221338 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Faces of God:Images of Devotion in Indo-Muslim Painting, 1500-1800 /
Assumptions concerning iconophobia in Islam has meant that scholarship has largely failed to situate figural artworks made for South Asia's Muslim audiences within Islamic intellectual and religious histories. Artworks explored in this book were made for people shaped by Muslim devotion and ritual. Central to this story are the royal Mughal siblings, Jahanara Begum and Dara Shikoh, and their spiritual guide Mulla Shah. Among other themes, the book contextualizes artworks made for the imperial siblings by placing them next to their writings, most of which an English reading audience will encounter for the first time.
1 online resource (330 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Die Namen des Vaters : Studien zu ausgewählten neutestamentlichen Gottesbezeichnungen vor ihrem frühjüdischen und paganen Sprachhorizont /
This book brings together studies on the most common designations for God in the New Testament, considering their use in ancient Jewish tradition as well as in Greek religion and Roman imperial cult. The introducing chapter on "the Father" is followed by studies on "the Lord" and different designations expressing sovereignty (pantokrator, basileus, despotes, dynastes et cetera), on "the Creator", "the living God" and "the life giving God" as well as on the genuine Christian designation "God, who has risen Jesus from the dead". The two final chapters are on "the one and only God" and on "the highest God". This compendium is not only a reference work full of interesting philological and religio-historical material, but also lays the foundation for future studies on the way in which the different New Testament- and other early Christian texts express their views on God. Conclusions at the end of each chapter facilitate the reading of the book, which aims to sharpen the view on the long neglected importance of God in the scriptures of the New Testament. *** "Die Namen des Vaters" geben einen Überblick über die häufigsten neutestamentlichen Gottesbezeichnungen unter Berücksichtigung ihrer frühjüdischen Tradition, aber auch der zeitgenössischen paganen Sprachkonvention in der griechischen Religion und im römischen Herrscherkult. Nach der Behandlung der "Vater"-Bezeichnung folgen die Analyse der Bezeichnungen Gottes als "Herr" und "Herrscher" (Allherrscher, König, Despotes, Dynastes et cetera), als "Schöpfer", als "lebendiger" und "lebendigmachender" sowie Gott als dem, "der Jesus von den Toten auferweckt hat" als genuin christlicher Redeweise. Den Abschluss bilden Studien zu "Der einzige Gott" und "Der höchste Gott". Dieser grundlegende Überblick eignet sich nicht nur als materialreiches Nachschlagewerk, sondern bildet zugleich einen hilfreichen Ausgangspunkt für alle weiteren Untersuchungen zu den Gottes-Vorstellungen einzelner Autoren der neutestamentlichen und weiterer frühchristlicher Schriften. Zahlreiche Zusammenfassungen erleichtern die Lektüre dieses Werks, das den Blick für die - lange vernachlässigte - Bedeutung Gottes in den neutestamentlichen Texten schärfen möchte.
Revision of the author's Habilitationsschrift--Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 2005. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [617]-674) and index. :
9789047420026 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Heralds of the good news : Isaiah and Paul "in concert" in the letter to the Romans /
In this text-critical, literary, and theological investigation of Paul's interpretation of Isaiah in Romans, it is argued that Paul's citations and allusions evince sustained and careful attention to significant portions of Isaiah, in concert with other scriptural voices. Through a radical rereading of Isaiah, Paul appropriates these prophetic oracles as prefigurations of his own mission to Gentiles while simultaneously appealing to Isaiah as a witness to God's continuing fidelity to Israel. The book examines each of Paul's citations and allusions to Isaiah, situating them both within the milieu of early Jewish interpretive practices and within the context of Paul's unfolding argument in Romans. This volume contributes to the current debate about early Christian interpretation of scripture by tracing the complex and dynamic interrelationship in Paul's letter of Scripture, theology, and mission. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--Duke University, 1999. :
1 online resource (xxii, 437 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [365]-397) and indexes. :
9789004268197 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Military religion in Roman Britain /
This volume deals with the religions of the Roman soldiers in Britain and the religious interactions of soldiers and civilians. Drawing on epigraphic and archaeological evidence, the discussion shows the complexities of Roman, Eastern, and Celtic rites, how each system influenced the ritual and liturgy of the others, and how each system was altered over time. The first part presents discursive chapters on topics such as the cult of the emperor, Mithraism in Britain, the cults of Celtic warriors and healers, the Romanization of Civilian religions, and Christianity; the second part consists of an annotated catalogue of the epigraphical sources. Of significance is the broad range of materials synthesized to show the extent to which native religions influenced and were influenced by imported Roman and Eastern cults.
1 online resource (xv, 386 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 349-373) and indexes. :
9789004351226 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Let us go up to Zion : essays in honour of H.G.M. Williamson on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday /
This volume honours Professor H. G. M. Williamson, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford University through a collection of essays by colleagues and former students from across the globe. The various contributions intersect with the previous work of Professor Williamson, with special emphasis on the history of biblical research, study of the Hebrew language and Hebrew textual traditions, post-exilic historiography (Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah) and the prophets (especially Isaiah).
1 online resource (xxxix, 515 pages) : illustrations, portrait. :
"Academic achievements of H.G.M. Williamson" (p. [xvii]-xxviii) includes a bibliography of H.G.M. Williamson's works.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [441]-479) and indexes. :
9789004226586 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.