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The language and style of the Gospel of Mark : an edition of C.H. Turner's "Notes on Marcan usage" together with other comparable studies /
C.H. Turner pioneered the study of the language and style of Mark's Gospel in a series of articles in the 1920s entitled \'Notes on Marcan usage\'. All but one appeared in the Journal of Theological Studies - one further \'Note\' is published now for the first time. It is Turner's articles, reprinted with editorial additions, that form the backbone of the present book. Comparable articles by those who have followed in C.H. Turner's footsteps (G.D. Kilpatrick, J.K. Elliott, N. Turner) are also included. Some of these are published for the first time. These studies into the language, style and usage are relevant for work not only on exegesis, but also on the textual criticism of the Gospel and on the synoptic problem. This volume makes these essays accessible in one place and these together with the new studies form a convenient reference tool for Marcan scholars.
1 online resource (xix, 253 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004259997 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between temple and tomb : the demotic ritual texts of Bodl. MS. Egypt. a. 3(P) /
The ancient Egyptians believed that rites performed for Osiris, the god of the dead, played a critical role in maintaining Egypt?s well-being and prosperity. Not only did they ensure the renewed fertility of the country?s arable land, they also guaranteed the political and social cohesion of the Egyptian state. However, it was not only at the national level, but at the individual level as well, that the Egyptians deemed such rites to be beneficial. Ritual texts intended to restore Osiris to life, suitably adapted, could also be recited for deceased individuals. Thus they could benefit from them in the same way that Osiris did. In the Graeco-Roman Period, adapted ritual texts of this sort were employed alongside texts originally composed for use in the funerary cult of ordinary deceased people. A number of ritual texts which are first attested in the private sphere subsequently appear in the temple sphere as well. Some ritual texts appear to have moved back and forth from one sphere to another, which suggests that the boundaries between the Osirian temple cult and the private funerary cult may have been more fluid than we usually imagine.0The ritual texts edited in this volume offer an excellent opportunity to explore these and related issues. Most of them are known to have been employed both for the benefit of the god Osiris and for ordinary deceased people, in certain cases, during one and the same period of Egypt?s history. This is one of their most interesting and striking features. They stand at the interface between temple cult and cult of the dead and allow us to trace the transmission of beliefs and practices from one sphere to the other.
205 pages, 14 pages of plates : illustrations (some color), facsimiles ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 165-172). :
3447113316 :
2190-3646 ;
Les martyrs Maccabées : de l'histoire juive au culte chrétien : les homélies de Grégoire de Nazianze et de Jean Chrysostome /
The Maccabean Martyrs, Jewish heroes from the era of the persecution of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, were incorporated into the IVth century Christian martyrology. Two Church Fathers, Gregory Nazianzen and John Chrysostom wrote panegyrics in their honour, which are studied and translated in this book. The first part shows how, since the beginning, the Church referred to these martyrs as biblical examples known through 2 and 4 Maccabees. The second part describes, through the eulogies of Gregory and John, the circumstances surrounding the creation of the Christian Feast. The third part analyzes the preaching built around the story of the Maccabean martyrs, where, following the 4 M model, Eleazar, the seven brothers and their mother are established as examples of virtue and asceticism for the edification of all Christians. The book investigates an original aspect of the cult of martyrs : the christianisation of jewish martyrs killed defending the Law, and sheds light on the sometimes contradictory preaching choices of Gregory and John to respond to the jewish roots of this cult. *** Les martyrs Maccabées, héros juifs de la persécution d'Antiochus IV Epiphane, furent intégrés dans le martyrologe chrétien au IVè siècle. À la même époque, en Orient, deux Pères de l'Eglise, Grégoire de Nazianze et Jean Chrysostome, ont prononcé des discours panégyriques en leur honneur, étudiés et traduits dans ce livre. La première partie montre comment, depuis l'origine, l'Eglise citait comme exemples bibliques ces martyrs connus par le Deuxième et le Quatrième livre des Maccabées . La deuxième partie décrit, au travers des panégyriques de Grégoire et de Jean, les circonstances qui ont marqué l'instauration de la fête chrétienne dédiée à ces martyrs. La troisième partie analyse la prédication adressée aux fidèles à partir de l'épisode maccabéen, Eléazar, les sept frères et leur Mère devenant, sur le modèle de 4 M, des exemples de vertus et d'ascèse proposés à l'imitation de tous. Le livre explore ainsi un aspect original du culte des martyrs, la christianisation de martyrs juifs morts pour la défense de la Loi, et met en lumière les choix de prédication, parfois opposés, de Grégoire et de Jean face à l'enracinement juif de ce culte.
Includes French translations of one sermon by Gregory of Nazianzus (In Machabaeorum laudem) and 3 sermons by John Chrysostom (De Macabeis 1-2; De Eleazaro et septem pueris)--P. 301-344. :
1 online resource (x, 392 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 351-379) and index. :
9789047410942 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The historical present in Thucydides semantics and narrative function = Le présent historique chez Thucydide : sémantique et fonction narrative /
After Etudes sur l'aspect verbal chez Platon (Saint-Etienne, 2000), the international 'Groupe de recherche sur l'aspect verbal en grec' now presents a second volume on verbal aspect in (Ancient) Greek, which is devoted to the function(s) of the Historical Present in Thucydides. In nine chapters the authors approach this subject from a variety of angles, focusing inter alia on the HP of particular verbs and on its use in battle narratives, or investigate Thucydides' use of the HP from a comparative perspective. They share one important assumption, viz. that the primary function of the HP is to mark events that were, according to Thucydides, of decisive importance for the development of the Peloponnesian War. By its rich and detailed analyses the book provides important new insights into Thucydides' narrative technique.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004210011 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La restauration de la création : quelle place pour les animaux? : actes du colloque de l'ERCAM tenu à Strasbourg du 12 au 14 mars 2015 /
La restauration de la création se propose d'examiner le statut des animaux dans la pensée chrétienne ancienne et médiévale selon une perspective eschatologique, centrée sur la question du salut des animaux dans le projet divin. L'ouvrage est organisé en trois parties : les sources bibliques, notamment la promesse du renouvellement de la création dans Rm 8, 21 ; les élaborations doctrinales dans la période patristique puis au Moyen Âge ; enfin, des réflexions contemporaines à propos du statut des animaux dans nos sociétés. Souvent absente du débat sociétal à propos des animaux, la perspective historique chrétienne proposée dans ce volume se veut une contribution originale à la réflexion actuelle sur le statut juridique et éthique des animaux. La restauration de la création aims to examine the status of animals in ancient and medieval Christian thought following an eschatological perspective, that is, focusing on the question of the salvation of animals according to the divine plan. The volume is articulated in three parts: Biblical sources, in particular the promise of the renewal of creation according to Rm 8, 21; Patristic and medieval doctrinal elaborations on the question; finally, contemporary considerations regarding the status of animals in our societies. Often absent from the current social debate on the subject, the historical Christian perspective which this volume proposes is intended as an original contribution to today's ongoing reflexion on the legal and ethical status of animals.
Online resource; title from PDF title page (EBSCO, viewed January 3, 2018). :
1 online resource (xix, 340 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004357389 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Grace and the Will According to Augustine.
The doctrine on grace, one of the most discussed themes in his later years, was regarded by Augustine as the very core of Christianity. This book traces the gradual crystallisation of this teaching, including its unacceptable consequences (such as double predestination, inherited guilt which deserves eternal punishment, and its transmission through libidinous procreation). How did the reader of Cicero and "the books of the Platonists" reach the ideas that appear in his polemic against Julian (and which remind one of Freud rather than the Stoics or Plotinus)? That is the point of departure of this book. It surely cannot be expected that there is a definite answer to the question; rather, the aim is to follow and understand the development.
Part Three: Introduction. :
1 online resource (442 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 253-378) and indexes. :
9789004229211 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Naven or the Other Self : A Relational Approach to Ritual Action /
In this work, the author propose a novel theory of ritual action founded upon an in-depth study of the wide variety of behaviors that the Iatmul of Papua New Guinea identify as naven: a transvestism rite studied by Gregory Bateson in the 1930s and documented by other anthropologists since. Ritual performance is shown to involve the construction of complex relational networks entailing the condensation of contradictory modes of relationship in accordance with over-arching interactive forms. In this volume, inquiry into the history of anthropology, detailed ethnographic analysis and theoretical discussion are combined. The first part examines Bateson's and others' understandings of naven; the second offers a reinterpretation of this ritual in the light of new ethnographic data; and the third proposes a general approach to the analysis of ritual and suggests how this perspective may be applied elsewhere.
A revised and expanded translation of Naven, ou, Le donner à voir, published in 1994. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [287]-296) and index. :
9789004379015 :
0169-8834 ;
Environmental philosophy : a revaluation of cosmopolitan ethics from an ecocentric standpoint /
Environmental Philosophy: A Revaluation of Cosmopolitan Ethics from an Ecocentric Standpoint calls for a new approach to ethics. Starting from the necessity for all life of air, water, and food, the book revalues the relation of ethics and environmentalism. Using insights of the environmental ethicists, environmental ethics becomes the model for ethics as a whole. Humans are part of a larger environment. Cosmopolitanism should be revised in accord with environmental ethics. The book applies a new theory of values to the relation of value and obligation, and of duty, rights and virtue, to accord with ecocentrism. The book also critically evaluates Utilitarianism and the self interest theory. Other chapters address population, species preservation and a practical program for environmental policy.
1 online resource (xi, 502 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401210768 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Haggadah of the Kaifeng Jews of China /
This comprehensive, textual treatment of the Kaifeng Passover Rite is a significant contribution to the ongoing discussion of the community's origins in particular and to comparative Jewish liturgy in general. The book includes a facsimile of one manuscript and a sample of the other, the full text of the Hebrew/Aramaic and Judeo-Persian Haggadah in Hebrew characters, as well as an English translation. Following a review of the community's history, sources for study, and related scholarly work conducted to date, the languages used in the Haggadah and their backgrounds are discussed in detail. Analysis of the order of the service allows for comparison of the Kaifeng Jewish community's recitation of the Passover liturgy, performance of ritual, and consumption of ceremonial food to other communities in the Jewish Diaspora. The various parts and chapters of the book, including its extensive and meticulous annotations and bibliographical references, provide much fresh and useful material for scholars and readers interested in pre-modern Jewish, Judeo-Persian and Chinese literary traditions and cultures. David Yeroushalmi, Tel Aviv University, 2015
Includes full text of the Hebrew/Aramaic and Judeo-Persian Haggadah in Hebrew characters, with English translation and commentary. :
1 online resource (viii, 216 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004208100 :
1571-5000 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.