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منشور في 1980
Studies in Jewish and Christian history.

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004332614 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2004
Handbook of Patristic Exegesis : Part I: The Bible in Ancient Christianity /

: Through this Handbook of Patristic Exegesis , the reader will obtain a balanced and cohesive picture of the Early Church. It gives an overall view of the reception, transmission, and interpretation of the Bible in the life and thought of the Church during the first five centuries of Christianity, the so-called patristic era. The handbook offers the context and presuppositions necessary for understanding the development of the interpretative traditions of the Early Church, in its catechesis, its liturgy and as a foundation of its systems of theology. The handbook presents a comprehensive overview of the history of patristic exegesis. Apart from a general introduction to the major topics in this field, it contains essays by leading patristic scholars on the most important Church Fathers, such as Augustine, Irenaeus, Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, and others. The essays are supplemented by bibliographies of editions and studies on patristic exegesis published from 1945 until 1995. Together, these bibliographies form the only comprehensive bibliography presently available on this topic. The print edition is available as a set of two volumes (9789004098152).
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004137332

منشور في 2016
The Iranian reception of Islam. the non-traditionalist strands : collected studies in three volumes /

: Patricia Crone's Collected Studies in Three Volumes brings together a number of her published, unpublished, and revised writings on Near Eastern and Islamic history, arranged around three distinct but interconnected themes. Volume 2, The Iranian Reception of Islam: The Non-Traditionalist Strands , examines the reception of pre-Islamic legacies in Islam, above all that of the Iranians. Volume 1, The Qurʾānic Pagans and Related Matters , pursues the reconstruction of the religious environment in which Islam arose and develops an intertextual approach to studying the Qurʾānic religious milieu. Volume 3, Islam, the Ancient Near East and Varieties of Godlessness , places the rise of Islam in the context of the ancient Near East and investigates sceptical and subversive ideas in the Islamic world. The Qurʾānic Pagans and Related Matters Islam, the Ancient Near East and Varieties of Godlessness
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and inbdex. : 9789004319295 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2016
Joseph the Carpenter : His Reception in Literature and Art from the Second to the Ninth Century /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004397521

منشور في 2025
The Comparative Poetics of Homeric Literary Imitation from Antiquity to Renaissance France : Aphrodite's Charm /

: Aphrodite's famous ribbon known as the cestus , the irresistible love charm that she loaned to Hera in the Iliad, was, thanks to a fruitful early misreading, transformed by ancient, medieval, and Renaissance authors into a symbol of honorable feminine chastity: in Maurice Scève's 1560 Microcosme , an epic rewriting of Genesis, Eve first appears before an astonished Adam wearing the virginal cestus as a symbolic guarantee of her sexual innocence. This book traces the history of this curious development from Homer to the end of the sixteenth century in France. Through analyses of both famous and little-known texts, it illustrates the complexity and fecund liberty of Homeric reception.
: 1 online resource (552 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004720879

منشور في 2020
Framing Classical Reception Studies : Different Perspectives on a Developing Field /

: Framing Classical Reception Studies contains a representative number of analytic and synthetic contributions by scholars from diverse parts of the field of Classical Reception Studies. Together, they afford a synoptic view and typology of an extremely large and continuously diversifying discipline. Attentive to questions such as what, by whom, in what contexts and to what ends Classics have functioned and are functioning in our culture, all contributors ask themselves from what conceptual or disciplinary frame they approach the reception of the cultures of classical Greek and Roman antiquity. Within this questioning format, the book also contains suggestions for future agendas of research, and forcefully argues for the political, cultural and cognitive relevance of classical receptions in the Academy.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004427020

منشور في 2024
La réception de Proust à l'étranger /

: L'œuvre de Marcel Proust a été traduite dans de nombreuses langues et ces traducteurs offrent toute une panoplie de variantes selon leurs perspectives. La critique internationale s'est également penchée sur la Recherche dès les années 1920 pour se déplier ensuite en une multitude d'approches. D'autre part tout un ensemble d'auteurs littéraires a trouvé dans l'écriture proustienne une source d'inspiration. Et les lecteurs partout dans le monde ont suivi le conseil de Proust de créer leur propre version du texte. De toutes ces expériences en trouvera ici un reflet et des échos provenant de tous les coins de la planète, de la Chine au Brésil, de l'Italie à la Turquie, des Pays-Bas à la Suisse, de la Suède à la Catalogne, de la Hongrie à l'Allemagne, du Québec à la Grèce.
: 1 online resource (240 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004697782

منشور في 2020
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Athenian Democracy : From the Late Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era /

: The first ever guide to the reception of classical Athenian democracy, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Athenian Democracy delivers a fresh and wide-ranging analysis of the uses and reinterpretations of ancient Greek democracy from the late Middle Ages to the XXI century. The book's first section explores this history from the rediscovery of classical antiquity in the Renaissance in different countries (England, France, Germany, Italy, American Republic) and ages, while the second section focuses on philosophical movements such as Marxism and on contemporary philosophers such as Leo Strauss, Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault; the last section examines the reception from the perspective of current political science. The book offers a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to this important topic by bringing together internationally recognised scholars from a variety of disciplines, including ancient and modern historians, historians of political thought, political philosophers, and political scientists.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004443006

منشور في 2021
Holism in Ancient Medicine and its Reception /

: This volume aims at exploring the ancient roots of 'holistic' approaches in the specific field of medicine and the life sciences, without, however, overlooking the larger theoretical implications of these discussions. Therefore, the project plans to broaden the perspective to include larger cultural discussions and, in a comparative spirit, reach out to some examples from non Graeco-Roman medical cultures. As such, it constitutes a fundamental contribution to history of medicine, philosophy of medicine, cultural studies, and ancient studies more broadly. The wide-ranging selection of chapters offers a comprehensive view of an exciting new field: the interrogation of ancient sources in the light of modern concepts in philosophy of medicine, as justification of the claim for their enduring relevance as object of study and, at the same time, as means to a more adequate contextualisation of modern debates within a long historical process.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004443143

منشور في 2018
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great.

: Brill's Companion to the Reception of Alexander the Great offers a considerable range of topics, of interest to students and academics alike, in the long tradition of this subject's significant impact, across a sometimes surprising and comprehensive variety of areas. Arguably no other historical figure has cast such a long shadow for so long a time. Every civilisation touched by the Macedonian Conqueror, along with many more that he never imagined, has scrambled to "own" some part of his legacy. This volume canvasses a comprehensive array of these receptions, beginning from Alexander's own era and journeying up to the present, in order to come to grips with the impact left by this influential but elusive figure.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004359932

منشور في 2021
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Ancient Rhetoric /

: This volume, examining the reception of ancient rhetoric, aims to demonstrate that the past is always part of the present: in the ways in which decisions about crucial political, social and economic matters have been made historically; or in organic interaction with literature, philosophy and culture at the core of the foundation principles of Western thought and values. Analysis is meant to cover the broadest possible spectrum of considerations that focus on the totality of rhetorical species (i.e. forensic, deliberative and epideictic) as they are applied to diversified topics (including, but not limited to, language, science, religion, literature, theatre and other cultural processes (e.g. athletics), politics and leadership, pedagogy and gender studies) and cross-cultural, geographical and temporal contexts.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004470057

منشور في 2014
The book of Exodus : composition, reception, and interpretation /

: Written by leading experts in the field, The Book of Exodus: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation offers a wide-ranging treatment of the main aspects of Exodus. Its twenty-four essays fall under four main sections. The first section contains studies of a more general nature, including the history of Exodus in critical study, Exodus in literary and historical study, as well as the function of Exodus in the Pentateuch. The second section contains commentary on or interpretation of specific passages (or sections) of Exodus, as well as essays on its formation, genres, and themes. The third section contains essays on the textual history and reception of Exodus in Judaism and Christianity. The final section explores the theologies of the book of Exodus.
: 1 online resource (xx, 669 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004282667 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2006
The Reception of Aristotle's Metaphysics in Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifā' : A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought /

: This volume deals with the reception of Aristotle's Metaphysic s in the masterpiece on metaphysics by Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā, d. 1037 C.E.), one of the major exponents of Arabic philosophy: the Ilāhiyyāt (Science of Divine Things) of the Kitāb al-Šifā' ( Book of the Cure ), known in the Latin Middle Ages as Liber de Philosophia Prima sive Scientia Divina. The first part of the book (on the Arabic translations of the Metaphysics , al-Kindī and al-Fārābī) introduces the discussion of Avicenna's reshaping of the epistemological profile of the Metaphysics in Part II (his account of the subject-matter, structure, method and role of metaphysics in the system of sciences) and the recasting of its contents in Part III. The present volume provides the first systematic comparison of the Ilāhiyyāt with the Metaphysics and a comprehensive account of this latter's transmission in pre-Avicennian Greek and Arabic philosophy.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047408710

منشور في 2020
The reception of Greek lyric poetry in the ancient world : transmission, canonization and paratext /

: In The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext, a team of international scholars consider the afterlife of early Greek lyric poetry (iambic, elegiac, and melic) up to the 12th century CE, from a variety of intersecting perspectives: reperformance, textualization, the direct and indirect tradition, anthologies, poets' Lives, and the disquisitions of philosophers and scholars. Particular attention is given to the poets Tyrtaeus, Solon, Theognis, Sappho, Alcaeus, Stesichorus, Pindar, and Timotheus. Consideration is given to their reception in authors such as Aristophanes, Herodotus, Plato, Plutarch, Athenaeus, Aelius Aristides, Catullus, Horace, Virgil, Ovid, and Statius, as well as their discussion by Peripatetic scholars, the Hellenistic scholia to Pindar, Horace's commentator Porphyrio, and Eustathius on Pindar.
: Most of the chapters in this volume were originally presented at a conference organized by Oxford University and Reading University under the auspices of the Network of Archaic Greek Song at the University of Reading in 2013. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004414525

منشور في 2020
The Book of the Twelve : Composition, Reception, and Interpretation /

: In the last two decades, research on the Book of the Twelve has shown that this corpus is not just a collection of twelve prophetic books. It is rather a coherent work with a common history of formation and, based upon this, with an overall message and intention. The individual books of the Book of the Twelve are thus part of a larger whole in which they can be interpreted in a fruitful manner. The volume The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation features 30 articles, written by renowned scholars, that explore different aspects regarding the formation, interpretation, and reception of the Book of the Twelve as a literary unity.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004424326

منشور في 2021
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Presocratic Natural Philosophy in Later Classical Thought /

: "In Brill's Companion to the Reception of Presocratic Natural Philosophy in Later Classical Thought, contributions by Gottfried Heinemann, Andrew Gregory, Justin Habash, Daniel W. Graham, Oliver Primavesi, Owen Goldin, Omar D. Álvarez Salas, Christopher Kurfess, Dirk L. Couprie, Tiberiu Popa, Timothy J. Crowley, Liliana Carolina Sánchez Castro, Iakovos Vasiliou, Barbara Sattler, Rosemary Wright, and a foreword by Patricia Curd explore the influences of early Greek science (6-4th c. BCE) on the philosophical works of Plato, Aristotle, and the Hippocratics. Rather than presenting an unified narrative, the volume supports various ways to understand the development of the concept of nature, the emergence of science, and the historical context of topics such as elements, principles, soul, organization, causation, purpose, and cosmos in ancient Greek philosophy"--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004443358

منشور في 2016
Jeremiah's scriptures : production, reception, interaction, and transformation /

: Jeremiah's Scriptures focuses on the composition of the biblical book of Jeremiah and its dynamic afterlife in ancient Jewish traditions. Jeremiah is an interpretive text that grew over centuries by means of extensive redactional activities on the part of its tradents. In addition to the books within the book of Jeremiah, other books associated with Jeremiah or Baruch were also generated. All the aforementioned texts constitute what we call "Jeremiah's Scriptures." The papers and responses collected here approach Jeremiah's scriptures from a variety of perspectives in biblical and ancient Jewish sub-fields. One of the authors' goals is to challenge the current fragmentation of the fields of theology, biblical studies, ancient Judaism. This volume focuses on Jeremiah and his legacy.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource. : 9789004320253 : 1384-2161 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2001
The book of Daniel : composition and reception /

: In this collection of new essays, more than thirty leading scholars from Europe, North America and Israel examine the Composition and Reception of Daniel in eight sections: Review of Scholarship and Context (J.J. Collins, M. Knibb); Near Eastern Milieu (K. van der Toorn, S. Paul, J. Walton); Interpretation of Specific Passages (D. Dimant, R. Kratz, A. Lacocque, E. Haag, J.-W. van Henten); Social Setting (R. Albertz, S. Beyerle, L. Grabbe, P. Davies, D. Smith-Christopher); Literary Context, including Qumran (J.-W. Wesselius, G. Boccaccini, P.W. Flint, L. Stuckenbruck, E. Eshel, J. Hobbins); Reception in Judaism and Christianity (K. Koch, C. Rowland, U. Gleßmer, C.A. Evans, J.D.G. Dunn, M. Henze); Textual History (E. Ulrich, A.A. Di Lella, K. Jenner) and Theology of Daniel (J. Goldingay, J. Barton, J. Lust). This is the second volume to appear (following Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Studies of an Interpretative Tradition ) in the collection The Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature , part of the series Supplements to Vetus Testamentum . Further volumes in preparation on the composition and reception of Old Testament books include Genesis, Leviticus, Kings, Psalms, and Proverbs. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
: 1 online resource (xx, 290 p) : 9789004276086 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2001
The book of Daniel : composition and reception /

: In this collection of new essays, more than thirty leading scholars from Europe, North America and Israel examine the Composition and Reception of Daniel in eight sections: Review of Scholarship and Context (J.J. Collins, M. Knibb); Near Eastern Milieu (K. van der Toorn, S. Paul, J. Walton); Interpretation of Specific Passages (D. Dimant, R. Kratz, A. Lacocque, E. Haag, J.-W. van Henten); Social Setting (R. Albertz, S. Beyerle, L. Grabbe, P. Davies, D. Smith-Christopher); Literary Context, including Qumran (J.-W. Wesselius, G. Boccaccini, P.W. Flint, L. Stuckenbruck, E. Eshel, J. Hobbins); Reception in Judaism and Christianity (K. Koch, C. Rowland, U. Gleßmer, C.A. Evans, J.D.G. Dunn, M. Henze); Textual History (E. Ulrich, A.A. Di Lella, K. Jenner) and Theology of Daniel (J. Goldingay, J. Barton, J. Lust). This is the second volume to appear (following Writing and Reading the Scroll of Isaiah. Studies of an Interpretative Tradition ) in the collection The Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature , part of the series Supplements to Vetus Testamentum . Further volumes in preparation on the composition and reception of Old Testament books include Genesis, Leviticus, Kings, Psalms, and Proverbs. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
: 1 online resource (xxii, 291-769 pages) : 9789004276093 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2012
The book of Genesis : composition, reception, and interpretation /

: Written by leading experts in the field, The Book of Genesis: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation offers a wide-ranging treatment of the main aspects of Genesis study. Its twenty-nine essays fall under four main sections. The first section contains studies of a more general nature, including the history of Genesis in critical study, Genesis in literary and historical study, as well as the function of Genesis in the Pentateuch. In the second portion, scholars present commentary on or interpretation of specific passages (or sections) of Genesis, as well as essays on its formation, genres, and themes. The third part includes essays on the textual history and reception of Genesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The final section explores the theologies of the book of Genesis, including essays on Genesis and ecology and Genesis in the context of Jewish thought.
: 1 online resource (xxiii, 763 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004226579 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.