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Der Same Seths : Hans-Martin Schenkes kleine Schriften zu Gnosis, Koptologie und Neuem Testament /
During a lifetime of scholarship and teaching, Hans-Martin Schenke produced a large number of publications in the fields of New Testament, Gnosticism, and Coptology. This collection of his essays and book reviews bears witness to his love for the linguistic aspects of Coptology and illustrates his wide-ranging interest in the development of early Christianity. His insights and deep understanding of Gnostic beliefs and systems as a background for interpreting the New Testament make his contributions to this discipline very rewarding and indispensable reading. Im Laufe seines langen wissenschaftlichen Lebens hat Hans-Martin Schenke eine Fülle von Veröffentlichungen in den Bereichen Neues Testament, Gnosisforschung und Koptologie hervorgebracht. Die hier vorliegende Sammlung seiner Aufsätze und Rezensionen bekundet den Reichtum seines Schaffens. Sie zeugt von seiner Liebe zur koptischen Linguistik und veranschaulicht die Spannweite seines Interesses an der Entwicklung des frühen Christentums. Seine tiefe Kenntnis gnostischer Vorstellungen und Systeme als Hintergrund für das Verständnis des Neuen Testaments lässt seine Beiträge zu einer unentbehrlichen Fundgrube und seine Einsichten zu einem lohnenden Lesevergnügen werden.
"Er muss wachsen, ich aber muss abnehmen." Der Konflikt zwischen Jesusjüngern und Täufergemeinde im Spiegel des Johannesevangeliums. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004226241 :
0929-2470 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mālik and Medina : Islamic legal reasoning in the formative period /
This book studies the legal reasoning of Mālik ibn Anas (d. 179 H./795 C.E.) in the Muwaṭṭa' and Mudawwana . Although focusing on Mālik, the book presents a broad comparative study of legal reasoning in the first three centuries of Islam. It reexamines the role of considered opinion ( ra'y ), dissent, and legal ḥadīths and challenges the paradigm that Muslim jurists ultimately concurred on a "four-source" (Qurʾān, sunna , consensus, and analogy) theory of law. Instead, Mālik and Medina emphasizes that the four Sunnī schools of law ( madhāhib ) emerged during the formative period as distinctive, consistent, yet largely unspoken legal methodologies and persistently maintained their independence and continuity over the next millennium.
1 online resource (552 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004247888 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
السلطان الملك الصالح نجم الدين أيوب 1240 - 1249 /...
: تحت إشراف الأستاذ الدكتور السيد الباز العربي. : 1 مجلد ؛ 28 سم