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The look of lyric : Greek song and the visual studies in archaic and classical Greek song /
The Look of Lyric: Greek Song and the Visual addresses the various modes of interaction between ancient Greek lyric poetry and the visual arts as well as more general notions of visuality. It covers diverse poetic genres in a range of contexts radiating outwards from the original performance(s) to encompass their broader cultural settings, the later reception of the poems, and finally also their understanding in modern scholarship. By focusing on the relationship between the visual and the verbal as well as the sensory and the mental, this volume raises a wide range of questions concerning human perception and cultural practices. As this collection of essays shows, Greek lyric poetry played a decisive role in the shaping of both.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004314849 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The character of the Syriac version of Psalms : a study of Psalms 90-150 in the Peshitta /
This book investigates the character of the Peshitta in Psalms 90-150 in order to facilitate the proper use of this version in textual criticism. It identifies the Peshitta's translation techniques and it discusses the version's interpretation of difficult passages in the Hebrew text. The question of the Hebrew Vorlage behind the Peshitta Psalter is raised. Also investigated here is the relationship between the Peshitta Psalms and the LXX and Targum, and an assessment of the supposed influence of these versions on the Peshitta Psalter is offered. Inquiry is made into the theology of the translation, the identity of the translators, and the relationships among the manuscripts of the Peshitta Psalter. This text is designed as a tool for scholars who, when confronted by critical questions in the Psalter, seek to understand the readings preserved in the Peshitta.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [397]-410) and index. :
9789047412052 :
0169-9008 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Syriac Hagiography : Texts and Beyond /
Chapters gathered in Syriac Hagiography: Texts and Beyond explore a wide range of Syriac hagiographical works, while following two complementary methodological approaches, i.e. literary and cultic, or formal and functional. Grouped into three main sections, these contributions reflect three interrelated ways in which we can read Syriac hagiography and further grasp its characteristics: "Texts as Literature" seeks to unfold the mechanisms of their literary composition; "Saints Textualized" offers a different perspective on the role played by hagiographical texts in the invention and/or maintenance of the cult of a particular saint or group of saints; "Beyond the Texts" presents cases in which the historical reality behind the nexus of hagiographical texts and veneration of saints can be observed in greater details.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Syriac idiosyncrasies : theology and hermeneutics in early Syriac literature /
The study of early Syriac Christianity has for decades been steadily expanding, yet its scope still lags way behind that of research relating to Greek and Latin Christianity. One of the intriguing and understudied topics here is the nature of Syriac Christianity's autonomous identity in late antiquity. This question is intrinsically connected to its genesis from an indigenous Christian Aramaic background as well as its interaction with the neighboring Jewish milieu. This volume unearthes some of the idiosyncracies -- mainly pertaining to trinitarian theology, christology and hermeneutics -- to be found in early Syriac literature before the onslaught of Greek hegemony. The idiosyncrasies analyzed here offer new insights into the nature of that peculiar brand of early Christianity, confirming a model of an indigenous early Syriac tradition gradually entering into a dynamic interaction with Greek influence.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004191112 :
1570-078X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Other logics : alternatives to formal logic in the history of thought and contemporary philosophy /
Other Logics: Alternatives to Formal Logic in the History of Thought and Contemporary Philosophy challenges the widespread idea of formal logic as inherently monolithic, universal, and ahistorical. Written by both leading and up-and-coming scholars, and edited by Admir Skodo, Other Logics offers a wide variety of historical and philosophical alternatives to this idea, all arguing that logic is a historical, concrete, and multi-dimensional phenomenon. To name a few examples, Frank Ankersmit lays down a representationalist logic, Alessandra Tanesini forcefully argues for the possibility of logical aliens, Christopher Watkin analyzes how leading contemporary French philosophers view the idea of logic, and Aaron Wendland unearths Heidegger's critique of formal logic. In Other Logics readers will find provocative interventions in a highly contested field in contemporary philosophy. Contributors include: Frank Ankersmit, Christopher Watkin, Giuseppina D'Oro, Alessandra Tanesini, Admir Skodo, Aaron Wendland, Ervik Cejvan, Anders Kraal, Christopher Fear, Karim Dharamsi, Johan Modée, and Thord Svensson.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004270183 :
0922-6001 ;
The logic of Apuleius : including a complete Latin text and English translation of the Peri hermeneias of Apuleius of Madaura /
: 1 online resource (121 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004320697 : 0079-1687 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A companion to the Greek lyric poets /
This handbook for the reading of early Greek poetry is intended to be both a manual for teachers and a guide for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. It covers poetry in the elegiac and iambic genres, as well as melic poetry which is provisionally divided into the personal and the public. The book takes a critical look at scholarly trends applied in interpreting this poetry, exploring, for example, the problems of defining the nature of the elegiac genre, the origins of iambic poetry, the personal voice used by the poets, and the validity of historical criticism. Appearing in the Classical Tradition series, it considers the impact of modern literary theory on the reading of these texts - for instance the new interpretations suggested by feminism - and guides readers to a full bibliography on scholarly debates from the 19th century to the present.
First series statement from book jacket. :
1 online resource (viii, 287 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004217614 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Transparent Logics. Small Differences with Huge Consequences /
The book presents Transparent Intensional Logic in several of its latest realisations in such a way that it makes a case for the system and demonstrates how the theory can be applied to a wide range of cases. The work strikes a good balance betw
1 online resource (266 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Aristotelian Rhetoric in Syriac : Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Book of Rhetoric /
This volume contains the Syriac text, edited for the first time, of the commentary on Aristotle's Rhetoric by Bar Hebraeus (died 1286) in his Cream of Wisdom. The text is accompanied by an English translation, and the volume also includes an introduction, commentary, and three glossaries (Syriac, Greek and Arabic). Bar Hebraeus' commentary is based on the lost Syriac version of Aristotle's treatise, but the author also drew heavily on the commentary of Ibn Sina (Avicenna). The text therefore provides a unique insight into the nature of that lost version, and also exemplifies the way Bar Hebraeus blended the Aristotle of the Graeco-Syriac translation literature with the more recent philosophy of Ibn Sina.
Includes the text of the Ketava de-reṭoriḳah of Bar Hebraeus in Syriac and English. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Aristotelian Meteorology in Syriac : Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books of Mineralogy and Meteorology /
This volume contains an edition, together with a translation and a commentary, of those parts relating to Aristotle's Meteorologica in Barhebraeus' Butyrum sapientiae (Cream of Wisdom) , the major philosophical work of the thirteenth-century Syriac prelate and polymath. Butyrum sapientiae , though based mainly on Ibn Sīnā's Kitāb al-šifāʾ (Book of Healing) , draws on a number of other sources. The detailed analysis of the text provided in this volume casts some important light on the manner in which Greek science and philosophy were transmitted in the Orient and as such will be of interest to scholars both of the Classical and Islamic world. The philological analysis of the text will be of interest to scholars of Syriac language and culture.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The reception of Greek lyric poetry in the ancient world : transmission, canonization and paratext /
In The Reception of Greek Lyric Poetry in the Ancient World: Transmission, Canonization and Paratext, a team of international scholars consider the afterlife of early Greek lyric poetry (iambic, elegiac, and melic) up to the 12th century CE, from a variety of intersecting perspectives: reperformance, textualization, the direct and indirect tradition, anthologies, poets' Lives, and the disquisitions of philosophers and scholars. Particular attention is given to the poets Tyrtaeus, Solon, Theognis, Sappho, Alcaeus, Stesichorus, Pindar, and Timotheus. Consideration is given to their reception in authors such as Aristophanes, Herodotus, Plato, Plutarch, Athenaeus, Aelius Aristides, Catullus, Horace, Virgil, Ovid, and Statius, as well as their discussion by Peripatetic scholars, the Hellenistic scholia to Pindar, Horace's commentator Porphyrio, and Eustathius on Pindar.
Most of the chapters in this volume were originally presented at a conference organized by Oxford University and Reading University under the auspices of the Network of Archaic Greek Song at the University of Reading in 2013. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Essays in logic and ontology /
The aim of this book is to present essays centered upon the subjects of Formal Ontology and Logical Philosophy. The idea of investigating philosophical problems by means of logical methods was intensively promoted in Torun by the Department of Logic of Nicolaus Copernicus University during last decade. Another aim of this book is to present to the philosophical and logical audience the activities of the Torunian Department of Logic during this decade. The papers in this volume contain the results concerning Logic and Logical Philosophy, obtained within the confines of the projects initiated by the Department of Logic and other research projects in which the Torunian Department of Logic took part.
1 online resource (400 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004332966 :
0303-8157 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Logic and the imperial Stoa /
The main argument of this book, against a prevailing orthodoxy, is that the study of logic was a vital - and a popular - part of stoic philosophy in the early imperial period. The argument relies primarily on detailed analyses of certain texts in the Discourses of Epictetus. It includes some account of logical 'analysis', of 'hypothetical' reasoning, and of 'changing' arguments. Written both for historians and for philosophers, and presupposing no logical expertise, this is an important contribution to the history of philosophy in the early imperial period.
1 online resource (165 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-153) and indexes. :
9789004321007 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religion and retributive logic : essays in honour of professor Garry W. Trompf /
Garry Winston Trompf (b.1940) in his outstanding academic career has inspired scholars in the fields of Stduies in Religion and the History of Ideals. In this volume his collegues and students critique and expand upon the world of this outstanding academic. The book is divided into four parts, Melanesia, Ancient World Studies, Philosophical and Methodological Considerations and Historiography. Authors address Trompf's research in works such as "The Idea of Historical Recurrence in Western Thought", "Early Christian Historiography" and themes of Melanesian religion that Trompf address in "Payback". No study in the religions of oceania or ideals of millenialism should ignore this critical assessment of Garry Trompf's work.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047441151 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.