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IXe Congrès international des sciences historiques, Paris, 1950. : IXth International Congress of Historical Sciences, Paris 1950.
: The problem of constitutional thought in France, from the end of the Middle Ages to the Revolution, by W. F. Church.--Les Assemblées d'états dans les principautés roumaines, par G. I. Bratianu.--Les ordres d'ancien régime n'étaient pas des castes, par E. Lousse. : 279 pages ; 24 cm.
L' oeuvre géographique de Linant de Bellefonds : étude de géographie historique /
"Errata et corrigenda" : 1 leaf, inserted.
"Publications de la Société royale de géographie d'Égypte." :
2 p. ℓ., xxiv, 399, [1], xxiii pages, 1 ℓ. ix pl., maps (part fold.) plan, diagrs ; 28 cm. :
Bibliography : page i-xxiii, at beginning.
Quelques aspects du releve photogrammetrique des monuments et des centres historiques /
At head of title : Faculté d'architecture de l'Université de Rome. Centre international d'études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels.
On spine : 10. :
86, [23] pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. :
Bibliography : page [107]
Bégram : recherches archéologiques et historiques sur les Kouchans /
"Avec la collaboration de Mme. T. Ghirshman" covered by blank label.
At head of title : Ministère de l'éducation nationale.
Thesis statement on cover. :
xiv, 232 pages : illustrations ; 37 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references.
Susa and Elam : archaeological, philological, historical and geographical perspectives : proceedings of the international congress held at Ghent University, December 14-17, 2009 /
In December 2009, an international congress was held at Ghent University in order to investigate, exactly 20 years after the 36th RAI "Mésopotamie et Elam", the present state of our knowledge of the Elamite and Susean society from archaeological, philological, historical and geographical points of view. The multidisciplinary character of this congress illustrates the present state of research in the socio-economic, historical and political developments of the Suso-Elamite region from prehistoric times until the great Persian Empire. Because of its strategically important location between the Mesopotamian alluvial plain and the Iranian highlands and its particular interest as point of contact between civilizations, Susa and Elam were of utmost importance for the history of the ancient Near East in general.
1 online resource (xiii, 554 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004207417 :
1782-4168 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La fiction des déclamations /
En dehors d'analyses de type sociologique, les déclamations latines n'ont généralement que peu retenu l'attention des spécialistes de l'Antiquité. Pourtant, ces discours fictifs constituaient le couronnement de l'éducation rhétorique et un élément central de l'activité littéraire. De ce fait, ils appartiennent de plein droit au domaine de la littérature antique. Ce livre veut mieux faire connaître les déclamations latines et leur fonction dans le système éducatif romain. Il s'attache à mettre en lumière leur littérarité, en analysant les techniques narratives mises en œuvres et en soulignant leurs liens avec la poésie et le roman. L'ouvrage se penche également sur la question des rapports que ces textes entretiennent avec la réalité et sur celle de la pertinence de leur utilisation comme sources historiques. Il en ressort une réévaluation des déclamations, susceptible de susciter un nouvel intérêt pour ce genre littéraire majeur de l'Antiquité. The Latin declamations have, except for sociological analysis, drawn but little attention from specialists of Antiquity. However, these fictional discourses represented the highlight of the rhetorical education and were a central element in literary activity. This book strives to draw the Latin declamations and their role in the Roman educational system from the shadows. It will bring to light their literary nature and underline their ties with poetry and the novel. It also investigates the relation between these texts and reality and the pertinence of their use as historical sources. The result is a revaluation of the declamations, liable to provoke a new interest in this major literary genre of Antiquity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [159]-180) and index. :
9789047423157 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Women in Western and Eastern Manichaeism : Selected Papers from the International Conference Les femmes dans le manichéisme occidental et oriental held in Paris, University of Paris Sorbonne, 27-28 June...
The exceptional place women held in Manichaeism, in everyday life or myth, is the object of this book. Relying on firsthand Manichaean texts in several languages and on polemical sources, as well as on iconography, the various papers analyze aspects of women's social engagement by spreading Mani's doctrine, working to support the community, or corresponding with other Manichaean groups. Topics such as women's relation to the body and elect or hearer status are also investigated. The major role played by female entities in the myth is enlightened through occidental and oriental texts and paintings discovered in Central Asia and China.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
L'eau, enjeux politiques et théologiques, de Sumer à la Bible /
This book investigates a corpus of royal inscriptions and literary texts, with special emphasis on those that are mythological and biblical, stretching over several millennia from the early days of Sumer to the Biblical period, in order to determine the ways in which the concept of water was used, in particular the way it functions in the political and theological ideology of the time. Three literary motifs are the object of a careful study : the crossing of water, the flood and the water of abundance. Though their study shows diversity in evolution, transmission and reception, it appears that their function is common at the heart of the Mesopotamian political theology of royal mediation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [613]-672) and indexes. :
9789047441335 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Interprétations de Möise : Égypte, Judée, Grèce et Rome /
The present volume is the result of a team research which gathered biblical scholars, philologists, and historians of religions, on the issue of the multiple \'Interpretations of Moses\' inherited from the ancient mediterranean cultures. The concrete outcome of this comparative inquiry is the common translation and commentary of the fragments from the works of the mysterious Artapanus. The comparative perspective suggested here is not so much methodological, or thematic. It is first of all an invitation to cross disciplinary boundaries and to take account of the contributions of diverse cultures to the formation of a single mythology, in the case, a Moses mythology. With respect to Judea, Greece, Egypt or Rome, and further more an emerging christianity and its \'gnostic\' counterpart, the figure of Moses is at the heart of a cross-cultural dialogue the pieces of which, if they can be seperated for the confort of their specific study, mostly gain by being put together. Ce volume est le fruit d'un travail d'équipe, qui a réuni des biblistes, des philologues, et des historiens des religions autour des multiples « Interprétations de Moïse » que nous ont léguées les cultures de la Méditerranée antique. Le résultat pratique de cette enquête comparatiste culmine dans la traduction et le commentaire à « douze mains » des fragments du mystérieux Artapan, qui ouvrent le volume. Le comparatisme proposé dans le présent volume ne se veut ni méthodologique ni thématique, mais vise d'abord à franchir les frontières disciplinaires, tout en envisageant les apports culturels respectifs contribuant à la formation d'une mythologie, en l'occurrence celle de Moïse. Entre la Judée, l'Egypte, la Grèce, Rome, et bien-sûr le christianisme naissant et l'univers « gnostique » qui l'accompagne, la figure de Moïse est au cœur d'un dialogue, dont les pièces, si elles peuvent être disjointes pour la commodité de l'étude, gagnent surtout à être rapprochées.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [269]-293) and indexes. :
9789047443834 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Est-ce reel? : phenomenologies de l'imaginaire /
While realism has enjoyed renewed vigor in contemporary philosophy, Est-ce réel ? Phénoménologies de l'imaginaire challenges the relevance of the concept of reality from a phenomenological perspective. The volume brings together an exciting and provocative range of contemporary research on these issues, moving beyond the classical opposition between the real and the imaginary. Est-ce réel? gathers original contributions from a selected group of specialists, including internationally acclaimed scholars as well as emerging researchers. The collection demonstrates a vast new territory unfolding in contemporary philosophy, from ontological reflections on the imaginary to the analysis of the fundamental aesthetic, ethical, socio-political, and therapeutic implications that follow from them. With texts by G. Chernavin, A. Coignard, A. Dufourcq, I. Fazakas, A. Gléonec, A. Hervy, U. Idziak-Smoczyńska, A. Koubova, C. Lapierre, Y. Murakami, F. Pignarre, D. Popa, E. de Saint Aubert, J. Sallis, A. Schnell, R. Steinmetz et J.J. Wunenburger.
"Le projet de cet ouvrage est ne a la suite du colloque " Est-ce reel ?/Is this real ? " qui s'est tenu a l'Universite Charles de Prague en Novembre 2013"--galley.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004322516 :
1875-2470 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Poliorcétique au Proche-Orient à l'âge du bronze : fortifications urbaines, procédés de siège et systèmes defénsifs /
Added title pages, table of contents, and introductory matter in Arabic.
"Ouvrage publié avec le concours du ministère des Affaires étrangères (DGMDP) et du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (UMIFRE 6, USR 3135)."
Revised version of author's doctoral dissertation, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2010. :
xiv, 307 pages : Illustrations, maps ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [273]-299) and indexes. :
9782351593691 :
Le voyage à Héliopolis : description des vestiges pharaoniques et des traditions associées depuis Hérodote jusqu'à l'Expédition d'Egypte /
"The city of Heliopolis in Egypt has always fascinated its visitors. Some recognized the residence of the famous magician-priests of the Phraraohs, those who gave their teachings to some great men of ancient Greece; others, the places of famous episodes of the Holy Scriptures; even others, some strange remains with miraculous virtues. This book gathers the descriptions of Heliopolis and its ruins by pilgrims, travelers, geographers and historians from different cultural backgrounds: Greeks, Romans, Muslims, Jewishs [sic], Christians of Orient and Occident. These testimonies, from the 5th century BC to the end of the 18th century AC, tell us about the appearance of the site and its monuments over the centuries, its history and above all, teh legends developed around this universal symbolic place" -- Page [4] of cover.
Includes one folded loose-leaf map (24 cm x 16 cm) of the site of Heliopolis in present day Matariya, Egypt.
On front cover: "Culture et savoirs" :
xvii, 222 pages : illustrations, maps, plans, facsimiles ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 185-212) and index. :
9782724706543 :
A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods /
A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods presents 16 studies about modern Arab academic scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Worlds covering disciplines as diverse as Assyriology and Mamluk studies as well as historiographical schools in the Arab World. This unique work is the first of its kind in any language. It is an important resource for scholars and students of the Ancient Near East and North Africa, Classical and Byzantine studies, and medieval Islamic history who would like to learn more about the work done by their colleagues in the Arab World in these fields over the last 7 decades and to benefit from Arabic secondary sources in their research. دليل الدراسات العربية الحديثة حول العصور القديمة والوسيطة يحتوي هذا الكتاب على 61 بحثا حول الدراسات الأكاديمية المتعلّقة بتاريخ العصور القديمة والوسيطة في العالم العربي، وتغطي هذه الأبحاث تخصصات علمية متنوعة منها الدراسات المسمارية والدراسات المملوكية، إضافةً إلى بعض المدارس التاريخية العربية المعاصرة. الكتاب فريد من نوعه والأول في كافة اللغات، ويُشكّل مصدرا هاما للباحثين والطلبة في دراسات الشرق الأدنى القديم وشمال إفريقيا في العصور القديمة والدراسات الكلاسيكية والبيزنطية والتاريخ الإسلامي الوسيط، وكذلك للمهتمين بعلمي التاريخ والآثار في الدول العربية.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :