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Published 2016
Metaphysics in contemporary physics /

: This book is a collection of essays whose topics center around relations between analytic metaphysics and modern physical theories. The contributions to the volume cover a broad spectrum of issues, ranging from metaphysical implications of selected physical theories (quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, general relativity, string theory et cetera), to specific problems in scientifically-oriented analytic metaphysics, such as the problem of emergence and reduction, the part-whole relation, and the question of objecthood, properties and individuality on the fundamental level of reality. The authors of the contributions are philosophers of science, physicists and metaphysicians of international renown, and their work represents the cutting edge in modern metaphysics of physical sciences. Contributors are: Tomasz Bigaj, Jessica Bloom, Nazim Bouatta, Jeremy Butterfield, Adam Caulton, Dennis Dieks, Mauro Dorato, Michael Esfeld, Steven French, Andreas Hüttemann, Marek Kuś, Douglas Kutach, Vincent Lam, Olimpia Lombardi, Kerry McKenzie, Thomas Møller-Nielsen, Matteo Morganti, Ioan Muntean, Dean Rickles, Antonio Vassallo, Jessica Wilson, Christian Wüthrich
: 1 online resource (485 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004310827 : 0303-8157 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
The furniture of the world : essays in ontology and metaphysics /

: Seventeen essays make up the body of this anthology. Most of the authors are Latin Americans (although some of them work in other regions), and thus we might say that this volume is, in a very approximate sense, a showcase of recent Latin-American ontology and metaphysics. The remaining authors-Pierre Aubenque, Barry Smith, Lorenzo Peña and James Hamilton-are distinguished teachers who have had important contacts with the Latin-American philosophical community. The articles in this anthology address some of the central questions in ontology and metaphysics: the possibility of a science of being (Aubenque), the different possible approaches to ontology (Hurtado), the recent application of ontology to informatics (Smith), guise theory and its Leibnizian antecedents (Herrera), the reduction of space and time to phenomenological properties (Rodríguez Larreta), the Newtonian ontology of space and time (Benítez and Robles), the relation between truth and the so-called "truth-makers" (Rodríguez Pereyra), the ontological position of the Pyrrhonic skeptic (Junqueira Smith), the limits and difficulties of metaphysical realism (Cabanchik, Pereda), the defense of physicalist or emergentist positions regarding the mental (Pérez), the metaphysical nature of persons (Naishtat), the ontology of cultural entities (Peña), political ontology (Nudler), the relation between ontology and literature (Hamilton), the ontology of art (Tomasini). Some of the works (e.g., those Aubenque and Robles) approach the question from a historical perspective: others examine the most recent philosophical literature on the problems focalized (e.g., those by Pérez and Rodríguez Pereyra), and others offer new approaches (e.g., those of Rodríguez Larreta, Peña or Nudler) to a specific problematic area.
: International conference proceedings. : 1 online resource (335 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789401207799 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Aëtiana IV : papers of the Melbourne Colloquium on Ancient Doxography /

: The articles collected here are based for the most part on papers read at the Colloquium "The Placita of Aëtius: Foundations for the Study of Ancient Philosophy," held in Melbourne in December 2015. The Placita , a first century CE collection of systematically organised tenets in natural philosophy ranging from first principles to human physiology is incompletely extant in several later sources. Its laborious reconstruction and the identity of its author are discussed from various angles. The text of the treatise is further elucidated by a novel statistical exploration of what is extant and what is missing. Its relation to various currents in the history of Greek philosophy and its reliability are also examined in some detail.
: 1 online resource (xii, 527 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004361461 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
Ancient histories of medicine : essays in medical doxography and historiography in classical antiquity /

: This collection of essays focuses on the ways in which Greek and Latin authors viewed and wrote about the history of medicine in the ancient world. Special attention is given to medical doxography, id est the description of the characteristic doctrines of the great medical authorities of the past. The volume examines the various attitudes to the history of medicine adopted by a wide range of ancient writers (e.g. Aristotle, Galen, Celsus, Herophilus, Soranus, Oribasius, Caelius Aurelianus). It discusses the historical sense of ancient medicine, the variety of versions of the medical past that were created and the wide range of purposes and strategies which medico-historical writing served. It also deals with the question of the sources, the role of historiographical traditions and the variety of literary genres of ancient medico-historical writing.
: 1 online resource (viii, 537 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004377479 : 0925-1421 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2009
New perspectives on Aristotle's De caelo /

: This volume is the first collection of scholarly articles in any modern language devoted to Aristotle's De caelo . It grew out of series of workshops held at Princeton, Cambridge, and Paris in the late 1990's. Since Aristotle's De caelo had a major influence on cosmological thinking until the time of Galileo and Kepler and helped to shape the way in which Western civilization imagined its natural environment and place at the center of the universe, familiarity with the main doctrines of the De caelo is a prerequisite for an understanding of much of the thought and culture of antiquity and the Middle Ages. This book is also available in paperback.
: Papers presented at a series of workshops held at Princeton, Cambridge and Paris in the late 1990's. : 1 online resource. : "Aristotle's De caelo: a bibliography"--P. [283]-298.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004189829 : 0079-1687 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
The letter before the spirit : the importance of text editions for the study of the reception of Aristotle /

: The Letter before the Spirit contains original articles based on the papers given at the Huygens ING (The Hague, 2009) on the importance of text editions for the study of the transmission of Aristotle's works in the Semitico-Latin translations and their commentary tradition in the medieval world. Authors underline this importance in general overviews and theoretical outlines and present their own work on various text editions, ranging from Syriac and Arabic to Hebrew and (Graeco) Latin, and from Aristotle, Avicenna and Averroes to Plotinus, Michael Scot, William of Moerbeke, Judah ha-Kohen, Barhebraeus and Albertus Magnus. Editors are further encouraged to cross boundaries between disciplines and study the translation tradition of Aristotle's works in its entirety.
: 1 online resource (xxi, 516 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004235083 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
Ideas in motion in Baghdad and beyond : philosophical and theological exchanges between Christians and Muslims in the third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuries /

: This volume contains a collection of articles focusing on the philosophical and theological exchanges between Muslim and Christian intellectuals living in Baghdad during the classical period of Islamic history, when this city was a vibrant center of philosophical, scientific, and literary activity. The philosophical accomplishments and contribution of Christians writing in Arabic and Syriac represent a crucial component of Islamic society during this period, but they have typically been studied in isolation from the development of mainstream Islamic philosophy. The present book aims for a more integrated approach by exploring case studies of philosophical and theological cross-pollination between the Christian and Muslim traditions, with an emphasis on the Baghdad School and its main representative, Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī. Contributors: Carmela Baffioni, David Bennett, Gerhard Endress, Damien Janos, Olga Lizzini, Ute Pietruschka, Alexander Treiger, David Twetten, Orsolya Varsányi, John W. Watt, Robert Wisnovsky
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004306264 : 0929-2403 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1996
Polyhistor : studies in the history and historiography of ancient philosophy : presented to Jaap Mansfeld on his sixtieth birthday /

: During the past three decades Jaap Mansfeld, Professor of Ancient Philosophy in Utrecht, has built up a formidable reputation as a leading scholar in his field. His work has concentrated on the Presocratics, Hellenistic Philosophy, the sources of our knowledge of ancient philosophy (esp. doxography) and the history of scholarship. In honour of his sixtieth birthday, colleagues and friends have contributed a collection of articles which represent the state of the art in the study of the history of ancient philosophy and frequently concentrate on subjects in which the honorand has made important discoveries. The 22 contributors include M. Baltes, J. Barnes, J. Brunschwig, W.M. Calder III, J. Dillon, P.L. Donini, J. Glucker, A.A. Long, L.M. de Rijk, D. Sedley, P. Schrijvers, and M. Vegetti. The volume concludes with a complete bibliography of Jaap Mansfeld's scholarly work so far.
: Festschrift in honor of Jaap Mansfeld. : 1 online resource (x, 438 pages, [1] leaf of plates) : illustrations (some color) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004320970 : 0079-1687 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
Egypt at its origins 2 : proceedings of the international conference "Origin of the State, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005 /

: "The proceedings of the Second International Conference about Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt (Toulouse, France, 2005) present the results of the latest research on the rise of the Pharaonic culture in Ancient Egypt. It contains 65 contributions by 80 authors from different countries. The articles in this volume have been organised in nine thematic sections: craft and craft specialisation; physical anthropology; geoarchaeology and environmental sciences; interactions between Upper and Lower Egypt; interactions between the desert and the Nile Valley; foreign relations; birth of writing and kingship; cult, ideology and social complexity; excavations and museums."--BOOK JACKET.
: xli, 1236 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789042919945

Published 2025
Adventure at Arms : On the Narrative Formation of Violence /

: Adventure fiction suggests that social conflicts can be displaced from the centre to the periphery of culture in order to be settled there by violent means. Its protagonists are endowed with extraordinary physical agency and a strange resilience to bodily and psychic wounds. This volume proposes a critical analysis of adventurous violence that foregrounds narratological issues as well as their socio-historical, political, and anthropological implications. Predicated on a broad diachronic perspective that challenges simple generalizations, the articles presented here cover a wide array of genres from ancient romance to the swashbuckling novel and a variety of contexts ranging from early modern state-building to colonialism, imperialism, and modern warfare.
: 1 online resource (364 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783846768709

Published 2020
Essays on Babylonian and Biblical Literature and Religion /

: In this volume, Tzvi Abusch presents studies written over a span of forty years that were completed prior to his retirement from Brandeis University in 2019. They reflect several themes that he has pursued in addition to his work on witchcraft literature and the Epic of Gilgamesh. The volume begins with general articles on Mesopotamian magic, religion, and mythology; these are followed by a set of articles on Akkadian prayers, especially šuillas , focusing, first of all, on exegetical and linguistic (synchronic) studies and, then, on diachronic analyses; part two contains a series of literary studies of Mesopotamian and biblical classics; part three is devoted to comparative studies of terms and phenomena; finally, the fourth part takes up texts that are of legal interest. The Harvard Semitic Studies series publishes volumes from the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East. Other series offered by Brill that publish volumes from the Museum include Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant and Harvard Semitic Monographs , .
: 1 online resource. : 9789004435186

Published 2007
Fifty years of philosophy of religion : a select bibliography, 1955-2005 /

: The bibliography lists about 10.000 titles of monographs, collections and articles in the field of the philosophy of religion and philosophical theology that appeared between 1955 and 2005. The majority of them are in the English language but publications in German, Dutch and French are listed as well. Though it is not claimed to be exhaustive, the bibliography offers a fairly representative survey of scholarly work on the main topics of interest. *** Publications have been systematically classified according to eleven main categories: Introductions, Surveys and Historical Issues (Part I), Religious Language (Part II), Religious Experience (Part III), Religious Epistemology (Part IV) , Theism (Part V), Hermeneutics (Part VI), Religion and Science (Part VII), Religion and Aesthetics (Part VIII), Religion and Morality (Part IX), Religious Pluralism (Part X) and Feminist Philosophy of Religion (Part XI). Part III has been subdivided into Religious Experience and Mystical Experience , Part VII into The Concept of God , (arguments for) The Existence of God , The Problem of Evil and Atheism , and Part VII into General and Historical Issues , Theological Issues and (implications of) Modern Physics, Cosmology and Biology . *** The bibliography will particularly be useful to scholars, teachers and students in the philosophy of religion, philosophical theology and systematic theology as well as to those who are interested, professionally or otherwise, in the results of academic scholarship in those fields.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource. : 9789047420811 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Positive peace : reflections on peace education, nonviolence, and social change /

: Positive Peace is a scholarly and creative compilation of articles on peace education, nonviolence and social change. Arun Gandhi (grandson of Mahatma Gandhi) sets the scene in his introduction with the challenge that positive peace is both a resisting of the physical violence of war and the passive violence of the psychological structures that lead to conflict. Peace education rises to meet that challenge. In twelve chapters, philosophers and educators look at a variety of topics from Gandhian nonviolence, to pragmatic conflict solving; hope and the ethics of belief, to the way we use violent language; mothering and peace activism, to multiculturalism and peace. Recurring themes are: pragmatic nonviolence, the ethics of care as an antidote to violence, and hope in a violent world. Chapters on the use of film in peace education, song and nonviolent activism, and teaching art history and peace, demonstrate pragmatic possibilities for would-be peace educators. Arun Gandhi in his introduction asks, "For generations human beings have strived to attain peace, but with little or no success. ... Why is peace so illusive? Is it unattainable? Are humans incapable of living in peace?" This book suggests that peace education has a large part to play. It is an important attempt to begin to meet the challenge.
: 1 online resource (xxii, 183 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789042029927 : 0929-8436 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
Research in the social scientific study of religion /

: A wide range of research and review articles are presented. Topic areas include mental and physical health, personality correlates of spirituality, validity evidence for the ASPIRES, and the role of religious values on socio-political attitudes. Also included in this volume are studies examining women's issues surrounding body image and disordered eating. Another paper addresses Christian Serpent handlers, a very understudied group, and the legal, religious, and moral issues surrounding this practice. There is also a special section, edited by Dr. Christopher Boyatzis, that addresses specific issues around adolescant spirituality. This volume provides a diverse snapshot of cutting edge research in the field across multiple disciplines. Readers will come away with an appreciation for the broad interests that characterize this field and the fascinating empirical findings that continue to draw professional interest in numinous constructs.
: 1 online resource. : 9789047433354 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2000
Purity and Holiness : The Heritage of Leviticus /

: Purity has long been recognized as one of the essential drives which determines humankind's relationship with the holy. Codes of purity and impurity, dealing with such far-ranging topics as 'external stains' and 'inner remorse', represent the physical and 'bodily' side of religious experience and provide the key to the understanding of human orientation to nature, and the structure of society, including even relationships between the sexes. Starting with the Hebrew Bible, a number of articles study some rather neglected passages from both exegetical and cultural-anthropological standpoints. Next, it is shown that the concept of purity is far more central to the New Testament than previously thought. Luke is portrayed as a Jewish-oriented writer. The discussion of purity in Mark is compared with Rabbinical and Qumranic material. Patristic discussions of purity reflect both allegorical and literal interpretations, while rabbinical rulings display a fine sense for detail and realia. Biblical references to illness are interpreted both in Christian and Jewish traditions as a metaphor for immoral behavior. The present collection of studies proceeds far beyond other collections on purity, studying both the medieval and modern periods. Purity rules, in both Christian and Jewish society, do not disappear in the Middle Ages, but become increasingly stronger. Sometimes there appear unexpected and surprising similarities between both societies. Modern society sees a decline in the importance of purity, reflecting a growing ambiguous attitude to the relationship between the body and the holy. A feminist perspective is also provided, examining the intertwined relationship between religion, gender and power. Exegesis, archaeology, liturgy, anthropology and even architecture are all used to study the complex phenomena of purity in their religious and social dimensions from both Christian and Jewish perspectives.
: 1 online resource : 9789004421394

Published 2018
Sacred thresholds : the door to the sanctuary in late antiquity /

: Sacred Thresholds. The Door to the Sanctuary in Late Antiquity offers a far-reaching account of boundaries within pagan and Christian sanctuaries: gateways in a precinct, outer doors of a temple or church, inner doors of a cella . The study of these liminal spaces within Late Antiquity - itself a key period of transition during the spread of Christianity, when cultural paradigms were redefined - demands an approach that is both interdisciplinary and diachronic. Emilie van Opstall brings together both upcoming and noted scholars of Greek and Latin literature and epigraphy, archaeology, art history, philosophy, and religion to discuss the experience of those who crossed from the worldly to the divine, both physically and symbolically. What did this passage from the profane to the sacred mean to them, on a sensory, emotive and intellectual level? Who was excluded, and who was admitted? The articles each offer a unique perspective on pagan and Christian sanctuary doors in the Late Antique Mediterranean.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004369009 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.