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Authority and control in the countryside from antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (6th-10th century)
Authority and Control in the Countryside looks at the economic, religious, political and cultural instruments that local and regional powers in the late antique to early medieval Mediterranean and Near East used to manage their rural hinterlands. Measures of direct control - land ownership, judicial systems, garrisons and fortifications, religious and administrative appointments, taxes and regulation - and indirect control - monuments and landmarks, cultural styles and artistic models, intellectual and religious influence, and economic and bureaucratic standard-setting - are examined to reconstruct the various means by which authority was asserted over the countryside. Unified by its thematic and spatial focus, this book offers an array of interdisciplinary approaches, allowing for important comparisons across a wide but connected geographical area in the transition from the Sasanian and Roman to the Islamic period. Contributors: Arezou Azad and Hugh Kennedy, Sobhi Bouderbala, Michele Campopiano, Alain Delattre, Jessica Ehinger, Simon Ford, James Howard-Johnston, Elif Keser-Kayaalp, Marie Legendre, Javier Martínez Jiménez, Harry Munt, Annliese Nef and Vivien Prigent, Marion Rivoal and Marie-Odile Rousset, Gesa Schenke, Petra Sijpesteijn, Peter Verkinderen, Luke Yarbrough, Khaled Younes.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004386549 :
2210-8920 ;
The libraries of the Neoplatonists : proceedings of the meeting of the European Science Foundation Network "Late antiquity and Arabic thought : patterns in the constitution of European culture", held...
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047419471 : 0079-1687 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Jerusalem Question and Its Resolution: Selected Documents /
It is universally accepted that Jerusalem is a unique city. It stirs up strong emotions among adherents of various religions as it is the centre of three religions, and it is the subject of conflicting national aspirations of two peoples. The diverse attitudes and wishes associated with the city are expressed, inter alia , in certain documents. This collection presents the most important of these documents. This will help the reader to understand the difficulties and may assist in the search for solutions. There may be differences of opinion over historical facts and documents may be subject to differing interpretations. Convenient access to the relevant documents is a prerequisite for any attempt to understand the problem and seek solutions. The collection includes documents concerning the status of Jerusalem from the point of view of Israel's law and administration, as well as documents from the Arab world and from the international sphere. The editors have focused on official documents and in particular on those that have had a practical influence on the status of the city, or are likely to do so in the future. The collection will assist students and scholars who seek to understand the special status of Jerusalem, as well as politicians and diplomats who are responsible for ensuring its welfare and prosperity.
1 online resource (576 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods /
A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods presents 16 studies about modern Arab academic scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Worlds covering disciplines as diverse as Assyriology and Mamluk studies as well as historiographical schools in the Arab World. This unique work is the first of its kind in any language. It is an important resource for scholars and students of the Ancient Near East and North Africa, Classical and Byzantine studies, and medieval Islamic history who would like to learn more about the work done by their colleagues in the Arab World in these fields over the last 7 decades and to benefit from Arabic secondary sources in their research. دليل الدراسات العربية الحديثة حول العصور القديمة والوسيطة يحتوي هذا الكتاب على 61 بحثا حول الدراسات الأكاديمية المتعلّقة بتاريخ العصور القديمة والوسيطة في العالم العربي، وتغطي هذه الأبحاث تخصصات علمية متنوعة منها الدراسات المسمارية والدراسات المملوكية، إضافةً إلى بعض المدارس التاريخية العربية المعاصرة. الكتاب فريد من نوعه والأول في كافة اللغات، ويُشكّل مصدرا هاما للباحثين والطلبة في دراسات الشرق الأدنى القديم وشمال إفريقيا في العصور القديمة والدراسات الكلاسيكية والبيزنطية والتاريخ الإسلامي الوسيط، وكذلك للمهتمين بعلمي التاريخ والآثار في الدول العربية.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
In the shadow of Bezalel : Aramaic, biblical, and ancient Near Eastern studies in honor of Bezalel Porten /
Twenty nine scholars from Israel, Europe and the Americas came together to honor and celebrate Prof. Bezalel Porten's (Emeritus, Dept. of History of the Jewish People, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) academic career. Covering a wide variety of topics within Aramaic, Biblical, and ancient Near Eastern Studies, In the Shadow of Bezalel offers new insights and proposals in the areas of Aramaic language, paleography, onomastica and lexicography; ancient Near Eastern legal traditions, Hebrew Bible, and social history of the Persian period.
1 online resource (l, 429 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004240841 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Syncretistic Religious Communities in the Near East : Collected Papers of the International Symposium "Alevism in Turkey and Comparable Syncretistic Religious Communities in the Ne...
This volume deals with Islamic sects in the Near East such as the Alevis (Turkey), Druzes (Libanon), Alawis (Syria), Ahl-i Haqq (Iran, Iraq) and Shabak (Iraq), which have in common a syncretistic system of belief with a strong Shi'ite influence, as well as secrecy and endogamy. The contributions in this volume focus on the present situation of these communities, their relation to mainstream Islam, their involvement in national and ethnic politics, aspects of faith and rituals, the relevance of sacred texts, modes of religious and social transformation, and the recent revival of Alevism. In view of the new visibility of these formerly "hidden" sects and their increasing social and political importance, this volume provides important information for all scholars interested in the religious and political situation of the region.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004378988 :
0169-8834 ;
Aux origines du classicisme, Calligraphes et bibliophiles au temps des dynasties mongoles (Les Ilkhanides et les Djalayirides 656-814 / 1258-1411).
Cet ouvrage explore une période charnière de l'histoire du livre islamique et iranien: la période mongole envisagée dans le long terme, sous les dynasties ilkhanide et djalayiride. Il étudie la question de la maturation de la calligraphie arabe classique à travers la vie et l'œuvre de Yāqūt al-Mustaʿṣimī qui sont, pour la première fois, soumises à une analyse systématique, mettant en avant l'importance de son école et des maîtres bagdadiens pour les arts du livre des décennies suivantes. L'ouvrage se penche aussi sur les manuscrits des Ilkhans musulmans et du vizir Rashīd al-Dīn dans le cadre de la problématique de la naissance de la kitābkhānah et de l'affirmation du statut des calligraphes et des peintres sous les derniers Ilkhanides et les Djalayirides. This book explores a pivotal period in the history of the book in the Islamic world and Iran, id est the Mongol period viewed in a long-term perspective, under the Ilkhanid and the Djalayirid dynasties. It examines the issue of the maturation of classical Arabic calligraphy through the life and work of Yāqūt al-Mustaʿṣimī, which are for the first time subjected to a systematic analysis, highlighting the importance of his school and the Baghdadi masters for the arts of the book of the following decades. The study also looks at the manuscripts of the Muslim Ilkhans and the Vizier Rashīd al-Dīn in the context of the birth of the kitābkhānah and the rise in the status of calligraphers and painters under the last Ilkhanids and the Djalayirids.
1 online resource. :