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Art and archaeology technical abstracts.

: Volume 6, number 1 (1966)-
Ceased in 2000. : volumes ; 22 cm. : Two number a year, summer 1972-2000 : 0004-2994

Published 2017

: Haecceities: Essentialism, Identity, and Abstraction is both an artistic and philosophical examination of the limits of Abstraction in art and of kinds of radical identity that are determined in the identification of those limits. Building on his work Subjects and Objects , Strayer shows how the fundamental conditions of making and apprehending works of art can be used, in concert with language, thought, and perception, as 'material' for producing the more Abstract and radical artworks possible. Certain limits of Abstraction and possibilities of radical identity are then identified that are critically and philosophically considered. They prove to be so extreme that the concepts artwork, abstraction, identity, and object in art, philosophy, and philosophy of art, have to be reconsidered.
: Description based upon print version of record.
10.2 Dualities and Identities. : 1 online resource. : 9789004338449 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2022
Abstractions based on circles : papers on prehistoric rock art presented to Stan Beckensall on his 90th birthday /

: Stan Beckensall is renowned for his work, done on an entirely amateur basis, discovering, recording and interpreting Atlantic rock art in his home county of Northumberland and beyond. Presented on his 90th birthday, this diverse and stimulating collection of papers celebrates his crucial contribution to rock art studies, and looks to the future.
: Also issued in print: 2022.
"This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License"--Title page verso. : 1 online resource (vi, 181 pages) : illustrations (colour) : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803273174 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2025
Between Point Zero and the Iron Curtain : International Cooperation in Art and the Postwar Moment, 1945-1948 /

: This volume, edited by Éva Forgács, with contributions from art historians from across Europe and the Americas, analyzes the artistic initiatives of the short time span between the end of World War II and the onset of the Cold War. In this moment, a new internationalism was anticipated by retrieving pre-war modernism, as well as creating the new era's new artistic lingua franca. The chapters include in-depth case studies that analyze the complex, often interconnected, projects throughout the world-South America, North Africa, and eastern and western Europe-that were soon ended by the Cold War. See Less
: 1 online resource (382 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004711280

Published 2022

: Herodotus' Autopsy Of The Pyramids / O. Kimball Armayor -- Ramesses XI At Hierakonopolis / Klaus Baer -- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum (C.A.A.) / Robert S. Bianchi -- The Sculpture Of Sesostris I / Bernard V. Bothmer -- The Singer With The Glorious Harp Of Amen, Amenemheb Mehu / Edward Brovarski -- The Invasion Of Piankhy (Piye) Into Lower Egypt / Duane L. Christensen -- The Development Of The Back Pillar In The Late Period / Herman de Meulenaere -- Hecataeus Of Abdera's Account Of The Egyptians' Expulsion Of Foreigners: Did It Derive From An Egyptian Source? / Frances Henderson Diamond -- A Statuette From The Field Museum Of Natural History, Chicago / Earl L. Ertman -- The 1977-78 Season At The Korn El Ahmar (Hierakonopolis) / Walter Fairservis -- Sinuhe: The Ancient Egyptian Genre Of Narrative Verse / John L. Foster --On The Meaning Of The Name Akhenaten / Florence Friedman -- The Egyptian Second Canon And Archaic Greek Sculpture / Eleanor Guralnick -- Age Of The Pharaohs At Death From The Perspective Of Developmental Rate In Modern Nubia / James E. Harris -- Slate Figure Of Anubis From The Reign Of Menkaure / Lynn Holmquist Holden -- Survey Work In The Wadi Tumilat, 1977 / John S. Holladay, Jr. -- The Demotic Legal Code Of Hermopolis West / George R. Hughes -- The Functions Of Departments Of Egyptian Antiquities / T. G. H. James -- The 1977-78 Season At Queseir / Janet Johnson and Donald S. Whitcomb -- The Scatophagous Egyptian / Gerald E. Kadish The Painter Hormin And The Style Of Th. T. 359 / Cathleen Keller -- The Tomb As Pavillion Of The Soul / Arielle P. Kozloff -- The Naukratis Project: 1977-78 / Albert Leonard, Jr. -- The Personnel Of The Funerary Stelae Of The Middle Kingdom / Ronald Jacques Leprohon -- A Dynasty 21 Royal Bust In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art / Yitzhak Margowsky -- Procopius Or Eutychius (Sa'Td Ibn Batriq) On The Construction Of The Monastery At Mt. Sinai: Which Is The More Reliable Source? / Philip Mayerson -- A Suggestion On The Origin Of Late Egyptian I(W)N3 / Edmund S. Meltzer -- Henri De Morgan's Excavations With Special Consideration To Two Important Predynastic Graves / Winifred Needier -- "Under The Chair"; A Problem Of Egyptian Perspective / Del Nord -- Abydos: Recent Discoveries / David O'Connor -- Report On The 3rd Season Of The East Karnak Excavations / Donald B. Redford -- The Origin Of Aha (Also Called Bes) / James F. Romano -- The Reassembly Of The Temple Of Dendur In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art / Arthur Rosenblatt -- Egyptian Royal Sculpture Of The Seventh Century B.C.: Some Remarks And A Proposed Addition / Edna R. Russmann -- Physical Deterioration Of The Royal Tombs In The Valley Of The Kings / John B. Rutherford -- The Winged Reshep / Allan R. Schulman -- Orthography and "Archaism" In Official Writings Of The Late Period / Elizabeth Sherman -- A Lost Kingdom In Nubia At The Dawn Of History And The Problem Of Kushite Origins / Bruce Williams -- A Reinterpretation Of The Blade-Like Objects Found Upon Tabletops In Egyptian Offering Scenes / Charles E. Worsham -- An Index Of Demotic Literature (I.D.L.) / Karl-Theodor Zauzich -- Some Problems In The Literary Analysis Of Medieval Arabic Adab Works / Fedwa Malti Douglas -- Al-Maqrizi’s Prophecy In The Middle Ages: The History Of Famines In Egypt / Sami A. Hanna -- An Egyptian Drawing: A Study Of Early Fatimid Sources / Eva Hoffman -- New Evidence For The Possible Provenance And Fate Of A Major Medieval Monumental Bronze Sculpture / Marilyn Jenkins -- Towards A History Of Astronomy In Medieval Egypt / David A. King -- Early Lead Glazed Wares In Egypt: Evidence From Fustat / George T. Scanlon -- Medieval Textiles Of Bahnasa / Dorothy Shepherd -- Glass From Islamic Egypt In The Kelsey Museum / Priscilla P. Soucek -- The Past Reflected: The Poet As Historian In Three Occasional Poems By Abu Tammam / Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych -- Further Comments On Medieval Egyptian Costume Modern Category / Yedida K. Stillman -- Leadership And Leadership Formation In Modern Egypt: A Comparative Study Of A Rural And Urban Community / P. Benedict € L. Cantori -- The Egyptian Wafd And Arab Nationalism: 1919-1939 / Ralph M. Coury -- The Socio-Economic Roots Of Nationalism: 2 cases: Egypt « Syria / Peter Gran -- Egyptian Engineers: The Reproduction Of A Bourgeoise / Clement Moore Henry -- Syrians In Egypt, 1875-1914? Exiles Or Members Of The Egyptian Society? / Thomas Philipp -- Egyptian Feminism Today / Kathleen Howard Merriam -- The Demands Of The Feminist Union / Michelle Raccagni -- Evidences Of Social S Political Change In Male/Female Roles In Modern Egypt; Amel—Village Bride, City Worker / Connie L. Shoemaker -- The Rise Of An Haute Bourgeoisie In Egypt, 1920-1950 / Robert Tignor.

Published 2022
ABSTRACTS : 1979 ANNUAL MEETING April 27, 28, and 29 : The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania

: The University of Toronto/American Schools of Oriental Research "Wadi Tumi lat Project” Excavations at Tell al-Maskhuta, 1978 / .John S. Holladay, Jr -- Egyptian Art in Connecticut Collections / Jean I.. Keith -- Dakhleh Oasis Project 1978 Field Season / A.J. Mills -- Some Sherds from Abydos Connected with the Osiris Festival / Alan Morrow -- Two Fragments in Brooklyn Relating to the l.ate Prcdynastic Commemorative Palettes / Winifred Needier -- The University Museum Excavation at Malknta / David O'Connor -- The Palermo Stone: A New Resolution / Patrick F. O'Mara -- Background for Assessing the Impact of Medical Practices Described in the Edwin Smith Papyrus: An Anthropological Perspective / Diana Craig Patch -- The Egyptianizing Origin of the Greek Gorgoneion / David A. Pendlebury -- ARCE Project: Tutankhamun-Ay Shrine at Karnak / Otto J. Schaden -- The N'rn at Kadesh Once Again / Alan R. Schulman -- An Archaic Parallel for a New Kingdom Religious Inscription / David P. Silverman -- Considerations on the Hittite-Egyptian Treaty / Anthony J. Spa linger -- Excavations at Mendes in the Nile Delta 1976-1979 / Karen l. Wilson -- The Continuity of Wooden Statuary / Wendy WoodMerchants and Marginality: Women of a Popular Quarter in Cairo / Evelyn Aleene Early -- Workshop: Continuity and Change in Egyptian Arts: Lyrics, Music and Dance / Salwa El-Shawan -- Variation In the Frequency of Literary Oenonstratives in the Egyptian Oral Media / Carolyn G. Killean -- Petty Commodity Production in Egypt / Kristin Koptiuch -- U.S. Wheat to Egypt Under Public Law 480: Humanitarian Gesture or Political Instrumentality? / John G. Merriam -- Perspectives on U.S. Aid to Egypt / Kathleen Howard Merriam -- Workshop: Continuity and Change in Egyptian Arts: Lyrics, Music and Dance / Mona Mikhail -- Demographic Observations on the Motivation and Patterns of Syrian Migration to and within Egypt / Thomas Philipp -- Deciphering Egypt’s Mulids: A Critique of Turner’s Theory of Pilgrimage / Bd Reeves -- Industrialization in Egypt: An Analysis of Current Managerial and Structural Problems / Delwin A. Roy -- Male/Female Speech Patterns in ECA: Situational Influences on Degree of Pharyngealization / Anne Royal -- AdIb Ishaq: A Syrian Intellectual in Egypt / David B. Ruedig -- Workshop: Continuity and Change in Egyptian Arts: Lyrics, Music and Dance / Magda Salih -- Peasant Women in Early 19th Century Egypt: The Family Economy in Perspective / Judith E. Tucker -- A Sociolinguistic Investigation of a Secondary Emphatic in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic / Any A, Van Voorhis -- 'Abd Allah Kahhal and Northeast African Trade, 1890-1920 / Terence Waltz.

Published 2009
Artists and intellectuals and the requests of power /

: A much discussed question in classical studies is the comparison between the situation of poets in Augustan Rome and that of artists and intellectuals in the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century. As instructive as this question proves to be for an understanding of the relation between the freedom of art and thinking on the one hand and power on the other, it also reveals the insufficiency of our present grasp of this crucial articulation of our humanity. This volume offers a multidisciplinary and comparative approach to the problem, complementing the historical perspective with a regard on Eastern traditions. It thus explores tentative paths for future research on an issue of critical importance for the shaping of the global world.
: Papers given at the workshop 'Artists and Intellectuals and the Requests of Power', held from 26 to 29 July 2007 at the Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047425601 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Michel Henry et l'affect de l'art : recherches sur l'esthétique de la phénoménologie matérielle /

: Quel est le statut de l'art et de l'affectivité esthétique chez Michel Henry ? Le champ occupé par l'art dans l'économie de la phénoménologie matérielle est-il le lieu le plus propre pour l'exploration immanente de l'apparaître et l'auscultation de l'affectivité transcendantale de la vie ? Ce livre offre un repérage de quelques pistes remarquables à partir desquelles le besoin de poser les jalons d'une esthétique matérielle se fait suffisamment pressant pour qu'on y prête attention. C'est pour frayer cette voie et faire les premiers pas dans la direction qu'elle infléchit que les études ici réunies engagent, chacune à sa manière, l'examen du statut de l'art chez Michel Henry : du côté de la peinture bien sûr, mais aussi dans les champs du langage, de la littérature, de la danse, de l'architecture et de la musique. L'ensemble est précédé par un texte de Michel Henry, consacré à l'œuvre picturale de Pierre Magré. What is the status of art and aesthetic affectivity in Michel Henry? Is the place occupied by art within the economy of his material phenomenology the most appropriate site for the immanent exploration of appearing and the auscultation of the transcendental affectivity of life? This book locates some remarkable avenues through which the need to prepare the ground for a material aesthetic becomes urgent enough to be given attention. In order to clear this path and take the first steps in the direction it leads, the studies gathered here, each in its own way, are engaged in the study of the status of art in Michel Henry, from the perspective of painting, of course, but also the fields of language, literature, dance, architecture and music. The collection is preceded by an essay by Michel Henry, devoted to the painting of Pierre Magré.
: 1 online resource (xlii, 343 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004186811 : 1875-2470 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2021
Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds : Studies in Honour of Erica Cruikshank Dodd /

: "Dedicated to Erica Cruikshank Dodd, Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds offers new perspectives on the Christian and Muslim communities of the east Mediterranean from medieval to contemporary times. The contributors examine how people from diverse religious backgrounds adapted to their changing political landscapes and show that artistic patronage, consumption, and practices are interwoven with constructed narratives. The essays consider material and textual evidence for painted media, architecture, and the creative process in Byzantium, Crusader-era polities, the Ottoman empire, and the modern Middle East, thus demonstrating the importance of the past in understanding the present"--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004457140

Published 2023
Is the Sublime Sustainable? A Comparative Aesthetics Approach to the Sublime /

: Is the Sublime Sustainable? introduces the key points of debate around the sublime while opening new avenues for future inquiry, especially through its comparative aesthetics approach. In it, you will discover how thinking on the sublime emerged historically and then engage with the recent critical scholarship on the topic, including from the fields of theology, philosophy, and literature. The critiques of the sublime are then expanded in dialogue with perspectives from Japanese aesthetics and art, shaping the argument that what is needed today is a sublime that enriches human lives by cultivating profound, participative relationships.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004538542

Published 2013
Handbook of the theosophical current /

: Few religious currents have been as influential as the Theosophical. Yet few currents have been so under-researched, and the Brill Handbook of the Theosophical Current thus represents pioneering research. A first section surveys the main people and events involved in the Theosophical Society from its inception to today, and outlines the Theosophical worldview. A second, substantial section covers most significant religions to emerge in the wake of the Theosophical Society - Anthroposophy, the Point Loma community, the I AM religious activity, the Summit Lighthouse Movement, the New Age, theosophical UFO religions, and numerous others. Finally, the interaction of the Theosophical current with contemporary culture - including gender relations, art, popular fiction, historiography, and science - are discussed at length.
: 1 online resource (xii, 494 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004235977 : 1874-6691 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
The origins of visual culture in the Islamic world : aesthetics, art and architecture in early Islam /

: "In tenth-century Iraq, a group of Arab intellectuals and scholars known as the Ikhwan al-Safa began to make their intellectual mark on the society around them. A mysterious organisation, the identities of its members have never been clear. But its contribution to the intellectual thought, philosophy, art and culture of the era - and indeed subsequent ones - is evident. In the visual arts, for example, Hamdouni Alami argues that the theory of human proportions which the Ikwan al-Safa propounded (something very similar to those of da Vinci), helped shape the evolution of the philosophy of aesthetics, art and architecture in the tenth and eleventh centuries CE, in particular in Egypt under the Fatimid rulers. With its roots in Pythagorean and Neoplatonic views on the role of art and architecture, the impact of this theory of specific and precise proportion was widespread. One of the results of this extensive influence is a historic shift in the appreciation of art and architecture and their perceived role in the cultural sphere. The development of the understanding of the interplay between ethics and aesthetics resulted in a movement which emphasised more abstract and pious contemplation of art, as opposed to previous views which concentrated on the enjoyment of artistic works (such as music, song and poetry). And it is with this shift that we see the change in art forms from those devoted to supporting the Umayyad caliphs and the opulence of the Abbasids, to an art which places more emphasis on the internal concepts of 'reason' and 'spirituality'. Using the example of Fatimid art and views of architecture (including the first Fatimid mosque in al-Mahdiyya, Tunisia), Hamdouni Alami offers analysis of the debates surrounding the ethics and aesthetics of the appreciation of Islamic art and architecture from a vital time in medieval Middle Eastern history, and shows their similarity with aesthetic debates of Italian Renaissance." -- Publisher's website.
: xiii, 184 pages : illustrations, plans ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 1784530409

Published 2021
L'arte rupestre nella penisola e nelle isole Italiane : rapporti tra rocce incise e dipinte...

: This book presents the proceedings of IFRAO 2018 - Session 2H. The various papers present a remarkable synthesis of current knowledge on inscriptions, engraved and painted, on the rock walls of the Italian peninsular.
: Conference proceedings.
Also issued in print: 2021. : 1 online resource (482 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789698244 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2021
L'arte rupestre nella penisola e nelle isole Italiane : rapporti tra rocce incise e dipinte...

: This book presents the proceedings of IFRAO 2018 - Session 2H. The various papers present a remarkable synthesis of current knowledge on inscriptions, engraved and painted, on the rock walls of the Italian peninsular.
: Conference proceedings.
Also issued in print: 2021. : 1 online resource (482 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789698244 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2014
L'incoronazione celeste nel mondo Bizantinon : politica, cerimoniale, numismatica e arti figurative /

: This study deals with the iconographic theme of imperial Byzantine 'heavenly coronation', or André Grabar's couronnement symbolique, with particular attention to fine arts and numismatics. This theme, along with the rituals of imperial investiture, represents the concept of divine kingship in figurative terms, a significant ideological premise for Byzantine theocracy.
: 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781905739981 (PDF ebook) :

Published 2014
L'incoronazione celeste nel mondo Bizantinon : politica, cerimoniale, numismatica e arti figurative /

: This study deals with the iconographic theme of imperial Byzantine 'heavenly coronation', or André Grabar's couronnement symbolique, with particular attention to fine arts and numismatics. This theme, along with the rituals of imperial investiture, represents the concept of divine kingship in figurative terms, a significant ideological premise for Byzantine theocracy.
: 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781905739981 (PDF ebook) :

Published 2013
Looking through a glass Bible : postdisciplinary Biblical interpretations from the Glasgow School /

: Some biblical interpreters' imaginations extend only as far as outlandish source theories or esoteric hypothetical audiences. The interpretive energies let loose in Glasgow over the past decade or so, however, have produced a cadre of interpreters who defy the disciplinary mandates of biblical criticisms in favour of reading the Bible with imaginations both careful and carefree. Infused with literary, political, art-critical, cinematic, liturgical and other interests, these essays display interpretive verve freed from the anxiety of disciplines - with closely observed insights, critical engagement with biblical texts, and vivid inspiration from the cultural world within which they are set. Here there is no \'gap\' between world and text, but the intimate congeniality of close, dear, comfortable interpretive friends. Contributors: Ben Morse, Hugh Pyper, Alastair Hunter, Hannah Strømmen, Jonathan C. P. Birch, Anna Fisk, Kuloba Wabyanga Robert, Samuel Tongue, A. K. M. Adam, Abigail Pelham, and the Religarts Collective (with Yvonne Sherwood).
: Includes index. : 1 online resource (ca. 238 pages) : 9789004259096 : 0928-0731 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Brill's companion to Valerius Flaccus /

: Brill's Companion to Valerius Flaccus is the first English-language survey on all key aspects of this Flavian poet and his epic Argonautica (1st century CE). A team of international specialists offers both an account of the state of the art and new insights. Topics covered include textual transmission, language, poetic techniques, main themes, characters, relationship to intertexts and reception. This will be a standard point of departure for anyone interested in Valerius Flaccus or Flavian epic more generally. Contributors are: Antony Augoustakis, Michael Barich, Neil Bernstein, Emma Buckley, Cristiano Castelletti, James Clauss, Robert Cowan, Peter Davis, Alain Deremetz, Attila Ferenczi, Marco Fucecchi, Randall Ganiban, Mark Heerink, Alison Keith, Helen Lovatt, Gesine Manuwald, Ruth Parkes, Tim Stover, Ruth Taylor-Briggs, and Andrew Zissos.
: 1 online resource (xiii, 438 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 381-408), abstracts of articles, and indexes. : 9789004278653 : 1872-3357 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Cyprus and the balance of empires : art and archaeology from Justinian I to the Coeur de Lion /

: xviii, 268 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 203-256) and index. : 9780897570732 (acid-free paper)

Published 2015
Word becomes image : openwork vessels as a reflection of late antique transformation /

: This study presents a diachronic investigation providing a rich case study as well as an approach tracing the contours of a category of Roman material culture defined by the Roman period technique of openwork carving. As the first comprehensive assemblage of openwork vessels from Classical to late Antiquity, this work offers primary evidence documenting a key example of the fundamental shift from naturalism to abstraction in which inscriptions are transformed and word becomes image. A glass blower herself, Hallie Meredith poses questions about process, tactility and reception providing a clear picture of the original contexts of production and reception demonstrated by the Roman technique of openwork carving.
: 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784911300 (PDF ebook) :