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Studies in archaeometry : proceedings of the Archaeometry Symposium at NORM 2019, June 16-19...
The proceedings of the Archaeometry Symposium at NORM 2019, Portland, Oregon, papers, with case studies in Spain, Canada, Thailand, Lithuania or Russia, address the application of different techniques in archaeology in order to comprehend some aspects during and after excavations, for instance, physics, chemical analysis, remote sensing, LiDAR, etc.
"Available in both print and Open Access"--Homepage.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (276 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789697339 (ebook) :
Studies in archaeometry : proceedings of the Archaeometry Symposium at NORM 2019, June 16-19...
The proceedings of the Archaeometry Symposium at NORM 2019, Portland, Oregon, papers, with case studies in Spain, Canada, Thailand, Lithuania or Russia, address the application of different techniques in archaeology in order to comprehend some aspects during and after excavations, for instance, physics, chemical analysis, remote sensing, LiDAR, etc.
"Available in both print and Open Access"--Homepage.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (276 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789697339 (ebook) :
Kinship and family in ancient Egypt : archaeology and anthropology in dialogue /
"In this interdisciplinary study, Leire Olabarria examines ancient Egyptian society through the notion of kinship. Drawing on methods from archaeology and sociocultural anthropology, she provides an emic characterisation of ancient kinship that relies on performative aspects of social interaction. Olabarria uses memorial stelae of the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom (ca 2150-1650 BCE) as her primary evidence. Contextualising these monuments within their social and physical landscapes, she proposes a dynamic way to explore kin groups through sources that have been considered static. The volume offers three case studies of kin groups at the beginning, peak, and decline of their developmental cycles respectively. They demonstrate how ancient Egyptian evidence can be used for cross-cultural comparison of key anthropological topics, such as group formation, patronage, and rites of passage"--
xv, 279 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Herodotus' Autopsy Of The Pyramids / O. Kimball Armayor -- Ramesses XI At Hierakonopolis / Klaus Baer -- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum (C.A.A.) / Robert S. Bianchi -- The Sculpture Of Sesostris I / Bernard V. Bothmer -- The Singer With The Glorious Harp Of Amen, Amenemheb Mehu / Edward Brovarski -- The Invasion Of Piankhy (Piye) Into Lower Egypt / Duane L. Christensen -- The Development Of The Back Pillar In The Late Period / Herman de Meulenaere -- Hecataeus Of Abdera's Account Of The Egyptians' Expulsion Of Foreigners: Did It Derive From An Egyptian Source? / Frances Henderson Diamond -- A Statuette From The Field Museum Of Natural History, Chicago / Earl L. Ertman -- The 1977-78 Season At The Korn El Ahmar (Hierakonopolis) / Walter Fairservis -- Sinuhe: The Ancient Egyptian Genre Of Narrative Verse / John L. Foster --On The Meaning Of The Name Akhenaten / Florence Friedman -- The Egyptian Second Canon And Archaic Greek Sculpture / Eleanor Guralnick -- Age Of The Pharaohs At Death From The Perspective Of Developmental Rate In Modern Nubia / James E. Harris -- Slate Figure Of Anubis From The Reign Of Menkaure / Lynn Holmquist Holden -- Survey Work In The Wadi Tumilat, 1977 / John S. Holladay, Jr. -- The Demotic Legal Code Of Hermopolis West / George R. Hughes -- The Functions Of Departments Of Egyptian Antiquities / T. G. H. James -- The 1977-78 Season At Queseir / Janet Johnson and Donald S. Whitcomb -- The Scatophagous Egyptian / Gerald E. Kadish The Painter Hormin And The Style Of Th. T. 359 / Cathleen Keller -- The Tomb As Pavillion Of The Soul / Arielle P. Kozloff -- The Naukratis Project: 1977-78 / Albert Leonard, Jr. -- The Personnel Of The Funerary Stelae Of The Middle Kingdom / Ronald Jacques Leprohon -- A Dynasty 21 Royal Bust In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art / Yitzhak Margowsky -- Procopius Or Eutychius (Sa'Td Ibn Batriq) On The Construction Of The Monastery At Mt. Sinai: Which Is The More Reliable Source? / Philip Mayerson -- A Suggestion On The Origin Of Late Egyptian I(W)N3 / Edmund S. Meltzer -- Henri De Morgan's Excavations With Special Consideration To Two Important Predynastic Graves / Winifred Needier -- "Under The Chair"; A Problem Of Egyptian Perspective / Del Nord -- Abydos: Recent Discoveries / David O'Connor -- Report On The 3rd Season Of The East Karnak Excavations / Donald B. Redford -- The Origin Of Aha (Also Called Bes) / James F. Romano -- The Reassembly Of The Temple Of Dendur In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art / Arthur Rosenblatt -- Egyptian Royal Sculpture Of The Seventh Century B.C.:
Some Remarks And A Proposed Addition / Edna R. Russmann -- Physical Deterioration Of The Royal Tombs In The Valley Of The Kings / John B. Rutherford -- The Winged Reshep / Allan R. Schulman -- Orthography and "Archaism" In Official Writings Of The Late Period / Elizabeth Sherman -- A Lost Kingdom In Nubia At The Dawn Of History And The Problem Of Kushite Origins / Bruce Williams -- A Reinterpretation Of The Blade-Like Objects Found Upon Tabletops In Egyptian Offering Scenes / Charles E. Worsham -- An Index Of Demotic Literature (I.D.L.) / Karl-Theodor Zauzich -- Some Problems In The Literary Analysis Of Medieval Arabic Adab Works / Fedwa Malti Douglas -- Al-Maqrizi’s Prophecy In The Middle Ages: The History Of Famines In Egypt / Sami A. Hanna -- An Egyptian Drawing: A Study Of Early Fatimid Sources / Eva Hoffman -- New Evidence For The Possible Provenance And Fate Of A Major Medieval Monumental Bronze Sculpture / Marilyn Jenkins -- Towards A History Of Astronomy In Medieval Egypt / David A. King -- Early Lead Glazed Wares In Egypt: Evidence From Fustat / George T. Scanlon -- Medieval Textiles Of Bahnasa / Dorothy Shepherd -- Glass From Islamic Egypt In The Kelsey Museum / Priscilla P. Soucek -- The Past Reflected: The Poet As Historian In Three Occasional Poems By Abu Tammam / Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych -- Further Comments On Medieval Egyptian Costume Modern Category / Yedida K. Stillman -- Leadership And Leadership Formation In Modern Egypt: A Comparative Study Of A Rural And Urban Community / P. Benedict € L. Cantori -- The Egyptian Wafd And Arab Nationalism: 1919-1939 / Ralph M. Coury -- The Socio-Economic Roots Of Nationalism: 2 cases: Egypt « Syria / Peter Gran -- Egyptian Engineers: The Reproduction Of A Bourgeoise / Clement Moore Henry -- Syrians In Egypt, 1875-1914? Exiles Or Members Of The Egyptian Society? / Thomas Philipp -- Egyptian Feminism Today / Kathleen Howard Merriam -- The Demands Of The Feminist Union / Michelle Raccagni -- Evidences Of Social S Political Change In Male/Female Roles In Modern Egypt; Amel—Village Bride, City Worker / Connie L. Shoemaker -- The Rise Of An Haute Bourgeoisie In Egypt, 1920-1950 / Robert Tignor.
Connected hinterlands : proceedings of the Red Sea Project IV held at the University of Southampton, September 2008 /
"Red Sea IV was the first conference in the Red Sea Project series to be held outside the British Museum"--page v. :
x, 232 pages : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The codification of Islamic criminal law in the Sudan. Penal codes and Supreme Court case law under Numayri and al-Bashir /
In The Codification of Islamic Criminal Law in the Sudan , Olaf Köndgen offers an in-depth analysis of the Sudan's Islamized penal codes of 1983 and 1991, their historical, political, and juridical context, their interpretation in the case law of the Supreme Court, and their practical application. He examines issues that arise in sharīʿa criminal law, including homicide, bodily harm, unlawful sexual intercourse ( zinā , liwāṭ ), rape, unfounded accusation of unlawful sexual intercourse ( qadhf ), highway robbery ( ḥirāba ), apostasy ( ridda ), and alcohol consumption. Drawing on a wide range of primary and secondary sources, a large number of previously untapped Supreme Court cases, and interviews with judges and politicians, Köndgen convincingly explains the multiple contradictions and often surprising aspects of one of the Arab world's longest lasting applications of codified sharīʿa criminal law. Olaf Köndgen won the DAVO Dissertation Prize 2014 for his Ph.D. thesis. \'This extremely well-documented study represents a milestone for the discussion of Islamic criminal law in the Muslim world as a whole and in the Sudan especially. Olaf Köndgen fills an academic void; his work deserves the greatest recognition, for its extraordinary quality, its thoroughness and systematic approach.\' Prof. Günter Meyer, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
1 online resource (450 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004357082 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Legal documents as sources for the history of Muslim societies : studies in honour of Rudolph Peters /
This volume is a tribute to the work of legal and social historian and Arabist Rudolph Peters (University of Amsterdam). Presenting case studies from different periods and areas of the Muslim world, the book examines the use of legal documents for the study of the history of Muslim societies. From examinations of the conceptual status of legal documents to comparative studies of the development of legal formulae and the socio-economic or political historical information documents contain, the aim is to approach legal documents as specialised texts belonging to a specific social domain, while simultaneously connecting them to other historical sources. It discusses the daily functioning of legal institutions, the reflections of regime changes on legal documentation, daily life, and the materiality of legal documents. Contributors are Maaike van Berkel, Maurits H. van den Boogert, Léon Buskens, Khaled Fahmy, Aharon Layish, Sergio Carro Martín, Brinkley Messick, Toru Miura, Christian Müller, Petra M. Sijpesteijn, Mathieu Tillier, and Amalia Zomeño.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004343733 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
AP2017 : 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection, 12th-16th september 2017, University of Bradford /
This volume is a product of the International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2017 which was hosted by the School of Archaeological and Forensic Sciences at the University of Bradford. This event marked a return to the location of the inaugural conference of archaeological prospection which was held in Bradford in 1995. The conference is held every two years under the banner of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection. The Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection draws together over 100 papers addressing archaeological prospection techniques, methodologies and case studies from around the world.
Previously issued in print: 2017.
Conference proceedings. :
1 online resource (vi, 280 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
9781784916787 (ebook) :
AP2017 : 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection, 12th-16th september 2017, University of Bradford /
This volume is a product of the International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2017 which was hosted by the School of Archaeological and Forensic Sciences at the University of Bradford. This event marked a return to the location of the inaugural conference of archaeological prospection which was held in Bradford in 1995. The conference is held every two years under the banner of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection. The Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection draws together over 100 papers addressing archaeological prospection techniques, methodologies and case studies from around the world.
Previously issued in print: 2017.
Conference proceedings. :
1 online resource (vi, 280 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
9781784916787 (ebook) :
Muslim Subjectivities in Global Modernity : Islamic Traditions and the Construction of Modern Muslim Identities /
With critical reference to Eisenstadt's theory of "multiple modernities," Muslim Subjectivities in Global Modernity discusses the role of religion in the modern world. The case studies all provide examples illustrating the ambition to understand how Islamic traditions have contributed to the construction of practices and expressions of modern Muslim selfhoods. In doing so, they underpin Eisenstadt's argument that religious traditions can play a pivotal role in the construction of historically different interpretations of modernity. At the same time, however, they point to a void in Eisenstadt's approach that does not problematize the multiplicity of forms in which this role of religious traditions plays out historically. Consequently, the authors of the present volume focus on the multiple modernities within Islam, which Eisenstadt's theory hardly takes into account.
1 online resource. :
Annual review of the sociology of religion /
Recent studies show that atheism is increasing. The reasons for this development have not as yet been examined thoroughly. Many atheists continue to be residual groups in surveys on religiosity, making it difficult to examine who they are and why they have chosen to be atheists. Moreover, they are minority groups in most countries (former Soviet bloc countries are left out of discussion); many do not identify with any organized groups of atheists or agnostics. Atheist groups and ideologies, then, represent a wide range of attitudes, behaviour and ways of acting towards religion. The lack of a clear definition of what being atheist (or an unbeliever) means today invites us to study the issue in greater depth. This volume represents a first attempt at understanding and scrutinizing atheism. Thanks to all contributors, it provides both a global perspective and specific insights into specific cases.
1 online resource : color illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004319301 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Beyond the Ubaid : transformation and integration in the late prehistoric societies of the Middle East /
Papers from The Ubaid Expansion? Cultural Meaning, Identity and the Lead-up to Urbanism, international workshop held at Grey College, University of Durham, 20-22 April 2006." :
vii, 394 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 30 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781885923660 (pbk.)
188592366X (pbk.)
The critical analysis of religious diversity /
Drawing on international and thematic case studies, The Critical Analysis of Religious Diversity asks its readers to pay attention to the assumptions and processes by which scholars, religious practitioners and states construct religious diversity. The study has three foci: theoretical and methodological issues; religious diversity in non-Western contexts; and religious diversity in social contexts. Together, these trans-contextual studies are utilised to develop a critical analysis exploring how agency, power and language construct understandings of religious diversity. As a result, the book argues that reflexive scholarship needs to consider that the dynamics of diversification and homogenisation are fundamental to understanding social and religious life, that religious diversity is a Western concept, and that definitions of 'religious diversity' are often entangled by and within dynamic empirical realities.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004367111 :
1573-4293 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.