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IXe Congrès international des sciences historiques, Paris, 1950. : IXth International Congress of Historical Sciences, Paris 1950.

: The problem of constitutional thought in France, from the end of the Middle Ages to the Revolution, by W. F. Church.--Les Assemblées d'états dans les principautés roumaines, par G. I. Bratianu.--Les ordres d'ancien régime n'étaient pas des castes, par E. Lousse. : 279 pages ; 24 cm.

Aesculape. /

: [1]-56 année, no 7; jan. 1911-août/sept.? 1973. : Official organ of the Société internationale d'histoire de la médecine, 1923-Jan 1955. : 56 volume : illustrations, portraits. ; 24 cm. : 0001-9569

Published 2025
Sovereignty : European and Global Histories, 1400-1800 /

: Was the emperor as sovereign allowed to seize the property of his subjects? Was this handled differently in late medieval Roman law and in the practice and theory of zabt in Mughal India? How is political sovereignty relating to the church´s powers and to trade? How about maritime sovereignty after Grotius? How was the East India Company as a ´corporation´ interacting with an Indian Nawab? How was the Shogunate and the emperor negotiating ´sovereignty´ in early modern Japan? The volume addresses such questions through thoroughly researched historical case studies, covering the disciplines of History, Political Sciences, and Law. Contributors include: Kenneth Pennington, Fabrice Micallef, Philippe Denis, Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, Joshua Freed, David Dyzenhaus, Michael P. Breen, Daniel Lee, Andrew Fitzmaurice and Kajo Kubala, Nicholas Abbott, Tiraana Bains, Cornel Zwierlein, Mark Ravina.
: 1 online resource (436 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004218628

Published 1997
Galen on pharmacology : philosophy, history, and medicine : proceedings of the Vth International Galen Colloquium, Lille, 16-18 March 1995 /

: The 14 papers in this volume were first presented at the Fifth International Galen Colloqium held in Lille in 1995 and represent a first attempt to explore systematically this vast complicated area. The contributors cover a wide variety of themes, broadly grouped as: the epistemology , method and practice of medicine, Galen and pharmacological tradition, Galen's pharmacological treatises and the transmission of pharmacological texts. Their papers shed a new light on this ancient therapeutic field and also help to understand Galen's pharmacology in its relation to the entire body of its work and thought.
: 1 online resource (ix, 336 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004377431 : 0925-1421 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

De la Nubie à Qadech : la guerre dans l'Égypte ancienne = From Nubia to Kadesh : war in ancient Egypt /

: International conference proceedings. : 300 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9782874570599

Published 2008
Egypt at its origins 2 : proceedings of the international conference "Origin of the State...

: "The proceedings of the Second International Conference about Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt (Toulouse, France, 2005) present the results of the latest research on the rise of the Pharaonic culture in Ancient Egypt. It contains 65 contributions by 80 authors from different countries. The articles in this volume have been organised in nine thematic sections: craft and craft specialisation; physical anthropology; geoarchaeology and environmental sciences; interactions between Upper and Lower Egypt; interactions between the desert and the Nile Valley; foreign relations; birth of writing and kingship; cult, ideology and social complexity; excavations and museums."--BOOK JACKET.
: xli, 1236 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789042919945

Published 2021
New advances in the history of archaeology : proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France).

: This volume presents papers from three sessions organised by the History of Archaeology Scientific Commission at the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018) considering the development of stratigraphical methods in archaeology in many European countries, and interdisciplinary perspectives on the history of archaeology.
: Also issued in print: 2021. : 1 online resource (ix, 227 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803270739 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2016
Yearbook of international religious demography 2016.

: The Yearbook of International Religious Demography presents an annual snapshot of the state of religious statistics around the world. Every year large amounts of data are collected through censuses, surveys, polls, religious communities, scholars, and a host of other sources. These data are collated and analyzed by research centers and scholars around the world. Large amounts of data appear in analyzed form in the World Religion Database (Brill), aiming at a researcher's audience. The Yearbook presents data in sets of tables and scholarly articles spanning social science, demography, history, and geography. Each issue offers findings, sources, methods, and implications surrounding international religious demography. Each year an assessment is made of new data made available since the previous issue of the yearbook. Contributors are: Todd Johnson, Gina Zurlo, Peter Crossing, Juan Cruz Esquivel, Fortunato Mallimaci, Annalisa Butticci, Brian Grim, Philip Connor, Ken Chitwood, Vegard Skirbekk, Marcin Stonawski, Rodrigo Franklin de Sousa, Davis Brown, Juan Carlos Esparza Ochoa, and Maria Concepción Servín Nieto.
: 1 online resource (231 pages) : 9789004322141 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2005
Hippocrates in context : papers read at the XIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 27-31 August 2002 /

: This collection of papers studies the Hippocratic writings in their relationship to the intellectual, social, cultural and literary context in which they were written. 'Context' includes not only the Greek world, but also the medical thought and practice of other civilisations in the Mediterranean, such as Babylonian and Egyptian medicine. A further point of interest are the relations between the Hippocratic writings and 'non-Hippocratic' medical authors of the fifth and fourth century BCE, such as Diocles of Carystus, Praxagoras of Cos, as well as Plato, Aristotle and Theophrastus. The collection further includes studies of some of the less well-known works in the Hippocratic Corpus, such as Internal Affections , On the Eye , and Prorrheticon . And finally, a number of papers are devoted to the impact and reception of Hippocratic thought in later antiquity and the early modern period.
: 1 online resource (xvi, 521 pages) : illustrations, map. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004377271 : 0925-1421 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Idealization XIV : models in science /

: Idealization XIV: Models in Science offers a detailed ontological, epistemological and historical account of the role of models in scientific practice. The volume contains contributions of different international scholars who developed many aspects of the use of idealizations and models both in the natural and the social sciences. This volume is particularly relevant because it offers original contributions concerning one of the main topic in philosophy of science: the role of models in such branches of the sciences and the humanities like comparative historical sociology, economics, history, linguistics and political philosophy. Contributors are: Giacomo Borbone, Krzysztof Brzechczyn, Mieszko Ciesielski, Adam Czerniak, Xavier de Donato Rodríguez, José L. Falguera, Adolfo García de la Sienra, Lidia Godek, Igor Hanzel, Łukasz Hardt, Krzysztof Kiedrowski, Barbara Konat, Zenonas Norkus, Piotr Przybysz, Piotr Szwochert
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004318847 : 0303-8157 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
The double kingdom under Taharqo : studies in the history of Kush and Egypt, c. 690-664 BC /

: The establishment of Kushite rule over Egypt during the eighth and seventh centuries BC resulted in a state of extraordinary geographic dimensions and ecological diversity, stretching from the tropics of Sudanese Nubia over 3,000 km to the Mediterranean. In The Double Kingdom under Taharqo , Jeremy Pope uses the copious documentary and archaeological evidence from Taharqo's reign to address a series of questions which have dogged study of the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty: how was it possible for one king to control all of that territory? To what extent were the Kushite pharaohs' strategies of governance influenced by the circumstances of their homeland versus the precedents of Egyptian and Libyan rule? And how did Kushite policies differ from those of their Saïte successors? \'Bringing to bear an impressive mastery of the sources and refreshingly open to anthropological and comparative approaches, Jeremy Pope's study is welcome in providing a close and careful analysis of varied sources, both historical and archaeological.\' David N. Edwards (University of Leicester) \'...a seminal work pioneering a new historical approach to the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty.\' László Török (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004262959 : 1566-2055 ;

Published 2015
Policies of exchange : political systems and modes of interaction in the Aegean and the Near East in the 2nd millennium B.C.E. ; proceedings of the international symposium at the University of Freiburg...

: "How and by which means did material commodities and knowledge circulate among the Great Powers, lesser independent states and vassal kingdoms of the Aegean, Anatolia, Syria, the Levant, Mesopotamia, and Egypt? Where did the different raw materials and finished products come from, and under which conditions and by whom were they negotiated? Is it possible to determine regions of production and direct and indirect channels of distribution? Which rules were applied in the supra-regional exchange? Which possibilities and which obligations did the vasssal kingdoms of the Levant have towards the Great Powers of the Hittites, Assyrians and Egyptians? Which role did the Mycenaean palaces of the Aegean play within the "international" network of exchanges? Can we develop a model of political and economic interaction? During the symposium at Freiburg University archaeologists, philologists and historians discussed these issues on the basis of the current evaluation of the archaeological and written evidence within an interdisciplinary framework and developed perspectives on the specific forms of exchange (re)considering the interaction of political and economic forces"--
: 357 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9783700176619

Published 2011
Niccolò Machiavelli : history, power, and virtue /

: This volume is an attempt to rethink Niccolò Machiavelli, one of the most challenging political thinkers in the history of European political thought. In 2013, we will mark 500 years since Machiavelli wrote his puzzling letter to Lorenzo de' Medici, Il Principe . This book is an endeavor to cover some of the most complex aspects of Machiavelli's life and work.
: "This book is the outcome of a series of international seminars on Niccolò Machiavelli and early modern European political philosophy held at Vytautas Magnus University School of Political Science and Diplomacy in Kaunas, Lithuania"--Page [ix]. : 1 online resource (114 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789042032781 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 30 /

: The 30th volume of Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion consists of two special sections, as well as two separate empirical studies on attachment and daily spiritual practices. The first special section deals with the social scientific study of religion in Indonesia. Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country whose history and contemporary involvement in the study of religion is explored from both sociological and psychological perspectives. The second special section is on the Pope Francis effect: the challenges of modernization in the Catholic church and the global impact of Pope Francis. While its focus is mainly on the Catholic religion, the internal dynamics and geopolitics explored apply more broadly.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004416987

Published 2008
Epistemology and the social /

: Epistemology had to come to terms with "the social" on two different occasions. The first was represented by the dispute about the epistemological status of the "social" sciences, and in this case the already well established epistemology of the natural sciences seemed to have the right to dictate the conditions for a discipline to be a science. But the social sciences could successfully vindicate the legitimacy of their specific criteria for scientificity. More recently, the impact of social factors on the construction of our knowledge (including scientific knowledge) has reversed, in a certain sense, the old position and promoted social inquiry to the role of a criterion for evaluating the purport of cognitive (including scientific) statements. But this has undermined the traditional characteristics of objectivity and rigor that seem constitutive of science. Moreover, in order to establish the real extent to which social conditionings have an impact on scientific knowledge one must credit sociology with a sound ground of reliability, and this is not possible without a preliminary "epistemological" assessment. These are some of the topics discussed in this book, both theoretically and with reference to concrete cases.
: Papers presented at a meeting of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, held Sept. 22-25, 2005, in Tenerife, Canary Islands. : 1 online resource (231 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789401206037 : 0303-8157 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
The mission of development : religion and techno-politics in Asia /

: The Mission of Development interrogates the complex relationships between Christian mission and international development in Asia from the 19th century to the new millennium. Through historically and ethnographically grounded case studies, contributors examine how missionaries have adapted to and shaped the age of development and processes of 'technocratisation', as well as how mission and development have sometimes come to be cast in opposition. The volume takes up an increasingly prominent strand in contemporary research that reverses the prior occlusion of the entanglements between religion and development. It breaks new ground through its analysis of the techno-politics of both development and mission, and by focusing on the importance of engagements and encounters in the field in Asia.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004363106 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
The study of religion under the impact of fascism /

: The study of religion under the spell of fascism has not received due attention. One reason for the noticeable lack of interest was the political involvement of many historians of religions. Among those who had good reason to leave the era of fascism untouched, we find prominent figures in the field. Another obstacle to examining the past impartially has been the connection with religious and other worldviews which render historical accounts in the study of religion an intricate matter. The articles in this volume provide evidence of the great complexity of the problems involved. Laying the groundwork in many cases, they shed new light on a dark and poorly-lit era of the academic study of religion in Europe.
: Includes index.
Papers presented at an international symposium on "The Study of religion under the Impact of National Socialist and Fascist Ideologies in Europe" held 16-18 July 2004 at the University of Tübingen--Pref. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047423065 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
War, warlords, and interstate relations in the ancient Mediterranean /

: During the final four centuries BC, many political and stateless entities of the Mediterranean headed towards anarchy and militarism, while stronger powers -Carthage, the Hellenistic kingdoms and Republican Rome- expanded towards State formation, forceful military structures and empire building. Edited by T. Ñaco del Hoyo and F. López Sánchez, this volume presents the proceedings from an ICREA Conference held in Barcelona (2013), addressing the connection between war, warlords and interstate relations from classical studies and social sciences perspectives. Some twenty scholars from European, Japanese and North American Universities consider the scope of 'multipolarity' and the usefulness of 'warlord', a modern category, in order to feature some ancient military and political leaderships.
: Proceedings from an ICREA Conference held in Barcelona (2013). : 1 online resource (xiv, 504 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004354050 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
After orientalism : critical perspectives on western agency and eastern re-appropriations /

: The debate on Orientalism began some fifty years ago in the wake of decolonization. While initially considered a turning point, Edward Said's Orientalism (1978) was in fact part of a larger academic endeavor - the political critique of "colonial science" - that had already significantly impacted the humanities and social sciences. In a recent attempt to broaden the debate, the papers collected in this volume, offered at various seminars and an international symposium held in Paris in 2010-2011, critically examine whether Orientalism, as knowledge and as creative expression, was in fact fundamentally subservient to Western domination. By raising new issues, the papers shift the focus from the center to the peripheries, thus analyzing the impact on local societies of a major intellectual and institutional movement that necessarily changed not only their world, but the ways in which they represented their world. World history, which assumes a plurality of perspectives, leads us to observe that the Saidian critique applies to powers other than Western European ones - three case studies are considered here: the Ottoman, Russian (and Soviet), and Chinese empires. Other essays in this volume proceed to analyze how post-independence states have made use of the tremendous accumulation of knowledge and representations inherited from previous colonial regimes for the sake of national identity, as well as how scholars change and adapt what was once a hegemonic discourse for their own purposes. What emerges is a new landscape in which to situate research on non-Western cultures and societies, and a road-map leading readers beyond the restrictive dichotomy of a confrontation between West and East. With contributions by: Elisabeth Allès; Léon Buskens; Stéphane A. Dudoignon; Baudouin Dupret; Edhem Eldem; Olivier Herrenschmidt; Nicholas S. Hopkins; Robert Irwin; Mouldi Lahmar; Sylvette Larzul; Jean-Gabriel Leturcq; Jessica Marglin; Claire Nicholas; Emmanuelle Perrin; Alain de Pommereau; François Pouillon; Zakaria Rhani; Emmanuel Szurek; Jean-Claude Vatin; Mercedes Volait
: Original French title: Après l'orientalisme : l'Orient créé par l'Orient.
Includes index. : 1 online resource (xiii, 289 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004282537 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
The Star of Bethlehem and the Magi : interdisciplinary perspectives from experts on the ancient Near East, the Greco-Roman world, and modern astronomy /

: This book is the fruit of the first ever interdisciplinary international scientific conference on Matthew's story of the Star of Bethlehem and the Magi, held in 2014 at the University of Groningen, and attended by world-leading specialists in all relevant fields: modern astronomy, the ancient near-eastern and Greco-Roman worlds, the history of science, and religion. The scholarly discussions and the exchange of the interdisciplinary views proved to be immensely fruitful and resulted in the present book. Its twenty chapters describe the various aspects of The Star: the history of its interpretation, ancient near-eastern astronomy and astrology and the Magi, astrology in the Greco-Roman and the Jewish worlds, and the early Christian world - at a generally accessible level. An epilogue summarizes the fact-fiction balance of the most famous star which has ever shone.
: Papers edited from a colloquium The Star of Bethlehem: Historical and Astronomical Perspectives held October 22-24, 2014 in Groningen, Netherlands. : 1 online resource (xxii, 695 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004308473 : 1388-3909 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.