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The spiritual background of early Islam : Studies in ancient Arab concepts /

: vi, 338 pages ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 2009
The spiritual background of early Islam : studies in ancient Arab concepts /

: In a series of essays devoted to key terms and ideas in Islam, Bravmann argues on the basis of pre-Islamic and early Islamic texts for an Arabian background to the rise of the religion. In pursuing a through philological examination of the evidence, Bravmann finds core values and ideas of Islam deeply embedded in ancient Arab linguistic expression. His work continues to provide a critical element in the debates about the emergence of Islam and cannot be ignored by anyone trying to assess the complex historiographical problems that surround the issue.
: Includes index.
Previously published in 1972. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047425328 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1984
Pre-Islamic Arabia : proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Studies in the History...

: x,128, 118 pages ; 24 cm. : includes bibliographical references.

Published 2016
The heritage of Arabo-Islamic learning : studies presented to Wadad Kadi /

: The Arabo-Islamic heritage of the Islam is among the richest, most diverse, and longest-lasting literary traditions in the world. Born from a culture and religion that valued teaching, Arabo-Islamic learning spread from the seventh century and has had a lasting impact until the present.In The Heritage of Arabo-Islamic Learning leading scholars around the world present twenty-five studies explore diverse areas of Arabo-Islamic heritage in honor of a renowned scholar and teacher, Dr. Wadad A. Kadi (Prof. Emerita, University of Chicago). The volume includes contributions in three main areas: History, Institutions, and the Use of Documentary Sources; Religion, Law, and Islamic Thought; Language, Literature, and Heritage which reflect Prof. Kadi's contributions to the field. Contributors:Sean W. Anthony; Ramzi Baalbaki; Jonathan A.C. Brown; Fred M. Donner; Mohammad Fadel; Kenneth Garden; Sebastian Günther; Li Guo; Heinz Halm; Paul L. Heck; Nadia Jami; Jeremy Johns; Maher Jarrar; Marion Holmes Katz; Scott C. Lucas; Angelika Neuwirth; Bilal Orfali; Wen-chin Ouyang; Judith Pfeiffer; Maurice A. Pomerantz; Riḍwān al-Sayyid ; Aram A. Shahin; Jens Scheiner; John O. Voll; Stefan Wild.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004307469 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
Islam at 250 : Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll /

: Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll is a collection of original articles on the state of Islamic sciences and Arabic culture in the early phases of their crystallization. It covers a wide range of intellectual activity in the first three centuries of Islam, such as the study of ḥadīth , the Qurʾān, Arabic language and literature, and history. Individually and taken together, the articles provide important new insights and make an important contribution to scholarship on early Islam. The authors, whose work reflects an affinity with Juynboll's research interests, are all experts in their fields. Pointing to the importance of interdisciplinary approaches and signalling lacunae, their contributions show how scholarship has advanced since Juynboll's days.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004427952

Published 2016
The Heritage of Arabo-Islamic Learning : Studies Presented to Wadad Kadi /

: xlii, 654 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004305908 (hardback : alk. paper)

Published 2011
The Islamic scholarly tradition studies in history, law, and thought in honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook /

: The volume contains highly original articles on Islamic history, law, and thought, each either proposing new hypotheses or readjusting existing ones. The contributions range from studies in the formulation of the pre-Islamic Arabian calendar to notes on the \'blood-money group\' in Islamic law, and to transformations in Arabic logic in the post-Avicennan period. Prepared by former students of Michael A. Cook, to whom this volume is dedicated, these studies not only shed new light on the development of the Islamic scholarly tradition from various perspectives, but together they also represent the honoree's vast, profound, and continuing impact on the field. This collection of highly empirical articles is intended for scholars and students specializing in various subfields within Islamic Studies.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004214743

Published 2011
Histories of the Middle East studies in Middle Eastern society, economy and law in honor of A.L. Udovitch /

: For four decades Abraham L. Udovitch has been a leading scholar of the medieval Islamic world, its economic institutions, social structures, and legal theory and practice. In pursuing his quest to understand and explain the complex phenomena that these broad rubrics entail, he has published widely, collaborated internationally with other leading scholars of the Middle East and medieval history, and most saliently for the purposes of this volume, taught several cohorts of students at Princeton University. This volume is therefore dedicated to his intellectual legacy from a uniquely revealing angle: the current work of his former students. The papers in this volume range chronologically from the period preceding the rise of Islam in Arabia to the Mamluk era, geographically from the Western Mediterranean to the Western Indian Ocean and thematically from the political negotiations of Christian and Islamic Mediterranean sovereigns to the historiography of Western Indian Ocean port cities.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004214736 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Coinage of the caravan kingdoms : studies in ancient Arabian monetization /

: 602 pages, 42 pages of plates : illustrations ; 30 cm + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9780897223126

Published 2016
The Qur'anic pagans and related matters : collected studies in three volumes /

: Patricia Crone's Collected Studies in Three Volumes brings together a number of her published, unpublished, and revised writings on Near Eastern and Islamic history, arranged around three distinct but interconnected themes. Volume 1, The Qurʾānic Pagans and Related Matters , pursues the reconstruction of the religious environment in which Islam arose and develops an intertextual approach to studying the Qurʾānic religious milieu. Volume 2, The Iranian Reception of Islam: The Non-Traditionalist Strands , examines the reception of pre-Islamic legacies in Islam, above all that of the Iranians. Volume 3, Islam, the Ancient Near East and Varieties of Godlessness , places the rise of Islam in the context of the ancient Near East and investigates sceptical and subversive ideas in the Islamic world. The Iranian Reception of Islam: The Non-Traditionalist Strands Islam, the Ancient Near East and Varieties of Godlessness
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004319288 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2002
Studies on Arabia in honour of Professor G. Rex Smith /

: xiv, 363 pages : illustrations, maps, port. ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 0198510640 : 0022-4480 ;

Published 2008
Classic ships of Islam : from Mesopotamia to the Indian Ocean /

: This book charts the development of Islamic ships and boats in the Western Indian Ocean from the seventh to the early sixteenth century with reference to earlier periods. It utilizes mainly Classical and Medieval Arabic sources with iconographical evidence and archaeological finds. Maritime activities in the region resulted in a cross fertilization, not only of goods but also of ideas and culture which gave an underlying cohesion to the Arabian, Persian and Indian maritime peoples. This study has led to a re-evaluation of that maritime culture, showing that it was predominantly Persian and Indian, with Chinese influence, throughout the Islamic period until the coming of the Portuguese, as reflected in nautical terminology and technology.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [427]-456) and index. : 9789047423829 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
O ye gentlemen : Arabic studies on science and literary culture in honour of Remke Kruk /

: O ye Gentlemen explores two vital strands in Arabic culture: the Greek tradition in science and philosophy and the literary tradition. They are permanent and, though drawing on Islam as a dominant religion, they are by no means dependent on it. That the strands freely interweave within the broader scope of Schrifttum is shown by more than thirty essays on subjects as varied as the social organisation of bees, spontaneous generation in the Shiʿite tradition, astronomy in the Arabian nights, the benefits of sex, precious stones in a literary text, the virtue of women in Judaeo-Arabic stories, animals in Middle Eastern music and the transmission of Arabic science and philosophy to the medieval West.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047422051 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Al-Jazīrah al-ʻArabīyah qabla al-Islām /

: Studies in the History of Arabia - Volume 2 Pre-Islamic Arabia.
Title on added t.p. : Pre-Islamic Arabia. : 2 volume (various pagings) : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : wafaa.lib.

Published 2020
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant : Essays in Honour of Alastair Hamilton /

: Scholarship between Europe and the Levant is a collection of essays in honour of Professor Alastair Hamilton. His pioneering research into the history of European Oriental studies has deeply enhanced our understanding of the dynamics and processes of cultural and religious exchange between Christian Europe and the Islamic world. Written by students, friends and colleagues, the contributions in this volume pay tribute to Alastair Hamilton's work and legacy. They discuss and celebrate intellectual, artistic and religious encounters between Europe and the cultural area stretching from Northern Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, and spanning the period from the sixteenth to the late nineteenth century. Contributors: Asaph Ben-Tov, Alexander Bevilacqua, Maurits H. van den Boogert, Charles Burnett, Ziad Elmarsafy, Mordechai Feingold, Aurélien Girard, Bernard Heyberger, Robert Irwin, Tarif Khalidi, J.M.I. Klaver, Noel Malcolm, Martin Mulsow, Francis Richard, G. J. Toomer, Arnoud Vrolijk, Nicholas Warner, Joanna Weinberg, and Jan Just Witkam.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004429321

Published 1994
Finance of International Trade in the Gulf /

: This book analyses the legal structure and operation of the conventional and Islamic banking systems in the Gulf Arab states. It defines the legal issues involved and case law decided by the English, American and the Gulf Arab states courts in operating the two systems in financing the international trade transactions and covering the concurrent application, the advantages and disadvantages and the problems of each system. This book also gives a particular challenge to the fraud in international trade and considers the development of countertrade and electronic funds transfer as methods of financing some of the international business transactions. This book is very helpful for those who are dealing with the financing of the international trade, their professional advisors, staff of the conventional and Islamic banks and students who study law and commerce as part of their syllabuses of legal and international business studies. This book is also very essential reading for anyone who wants to succeed in the competitive conditions of modern banking business vis-a-vis the international trade in the Gulf Arab states. This book is also very helpful for the lawyer who is called upon to assist the businessman in his ventures or who wants to resolve a problem which has arisen in financing the international business transactions.
: 1 online resource (358 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004634855

Published 2019
Al-Maqrīzī's al-Ḫabar 'an al-bašar.

: In The Arab Thieves , Peter Webb critically explores the classic tales of pre-Islamic Arabian outlaws in Arabic Literature. A group of Arabian camel-rustlers became celebrated figures in Muslim memories of pre-Islam, and much poetry ascribed to them and stories about their escapades grew into an outlaw tradition cited across Arabic literature. The ninth/fifteenth-century Egyptian historian al-Maqrīzī arranged biographies of ten outlaws into a chapter on 'Arab Thieves' in his wide-ranging history of the world before Muhammad. This volume presents the first critical edition of al-Maqrīzī's text with a fully annotated English translation, alongside a detailed study that interrogates the outlaw lore to uncover the ways in which Arabic writers constructed outlaw identities and how al-Maqrīzī used the tales to communicate his vision of pre-Islam. Via an exhaustive survey of early Arabic sources about the outlaws and comparative readings with outlaw traditions in other world literatures, The Arab Thieves reveals how Arabic literature crafted lurid narratives about criminality and employed them to tell ancient Arab history.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004386952 : 2211-6737 ;

Published 2021
From Qom to Barcelona : Aramaic, South Arabian, Coptic, Arabic and Judeo-Arabic Documents /

: "The renaissance of Arabic Papyrology has become obvious by the founding of the International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) at the Cairo conference (2002), and by its subsequent conferences in Granada (2004), Alexandria (2006), Vienna (2009), Tunis/Carthage (2012), Munich (2014), and Berlin (2018). This volume collects papers given at the Munich conference, including editions of previously unpublished Coptic, Arabic and Judeo-Arabic documents, as well as historical studies based on documentary evidence from Achaemenid Bactria, Ancient South-Arabia, and Early Islamic, Fāṭimid and Mamlūk Egypt"--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004443877

Published 2010
The Qurʼān in context : historical and literary investigations into the Qurʼānic milieu /

: Although recent scholarship has increasingly situated the Qur'ān in the historical context of Late Antiquity, such a perspective is only rarely accompanied by the kind of microstructural literary analysis routinely applied to the Bible. The present volume seeks to redress this lack of contact between literary and historical studies. Contributions to the first part of the volume address various general aspects of the Qur'an's political, economic, linguistic, and cultural context, while the second part contains a number of close readings of specific Qur'ānic passages in the light of Judeo-Christian tradition and ancient Arabic poetry, as well as discussions of the Qur'ān's internal chronology and transmission history. Throughout, special emphasis is given to methodological questions. This title is available as paperback .
: "This volume has emerged from the conference 'Historische Sondierungen und methodische Reflexionen zur Korangenese: Wege zur Rekonstruktion des vorkanonischen Koran' January 2004, Berlin"--T.p. verso. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047430322 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Religious and Intellectual Diversity in the Islamicate World and Beyond Volume II : Essays in Honor of Sarah Stroumsa /

: Religious and Intellectual Diversity in the Islamicate World and Beyond is a collection of essays in honor of Sarah Stroumsa, an eminent scholar who through the years has embodied and advanced the possibility of collaboration across borders. The volume is presented to her by scholars working on the study of the intellectual history of the Middle Ages, the intercultural contact and migration of knowledge in the Islamic world, and many other topics. Contributors: Binyamin Abrahamov, Camilla Adang, Anna Ayse Akasoy, Aleida Assmann, Jan Assmann, Meir M. Bar-Asher, José Bellver, Menachem Ben-Sasson, Haggai Ben-Shammai, Glen W. Bowersock, Rémi Brague, Godefroid de Callataÿ, Jonathan Decter, Michael Ebstein, Hussein Fancy, Carlos Fraenkel, Gil Gambash, Robert Gleave, Miriam Goldstein, Frank Griffel, Jaakko HämeenAnttila, Steven Harvey, Warren Zev Harvey, Meir Hatina, Geoffrey Khan, Gudrun Krämer, Ehud Krinis, Y. Tzvi Langermann, Daniel J. Lasker, Reimund Leicht, Gideon Libson, Menachem Lorberbaum, Maria Mavroudi, Jon McGinnis, Omer Michaelis, Yonatan Moss, David Nirenberg, Sari Nusseibeh, Olaf Pluta, Meira Polliack, James T. Robinson, Marina Rustow, Sabine Schmidtke, Gregor Schwarb, Ahmed El Shamsy, Mark Silk, Uriel Simonsohn, Daniel De Smet, Josef Stern, Guy G. Stroumsa, Sara Sviri, Alexander Treiger, Roy Vilozny, Ronny Vollandt, Elvira Wakelnig, Paul E. Walker, David J. Wasserstein, Tanja Werthmann, Dong Xiuyuan, Arye Zoref.
: 1 online resource (792 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004686946