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European Military Books and Intellectual Cultures of War in 17th-Century Russia : From Translation to Adaptation /
This book discusses the role Western military books and their translations played in 17th-century Russia. By tracing how these translations were produced, distributed and read, the study argues that foreign military treatises significantly shaped intellectual culture of the Russian elite. It also presents Tsar Peter the Great in a new light - not only as a military and political leader but as a devoted book reader and passionate student of military science.
1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Early Christianity and classical culture : comparative studies in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe /
This volume contains 28 essays in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe, whose work has been especially influential in exploring modes of cultural interaction between early Jews and Christians and their Graeco-Roman neighbours. Following an introductory essay on the problems inherent to such comparative studies in the history of New Testament scholarship, the essays are grouped into five topic areas: Graphos - semantics and writing, Ethos - ethics and moral characterization, Logos - rhetoric and literary expression, Ethnos - self-definition and acculturation, and Nomos - law and normative values. Some key examples are studies dealing with The Greek Idea of "Divine Nature" and its relation to the "Divine Man" tradition; Compilation of Letters in Cicero's collection; Radical Altruism in Paul; Greek Ideas of Concord and Cosmic Harmony in 1 Clement; The Rhetorical Use of Friendship Motifs in Galatians in comparison with Second Sophistic Orators; Wills and Testaments in Graeco-Roman perspective.
1 online resource (xx, 740 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047402190 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Antiquarianismus in Rom : 2. Jhd. v. Chr. - 3. Jhd. n. Chr. /
Die vorliegende Monographie entwirft eine literaturgeschichtliche Gesamtdarstellung des römischen Antiquarianismus vom 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Ausgangspunkt ist die begrifflich-konzeptuelle Neuprofilierung des Phänomens. Dieses wird als ein epistemologisches Modell gegenwartsbezogener Vergangenheitsanalyse aufgefasst, die mit den Denkfiguren der Etymologie, Aitiologie und Genealogie operiert, um die hinter der erfahrbaren Lebenswelt liegenden Kausalitäten freizulegen. Anhand der überlieferten Fragmente und Testimonien wird die Entwicklung der heute verlorenen antiquarischen Fachliteratur Roms in ihren unterschiedlichen medialen Formaten, Darstellungsformen und Wirkungskontexten nachgezeichnet. This volume provides an account of Roman antiquarianism from the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century AD, reconstructing its textual manifestations and analysing the mechanisms of transmission. It is based on a new conceptualisation of antiquarianism as an epistemological mode of understanding the present by uncovering its origins in the past. Etymology, aitiology and genealogy were the tools used to explore the causalities that underpin the perceptible world. Antiquarianism, represented by a wide range of texts and genres throughout antiquity, is traced as an autonomous branch of literature. Fragments and testimonies are used to identify a lost corpus of treatises, lexica and handbooks that formed the scholarly basis of Augustan poets, historiographers and imperial litterateurs.
1 online resource (504 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The look of lyric : Greek song and the visual studies in archaic and classical Greek song /
The Look of Lyric: Greek Song and the Visual addresses the various modes of interaction between ancient Greek lyric poetry and the visual arts as well as more general notions of visuality. It covers diverse poetic genres in a range of contexts radiating outwards from the original performance(s) to encompass their broader cultural settings, the later reception of the poems, and finally also their understanding in modern scholarship. By focusing on the relationship between the visual and the verbal as well as the sensory and the mental, this volume raises a wide range of questions concerning human perception and cultural practices. As this collection of essays shows, Greek lyric poetry played a decisive role in the shaping of both.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004314849 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Receptions of Greek and Roman antiquity in East Asia
Receptions of Greek and Roman Antiquity in East Asia is an interdisciplinary, collaborative, and global effort to examine the receptions of the Western Classical tradition in a cross-cultural context. The inclusion of modern East Asia in Classical reception studies not only allows scholars in the field to expand the scope of their scholarly inquiries but will also become a vital step toward transcending the meaning of Greco-Roman tradition into a common legacy for all of human society.
1 online resource. :
Brill's companion to Greek and Latin pastoral /
This volume comprises articles by an international team of twenty-three scholars. The contributions focus on the historical genesis, stylistic and narrative features and evolution of pastoral, both as genre and mode, from Theocritus to the Byzantine period. Special attention has been paid to the idea of the 'invention of a fictionalized tradition', and to pastoral's thematic and formal relationship with other literary genres. In their totality, the contributions, as well as offering a comprehensive overview of the more or less familiar issues and ideas discussed in connection with pastoral, point to new emphases, trends and insights in current scholarly work in this area. The volume is addressed to a wide range of students and scholars in classics, but much in it will also be of interest to those working in the fields of comparative and modern literatures.
1 online resource (xxvi, 654 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 581-613) and index. :
9789047408536 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The language of literature : linguistic approaches to classical texts /
This volume is a collection of papers revealing the largely unexplored boundary between linguistic and literary approaches to classical texts. Eleven contributions by various scholars discuss a wide range of linguistic and literary apects of classical texts: the narratee in the prologues of Sophocles' Trachiniae and of Euripides, the chronology in Pindar's Odes, the relation between tense-aspect and Discourse Modes in Thucydides, Xenophon, Vergil and Ovid, the use of aspect in the Law Code of Gortyn, expressions of futurity and the word order of adjectives in Herodotus, and, finally, ancient and modern views on word order. Following an interdisciplinary approach, all contributions aim at bridging the gap between linguistic and literary study of classical texts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-241) and index. :
9789047421801 :
1380-6068 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The reception of ancient Greece and Rome in children's literature : heroes and eagles /
Greece and Rome have long featured in books for children and teens, whether through the genres of historical fiction, fantasy, mystery stories or mythological compendiums. These depictions and adaptations of the Ancient World have varied at different times, however, in accordance with changes in societies and cultures. This book investigates the varying receptions and ideological manipulations of the classical world in children's literature. Its subtitle, Heroes and Eagles , reflects the two most common ways in which this reception appears, namely in the forms of the portrayal of the Greek heroic world of classical mythology on the one hand, and of the Roman imperial presence on the other. Both of these are ideologically loaded approaches intended to educate the young reader.
1 online resource (xiv, 344 pages) :
Includes blbliographical references and index. :
9789004298606 :
2212-9405 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A discourse analysis of Galatians and the new perspective on Paul /
In A Discourse Analysis of Galatians and the New Perspective on Paul , David I. Yoon outlines discourse analysis from the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics for analyzing Paul's letter to the Galatians. From this analysis, he determines whether the context of situation better reflects the New Perspective on Paul, covenantal nomism, or a more traditional perspective, legalism. The first half of the book introduces the New Perspective on Paul and discourse analysis, followed by a detailed model of SFL discourse analysis with respect to register and context of situation. The second half is a discourse analysis of Galatians. This is the first monograph-length study to address the New Perspective on Paul from a linguistic approach, and will as such be of great interest to scholars of Pauline Studies, linguistics, and theology.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004397583 :
1877-7554 ;
Strategies of Persuasion in Herodotus' Histories and Genesis-Kings : Evoking Reality in Ancient Narratives of a Past /
In Strategies of Persuasion in Herodotus' Histories and Genesis-Kings , Eva Tyrell comparatively analyzes narrative means in two monumental ancient texts about the past. Combining a narratological approach with insights of modern historical theory and biblical scholarship, she investigates patterns of narrative persuasion as a trans-cultural phenomenon and their connection with ancient concepts of reality and truth. The study contrasts differences in fundamental narrative structures of both narratives, such as mediacy and discursive versus diegetic text portions. It explores the role of material remains mentioned in the accounts to evoke or even create the reality of a past.
1 online resource. :
Valuing the past in the Greco-Roman world : proceedings from the Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values VII /
The 'classical tradition' is no invention of modernity. Already in ancient Greece and Rome, the privileging of the ancient played a role in social and cultural discourses of every period. A collaboration between scholars in diverse areas of classical studies, this volume addresses literary and material evidence for ancient notions of valuing (or disvaluing) the deep past from approximately the fifth century BCE until the second century CE. It examines how specific communities used notions of antiquity to define themselves or others, which models from the past proved most desirable, what literary or exegetic modes they employed, and how temporal systems for ascribing value intersected with the organization of space, the production of narrative, or the application of aesthetic criteria.
Papers presented at the Penn Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values VII, entitled "Valuing Antiquity in Antiquity," Leiden University, June, 15-16, 2012. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004274952 :
0169-8958; ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.