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The medieval presence in the modernist aesthetic : unattended moments /
In The Medieval Presence in the Modernist Aesthetic: Unattended Moments , editors Simone Celine Marshall and Carole M. Cusack have brought together essays on literary Modernism that uncover medieval themes and tropes that have previously been "unattended", that is, neglected or ignored. A historical span of a century is covered, from musical modernist Richard Wagner's final opera Parsifal (1882) to Russell Hoban's speculative fiction Riddley Walker (1980), and themes of Arthurian literature, scholastic philosophy, Irish legends, classical philology, dream theory, Orthodox theology and textual exegesis are brought into conversation with key Modernist writers, including T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Samuel Beckett, Marcel Proust, W. B. Yeats, Evelyn Waugh and Eugene Ionesco. These scholarly investigations are original, illuminating, and often delightful.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004357020 :
1877-3192 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Encountering the medieval in modern Jewish thought /
The term "medieval" performs a great deal more intellectual work in modern Jewish Thought than simply acting as a referent to a particular historical era. During the nineteenth century, often for Jews who were increasingly alienated from their own tradition, the "medieval" functioned primarily as a bearer of identity in a rapidly changing and secular world. Each chapter in Encountering the Medieval in Modern Jewish Thought addresses a different return to the medieval, ranging from the Enlightenment to the contemporary period, that clothed itself in the language of renewal and of retrieval. The volume engages the full complexity and range of meaning the term "medieval" carries for modern Jewish Thought.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (ix, 335 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004234062 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Europe and Europeanness in Early Modern Latin Literature : Fuitne Europa tunc unita? /
The history of European integration goes back to the early modern centuries (c. 1400-1800), when Europeans tried to set themselves apart as a continental community with distinct political, religious, cultural, and social values in the face of hitherto unseen societal change and global awakening. The range of concepts and images ascribed to Europeanness in that respect is well documented in Neo-Latin literature, since Latin constituted the international lingua franca from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries. In Europe and Europeanness in Early Modern Latin Literature Isabella Walser-Bürgler examines the most prominent concepts of Europe and European identity as expressed in Neo-Latin sources. It is aimed at both an interested general audience and a professional readership from the fields of Latin studies, early modern history, and the history of ideas.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Framing Classical Reception Studies : Different Perspectives on a Developing Field /
Framing Classical Reception Studies contains a representative number of analytic and synthetic contributions by scholars from diverse parts of the field of Classical Reception Studies. Together, they afford a synoptic view and typology of an extremely large and continuously diversifying discipline. Attentive to questions such as what, by whom, in what contexts and to what ends Classics have functioned and are functioning in our culture, all contributors ask themselves from what conceptual or disciplinary frame they approach the reception of the cultures of classical Greek and Roman antiquity. Within this questioning format, the book also contains suggestions for future agendas of research, and forcefully argues for the political, cultural and cognitive relevance of classical receptions in the Academy.
1 online resource. :
Jews, Christians, and Muslims in medieval and early modern times : a festschrift in honor of Mark R. Cohen /
This volume brings together articles on the cultural, religious, social and commercial interactions among Jews, Christians and Muslims in the medieval and early modern periods. Written by leading scholars in Jewish studies, Islamic studies, medieval history and social and economic history, the contributions to this volume reflect the profound influence on these fields of the volume's honoree, Professor Mark R. Cohen.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004267848 :
2212-5523 ;
Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis : Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Leuven 2022) /
Every third year, the members of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS) assemble for a week-long conference. Over the years, this event has evolved into the largest single conference in the field of Neo-Latin studies. The papers presented at these conferences offer, then, a general overview of the current status of Neo-Latin research; its current trends, popular topics, and methodologies. In 2022, the members of IANLS gathered for a conference in Leuven where 50 years ago the first of these congresses took place.This volume presents the conference's papers which were submitted after the event and which have undergone a peer-review process. The papers deal with a broad range of fields, including literature, history, philology, and religious studies.
1 online resource (752 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Companion to Josephus in the Medieval West /
The works of Titus Flavius Josephus ben Matthias on biblical history and the Jewish war were read and studied throughout the Latin west during the Middle Ages. Each generation of Christian scholars had to contend with the Jewish writer's text, reputation, and content. This volume demonstrates the complex relationship between Josephus' legacy and his readers who sought to make use of that legacy across the period of 500 to 1300. Contributors include: Carson Bay, Susan Edgington, Anthony Ellis, Paul C. Hilliard, Karen M. Kletter, Justin Lake, Richard M. Pollard, Graeme Ward, and Julian Yolles.
1 online resource (328 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Myths, martyrs, and modernity : studies in the history of religions in honour of Jan N. Bremmer /
This volume in honour of Jan N. Bremmer contains the contributions of numerous students, colleagues, and friends offered to him on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Throughout his career, Bremmer has distinguished himself as an internationally renowned scholar of religion both past and present, including first and foremost Greek and Roman religion, but also early Christianity and post-classical developments in religion and spirituality. In line with these three main areas of Bremmer's research, the volume is divided into three parts, bringing together contributions from distinguished scholars in many fields. The result is a diverse book which provides a broad spectrum of original ideas and innovative approaches in the history of religions, thus reflecting the nature of the scholarship of Bremmer himself.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004193659 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Grounded Identities : Territory and Belonging in the Medieval and Early Modern Middle East and Mediterranean /
Grounded Identities: Territory and Belonging in the Medieval and Early Modern Middle East and Mediterranean is a collection of essays on attachment to specific lands including Kurdistan, Andalusia and the Maghrib, and geographical Syria in the pre-modern Islamicate world. Together these essays put a premium on the affective and cultural dimensions of such attachments, fluctuations in the meaning and significance of lands in the face of historical transformations and, at the same time, the real and persistent qualities of lands and human attachments to them over long periods of time. These essays demonstrate that grounded identities are persistent and never static. Contributors are: Zayde Antrim, Alexander Elinson, Mary Hoyt Halavais, Boris James, Steve Tamari.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods /
A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods presents 16 studies about modern Arab academic scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Worlds covering disciplines as diverse as Assyriology and Mamluk studies as well as historiographical schools in the Arab World. This unique work is the first of its kind in any language. It is an important resource for scholars and students of the Ancient Near East and North Africa, Classical and Byzantine studies, and medieval Islamic history who would like to learn more about the work done by their colleagues in the Arab World in these fields over the last 7 decades and to benefit from Arabic secondary sources in their research. دليل الدراسات العربية الحديثة حول العصور القديمة والوسيطة يحتوي هذا الكتاب على 61 بحثا حول الدراسات الأكاديمية المتعلّقة بتاريخ العصور القديمة والوسيطة في العالم العربي، وتغطي هذه الأبحاث تخصصات علمية متنوعة منها الدراسات المسمارية والدراسات المملوكية، إضافةً إلى بعض المدارس التاريخية العربية المعاصرة. الكتاب فريد من نوعه والأول في كافة اللغات، ويُشكّل مصدرا هاما للباحثين والطلبة في دراسات الشرق الأدنى القديم وشمال إفريقيا في العصور القديمة والدراسات الكلاسيكية والبيزنطية والتاريخ الإسلامي الوسيط، وكذلك للمهتمين بعلمي التاريخ والآثار في الدول العربية.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Sentence types and word-order patterns in written Arabic : medieval and modern perspectives /
Sentence types and word-order patterns in Arabic have been a matter of debate and controversy for a long period of time. They were hotly discussed by the medieval Arab grammarians and continue to be a major topic of discussion among modern scholars. This book describes the development of the medieval grammarians' theory of sentence types; a development from the theory of 'amal , which lies at the heart of medieval Arabic grammatical tradition. Each major topic is discussed with a view to explore the basic principles underlying the medieval grammarians' arguments. Special attention is given to conceptual problems arising from conflicts with the theory of 'amal . This is followed by an assessment of the contributions made by modern scholars to the analysis and description of the constructions involved. Modern Arabists and linguists are shown to have concentrated on word-order patterns rather than on sentence types, placing special emphasis on the functional aspects of word order variations in Arabic.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [229]-235) and index. :
9789047412120 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dimensions of Transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the Late Medieval Age to Modernity : In Memory of Metin Kunt /
Eighteen expert researchers have come together to provide original articles and new perspectives on transformation throughout Ottoman history, in order to honor the life's work of Metin Kunt. Kunt's work revolutionized our understanding of change in Ottoman political, social and cultural history in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. This new collection focuses on the contributions of key players in these fields and includes chapters on Ottoman artisans in a changing political context, Ottoman chief scribes and the rhetorics of political survival in the 17th century, and empiricism in the Ottoman Empire. Contributors are Antonis Anastasopoulos, Iris Agmon, Tülay Artan, Karl K. Barbir, Fatih Bayram, Suraiya Faroqhi, Cornell H. Fleischer, Pál Fodor, Mehmet Kalpaklı, Cemil Koçak, B. Harun Küçük, Aslı Niyazioğlu, Mehmet Öz, Kaya Şahin, Derin Terzioğlu, Ekin Tuşalp-Atiyas, Christine Woodhead, N. Zeynep Yelçe, Elizabeth A. Zachariadou.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Performing the Sacred: Christian Representation and the Arts /
What does 'performance' mean in Christian culture? How is it connected to rituals, dramatic and visual arts, and the written word? This book addresses the issue from the Middle Ages to the Modern era and showcases examples of how Christians have represented their biblical narrative.
What does 'performance' mean in Christian culture? How is it connected to rituals, dramatic and visual arts, and the written word? Performing the Sacred: Christian Representation and the Arts explores both the meaning of re-presentation and the role of performance within the Christian tradition between arts and drama. The essays in this book demonstrate that the idea of performance was central to Christian theology and that-from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern era-it became a device through which people saw, prayed, preached, wrote, imagined, officiated rites, celebrated cults, and practiced devotions. Seen that performance is a habitus within Christianity, performing the sacred does not just mean representing it, but rather enacting it in a tangible, visible and involved way.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jacobus Montanus: 'Centuria epistolarium formularum' / 'Eine Hundertschaft Briefmuster' /
Dass die Mistforke leichter sei als die Schreibfeder und der Schweinestall besser rieche als die Stube der Studenten" - gegen diesen Irrtum kämpft 1525 Jacobus Montanus mit einhundert Musterbriefen an. Seine Schüler sollen sie aus ihrer Muttersprache ins Lateinische übersetzen. Ergänzende Formulierungshilfen aus antiken Autoren bahnen ihnen den Weg zu gelehrter Eloquenz. Obwohl unter Zeitgenossen hoch angesehen, liegt keines der Werke des westfälischen Humanisten in moderner Ausgabe vor. Die ,Centuria epistolarium formularum' / ,Hundertschaft Briefmuster' führt ins Zentrum seines Schaffens. Sie wird hier erstmals in kritischer Ausgabe vorgelegt. Ihre Briefe bieten alltagsnahe Einblicke in die Lebens- und Bildungswelt Westfalens, und ihre Lektüre bereitet oft Vergnügen. Eine moderne Übersetzung erleichtert den Zugang. Ein ausgiebiger Kommentar erschließt sie dem an vormoderner Alltags-, Bildungs- und Regionalgeschichte Interessierten.
1 online resource (462 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Marsilii de Inghen Quaestiones super quattuor libros "Sententiarum" : Super tertium, quaestiones 1-5 /
This edition contains quaestiones 1-5 of book III of the commentary on the Sentences, by Marsilius of Inghen (†1396), the founding rector and first doctor of theology of the University of Heidelberg. These questions are devoted to the Christology, Mariology, and Trinitology, and deal with the issue of the Incarnation of Christ, with quaestiones 1-3 considering it in relation to the individual Persons of the Trinity, and quaestiones 4-5 in relation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In all questions, Marsilius advocates the via media of sound faith, even above any school traditions.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
From Judah Hadassi to Elijah Bashyatchi : studies in late medieval Karaite philosophy /
The present study is a pioneering account of the development of late medieval Karaite Jewish thought, challenging the oft-repeated assertion that Karaite thinkers remained loyal to Kalām, the dominant theological philosophy during the earlier Golden Age of Karaism. A careful reading of Karaite sources demonstrates that the watershed figure whose influence led to changes in Karaite thought was the Rabbanite Maimonides, whose attacks on the Kalām had revealed its scientific shortcomings. This book discusses major Karaite thinkers from the twelfth to sixteenth centuries, as well as the central themes in their writings. It also outlines the impact of Karaism on the dominant Rabbanite Jews and their major thinkers, especially Maimonides. It should be of interest to all those who study medieval philosophy, intellectual history, Judaism and sectarianism.
1 online resource (xvi, 296 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [273]-289) and index. :
9789047442271 :
1873-9008 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Nicole Oresme, Questiones in Meteorologica de prima lectura : Study of the Manuscript Tradition and Critical Edition /
The open access publication of this book has been published with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Nicole Oresme, a mathematician, philosopher, and theologian, stood as one of the most original and influential thinkers of the Late Middle Ages. This volume presents the critical edition of Oresme's earliest work, his first cycle of lectures on Aristotle's Meteorology (1346). Transcribed directly by one of his students at Paris Arts Faculty, this text explores problems of physics, cosmology, geology, and optics, providing invaluable insights into late medieval philosophy of nature.
1 online resource (500 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :