Explorations in Internet Pragmatics : Intentionality, Identity, and Interpersonal Interaction /
This volume takes the reader on an exploration in the dynamics underlying digital interaction. The chapters investigate the ways in which individuals shape and interpret intentions, construct identities, and engage in interpersonal exchanges. Online platforms from forums and Wikipedia to Periscope, YouTube and WhatsApp are approached with multifaceted qualitative methods. Aside from English, languages studied include Bangla, Finnish, French, Hindi, Hungarian, Lithuanian, and Norwegian. The range of phenomena, platforms and languages shed light on the complex and nuanced ways of communication in digital spaces.
1 online resource (306 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Finance of International Trade in the Gulf /
This book analyses the legal structure and operation of the conventional and Islamic banking systems in the Gulf Arab states. It defines the legal issues involved and case law decided by the English, American and the Gulf Arab states courts in operating the two systems in financing the international trade transactions and covering the concurrent application, the advantages and disadvantages and the problems of each system. This book also gives a particular challenge to the fraud in international trade and considers the development of countertrade and electronic funds transfer as methods of financing some of the international business transactions. This book is very helpful for those who are dealing with the financing of the international trade, their professional advisors, staff of the conventional and Islamic banks and students who study law and commerce as part of their syllabuses of legal and international business studies. This book is also very essential reading for anyone who wants to succeed in the competitive conditions of modern banking business vis-a-vis the international trade in the Gulf Arab states. This book is also very helpful for the lawyer who is called upon to assist the businessman in his ventures or who wants to resolve a problem which has arisen in financing the international business transactions.
1 online resource (358 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :