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Armées et combats en Syrie de 491/ 1098 à 569/ 1174 : analyse comparée des chroniques médiévales latines et arabes /
: Revised version of the author's doctoral dissertation submitted to Université Lumière Lyon 2 in 2005. : 1000 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9782351590256 : shimaa
Oikistes : studies in constitutions, colonies, and military power in the ancient world, offered in honor of A.J. Graham /
This Festschrift includes a range of essays, mirroring the diverse abilities of the honoree, A. J. Graham, in ancient Greek and Roman constitutional history, military history, and colonization. The articles feature discussions of individual problems in politics, epigraphy, historiography, numismatics, and archaeology, including topics such as the Battle of Actium, the Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus, the Spartan constitution, democracy in Camarina, Persian coinage, mercenary soldiers, the origins of both Greek and Roman historical writing, cult practice at Berezan, the Athenian Long Walls, the Peloponnesian War, and various aspects of Greek colonization and Roman provincial policy.
1 online resource (xvii, 396 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004350908 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Connecting a city to the sea : the history of the Athenian long walls /
The Long Walls joining Athens with its harbors are universally recognized as symbols of naval imperialism and the lynchpin of a radical departure from traditional Greek military strategy during the later fifth century B.C. Nevertheless, many important questions about the structures remain disputed or simply neglected. As the first comprehensive history of the Long Walls, the present study dates each construction phase, examines the function of the structures from beginning to end, and chronicles their fluctuating viability. The analysis is driven by the proposition that the Athenians would not have relied on the walls to the sea when their navy did not control the sea lanes effectively. This full consideration of the Long Walls' development and strategic prominence over time will enable accurate assessment of their position in Greek military and political history from classical through early Hellenistic times.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [205]-227) and index. :
9789047431336 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Poliorcétique au Proche-Orient à l'âge du bronze : fortifications urbaines, procédés de siège et systèmes defénsifs /
Added title pages, table of contents, and introductory matter in Arabic.
"Ouvrage publié avec le concours du ministère des Affaires étrangères (DGMDP) et du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (UMIFRE 6, USR 3135)."
Revised version of author's doctoral dissertation, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2010. :
xiv, 307 pages : Illustrations, maps ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [273]-299) and indexes. :
9782351593691 :
Res publica constituta : Actium, Apollo, and the accomplishment of the triumviral assignment /
The years surrounding the decisive battle of Actium in 31 BC, and the various measures undertaken by the victor Augustus to create and legitimate a new system of government in Rome are among the most discussed aspects of Roman history. This book re-evaluates Augustus' rise to power, first as triumvir along with Antonius and Lepidus, and then as sole ruler, focusing particularly on the part played by propaganda and ideological claims. Augustus is shown to have acknowledged the Actium war as a civil as well as an external war, and the commemorations of the battle at the site and in Rome are re-assessed, along with the role ascribed to Apollo in the victory. The celebrated settlement of 28-27 BC is shown to have constituted the accomplishment of the triumviral assignment.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-219) and index. :
9789047428466 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Syrian wars /
This book examines the causes and courses of the series of wars in the Hellenistic period fought between the kingdom of the Seleukids and the Ptolemies over possession of Syria. This is a subject always mentioned by historians of the period in a glancing or abbreviated way, but which is actually wholly central to the development of both kingdoms and of the period as a whole. Other than relatively brief summaries no serious account has ever been produced. This extended consideration will bring to the centre of research on the Hellinistic period this long sequence of wars. Arguably they were the basic causes of the failure of both kingdoms in the face of Roman aggression and interference.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [421]-430) and index. :
9789004188310 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
L'art du siège néo-assyrien /
In L'art du siège néo-assyrien , Fabrice De Backer investigates the people, materials, tools, machines, and tactics employed during the first millenium B.C. by the Neo-Assyrians to take and defend fortified cities. The story of besieged people, along with their customs, treatment by the winners, and consequences of the conquest are also discussed. Based on the combination of archaeology, iconography, philology and ethnographical comparisons, the analysis of the particular assets of siege-engines or architectural features are developed, along with the best means employed at that time to overcome them. De Backer proposes more than a simple census of all the means known so far, he also develops and enhances our knowledge of siege-warfare in a pragmatic and efficient manner.
1 online resource (xxv, 527, 104 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004243064 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Egypt, Canaan and Israe l history, imperialism, ideology and literature : proceedings of a conference at the University of Haifa, 3-7 May 2009 /
The proceedings of the conference "Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism, Ideology and Literature" include the latest discussions about the political, military, cultural, economic, ideological, literary and administrative relations between Egypt, Canaan and Israel during the Second and First Millennia BC incorporating texts, art, and archaeology. A diverse range of scholars discuss subjects as wide-ranging as the Egyptian-Canaanite relations in the Second Intermediate Period, the ideology of boundary stelae, military strategy, diplomacy and officials of the New Kingdom and Late Period, the excavations of Beth-Shean and investigations into the Aruna Pass, and parallels between Biblical, Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern texts. Such breadth in one volume offers a significant contribution to our understanding of the interactions between the civilizations of the ancient Near East.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004210691 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Power and status in the Roman Empire, AD 193-284 /
This book deals with changing power and status relations between the highest ranking representatives of Roman imperial power at the central level, in a period when the Empire came under tremendous pressure, AD 193-284. Based on epigraphic, literary and legal materials, the author deals with issues such as the third-century development of emperorship, the shift in power of the senatorial elite and the developing position of senior military officers and other high equestrians. By analyzing the various senior power-holders involved in Roman imperial administration by social rank, this book presents new insights into the diachronic development of imperial administration, appointment policies and socio-political hierarchies between the second and fourth centuries AD.
1 online resource (xii, 305 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004211926 :
1572-0500 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jews and Christians in the first and second centuries : how to write their history /
The papers in this volume are organized around the ambition to reboot the writing of history about Jews and Christians in the first two centuries CE. Many are convinced of the need for a new perspective on this crucial period that saw both the birth of rabbinic Judaism and apostolic Christianity and their parting of ways. Yet the traditional paradigm of Judaism and Christianity as being two totally different systems of life and thought still predominates in thought, handbooks, and programs of research and teaching. As a result, the sources are still being read as reflecting two separate histories, one Jewish and the other Christian. The contributors to the present work were invited to attempt to approach the ancient Jewish and Christian sources as belonging to one single history, precisely in order to get a better view of the process that separated both communities. In doing so, it is necessary to pay constant attention to the common factor affecting both communities: the Roman Empire. Roman history and Roman archaeology should provide the basis on which to study and write the shared history of Jews and Christians and the process of their separation. A basic intuition is that the series of wars between Jews and Romans between 66 and 135 CE - a phenomenon unrivalled in antiquity - must have played a major role in this process. Thus the papers are arranged around three focal points: (1) the varieties of Jewish and Christian expression in late Second Temple times, (2) the socio-economic, military, and ideological processes during the period of the revolts, and (3) the post-revolt Jewish and Christian identities that emerged. As such, the volume is part of a larger project that is to result in a source book and a history of Jews and Christians in the first and second centuries.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004278479 :
1877-4970 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Syria and Bilad al-Sham under Ottoman rule : essays in honour of Abdul-Karim Rafeq /
"The papers in this volume were originally presented at a conference in honour of Abdul-Karim Rafeq held in 2004 at the Orient-Institut in Beirut (28-30 May) and at l'Institut français du Proche-Orient in Damascus (1-2 June)"--Acknowl. :
1 online resource. :
"Bibliography of Abdul-Karim Rafeq's Published Works (to April 2010)": pages [47]-56.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [597]-624) and index. :
9789004191044 :
1380-6076 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The impact of the Roman army (200 BC-AD 476) : economic, social, political, religious, and cultural aspects : proceedings of the Sixth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C.-A.D. 476), Capri, March 29-April 2, 2005 /
To many inhabitants of the Roman Empire the army was the most visible representation of imperial power. Roman troops were the embodiment of imperial control. Military installations and buildings, the imperial guard, other troops, fleets, and militarily tinged works of art brought home the majesty of Rome to anybody who saw them, in Rome and in other parts of the Empire. With Roman armies came administrators, taxes and requisitions in cash and kind, traders, permanently residing veterans and military personnel, useful relations between local notables and Roman military cadre, and chances of upward social mobility. This sixth volume in the series Impact of Empire focuses on these topics.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047430391 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Roman war of Antiochos the Great /
This is the first detailed study of the collision of the two greatest powers of the Hellenistic world. The Roman Republic, victorious over Carthage and Macedon, met the Seleukid kingdom, which had crushed Ptolemaic Egypt. The preliminary diplomatic sparring was complicated by Rome's attempts to control Greece, and by the military activities of Antiocohos the Great, and ended in war. Despite well-meaning attempts on both sides to avoid and solve disputes, areas of disagreement could not be removed. Each great power was hounded by the ambitions of its subsidiary clients. When the Aitolian League deliberately challenged Rome, and Rome seemed not to respond, Antiochos moved into Greece to take Rome's place. The Roman reaction produced the war, and a complex campaign by land and sea resulted in another Roman victory.
1 online resource (xii, 386 pages) : maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 369-373) and index. :
9789004350861 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to Aineias Tacticus /
Brill's Companion to Aineias Tacticus is a collection of articles on the significance of the earliest Greek handbook on military tactics. Aineias' (Aeneas) wrote his Poliorketika in the mid-fourth century BC, offering a unique perspective on contemporary Greek city-states, warfare and intellectual trends. We offer an introduction to Aineias and his work, and then discuss the work's historical and intellectual context, his qualities as a writer, and aspects of his work as a historical source for the Greek polis of the fourth century BC. Several chapters discuss Aineias' approach to warfare, specifically light infantry, mercenaries, naval operations, fortifications and technology. Finally, we include a lengthy study of the reception of ancient military treatises, specifically Aineias' Poliorketika, in the Byzantine period.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004352858 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Empire, power, and indigenous elites : a case study of the Nehemiah memoir /
Ancient Near Eastern empires, including Assyria, Babylon and Persia, frequently permitted local rulers to remain in power. The roles of the indigenous elites reflected in the Nehemiah Memoir can be compared to those encountered elsewhere. Nehemiah was an imperial appointee, likely of a military/administrative background, whose mission was to establish a birta in Jerusalem, thereby limiting the power of local elites. As a loyal servant of Persia, Nehemiah brought to his mission a certain amount of ethnic/cultic colouring seen in certain aspects of his activities in Jerusalem, in particular in his use of Mosaic authority (but not of specific Mosaic laws). Nehemiah appealed to ancient Jerusalemite traditions in order to eliminate opposition to him from powerful local elite networks.
1 online resource (xii, 327 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 285-314) and indexes. :
9789004292222 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient documents and their contexts : First North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (2011) /
Ancient Documents and their Contexts contains the proceedings of the First North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (San Antonio, Texas, 4-5 January 2011). It gathers seventeen papers presented by scholars from North America, Europe, and Australia at the first formal meeting of classical epigraphists sponsored by the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy. Ranging from technical discussions of epigraphic formulae and palaeography to broad consideration of inscriptions as social documents and visual records, the topics and approaches represented reflect the variety of ways that Greek and Latin inscriptions are studied in North America today. Contributors are: Bradley J. Bitner, Sarah Bolmarcich, Ilaria Bultrighini, Patricia A. Butz, Werner Eck, John Friend, Peter Keegan, Jinyu Liu, Kevin McMahon, John Nicols, Nadya Popov-Reynolds, Carolynn E. Roncaglia, Stephen V. Tracy, Dennis E. Trout, Georgia Tsouvala, Steven L. Tuck, and Arden Williams.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004273870 :
1876-2557 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Inscribed Athenian laws and decrees in the age of Demosthenes /
This book collects twelve papers which make original contributions to the historical interpretation of inscribed Athenian laws and decrees, with a core focus on significant historical shapes and patterns implicit in the corpus of the age of Demosthenes. Following a synthetic Introduction, two chapters analyse locations and selectivity of inscribing, four explore the implications of the inscriptions for Athenian policy and for developing attitudes to the past, three for aspects of Athenian democracy. The volume concludes with two studies of specific inscriptions. Some of the papers have appeared elsewhere in conference proceedings and Festschriften, some are published here for the first time. The volume complements the author's previous collection, Inscribed Athenian Laws and Decrees 352/1-322/1 BC: Epigraphical Essays .
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004352490 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ostraca de Krokodilô. la correspondance privée et les réseaux personnels de Philoklès, Apollôs et Ischyras : O.Krok. 152-334 / |c [édités par] Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Jean-Luc Fourne...
"The fort of Krokodilo on the road from Coptos to Myos Hormos was excavated in 1996-97 by the French mission in the Eastern desert. Its rubbish-dump was formed during the reigns of Trajan and Hadrian, and produced over 800 ostraca, 189 of which are published in this volume. While the first volume of Ostraca de Krokodilô concerns military correspondence, this second volume contains private letters exchanged between the inhabitants of Krokodilo and the neighbouring forts, Phoinikon and Persou. The letters were written by three very different characters: Philokles, a green-grocer and pimp, plays a central role in supplying vegetables to the inhabitants of the desert forts and also organises the prostitution; Ischyras, a quarry-man, is an acquaintance of Philokles and his letters are full of declarations of friendship, but also contain some harsh remarks which demonstrate the brutality of certain human relationships; Apollos is probably a soldier, but also functions as a letter-writer for a group of people who are mostly concerned with their provisions of food. This rich corpus gives us a glimpse of the daily life in a society of some 200 people who lived in the desert garrisons at the beginning of the 2nd century AD, and who appear in the ostraca. We are able to witness the importance of solidarity in this hostile environment and the important role of civilians, not least the women, in the life around the forts."--Back cover.
288 pages : illustrations ; 32 cm. :
New aspects of religion in ancient Athens : honors, authorities, esthetics, and society /
Jon D. Mikalson offers for classical and Hellenistic Athens a study of the terminology and contexts of praises of religious actions and artefacts and an investigation of the various authorities in religious activities. The terms of approbation apply to priests, priestesses, and lay individuals in various capacities as well as to sacrifices, dedications, and sanctuaries. From these a new esthetic of Greek religion emerges as well as a new social aspect of public religious practices. The authorities include oracles, traditional customs, laws, and decrees, and their hierarchy and interaction are described. The authority of the Ekklesia, Boule, administrative and military officials, priests, priestesses, and others is also delineated, and a new view of polis "control" of religion is put forward.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004319196 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Global community : global security /
Global security cannot be achieved until people view the world as a global community. Until such time, differences will continue to be perceived as threatening. These perceived "threats" are the primary threat to global security. This volume proposes methods for minimizing the "us versus them" mentality so that we can build a sense of global community.
1 online resource (xvi, 342 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 291-318) and index. :
9789401206532 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.