Showing 1 - 20 results of 31 for search '(( zion jerusalem history. ) OR ( von jerusalem history. ))', query time: 0.41s Refine Results
Published 2004
David and Zion : biblical studies in honor of J.J.M. Roberts /

: xxvi, 444 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
"Bibliography of the writings of J.J.M. Roberts." : 1575060922 : wafaa.lib

Published 1970
Der Tempel von Jerusalem von Salomon bis Herodes : Eine archäologisch-historische Studie unter...

: 1 online resource (699 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004664937

Published 2002
The rescue of Jerusalem : the alliance between Hebrews and Africans in 701 BC /

: xxiii, 421 pages : illustrations, maps ; 22 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 287-399) and indexes. : 1569472750

Published 2012
Let us go up to Zion : essays in honour of H.G.M. Williamson on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday /

: This volume honours Professor H. G. M. Williamson, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford University through a collection of essays by colleagues and former students from across the globe. The various contributions intersect with the previous work of Professor Williamson, with special emphasis on the history of biblical research, study of the Hebrew language and Hebrew textual traditions, post-exilic historiography (Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah) and the prophets (especially Isaiah).
: 1 online resource (xxxix, 515 pages) : illustrations, portrait. : "Academic achievements of H.G.M. Williamson" (p. [xvii]-xxviii) includes a bibliography of H.G.M. Williamson's works.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [441]-479) and indexes. : 9789004226586 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
Jewish reactions to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 : apocalypses and related pseudepigrapha /

: The Roman destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 was a watershed event in the religious, political, and social life of first-century Jews. This book explores the reaction to this event found in Jewish apocalypses and related literature preserved among the Pseudepigrapha (4 Ezra, 2 Baruch, 3 Baruch, 4 Baruch, Sibylline Oracles 4 and 5, and the Apocalypse of Abraham). While keeping the historical context of their composition in mind, the author analyzes the texts with a view to answering the following questions: What do these texts tell us about Jewish attitudes toward the Roman Empire? How did Jews understand the situation in post-70 Judea through the lens of Israel's past, especially the Babylonian sack of Jerusalem in 587 B.C.?
: Fairly substantial revision of the author's thesis (Ph.D.)--University of California, Berkeley, 2006. : 1 online resource (x, 305 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. [281]-293) and index. : 9789004210448 : 1384-2161 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
City of ruins : mourning the destruction of Jerusalem through Jewish apocalypse /

: This study addresses the way in which a psychoanalytic model of mourning relates to a set of Jewish apocalypses concerned with the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple. These texts respond to the traumatic symbolic loss of Zion and attempt to heal it through the apocalyptic narrative, the visionary experiences of the seers, and the emotional transformation that results from the interplay of the two. The seers react with rage, paralysis, and self-annihilating sentiments, and hence these texts resemble incomplete, stalled mourning, or melancholia. Through the course of their narratives and a 'working-through' of the Jewish past, true mourning and psychological recovery occur, prompting visions of the establishment of an ideal society in the future.
: Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago Divinity School, 2000. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [211]-221) and index. : 9789004181991 : 0928-0731 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
Von Josua bis Jojachin : Untersuchungen zu den deuteronomistischen Geschichtsbüchern des Alten Testaments /

: This volume deals with the question of the \'deuteronomistic history\' in the Old Testament and attempts to demonstrate that such a uniform history never existed; the books of Deuteronomy - 2 Kings do not contain such a history. The first part of the book shows that there is no homogenous conceptual framework in the deuteronomistic historical books. For example, different concepts of sin and punishment are found. Even the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem does not represent a \'Leitmotiv\' of divine punishment. The second part of the book deals with problems relating to the various deuteronomistic redactions in the historical books of the Old Testament. In this book the author introduces new perspectives in the discussion of a central problem of Old Testament scholarship.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [109]-115) and index. : 9789004276000 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
Israel und Agypten in der Konigszeit : die kulturellen Kontakte von Salomo bis zum Fall Jerusalems /

: Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral) -- Universitat Bonn, 1998/1999. : xi, 359, [11] pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [302]-344) and indexes. : 3727812656

Published 1998
Sanctity of time and space in tradition and modernity /

: Time and space can take on a sacred nature in both Judaism and Christianity accompanied by a permanent critical attitude towards the sacred. Conceptions of sacredness imply a conception of community and of society at large. This study investigates the different attitudes toward sacred time and space from an interdisciplinary perspective, ranging from the Biblical period through Qumran, Patristics, Rabbinics, archaeology and theology to modern and even to post-modern rituals. This approach offers a fascinating insight into both the common heritage of Judaism and Christianity and their mutual differences.
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004421387

Published 2005
Saladin und die Kreuzfahrer /

: Catalog of a special exhibition held at Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale), Oct. 21, 2005-Feb. 12, 2006 ; Landesmuseum für Natur und Mensch Oldenburg, Mar. 5-July 2, 2006 ; Reiss-Engelhorn-Museum Mannheim, July 23-Nov. 5, 2006. : 517 pages : many illustration (chiefly color), maps (some color) ; 29 cm. : Bibliography : pages [493]-514. : 380533513x

Published 2021
Jerusalem and Other Holy Places as Foci of Multireligious and Ideological Confrontation /

: Jerusalem and Other Holy Places as Foci of Multireligious and Ideological Confrontation brings together the papers that were read at an international conference at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in May 2018. The contributions to this volume develop a multi-disciplinary perspective on holy places and their development, rhetorical force, and oft-contested nature. Through a particular focus on Jerusalem, this volume demonstrates the variety in the study of holy places, as well as the flexibility of geographic and historical aspects of holiness.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004437210

Published 2010
Kabbalah and modernity : interpretations, transformations, adaptations /

: The persistence of kabbalistic groups in the twentieth century has largely been ignored or underestimated by scholars of religion. Only recently have scholars began to turn their attention to the many-facetted roles that kabbalistic doctrines and schools have played in nineteenth- and twentieth-century culture. Often, and necessarily, this new interest and openness went along with a contextualization and re-valuation of earlier scholarly approaches to kabbalah. This volume brings together leading representatives of this ongoing debate in order to break new ground for a better understanding and conceptualization of the role of kabbalah in modern religious, intellectual, and political discourse.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004182875 : 1871-1405 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Archaeology of the books of Samuel : the entangling of the textual and literary history /

: The books of Samuel are a key link in the history of the biblical text in so much as they are found at a crossroad where different textual traditions encounter each other (MT, LXX, Qumran). Recent research tends to consider that the textual criticism has to take into account the literary aspects which characterise the most ancient transmission of the text. This assessment asks a variety of new exegetical questions considered in this volume: Does the comparative analysis of the textual witnesses permit proving the existence of distinct literary editions? Which are the criteria to deem the literary nature of the variants? Which ideological and theological motives governed the modifications of a previous text? Is it possible to establish a relative chronology between the putative editions? The study of the most ancient history of the text opens an archeology of the monument that are the books of Samuel. The search for their ancient foundations and the bringing to light of later modifications, the consideration both of the restorations and of the ruins of the textual edifice all throw new light on the final construct and its theological significance.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047443872 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2003
Karaite Judaism : a guide to its history and literary sources /

: Karaism is a Jewish religious movement of a scripturalist and messianic nature, which emerged in the Middle Ages in the areas of Persia-Iraq and Palestine and has maintained its unique and varied forms of identity and existence until the present day, undergoing resurgent cycles of creativity, within its major geographical centres of the Middle-East, Byzantium-Turkey, the Crimea and Eastern Europe. This Guide to Karaite Studies contains thirty-seven chapters which cover all the main areas of medieval and modern Karaite history and literature, including geographical and chronological subdivisions, and special sections devoted to the history of research, manuscripts and printing, as well as detailed bibliographies, index and illustrations. The substantial volume reflects the current state of scholarship in this rapidly growing sub-field of Jewish Studies, as analysed by an international team of experts and taught in various universities throughout Europe, Israel and the United States.
: 1 online resource (xxxi, 981 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 933-958) and index. : 9789004294264 : 0169-9423 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2004
Paulus, die Evangelien, und das Urchristentum : Beiträge von und zu Walter Schmithals /

: This volume contains the author's 'late harvest' from the fruits of half a century scholarly research in the fields of the New Testament. The essays on Paul oppose the view of history held by the 'Tübingen School' (F.C. Baur), and point out the importance of literary criticism for the theological interpretation of the pauline letters. The essays on the Letter to the Hebrews assign the appropriate historical place within early Christianity to this New Testament book. The essays on the synoptic gospels force the crisis of synoptic form criticism, and give convincing reasons for the alternative solution concerning the origin of the synoptic tradition. Five contributions complete the author's 'Theologiegeschichte des Urchristentums' edited 1994. In the second part various prominent German New Testament scholars engage into a discussion with Schmithals's contributions.
: 1 online resource (xi, 841 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047412472 : 0169-734X = : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Das Ezechielbuch als Trauma-Literatur /

: The book of Ezekiel has long astonished its readership. In the history of exegesis, the book's (supposed) author has often been regarded as mad or ill, or as suffering from \'Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder\' according to a recent diagnosis. The present study radicalizes this approach by investigating the book of Ezekiel as trauma literature. On the basis of a multi-faceted trauma hermeneutics the peculiarities as well as the inconsistencies of the book are shown to be material aspects of a fictionalised trauma process in the context of Israel's experiences of siege warfare and mass deportation in the early 6th century bce. The analysis demonstrates that the potential for violence inherent in the catastrophe has created not only an intense discourse about blame and punishment but also a theologically disturbing picture of a traumatized deity; in both cases the purpose is to assure the survival of Yhwh and the people. Das Ezechielbuch hat seine Leserschaft seit jeher verwundert und verwirrt. Den vermeintlichen Autor des Buches hat man im Laufe der Auslegungsgeschichte immer wieder pathologisiert - zuletzt ist Ezechiel mehrfach die Diagnose "Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung" attestiert worden. Die vorliegende Studie nimmt diesen Krankheitsansatz auf und radikalisiert ihn, indem sie das Ezechielbuch konsequent als fiktionale Trauma-Literatur analysiert. Vor dem Hintergrund einer mehrdimensionalen Trauma-Hermeneutik erschließt sie die Ezechielprophetie neu als literarisch-theologische Auseinandersetzung mit den traumatisierenden Kriegsereignissen, die Juda und Jerusalem zu Beginn des 6. Jh.s volumeu.Z. getroffen haben. Es zeigt sich, dass die ungeheure Gewaltfülle der Exilskatastrophe nicht nur einen massiven Schuld-Strafe-Diskurs, sondern auch das theologisch erschütternde Bild einer traumatisierten Gottheit aus sich herausgesetzt hat - beides mit dem Ziel, das Überleben JHWHs und des Volkes zu sichern.
: Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universität Marburg, 2011. : 1 online resource (xvi, 738 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [687]-714) and index. : 9789004227453 : 0083-5889 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1995
Laubhütte Davids und Wolkensohn : eine auslegungsgeschichtliche Studie zu Amos 9,11 in der jüdischen und christlichen Exegese /

: Laubhütte Davids und Wolkensohn deals with the history of interpretation of Amos 9:11 - a passage which is regarded in both, Jewish and Christian tradition, as a messianic prediction. The book examines its interpretation and impact in Qumran and Rabbinic Judaism as well as in the New Testament, the Church Fathers, the Middle Ages, the Reformation and in the scientific discussion up to the present. Special emphasis is laid on (a) its usage at the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) and its influence on the formation of the Christian Church and (b) hitherto overlooked explicit and important interpretations of scholars such as Nicholas de Lyre, Luther, Mercerus, Miegius and Harenberg who have already made use of the rabbinic messianic interpretation of this passage. Besides, a new interpretation of Amos 9:11-15 in its historical Old Testament context is offered.
: Summary in English. : 1 online resource (xv, 276 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 239-243) and index. : 9789004332775 : 0169-734X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Jewish identity in the Greco-Roman world =Jüdische identität in der griechisch-römischen welt /

: The articles discuss various aspects of Jewish identity in the Greco-Roman period. Was there a common 'Jewish' identity, and how could it be defined? How could different groups develop and maintain their identity within the challenge of Hellenistic and early Roman culture? What about the images of 'others'? How could some of those 'others' adopt a Jewish lifestyle or identity, whereas others, abandoned their inherited identity? Among the questions discussed are the translation of Ioudaios, Jewish and universal identity in Philo, the status of women and their conversion to Judaism, the participation of non-Jews in the temple cult, the practice of Emperor worship in Judaea, and the image of Egypt and the Nile as 'others' in Philo. Two articles enter the debate whether Jewish identity had an ongoing influence within early Christianity, in Paul and in the rules known as the Apostolic Decree.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047421559 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Kaiphas : der Hohepriester jenes Jahres : Geschichte und Deutung /

: The high priest Caiaphas is one of the important figures in biblical history who received little attention or sympathy in the judgement of posterity. Since the time of the old church the highest representative of the Jewish society in the time of Jesus was assessed as a wicked enemy of Jesus and the leading apostles in Jerusalem. This image obscures the religious and political efficiency of a man, who worked with great success in his office for a long period of eighteen years. What do we know about the historical Caiaphas? And what is the image of this man in the New Testament and afterwards? The present study tries to answer these questions in view of the history, the exegesis and the reception history. Der Hohepriester Kaiphas gehört zu den bedeutenden Figuren der biblischen Geschichte, denen im Urteil der Nachwelt eine geringe Aufmerksamkeit oder Sympathie entgegengebracht wurde. Seit der alten Kirche wurde der höchste Repräsentant des jüdischen Tempelstaates zur Zeit Jesu als bösartiger Feind Jesu und der führenden Apostel in Jerusalem betrachtet. Dieses Bild verdeckt die religiösen und politischen Leistungen eines Mannes, der achtzehn Jahre lang mit Erfolg amtiert hat. Was wissen wir über den historischen Kaiphas? Und welches Bild hat sich von ihm im Neuen Testament und in der Zeit danach ausgeprägt? Die vorliegende Studie versucht, diese Fragen historisch, exegetisch und wirkungsgeschichtlich zu beantworten.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004190634 : 1871-6636 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2004
The apostolic age in patristic thought /

: This volume deals with how Christians of the first centuries looked back on the period of the nascent Church. Thanks to the incomparable stature of its founder, Jesus Christ, who had descended from heaven and commissioned his Apostles, this period was authorative for all Christians in matters of doctrine, institutions, rites and morality, a new phenomenon in the Graeco-Roman world. Its implications are explored in sixteen essays dealing with various subjects such as liturgy, the canon of Scriptures, the role of miracles, art, monasticism, and ministry. All contributions, taking into account both the views of individual Church fathers and Gnostic and Manichaean texts, make a large amount of primary material available.
: 1 online resource (xi, 257 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047404293 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.