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The language of the papyri /
The modern rediscovery of the Greek and Latin papyri from Egypt has transformed our knowledge of the ancient world. We cannot, however, make the same claim in the specific area of language study. Although important studies of the language of the papyri have appeared sporadically over the past century, we are still dealing today with a linguistic resource of extraordinary richness which has hardly begun to be explored. Every scrap of papyrus and every ostracon (potsherd) or tablet unearthed has the potential to change some aspect of the way we think about the Greek and Latin languages. This book demonstrate that potential, by gathering together essays from seventeen scholars who present a variety of perspectives and methodological approaches. The Language of the Papyri charts current directions of international research, and will also provide a stimulus for future work."--Jacket.
xxii, 362 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [315]-334) and indexes. :
Puzzling out the past : studies in Northwest Semitic languages and literatures in honor of Bruce Zuckerman /
Bruce Zuckerman has transformed the way we look at ancient Semitic inscriptions. Through his efforts, the most important inscriptions of biblical times have been reread and the history of the biblical and Second Temple periods reimagined. He has made contributions to the fields of biblical studies and modern Judaism, and, in founding Maarav: A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures , has made the research of many scholars available to the scholarly community. The series of articles included here honor his many contributions through discussions of a wide variety of inscriptional materials, Biblical texts, archaeology, lexicography and teaching methodology. Included in the volume is a republication of his path breaking exhibition catalogue, Puzzling Out the Past .
1 online resource (352 pages) :
9789004227163 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Approaches to Arabic linguistics : presented to Kees Versteegh on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday /
For a lifetime Kees Versteegh played a leading role in Arabic linguistics, dialects (diglossia, creolization, pidginization), the history of Arabic grammar, and other fields related to Arabic. From among his global contacts, colleagues contributed to a Liber Amicorum in appreciation of his stimulating efforts to reopen, deepen and complete our knowledge of Arabic Grammar and Linguistics. In three sections, History, Linguistics and Dialects, 27 contributors discuss (alphabetically): bilingual verb construction; contractual language; current developments; language description; language use; lexicology; organization of language; pause; sentence types; and specific topics: ʾallaḏī; featuring; government; homonymy; ʾiḍmār; inflection; maṣdar; the origin of grammatical tradition; variety conflicts; and verbal schematic (ir)regularities; waqf; and ẓarf.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047422136 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Neue Beispiele fuer die Elision von h im Ägyptischen—ein Zwischenbericht /
The focus of this contribution is on the loss of the Egyptian consonant h. The article follows a study by the same the author in JARCE 50 (2014) about the same topic that dealt exclusively with examples from the Middle Kingdom. The time range is extended here to the late material. The starting point is given by writings of individual words on the one hand, and of plays on words on the other. The weakness of h is not restricted to the Egyptian language, but can also be observed in other oriental idioms. http://dx.doi.org/10.5913/jarce.55.2019.a002