Showing 1 - 20 results of 26 for search '((armen OR carmen) OR ((assen OR waren) OR arena)) latin*', query time: 0.33s Refine Results
Published 1976
Dorothei Sidonii Carmen astrologicum : interpretationem Arabicam in linguam Anglicam versam una cum Dorothei fragmentis et Graecis et Latinis /

: Original Greek work entitled : Pentateuchos. : xx, 444 pages ; 21 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : Hadeer

Published 1858
Catalogus codicum hebraeorum, bibliothecae academiae lugduno batavae /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004607934

Published 1988
The Gospel as epic in late antiquity : the Paschale carmen of Sedulius /

: 1 online resource (x, 168 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 151-158) and index. : 9789004312722 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1775
Carmen seculare in natalem ducentesimum Academiae Batavae quae est Leidae /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004586055

Published 1987
The logic of Apuleius : including a complete Latin text and English translation of the Peri hermeneias of Apuleius of Madaura /

: 1 online resource (121 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004320697 : 0079-1687 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1825
Carmen recitatum in aede S. Petri A.D. VIII februarii anno a condita Leidensi Academia quinquagesimo et ducentesimo /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004598065

Published 1855
Adnotatio ad Gaii Institutionum commentarium secundum (usque ad locum de legatis) /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004608009

Published 2013
Brill's companion to Horace /

: This volume centres on a detailed analysis of the whole corpus of Horace's work by Edward Courtney ( Satires ), Elaine Fantham ( Epistles I and Odes IV), Hans-Christian Günther ( Epodes , Odes I - III, Carmen Saeculare and Epistles II) and Tobias Reinhardt ( Ars Poetica ). The latter is preceeded by a detailed account of Horace's life and work in general by H.-C. Günther. Two appendices on the transmission of the text (E. Courtney) and style and metre (Peter Knox) conclude the volume. It is aimed at students and scholars of classical and modern literature who seek comprehensive orientation on all aspects of Horace's work. All quotations from Latin and Greek are translated.
: 1 online resource (xv, 630 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 561-579) and indexes. : 9789004241961 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Poetry and exegesis in premodern Latin Christianity : the encounter between classical and Christian strategies of interpretation /

: This volume investigates various exegetical possibilities in Christian Latin poetry during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. In the Latin West poetry was mainly associated with the powerful pagan tradition of writers like Vergil and Ovid, and by many poetry was considered to tell lies and provide mere entertainment potentially corrupting the soul. Therefore, Christians initially had reservations about this genre and believed it to be incompatible with Christian worship, literacy and intellectual activity. In practice, however, forms of specifically Christian poetry developed from the end of the third century onwards; theoretical reconciliations were developed around 400 A.D. This collection examines specimens of Christian poetry from Juvencus (the first biblical epicist shortly after 300) up to the thirteenth century. Its particular usefulness lies in the combination of literary theory and hermeneutics, close readings of the texts and new readings on a sound philological basis.
: 1 online resource (xi, 360 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047421320 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
In the second degree : paratextual literature in ancient Near Eastern and ancient Mediterranean culture and its reflections in medieval literature /

: To better understand the phenomenon of Literature in the Second Degree - in Jewish and Biblical studies often characterized as parabiblical or Rewritten Bible - the current volume applies the theories of Gerard Genette to ancient and medieval literature from various cultures. Literature in the Second Degree realigns earlier (authoritative) texts to the dynamics of developing cultures and their changing cultural memories. In the case of authoritative base texts, Literature in the Second Degree reaffirms their authority by way of interpretative actualization. In the case of non-authoritative base texts it replaces them to effect cultural forgetting. Far from being just literary forgery (pseudepigraphy), Literature in the Second Degree has an important function in the development of the ancient and medieval cultures.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004194199 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis : Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Leuven 2022) /

: Every third year, the members of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS) assemble for a week-long conference. Over the years, this event has evolved into the largest single conference in the field of Neo-Latin studies. The papers presented at these conferences offer, then, a general overview of the current status of Neo-Latin research; its current trends, popular topics, and methodologies. In 2022, the members of IANLS gathered for a conference in Leuven where 50 years ago the first of these congresses took place.This volume presents the conference's papers which were submitted after the event and which have undergone a peer-review process. The papers deal with a broad range of fields, including literature, history, philology, and religious studies.
: 1 online resource (752 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004695580

Published 1993
Early Christian poetry : a collection of essays /

: This collection of essays deals with the rise and development of early Christian poetry, discussing its techniques and its theoretical foundation. The individual papers concern specimina of Hebrew, Syriac, Greek and Latin poetry and study the various and partly conflicting traditions from which it originated. The biblical examples, e.g. of the Psalms, held great authority, but on the other hand it was impossible to break away from the models of classical Greco-Roman poetry, although these were deemed dangerous because of the pagan content and excessive cult of literary art. The book shows how the problems involved were solved in different ways, which justified the use of pagan literary accomplishments for singing the praises of the Lord.
: 1 online resource (xi, 318 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004312890 : 0902-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1987
An Anthology of Later Latin Literature /

: 1 online resource (397 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004673113

Published 2012
Brill's companion to Greek and Latin epyllion and its reception /

: In classical scholarship of the past two centuries, the term "epyllion" was used to label short hexametric texts mainly ascribable to the Hellenistic period (Greek) or the Neoterics (Latin). Apart from their brevity, characteristics such as a predilection for episodic narration or female characters were regarded as typically "epyllic" features. However, in Antiquity itself, the texts we call "epyllia" were not considered a coherent genre, which seems to be an innovation of the late 18th century. The contributions in this book not only re-examine some important (and some lesser known) Greek and Latin primary texts, but also critically reconsider the theoretical discourses attached to it, and also sketch their literary and scholarly reception in the Byzantine and Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Modern Age.
: 1 online resource (xxvi, 640 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 563-596) and indexes. : 9789004233058 : 1872-3357 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
The impact of scripture in early Christianity /

: One of the most conspicuous innovations of early Christianity within Greco-Roman culture is its reliance upon a collection of authoritative texts. The ultimate author of Scripture was thought to be God Himself, whose will could and should be sought and found in these holy writings. For this reason it is not surprising that very soon these texts not only became the object of careful attention and scholarly study, but also put their stamp on the various forms and manifestations of early Christian life, such as martyrdom, asceticism, liturgy, art, and literature. This multifarious influence of Scripture is the subject of The Impact of Scripture in Early Christianity . It contains fourteen contributions, predominantly in English, by Belgian and Dutch scholars which have been gathered in a thematically ordered collection.
: 1 online resource (xiii, 278 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004313118 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1993
Philo in early Christian literature : a survey /

: It is a remarkable fact that the writings of Philo, the Jew from Alexandria, were preserved because they were taken up in the Christian tradition. But the story of how this process of reception and appropriation took place has never been systematically research. In this book the author first examines how Philo's works are related to the New Testament and the earliest Chritian writing, and then how they were used by Greek and Latin church fathers up to 400 c.e., with special attention to the contributions of Clement, Origen, Didymus, Eusebius, Gregory of Nyssa, Ambrose, and Augustine. Philo in Early Christian Literature is a valuable guide to the state of scholarly research on a subject that has thus far been investigated in a rather piecemeal fashion.
: 1 online resource (xv, 418 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 357-392) and indexes. : 9789004275164 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1988
Mikra : text, translation, reading, and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in ancient Judaism and early Christianity /

: Series: Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Section 1 - The Jewish people in the first century Historial geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions Edited by S. Safrai and M. Stern in cooperation with D. Flusser and W.C. van Unnik Section 2 - The Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud Section 3 - Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature
: 1 online resource (xxvi, 929 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 797-852) and index. : 9789004275102 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1976
The Jewish people in the first century : historical geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions. Vol. two /

: Series: Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum Section 1 - The Jewish people in the first century Historial geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions Edited by S. Safrai and M. Stern in cooperation with D. Flusser and W.C. van Unnik Section 2 - The Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud Section 3 - Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature
: Includes index. : 1 online resource (ix, 561-1283 pages) : illustrations, map. : 9789004275096 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Anthologies of historiographical speeches from antiquity to early modern times : rearranging the tesserae /

: Anthologies of speeches excerpted from history books constitute a relatively little-known rhetorical and bibliographic genre. From ancient times to the present day, the practice of culling characters' orations from one or more works and publishing them independently of their original source has produced new and different ways of reading and using history. Anthologies of Historiographical Speeches offers an introduction to the very diverse questions that arise from the study of the genre through a variety of approaches and methodological tools. Lying at the point where rhetoric and historiography intersect, the essays included in this volume focus on the rhetorical aspects of the collections, as well as on their production, transmission, and reception from antiquity to the early modern period.
: 1 online resource (xi, 546 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004341869 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
Brill's companion to the reception of Galen /

: Brill's Companion to the Reception of Galen presents a comprehensive account of the afterlife of the corpus of the second-century AD Greek physician Galen of Pergamum. In 31 chapters, written by a range of experts in the field, it shows how Galen was adopted, adapted, admired, contested, and criticised across diverse intellectual environments and geographical regions, from Late Antiquity to the present day, and from Europe to North Africa, the Middle and the Far East. The volume offers both introductory material and new analysis on the transmission and dissemination of Galen's works and ideas through translations into Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew and other languages, the impact of Galenic thought on medical practice, as well as his influence in non-medical contexts, including philosophy and alchemy.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004394353