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The works in logic by Bosniac authors in Arabic /
The book offers and explains the hypothesis that the end of the 13th century does not denote the "final stage" and the "stage of decay" of Arabic logic as the "Aristotelian logic" continues its life and development in the following period in Bosnia and Herzegovina ̶ either as a subject within the educational system, or as general propaedeutics for each scientific thought ̶ where it had skilled interpreters. The book proves that the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina used almost the same way to compose writings in the field of logic: one in Latin within West-European cultural and theological tradition, and the others in Arabic, within Arabic-islamic tradition.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [217]-227) and indexes. :
9789047441977 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Hypothetical syllogistic and Stoic logic /
This volume traces the development of Aristotle's hypothetical syllogistic through antiquity, and shows for the first time how it later became misidentified with the logic of the rival Stoic school. By charting the origins of this error, the book illuminates elements of Aristotelian logic that have been obscured for almost two thousand years, and raises important issues concerning the distinctive roles of semantic and syntactic analysis in theories of logical consequence. The first chapters of the book deal with the original Aristotelian hypothetical syllogistic, and explain how Aristotle's later followers began to conflate it with Stoic logic. The final chapters examine in detail the two most crucial surviving treatments of the subject, Boethius's On hypothetical syllogisms and On Cicero's Topics , which carried this conflation into the Middle Ages.
Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Toronto. :
1 online resource (xiii, 143 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-138) and indexes. :
9789004321120 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
History as a theological issue /
These days no one believes in the redemptive essence of history (Lyotard). The individual of today lives without culture, history, social engagement and moral norms (Lasch). It is in this intellectual climate that History as a Theological Issue has been written. Nico Bakker analyses seminal conceptions of history from the past and from our day, and compares them with the newest notions of history in biblical and systematic theology. In so doing he engages in conversation with thinkers from Augustine to Popper, along with many others. His thinking is informed in particular by the work of Barth, Pannenberg, and the Dutch reformed theologians Miskotte and Breukelman. Of central significance is his ability to apply basic theological notions to culture. In this way he connects the present-day crisis of culture with the permanent alienation of church and Christianity from its own origins in the scriptures. Now that since the 1950s a new awareness structure is beginning to emerge (Gebser), the author considers that theology is in need of a radical rethink. History as a Theological Issue is written primarily for theologians, historians, biblical critics and philosophers of religion and is recommended reading for all who are seriously interested in the present-day crisis of culture and in the widespread alienation from the Bible, Church and Christianity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [289]-294) and indexes. :
Essays in the philosophy and history of logic and mathematics /
The book is a collection of the author's selected works in the philosophy and history of logic and mathematics. Papers in Part I include both general surveys of contemporary philosophy of mathematics as well as studies devoted to specialized topics, like Cantor's philosophy of set theory, the Church thesis and its epistemological status, the history of the philosophical background of the concept of number, the structuralist epistemology of mathematics and the phenomenological philosophy of mathematics. Part II contains essays in the history of logic and mathematics. They address such issues as the philosophical background of the development of symbolism in mathematical logic, Giuseppe Peano and his role in the creation of contemporary logical symbolism, Emil L. Post's works in mathematical logic and recursion theory, the formalist school in the foundations of mathematics and the algebra of logic in England in the 19th century. The history of mathematics and logic in Poland is also considered. This volume is of interest to historians and philosophers of science and mathematics as well as to logicians and mathematicians interested in the philosophy and history of their fields.
A collection of previously published essays; those originally written in Polish have been translated into English for this publication. :
1 online resource (343 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 301-334) and index. :
9789042030916 :
0303-8157 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The dialectic of practice and the logical structure of the tool : philosophy, archaeology and the anthropology of technology /
The Dialectic of Practice and the Logical Structure of the Tool undertakes a critical review of recent trends in the archaeological and anthropological theory of technology from processual neo-positivism and postprocessual relativism to the contemporary French and American anthropology, and the symmetrical theory of material culture. On the basis of a critique of their logical premises and epistemological consequences, it draws on the tradition of Hegelian dialectics in order to propose an alternative understanding of technology as a material social practice within which the subject and the object -the socio-cultural and the natural- are produced concurrently as inter-constituted elements, and they are unified through their mutual negative relation to each other.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (92 pages). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789694055 (ebook) :
The dialectic of practice and the logical structure of the tool : philosophy, archaeology and the anthropology of technology /
The Dialectic of Practice and the Logical Structure of the Tool undertakes a critical review of recent trends in the archaeological and anthropological theory of technology from processual neo-positivism and postprocessual relativism to the contemporary French and American anthropology, and the symmetrical theory of material culture. On the basis of a critique of their logical premises and epistemological consequences, it draws on the tradition of Hegelian dialectics in order to propose an alternative understanding of technology as a material social practice within which the subject and the object -the socio-cultural and the natural- are produced concurrently as inter-constituted elements, and they are unified through their mutual negative relation to each other.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (92 pages). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789694055 (ebook) :
Aristotle's theory of predication /
This book claims that Aristotle followed an aspect theory of predication. On it statements make a basic assertion of existence that can be more or less qualified. It is claimed that the aspect theory solves many puzzles about Aristotle's philosophy and gives a new unity to his logic and metaphysics. The book considers Aristotle's views on predication relative to Greek philology, Aristotle's philosophical milieu, and the history and philosophy of predication theory. It offers new perspectives on such issues as existential import; the relation of Categories 2 andamp; 4; the place of differentiae and propria ; the predication of matter; unnatural predication; and the square of opposition. It ends by comparing Aristotle's theory with current ones.
1 online resource (xiv, 346 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 321-337) and index. :
9789004321090 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Following Putnam's trail : on realism and other issues /
Following Putnam's Trail addresses Putnam's path through important philosophical problems. One outstanding feature of Putnam's philosophy has been his contribution to the development of American pragmatism as well as his many changes of mind when thinking about realism. Realism and pragmatism are indeed the central focus of the contributions to the volume. The book includes a defence of pragmatism by Putnam himself, and several commentaries on it. This volume should be of interest both to scholars who specialize in analytical philosophy as well as to those who have a wider interest in philosophy.
Papers presented at the 2nd Meeting on Pragmatism, held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 13-14, 2004. :
1 online resource (310 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789401205849 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Protocols, Truth and Convention /
The continuing philosophical interest in the famous 'Protocol Sentence Debate' in the Vienna Circle of Logical Positivists is, to a large measure, due to the focus on the epistemological issues in the dispute, and the neglect of differences among the leading players in their philosophical views of logic and language. In Protocols, Truth and Convention , the current understanding of the debate is advanced by developing the contemporaneous views of logic and language held by the principal disputants. Rudolf Carnap and Moritz Schlick. It is argued - largely on the basis of unpublished manuscripts and correspondence - that, despite apparent differences in their respective conceptions of language, there are nonetheless striking similarities, particularly with respect to the conventionality of language. Nonetheless, one key issue - concerning the syntacticism inherent in Carnap's early Thirties' philosophy - separates the two viewpoints in the clash over protocols. Finally, it is argued that Carnap's syntacticism is untenable, a conclusion that Carnap himself finally reached in the closing exchanges of the protocol sentence controversy.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Quantification : transcending beyond Frege's boundaries : a case study in transcendental-metaphysical logic /
In his attempt to give an answer to the question of what constitutes real knowledge, Kant steers a middle course between empiricism and rationalism. True knowledge refers to a given empirical reality, but true knowledge has to be understood as necessary as well, and so consequently, must be a priori. Both demands can only be reconciled if synthetic a priori judgments are possible. To ground this possibility, Kant develops his transcendental logic. In Frege's program of providing a logicistic basis for true knowledge the same problem is at issue: his logicist solution places the quantifier into the position of the basic element connected to the truth of a proposition. As the basic element of a theory of logic, it refers at the same time to something in reality. Mołczanow argues that Frege's program fails because it does not pay sufficient attention to Kant's transcendental logic. Frege interprets synthetic a priori judgments as ultimately analytic, and thus falls back onto a Leibnizian rationalism, thereby ignoring Kant's middle course. Under the title of the transcendental analytic of quantification Mołczanow discusses Frege's concept of quantification. For Frege, the proper analysis of number words and the categories of quantity raises problems which can only be solved, according to Mołczanow, with the help of Kant's transcendental logic. Mołczanow's book thus deserves its places in the series Critical Studies in German Idealism because it provides a further elaboration of Kant's transcendental logic by bringing it into conversation with contemporary logic. The result is a new conception of the nature of quantification which speaks to our time.
1 online resource (xviii, 231 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004224179 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Positivist and the Ontologist : Bergmann, Carnap and Logical Realism /
The book contains the first systematic study of the ontology and metaphysics of Gustav Bergmann, tracing their development from early (1940s) criticisms of Carnap's semantical theories in Introduction to Semantics, to their culmination in his 1992 New Foundations of Ontology . This involves a detailed study of the implicit metaphysical doctrines in Carnap's important, but long neglected, 1942 book and their connection to his influential views on reference, truth and modality, (including, contrary to current opinion, Carnap's initiating the development of predicate modal logic) that culminated in Meaning and Necessity . In dealing with various fundamental issues in ontology and metaphysics, the book discusses relevant views of major philosophers, such as Russell, Moore, Bradley, Wittgenstein, Meinong, Brentano, Husserl, Broad, McTaggart, and Quine, and of contemporary and recent figures, including D. M. Armstrong, D. Lewis, S. Kripke, J. Searle, W. Sellars, D. Davidson, J. J. C. Smart, and H. Feigl. Building on the critical studies of Bergmann, Carnap and such other philosophers, the author argues for a form of Logical Realism derived from important, but long misunderstood and ignored, aspects of Russell's theories of descriptions, reference and truth.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Judaism in late antiquity.
This collection of systematic Auseinandersetzungen articulates difference and spells out what is at issue. Learning atrophies when political consensus substitutes for criticism, and when other than broadly-accepted viewpoints, approaches, and readings find a hearing only with difficulty, if at all. The editors therefore have invited colleagues systematically to outline their views in an Auseinandersetzung with contrary ones. The several participants explain how, in broad and sweeping terms, they see the state of learning in their areas of special interest. The editors invited leading players in the USA, Europe, and the State of Israel, in the study of ancient Judaism, both in Second Temple Times and after 70 C.E. The work commences with a thoroughly fresh perspective of a theoretical question: what, in a religion so concerned with social norms and public policy, can we possibly mean by \'law\' when we speak of law in Judaism. It then proceeds with two chapters on Second Temple Judaism, and two on the special subject of the Dead Sea library. The two papers in the present part provide an overview of matters and a systematic, critical account of the fading consensus, respectively. The next set of papers ought to stand as the definitive account of the diverse viewpoints on a basic question of method. Because of the willingness of contending parties to meet one another in a single frame of discourse, the work is able to portray with considerable breadth the presently-contending viewpoints concerning the use of Rabbinic literature for historical purposes. Then proceed a number of other accounts of how matters look from the perspective of major participants in scholarly debate. At the same time as the requirements of historical-critical reading of the Rabbinic literature precipitated sustained and vigorous debate, other problems have attracted attention. Among these a critical issue emerges in the hermeneutics to govern the reading of the documents for the purposes of other-than-historical study, feminist interests, for example.
Pt. 3, volume 4 edited by Alan J. Avery-Peck and Jacob Neusner.
Pt. 5, volume 1-2 edited by Alan J. Avery-Peck, Jacob Neusner and Bruce D. Chilton. :
1 online resource (xiv, 250 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004294059 :
0169-9423 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Speaking of speaking : marking direct discourse in the Hebrew Bible /
Direct speech appears on nearly every page of the Hebrew Bible, and the large number of publications on direct discourse in the Bible highlights the importance of the subject for biblical studies. However, thus far only isolated aspects of the various problems that direct discourse presents have received attention. Studies of individual verbs introducing direct discourse, such as \'answer\', \'speak\', \'say\', and others are necessarily atomistic, even though appropriate in their own right. Other markers of direct discourse, such as \'Thus said Yahweh\', or \'oracle of Yahweh\', tend to be treated as theological constructs isolated from the larger issues of direct discourse marking in general. Speaking of Speaking aims to enrich the reading of the biblical text by offering a coordinated analysis of all such markers, not only in order to consolidate a considerable body of work that is often overlooked by scholars, but also to move further toward a synthesis that can permit informed generalizations not possible at the present time. The comprehensive index facilitates the use of this book as a valuable reference tool. The exegetical, literary, and theological findings of this book will be of great significance for all levels of research in biblical studies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [343]-358) and index. :
9789004275706 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christianity and the notion of nothingness : contributions to Buddhist-Christian dialogue from the Kyoto school /
This publication by Muto Kazuo is a significant Christian contribution to the predominantly Buddhist "Kyoto School of Philosophy." Muto proposes a philosophy of religion in order to overcome the claim for Christian exclusivity, as proposed by Karl Barth and others. On such a foundation, he investigates the possibilities for mutual understanding between Buddhism and Christianity. Thereby he engages in a critical exchange with the Kyoto School philosophers Nishida, Tanabe, and Nishitani. Throughout his discourse, Muto applies their method of logical argument (the "dialectic" of soku ) to the dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism. He thus opens up new perceptions of Christian faith in the Asian context and, together with his Buddhist teachers, challenges the modern Western dialectical method of reasoning.
1 online resource (244 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004228429 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Law : metaphysics, meaning, and objectivity /
Papers in philosophy of law by some of the younger cutting-edge contributors to the field. Two sets of issues of crucial current importance are taken up. The first part deals with issues of meaning and objectivity in the metaphysics of law. The second part is about rights theory. This volume will be required reading for anyone interested in philosophy of law, and also of use for those with broader interests in ethics, metaethics, and social and political philosophy.
1 online resource (335 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789401205658 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to Roman tragedy /
Until the Renaissance the centrality of Roman tragedy in Western society and culture was unchallenged. Studies on Roman Republican tragedy and on Imperial Roman tragedy by the contributors have been directing the gaze of scholarship back to Roman tragedy. This volume has two goals: first, to demonstrate that Republican tragedy had a far more central role in shaping Imperial tragedy than is currently thought, and quite possibly more important than Classical Greek tragedy. Second, the influence of other Roman literary genres on Roman tragedy is greater than has formerly been credited. Studies on von Kleist and Shelley, Eliot and Claus help reconstruct the ancient Roman stage by showing how moderns had thought to change it for contemporary aesthetics.
1 online resource (xxi, 450 pages) : illustration. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 389-420) and indexes. :
9789004284784 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New perspectives on pragmatism and analytic philosophy /
The strong influence of pragmatism in the early 20th-century international debate, its subsequent and apparently inexorable decline, and its recent revival are intertwined with the fate of other currents of thought that have marked the development of contemporary philosophy. This volume clarifies the most recent events of this development focusing on key theoretical issues common both to American classic philosophical tradition and analytical thought. Many essays in this volume belong to what we can call "new" pragmatism, namely a pragmatist perspective that is different from the postmodernist "neo" pragmatism à la Rorty. The volume shows that both pragmatists and analytic thinkers stress the importance of logic and scientific method in order to deal with philosophical problems and seek for a clarification of the relation between our ethical values and our understanding of natural facts. Moreover, the anti-skeptic attitude that characterizes pragmatism as well as most part of analytic philosophy, and their common attention to the problems of language and communication are emphasized. The more sophisticated tools for addressing both theoretical and methodological problems developed by analytic philosophy are pointed out, and the essays show the possible integration of these two forms of speculation that, for too a long time, mutually disregarded one another.
"The essays in this volume are largely based on the papers presented at the international conference "Pragmatismo e filosofia analitica. Differenze e interazioni", held in Rome in March 2005"--Introduction. :
1 online resource (xx, 152 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789042033221 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paul and the Corinthians : studies on a community in conflict : essays in honour of of Margaret Thrall /
This volume has 1 and 2 Corinthians as its main focus where the various contributors address significant aspects of text, language, background, theology and exegesis. The first part of the volume deals with the issues of textual criticism and traditions available to Paul, while the second section is interdisciplinary in nature and integrates different methodologies such as social-scientific and rhetorical criticism in order to provide new insights into the text. The third and longest section addresses the varied theological problems which the community raised with Paul, including sexual matters, the timing of the resurrection the resurrection body, authority and headship, soteriology, and the question of Paul's faithfulness and integrity. The final section concentrates on the identity of Paul's opponents, his visions and apologetics.
"Margaret E. Thrall", p. [xi]-xv, includes "select list of Margaret's publications." :
1 online resource (xxiv, 349 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004268272 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.