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Aspects of ancient institutions and geography : studies in honor of Richard J.A. Talbert /
In Aspects of Ancient Institutions and Geography colleagues and students honor Richard J.A. Talbert for his numerous contributions and influence on the fields of ancient history, political and social science, as well as cartography and geography. This collection of original and useful examinations is focused around the core theme of Talbert's work - how ancient individuals and groups organized their world, through their institutions and geography. The first half of the book considers institutional history in chapters on such diverse topics as the Roman Senate, Roman provincial politics and administration, healing springs, gladiators, and soldiers. Chapters on the geography of Thucydides and Alexander III, imperial geography, tracking letters and using sundials round out the second half of the book.
1 online resource (xvi, 354 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004283725 :
1572-0500 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's Companion to Ancient Geography /
Brill's Companion to Ancient Geography edited by S. Bianchetti, M. R. Cataudella, H. J. Gehrke is the first collection of studies on historical geography of the ancient world that focuses on a selection of topics considered crucial for understanding the development of geographical thought. In this work, scholars, all of whom are specialists in a variety of fields, examine the interaction of humans with their environment and try to reconstruct the representations of the inhabited world in the works of ancient historians, scientists, and cartographers. Topics include: Eudoxus, Dicaearchus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Agatharchides, Agrippa, Strabo, Pliny and Solinus, Ptolemy, and the Peutinger Map. Other issues are also discussed such as onomastics, the boundaries of states, Pythagorism, sacred itineraries, measurement systems, and the Holy Land.
Title from content provider. :
1 online resource (xviii, 490 pages) :
9789004284715 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Making Mesopotamia - Geography and Empire in a Romano-Iranian Borderland
In Making Mesopotamia: Geography and Empire in a Romano-Iranian Borderland , Hamish Cameron examines the representation of the Mesopotamian Borderland in the geographical writing of Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Claudius Ptolemy, the anonymous Expositio Totius Mundi, and Ammianus Marcellinus. This inter-imperial borderland between the Roman Empire and the Arsacid and Sasanid Empires provided fertile ground for Roman geographical writers to articulate their ideas about space, boundaries, and imperial power. By examining these geographical descriptions, Hamish Cameron shows how each author constructed an image of Mesopotamia in keeping with the goals and context of their own work, while collectively creating a vision of Mesopotamia as a borderland space of movement, inter-imperial tension, and global engagement.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004388635 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Abu Hamid el Granadino y su relacion de viaje por tierras eurasiaticas /
: The Arabic text comprises the last part of the author's al-Mu'rib 'an ba'ḍ 'agā'eb Al-Maghrib (romanized form) : xx, 425 pages : plates, maps (part folded, part color) diagrams, facsimilies ; 26 cm. : Bibliography : pages [xiii]-xx.
The Saint's saints : hagiography and geography in Jerome /
The Saint's Saints presents Jerome's world picture as seen through his saints' Lives . It analyses both his rhetoric and his descriptions of realia , and the way he combines classical, Christian and Jewish sources to re-write the biblical Holy Land as a new and Christian world for his readers. Susan Weingarten looks at how Jerome dovetails his literary sources with his experience of the material world of the fourth century to write the Lives of the saints Paul, Hilarion, Malchus and Paula, effectively using them to write the Life of Saint Jerome. This is the first full-length study of Jerome's saints' Lives . It widens the on-going debate about mutual influences in Jewish and Christian literature in the fourth century, and revises our picture of the historical geography of Palestine.
1 online resource (xv, 317 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 273-298) and index. :
9789047407508 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mapping Galilee in Josephus, Luke, and John : critical geography and the construction of an ancient space /
The study of 1st century CE Galilee has become an important subfield within the broader disciplines of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity. In Mapping Galilee , John M. Vonder Bruegge examines how Galilee is portrayed, both in ancient writings and current scholarship, as a variously mapped space using insights from critical geography as an evaluative lens. Conventional approaches to Galilee treat it as a static backdrop for a deliberate and dynamic historical drama. By reasserting geography as a creative process rather than a passive description, Vonder Bruegge also reasserts ancient Galilee as an interpreted space-a series of conceptualized \'maps\'-laden with meaning, significance, and purpose for each individual author.
1 online resource (viii, 235 pages) : maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-213) and indexes. :
9789004317345 :
1871-6636 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The history of the Qurʾān.
This first complete translation of Theodor Nöldeke's The History of the Qurʾān offers a foundational work of modern Qurʾānic studies to the English-speaking public. Nöldeke's original publication, as revised and expanded over nearly three quarters of a century by his scholarly successors, Friedrich Schwally, Gotthelf Bergsträsser and Otto Pretzl, remains an indispensable resource for any scholarly work on the text of the Qurʾān. Nöldeke's segmentation of the surahs into three Meccan periods and a Medinan one has shaped all subsequent discussions of the chronology of the Qurʾān. The revisions and expansions of Nöldeke's initial discussions of the orthography and variant readings of the text have found a new audience among those contemporary scholars who seek to create a more sophisticated understanding of the Qurʾān's textual development.
1 online resource (pages) :
9789004228795 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
L' oeuvre géographique de Linant de Bellefonds : étude de géographie historique /
"Errata et corrigenda" : 1 leaf, inserted.
"Publications de la Société royale de géographie d'Égypte." :
2 p. ℓ., xxiv, 399, [1], xxiii pages, 1 ℓ. ix pl., maps (part fold.) plan, diagrs ; 28 cm. :
Bibliography : page i-xxiii, at beginning.