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DROIT MUSULMAN ET SOCIÉTÉ AU SAHARA PRÉMODERNE : la justice islamique dans les oasis du Grand Touat (Algérie) aux XVIIe-XIXe siècles.
La pratique du droit musulman est généralement considérée comme un phénomène urbain. À partir d'une analyse de recueils de fatwas inédits et d'autres manuscrits arabes provenant des oasis du Grand Touat (Sud algérien), Droit musulman et société au Sahara prémoderne remet en question cette vision des choses. L'ouvrage explore la diffusion d'institutions juridiques islamiques dans la région entre le XVIIe et le XIXe siècles, ainsi que l'interaction entre communautés villageoises et juristes musulmans. Pour sonder ce processus, Ismail Warscheid adopte une approche dialectique : il reconstitue les modalités de l'application de la charia par les cadis et muftis locaux et s'interroge sur les usages que les populations oasiennes font des tribunaux islamiques, de l'écriture notariale et de la consultation juridique. Pre-modern Islamic legal practice is most often considered an essentially urban phenomenon. Relying on unedited fatwa collections and other Arabic manuscripts from the oasis of Tuwāt in southern Algeria, Droit musulman et société au Sahara prémoderne challenges this vision. The book explores the spread of Islamic legal institutions in the region between the seventeenth and the nineteenth centuries, and the interaction between village communities and Muslim jurists. Ismail Warscheid investigates this process from a dialectical perspective: how were sharʿī norms applied by local qadis and muftis, and how did local populations made use of court litigation, notarial certification, and legal consultation?
1 online resource (xiv, 304 pages) :
9789004341265 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Law, custom, and statute in the Muslim world : studies in honor of Aharon Layish /
This collective volume, in honor of Aharon Layish, deals with the main components in the laws of Islamic societies, past and present: sharīʿa , custom, and statute. Some chapters focus on one of these components, other discuss the interplay between two or even all three of them. The geographical coverage of the volume is wide, from the Balkans to Yemen, and from Iraq to the Maghrib. The chapters are based on a variety of sources: fiqh literature, fatwās , court decisions, judicial circulars, biographical dictionaries and chronics. The volume will be of special interest to historians, social scientists and lawyers working on Islamic and Israeli laws, and to those interested in gender studies, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Islamic cultures at large.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [231]-246) and index. :
9789047411307 :
1384-1130 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Renegotiating Westphalia : Essays and Commentary on the European and Conceptual Foundations of Modern International Law /
This collection of papers addresses two main themes: firstly, whether there is a distinctively European contribution to or even leadership in the contemporary formation and evolution of international law; secondly, the extent to which non-governmental actors (e.g. NGOs, international organizations, companies, individuals) contribute decisively to the formation of international law at the present time. These issues are explored within a number of different contexts of contemporary significance, in particular: the protection of human and minority rights; protection of the environment; control of transnational organized crime; prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity; the definition of statehood and the right to self-determination; transnational commercial and economic activity. The discussion is firmly located within the theory of international law and relations and also the continuum of international history. Comparisons are drawn with both global and other regional developments to test the hypothesis of a 'European international law'. The work will be of interest to teachers, students and practitioners (legal and otherwise) in the field of international law and relations.
1 online resource (404 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Neo-Babylonian court procedure /
Even though scholars have known of Neo-Babylonian legal texts almost since Assyriology's very beginnings, no comprehensive study of court procedure has been undertaken. This lack is particularly glaring in light of studies of court procedure in earlier periods of Mesopotamian history. With these studies as a model, this book begins by presenting a comprehensive classification of the text-types that made up the \'tablet trail\' of records of the adjudication of legal disputes in the Neo-Babylonian period. In presenting this text-typology, it considers the texts' legal function within the adjudicatory process. Based on this, the book describes the adjudicatory process as it is attested in private records as well as in records from the Eanna at Uruk. \'This study of textual typologies and adjudication processes will be of immense value to Assyriologists, biblical scholars and historians of law alike. This is without mentioning the wealth of social and economic insights evident in each case, let alone the valuable identification of Neo-Babylonian formulaic legal expressions.\' S. Jacobs "Overall, Holtz's work is replete with important data, insightful in its analysis and judicious in its interpretive decisions. It should serve not only as an important resource but also as a significant statement on the function of law and judicial procedure at an important time in Mesopotamian history." Bruce Wells, Saint Joseph's University
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [321]-328) and indexes. :
9789047428428 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents/Mémoires, proces-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents (2023) /
This volume contains the texts of written pleadings, minutes of public sittings and other documents from the proceedings in the Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Mauritius and Maldives in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius/Maldives), Merits . The documents are reproduced in their original language. The Special Chamber delivered its Judgment on 28 April 2023. It is published in the ITLOS Reports 2022-2023 . Le présent volume reproduit les pièces de la procédure écrite, les procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et d'autres documents relatifs à la procédure concernant le Différend relatif à la délimitation de la frontière maritime entre Maurice et les Maldives dans l'océan Indien (Maurice/Maldives), fond . Les documents sont publiés dans la langue originale utilisée. La Chambre spéciale a rendu son arrêt le 28 avril 2023. L'arrêt est publié dans le TIDM Recueil 2022-2023 .
1 online resource (1088 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Women's agency and rituals in mixed and female Masonic orders /
Women have been structurally part of the masonic enterprise from at least the middle of the 18th century. Yet, little is known about the ways in which they themselves obtained and exercised power to influence the systems they were involved in, in order to adapt them to be more appropriate to their needs. This volume intends to concentrate on two aspects: Women's agency (i.e. the power women gained and exercised in this context) and rituals (i.e. the role of men and women in changing and shaping the rituals women work with). These two aspects are closely related, since it requires some agency to realise changes in existing rituals.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047425861 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Amazighité et contestations au Maroc /
Résultat d'un long travail de terrain, ce livre analyse les processus d'émergence du mouvement amazigh au Maroc et les dynamiques protestataires qui ont accompagné son évolution, des années 1960 à nos jours. En plaçant au centre de l'étude les transformations du phénomène protestataire au Maroc, il apporte un éclairage à la fois fascinant et inédit sur la question amazighe, ses causes, ses acteurs et ses formes, puis sur les enjeux identitaires portés par le mouvement amazigh dans la redéfinition de l'État-nation au Maroc. This book, which represents the fruit of an extended field research, analyses the birth process of the Amazigh movement in Morocco and explores the dynamics of protests that have accompanied its growth from the 1960's until today. Centred around the transformation of protests over time, this book introduces fresh and fascinating insights into the Amazigh question, its causes, its actors and the various shapes it has taken over the years, and sheds new light on the compelling identity issues that were raised by the Amazigh movement throughout Morocco's redefinition of the Nation-State model.
Le livre offre un éclairage à la fois fascinant et original du phénomène protestataire amazigh au Maroc en recourant à une multitude d'approches pour en comprendre les causes, les évolutions et les changements politiques qu'il a initiés.This book provides both an unprecedented and original insight into the phenomenon of Amazigh protests in Morocco by utilizing a variety of approaches to better understand its causes, its evolution and the political changes it brought about. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
"A Community of Peoples" : Studies on Society and Politics in the Bible and Ancient Near East in Honor of Daniel E. Fleming /
A "Community of Peoples": Studies on Society and Politics in the Bible and Ancient Near East in Honor of Daniel E. Fleming draws together a diverse community of scholars to honor the career of Daniel E. Fleming as a historian of the Bible and ancient Near East. Together, these scholars participate in a dynamic historical enterprise, each one positioning themself along a Middle Eastern spatial-temporal continuum stretching from the Old Babylonian to the Persian periods. Each contributor attempts to touch a sliver of ancient history, whether a particular person or community, a text or visual image or scribal process. They do so through a diversity of methods and disciplines, which together reflect the possibilities and promises for history writing. The Harvard Semitic Studies series publishes volumes from the Harvard Semitic Museum. Other series offered by Brill that publish volumes from the Museum include Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant and Harvard Semitic Monographs , .
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
"A Community of Peoples" : Studies on Society and Politics in the Bible and Ancient Near East in Honor of Daniel E. Fleming /
A "Community of Peoples": Studies on Society and Politics in the Bible and Ancient Near East in Honor of Daniel E. Fleming draws together a diverse community of scholars to honor the career of Daniel E. Fleming as a historian of the Bible and ancient Near East. Together, these scholars participate in a dynamic historical enterprise, each one positioning themself along a Middle Eastern spatial-temporal continuum stretching from the Old Babylonian to the Persian periods. Each contributor attempts to touch a sliver of ancient history, whether a particular person or community, a text or visual image or scribal process. They do so through a diversity of methods and disciplines, which together reflect the possibilities and promises for history writing. The Harvard Semitic Studies series publishes volumes from the Harvard Semitic Museum. Other series offered by Brill that publish volumes from the Museum include Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant and Harvard Semitic Monographs , .
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Anthropology of law in Muslim Sudan. Land, courts and the plurality of practices /
Anthropology of Law in Muslim Sudan analyses the hybridity of law systems and the plurality of legal practices in rural and urban contexts of contemporary Sudan, shedding light on the complex relation between Islam and society. It is the outcome of the international research program ANDROMAQUE ( Anthropologie du Droit dans les Mondes Musulmans Africains et Asiatiques ), funded by the French ANR ( Agence National de la Recherche ) between 2011 and 2014. Crossing two disciplinary perspectives, anthropology and law, the present volume contains original fieldwork data on contemporary urban and rural Sudan. Focusing on two major domains, land property and courts, several case studies demonstrate the relevance of an approach based on "legal practices" to underline, first, the plurality and hybridity of law systems and the relative role of the Islamic reference in Sudanese society, and, secondly, the reshaping of legal behaviors and norms after the breaking point of South Sudan's independence in 2011. Contributors are: Zahir M. Abdal-Kareem; Azza A. Abdel Aziz; Musa A. Abdul-Jalil; Munzoul M.A. Assal; Mohamed A. Babiker; Yazid Ben Hounet; Barbara Casciarri; Baudoin Dupret; Philippe Gout; Enrico Ille.
1 online resource (xxvii, 315 pages) :
9789004362185 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rendre la justice à Amid : procedures, acteurs et doctrines dans le contexte ottoman du XVIIIème siècle /
Dans son Rendre la justice à Amid , Yavuz Aykan analyse la vie juridique de la ville d'Amid, capitale de la province ottomane de Diyarbakir, au 18ème siècle. A partir des procès-verbaux des tribunaux des villes d'Amid, Harput et Mardin, il met en lumière la centralité du cadi, du gouverneur provincial (vali) et du mufti dans le champ opératoire de la loi. Retraçant la généalogie des textes utilisés par le mufti provincial, Aykan étudie aussi la circulation de diverses interprétations juridiques de la Grande Syrie à la Transoxiane et la Horde d'Or, et leur intégration dans la pratique juridique ottomane. Ce livre offre ainsi une approche renouvelée et historicisée des acteurs et hiérarchies de systèmes juridiques de ce cadre provincial. In Rendre la justice à Amid , Yavuz Aykan analyses the legal life of the city of Amid, the capital of Ottoman Diyarbekir province in the 18th century. Making use of court records from the cities of Amid, Harput and Mardin, he explores the centrality of the qadi, the provincial governor, and the provincial mufti to law enforcement. By tracing the genealogies of legal texts used by the mufti for fatwa production, Aykan maps out the broader transformations of various judicial interpretations in their journey from Greater Syria to Transoxiana and the Golden Horde, and finally into Ottoman legal praxis. As such, this book offers a far more historicized approach to the multiple actors and hierarchies of juridical systems operating in this provincial setting.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004305793 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Private associations and Jewish communities in the Hellenistic and Roman cities /
In Private Associations and Jewish Communities in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities, Benedikt Eckhardt brings together a group of experts to investigate a problem of historical categorization. Traditionally, scholars have either presupposed that Jewish groups were "Greco-Roman Associations" like others or have treated them in isolation from other groups. Attempts to begin a cross-disciplinary dialogue about the presuppositions and ultimate aims of the respective approaches have shown that much preliminary work on categories is necessary. This book explores the methodological dividing lines, based on the common-sense assumption that different questions require different solutions. Re-introducing historical differentiation into a field that has been dominated by abstractions, it provides the debate with a new foundation. Case studies highlight the problems and advantages of different approaches.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
Humanitarian law of armed conflict challenges ahead : essays in honour of Frits Kalshoven /
The collection of essays is entitled `Challenges Ahead'. An ambitious title, but an appropriate one; for the contributors, as the 21st century draws near, ask themselves a number of basic questions about the future of the law in a world undergoing such profound changes. Their reflections will certainly give both cause for hope and reason to fear. This Liber Amicorum dedicated to Professor Frits Kalshoven, is written by specialists who for many years have given their best to the development and promotion of humanitarian law. It will make a significant contribution to the understanding of international humanitarian law. See Less
1 online resource (704 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :