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Herrscherideal und Herrschaftskritik bei Philo von Alexandria : eine Untersuchung am Beispiel seiner Josephsdarstellung in De Josepho und De somniis II /
Die in der Arbeit vorgenomme Auslegung der Schriften De Josepho und De Somniis II von Philo von Alexandria liest die beiden gegensätzlichen Darstellungen der Josephfigur als Beitrag zum Herrschaftsdiskurs. Die ambivalenten Tendenzen der biblischen Josephfigur bilden für ihn den Ausgangspunkt am Beispiel Josephs, Strukturen sowohl tyrannischer als auch idealer Herrschaft zu untersuchen. Philos Kenntnis griechisch-hellenistischer Philosophie sowie sein Verständnis der Tora als göttlich inspiriertem Text ermöglicht ihm, den politischen Charakter auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen zu reflektieren. Die Spannung zwischen beiden Traktaten bleibt dabei bestehen und kann als bewusste Darstellung gelungener und tyrannischer Herrschaft gedeutet werden. Zugleich entwickelt Philo aus den Ambivalenzen der Josephfigur heraus ein Herrschaftskonzept, welches aufgrund des Toraverständnisses politisches Handeln aus Abhängigkeiten befreit und universale Handlungsvorgaben und Kontrollinstanzen aufzeigt. -------- The exegesis of De Josepho and De Somniis II intended in this work read the two portrayals of Joseph as Philo's contribution to the discourse on government. The ambivalent tendencies in the Joseph figure form the point of departure for Philo in using it for examining structures of tyrannical and ideal rule. Philo's knowledge of Greek-Hellenistic philosophy and his understanding of the Torah enables him to reflect upon the political character on different levels. Thus the tension between both treatises can be interpreted as a conscious portrayal of effective and of tyrannical rule. At the same time Philo develops a concept of government out of the ambivalences of the Joseph figure, which, on the basis of the understanding of the Torah, liberates political action from dependencies and points out universal guidelines for action and the authorities responsible for control of them.
1 online resource (xvii, 362 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004282773 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rural granaries in northern Gaul (6th century BCE-4th century CE) : from archaeology to economic history /
In recent years, storage has come to the fore as a central aspect of ancient economies. However studies have hitherto focused on urban and military storage. Although archaeological excavations of rural granaries are numerous, their evidence has yet to be fully taken into account. Such is the ambition of Rural Granaries in Northern Gaul (Sixth Century BCE - Fourth Century CE) . Focusing on northern Gaul, this volume starts by discussing at length the possibility of quantifying storage capacities and, through them, agrarian production. Building on this first part, the second half of the book sketches the evolution of rural storage in Gaul from the Iron Age to Late Antiquity, setting firmly archaeological evidence in the historical context of the Roman Empire.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004389045 :
2213-9729 ;
Reading Proclus and the Book of causes : Western scholarly networks and debates /
Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, published in three volumes, is a fresh, comprehensive understanding of Proclus' legacy in the Hellenic, Byzantine, Islamic, Latin and Hebrew traditions. The history of the Book of Causes, an Islamic adaptation of mainly Proclus' Elements of Theology and Plotinus' Enneads , is reconsidered on the basis of newly discovered manuscripts. This first volume enriches our understanding of the diverse reception of Proclus' Elements of Theology and of the Book of Causes in the Western tradition where universities and religious schools offered unparalleled conditions of diffusion. The volume sheds light on overlooked authors, texts, literary genres and libraries from all major European universities from the 12th to the 16th centuries.
"The majority of contributions reunited in this volume were first presented during the first of the three sessions of the conference "Les Elements de theologie et le Livre des causes du Ve au XVIIe siecle". It took place at the Ecole pratique des hautes etudes, Paris, on 13-14 November 2015. The second took place on 12-13t February 2016, and the third on 14-15-16 April 2016." :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004395114 :
1871-188x ;
Textual research on the Psalms and Gospels :papers from the Tbilisi Colloquium on the Editing...
Recent research on the text of the Psalms and Gospels in Greek and in certain versions, principally Coptic, Georgian and Armenian, reveals common characteristics when attempting to separate later editions of a text from its earliest forms. The essays in this collection give concrete examples of the issues involved and suggested explanations for textual changes. Les versions anciennes de la Bible ont un intérêt majeur dans la mesure où elles traduisent un modèle qui n'est pas celui des traductions modernes et conservent ainsi des formes textuelles disparues, souvent très anciennes. C'est en particulier le cas des versions géorgiennes, pour lesquelles des convergences sont apparues entre les recherches menées à Tbilisi et dans diverses équipes européennes. Centré sur les psaumes et les évangiles, le colloque a réuni des communications concernant diverses langues de versions anciennes, en particulier le géogien, mais aussi le copte, le syriaque, l'arménien et l'albanien du Caucase, à partir du grec de la Septante et du Nouveau Testament.
1 online resource (xxv, 272 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004214439 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Amazighité et contestations au Maroc /
Résultat d'un long travail de terrain, ce livre analyse les processus d'émergence du mouvement amazigh au Maroc et les dynamiques protestataires qui ont accompagné son évolution, des années 1960 à nos jours. En plaçant au centre de l'étude les transformations du phénomène protestataire au Maroc, il apporte un éclairage à la fois fascinant et inédit sur la question amazighe, ses causes, ses acteurs et ses formes, puis sur les enjeux identitaires portés par le mouvement amazigh dans la redéfinition de l'État-nation au Maroc. This book, which represents the fruit of an extended field research, analyses the birth process of the Amazigh movement in Morocco and explores the dynamics of protests that have accompanied its growth from the 1960's until today. Centred around the transformation of protests over time, this book introduces fresh and fascinating insights into the Amazigh question, its causes, its actors and the various shapes it has taken over the years, and sheds new light on the compelling identity issues that were raised by the Amazigh movement throughout Morocco's redefinition of the Nation-State model.
Le livre offre un éclairage à la fois fascinant et original du phénomène protestataire amazigh au Maroc en recourant à une multitude d'approches pour en comprendre les causes, les évolutions et les changements politiques qu'il a initiés.This book provides both an unprecedented and original insight into the phenomenon of Amazigh protests in Morocco by utilizing a variety of approaches to better understand its causes, its evolution and the political changes it brought about. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
La Cachette de karnak : nouvelles perspectives sur les découvertes de Georges Legrain /
The Karnak Cachette, excavated by Georges Legrain between 1903 and 1907, is one of the most fascinating discoveries of Egyptian archaeology. The first reason lies in the very high number of objects found in it (statues, stelae, furniture of various kinds), some of them still unpublished, all of which are documents of major importance for the religious life of Karnak, but also more generally for the history and art of Pharaonic Egypt between the Middle Kingdom and the Ptolemaic period. The second reason is that the raison d'être of this cache and the historical circumstances surrounding its creation remain mysterious. Even if some comparisons can be made with other caches found in Egypt and the Sudan, its magnitude and wealth are exceptional. Building on a research program launched by the Ifao and the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities to improve our knowledge of the Karnak Cachette and its content, this book comprises twenty-four contributions by international scholars studying objects found in this deposit, analyzing the Cachette itself, or investigating other Egyptian caches from an ideological or archaeological point of view."--Back cover. |u
Le present ouvrage est la reunion de la plupart des contributions prevues pour un colloque international qui devait avoir lieu a Louxor, du 29 au 31 janvier 2011, mais qui a ete annule.
Prefaces en anglais et en franc ais. IF = Publications de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale.
Resumes en anglais et enfrancais.
Table des matieres disponible en ligne. :
xiii, 594 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Congress volume Ljubljana 2007 /
This volume presents all the main lectures of the XIXth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT) held in Ljubljana (July 2007). It is a very good sample of the main trends and progress of current biblical research on masoretic tradition, Hebrew philology, textual criticism, literary criticism (especially in prophetic books), ancient Judaism, formation of the collections of Ancient Scriptures, and biblical themes (especially according to the orthodox tradition of interpretation). The thirty-one authors are among the main international figures of current biblical exegesis and their contributions are representative of the study of the Old Testament at the beginning of the third millennium.
"The XIXth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT) was held in Ljubljana from 15 to 20 July 2007"--Pref. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789047444077 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The impact of scripture in early Christianity /
One of the most conspicuous innovations of early Christianity within Greco-Roman culture is its reliance upon a collection of authoritative texts. The ultimate author of Scripture was thought to be God Himself, whose will could and should be sought and found in these holy writings. For this reason it is not surprising that very soon these texts not only became the object of careful attention and scholarly study, but also put their stamp on the various forms and manifestations of early Christian life, such as martyrdom, asceticism, liturgy, art, and literature. This multifarious influence of Scripture is the subject of The Impact of Scripture in Early Christianity . It contains fourteen contributions, predominantly in English, by Belgian and Dutch scholars which have been gathered in a thematically ordered collection.
1 online resource (xiii, 278 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004313118 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Grund- und Methodenfragen in Fichtes Spätwerk.
Beiträge zum Fünften Internationalen Fichte-Kongreß "Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Das Spätwerk (1810-1814) und das Lebenswerk" in München vom 14. bis 21. Oktober 2003. Teil IV.
1 online resource (297 pages) :
9789401205085 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The politics of honour in the Greek cities of the Roman empire /
The volume The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire , co-edited by Anna Heller and Onno van Nijf, studies the public honours that Greek cities bestowed upon their own citizens and foreign dignitaries and benefactors. These included civic praise, crowns, proedria , public funerals, honorific statues and monuments. The authors discuss the development of this honorific system, and in particular the epigraphic texts and the monuments through which it is accessible. The focus is on the Imperial period (1st-3rd centuries AD). The papers investigate the forms of honour, the procedures and formulae of local practices, as well as the changes in local honorific habits that resulted from the integration of the Greek cities in the Roman Empire.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004352179 :
1876-2557 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Opening the tablet box : Near Eastern studies in honor of Benjamin R. Foster /
This volume is a scholarly tribute to Benjamin R. Foster, Laffan Professor of Assyriology and Babylonian Literature and Curator of the Babylonian Collection at Yale University, from some of his students, colleagues, and companions, in appreciation of his outstanding achievements and in thanks for his friendship. Reflecting on the remarkable breadth of the honoree's research interests, the twenty-six original papers in this Festschrift cover a wide range of topics in ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian literature, economic and social history, as well as art and archaeology.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004186569 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Le pouvoir impérial dans les provinces syrienne s représentations et célébrations d'Auguste à Constantin (31 av. J.-C.-337 ap. J.-C.) /
This book focuses on the role of the emperor and the image of the Roman Empire as a whole during the time period from Augustus to Constantine. It analyses this image by taking into account the epigraphic, literary, numismatic and archaeological sources from Phoenicia to Osrhoene and from Commagene to Arabia. While discussing Graeco-Roman cities and rural settlements among desert areas, it addresses celebrations as well as the organization and promotion of the imperial cult in the Near East. This includes the imperial cult's forms of expression of symbolic, political, and various other social or religious functions. This approach, therefore, explores the real and imaginary relationships that existed between the Roman Empire and the populations of the Syrian provinces.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [325]-250) and indexes. :
9789004203624 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Antiquarianismus in Rom : 2. Jhd. v. Chr. - 3. Jhd. n. Chr. /
Die vorliegende Monographie entwirft eine literaturgeschichtliche Gesamtdarstellung des römischen Antiquarianismus vom 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Ausgangspunkt ist die begrifflich-konzeptuelle Neuprofilierung des Phänomens. Dieses wird als ein epistemologisches Modell gegenwartsbezogener Vergangenheitsanalyse aufgefasst, die mit den Denkfiguren der Etymologie, Aitiologie und Genealogie operiert, um die hinter der erfahrbaren Lebenswelt liegenden Kausalitäten freizulegen. Anhand der überlieferten Fragmente und Testimonien wird die Entwicklung der heute verlorenen antiquarischen Fachliteratur Roms in ihren unterschiedlichen medialen Formaten, Darstellungsformen und Wirkungskontexten nachgezeichnet. This volume provides an account of Roman antiquarianism from the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century AD, reconstructing its textual manifestations and analysing the mechanisms of transmission. It is based on a new conceptualisation of antiquarianism as an epistemological mode of understanding the present by uncovering its origins in the past. Etymology, aitiology and genealogy were the tools used to explore the causalities that underpin the perceptible world. Antiquarianism, represented by a wide range of texts and genres throughout antiquity, is traced as an autonomous branch of literature. Fragments and testimonies are used to identify a lost corpus of treatises, lexica and handbooks that formed the scholarly basis of Augustan poets, historiographers and imperial litterateurs.
1 online resource (504 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Hippocrates in context : papers read at the XIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 27-31 August 2002 /
This collection of papers studies the Hippocratic writings in their relationship to the intellectual, social, cultural and literary context in which they were written. 'Context' includes not only the Greek world, but also the medical thought and practice of other civilisations in the Mediterranean, such as Babylonian and Egyptian medicine. A further point of interest are the relations between the Hippocratic writings and 'non-Hippocratic' medical authors of the fifth and fourth century BCE, such as Diocles of Carystus, Praxagoras of Cos, as well as Plato, Aristotle and Theophrastus. The collection further includes studies of some of the less well-known works in the Hippocratic Corpus, such as Internal Affections , On the Eye , and Prorrheticon . And finally, a number of papers are devoted to the impact and reception of Hippocratic thought in later antiquity and the early modern period.
1 online resource (xvi, 521 pages) : illustrations, map. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004377271 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New chapters in the history of rhetoric /
This volume gathers over forty papers by leading scholars in the field of the history of rhetoric. It illustrates the current trends in this new area of research and offers a great richness of insights. The contributors are from fourteen different countries in Europe, America and Asia ; the majority of the papers are in English and French, some others in German, Italian, and Spanish. The texts and subjects covered include the Bible, Classical Antiquity, Medieval and Modern Europe, Chinese and Korean civilization, and the contemporary world. Word, speech, language and institutions are addressed from several points of view. One major topic, among many others, is Rhetoric and Religion.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047428473 :
1875-1148 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Isaiah in context : studies in honour of Arie van der Kooij on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday /
The present volume contains a collection of essays on the Book of Isaiah offered as a tribute to Arie van der Kooij on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, which coincides with his retirement as Professor of Old Testament at Leiden University. The twenty-four contributions, written by leading scholars in the field of Old Testament studies, focus on the Book of Isaiah within the context of Hebrew and ancient near-eastern writings, particularly those from the Neo-Assyrian period, as well as on the book's reception history , particularly in its Greek and Syriac translations. Together these studies offer a rich and original contribution to the study of the Book of Isaiah in its Hebrew, Aramaic, Assyrian, Greek, Syriac, and Dutch contexts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004191181 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Gnosticism, Platonism and the late ancient world : essays in honour of John D. Turner /
This Festschrift honors the life and work of John D. Turner (Charles J. Mach University Professor of Classics and History at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln) on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Professor Turner's work has been of profound importance for the study of the interaction between Greek philosophy and Gnosticism in late antiquity. This volume contains essays by international scholars on a broad range of topics that deal with Sethian, Valentinian and other early Christian thought, as well as with Platonism and Neoplatonism, and offer a variety of perspectives spanning intellectual history, Greek and Coptic philology, and the study of religions.
1 online resource (li, 701 pages) : portrait. :
"Bibliography of John D. Turner"--p. xliii-li.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004254763 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Targums in the light of traditions of the Second Temple period /
Although the Jewish Targums were written down only from the second century CE onward, and need to be studied against their Late Antique background, the issue of their connection to earlier sources and traditions is an important one. Do the existing Targums link up with an oral translation of Scripture and, if so, how far does it go back? Do the Targums transmit traditional exegetical material in a distinct form? What is the relation between the Targums and \'parabiblical\' literature of the Second Temple period (including the New Testament)? In the present volume, these and other questions are studied and debated by an international group of scholars including some of the best specialists of Targumic literature in all its diversity, as well as specialists of various Second Temple writings.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004271579 :
1384-2161 ;
Text and tradition : studies in ancient medicine and its transmission : presented to Jutta Kollesch /
The thirteen original studies collected in this volume range from detailed paleographical examinations of individual papyri, manuscripts and printed books to scholarly interpretations of particular medical texts in their cultural, intellectual and historical contexts. Subjects handled include an early testimony to the philosopher Empedocles, the development of general disease concepts from specific cases in the Hippocratic writings, the use of the word 'contagion' in the Roman medical writer Caelius Aurelianus, a Vienna manuscript which presents the contents of several Galenic treatises in the form of stemmatic diagrams, and the reception of Galen's medical system in Montpellier around 1300. With contributors from seven countries writing in four languages, this volume provides convincing evidence of the vitality and richness of scholarship in ancient medicine at the close of the twentieth century.
1 online resource (xii, 340 pages, 5 pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004377455 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.