Documents et histoire Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle = Documents and history Islam, VIIth-XVIth century / Islam, VIIth-XVIth century.
"Actes des premières Journées d'étude internationales, École pratique des hautes études, IVe section musée du Louvre, département des Arts de l'Islam, Paris 16 et 17 mai 2008." :
x, 338 p. : Illustrations ; 23 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9782600013710 :
The trade in papers marked with non-Latin characters :documents and history.
The nine contributions in The Trade in Papers Marked with non-Latin Characters initiated by Anne Regourd (edition) approach global history through the paper trade. They cover, in addition to a paper used in 14th C Persia, papers used in Africa (Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tunisia) and Asia (the Ottoman Levant, Mecca, Persia, Russia, and Yemen) during the 19th-20th C. Primarily based on paper examination and quantitative data, the book invites us to treat papers as a source, and provides tools to determine the production of manuscripts in space and time for the area of interest. This methodology offers new insights on the competition between suppliers to the various markets particularly in respect of the emergence of import-export trading companies. Le commerce des papiers à marques à caractères non-latins , dont Anne Regourd (éd.) est à l'initiative, a pour projet de traiter d'histoire globale par le commerce du papier. Les neuf contributions réunies ici font apparaître un premier exemple de ce papier, persan, dès le xive s. sous les Moẓaffarides et, principalement, des papiers utilisés en Afrique (Éthiopie, Nigéria, Tunisie) et en Asie (Levant ottoman, La Mecque, Perse, Russie et Yémen), aux xixe et xxe s. S'appuyant sur l'observation des papiers et des données quantitatives, le livre invite à prendre le support de l'écrit comme source de l'histoire du commerce et donne des instruments pour déterminer la production de manuscrits dans l'espace et le temps pour une aire définie. Cette méthode renouvelle notre connaissance de l'approvisionnement des marchés, avec, en particulier, l'apparition de compagnies d'import-export. Contributors are: Michaelle Biddle, Evyn Kropf, Anne Regourd, Francis Richard, Alice Shafi-Leblanc, Jan Just Witkam, Olga Yastrebova. Foreword by Anna-Grethe Rischel.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004360877 :
1877-9964 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Histoire de l'Égypte moderne depuis Mohammed Ali jusqu'à l'occupation britannique,1801-1882 : d'après les documents originaux égyptiens et étrangers. T. III. Le règne du Khédive Isma'il de 1863 à 1875 /
: No more published? : vi, 453 pages : 3 portraits ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.
Banquets, rations et offrandes alimentaires au Proche-Orient ancien : 10,000 ans d'histoire alimentaire révélée /
This text investigates food consumption in the ancient Near East. Archaeological discoveries and abundant textual documentation help reconstruct food supply to the cities of Mesopotamia and provide a better idea of the variety of products available. Some aspects of everyday life are presented in a new light, notably the social role of the banquet.
Also issued in print: 2021. :
1 online resource (410 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789699753 (PDF ebook) :
Banquets, rations et offrandes alimentaires au Proche-Orient ancien : 10,000 ans d'histoire alimentaire révélée /
This text investigates food consumption in the ancient Near East. Archaeological discoveries and abundant textual documentation help reconstruct food supply to the cities of Mesopotamia and provide a better idea of the variety of products available. Some aspects of everyday life are presented in a new light, notably the social role of the banquet.
Also issued in print: 2021. :
1 online resource (410 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789699753 (PDF ebook) :
Studies in Josephus and the varieties of ancient Judaism : Louis H. Feldman jubilee volume /
Former students, colleagues and friends of the eminent classicist and historian Prof. Louis H. Feldman are pleased to honor him with a Jubilee volume. While Prof. Feldman has long been considered an outstanding scholar of Josephus, his scholarly interests and research interests pertain to almost all aspects of the ancient world and Jews. The articles in Judaism in the Ancient World: Louis H. Feldman Jubilee Volume relate to the fields studies by Prof. Feldman such as biblical interpretation, Judaism and Hellenism, Jews and Gentiles, Josephus, Jewish Literatures of the Second Temple, History of the Mishnah and Talmud periods, Jerusalem and much more. The contributors to this volume are among the most prominent in their fields and hail from the international scholarly community.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047410973 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Les manuscrits araméens du Wadi Daliyeh et la Samarie vers 450-332 av. J.-C. /
This book deals with the manuscripts from the Wadi Daliyeh (Samaria Papyri) written in Aramaic in the fourth century B.C.E. in the city of Samaria, in the last decades of the Persian period. The book contains a complete edition of the Wadi Daliyeh manuscripts, their new historical interpretation, and an analysis of their legal aspects. The historical interpretation sheds new light on the history of Samaria and its institutions in the Persian period, as well as on the history of the Persian province of Judaea. This book is particulary useful for historians of Palestine in the Second Temple period, for biblical scholars, and for scholars dealing with Near Eastern legal texts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [623]-638) and indexes. :
9789047421498 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
L'imamat et l'occultation selon l'imamisme : étude bibliographique et histoire de textes /
La présente étude, L'imamat et l'Occultation selon l'imamisme, Étude bibliographique et histoire de textes , concerne l'évolution religieuse et historique du Hadith imamite autour de la constitution progressive et complexe des doctrines aussi fondamentales que l'imamat et l'Occultation. L'annexe de ce travail comprend les textes en arabe de ces écrits identifiés et reconstitués à travers leurs citations. In his work, L'imamat et l'Occultation selon l'imamisme, Etude bibliographique et histoire de textes , Hassan Ansari has attempted to reconstruct a number of doctrines related to the concepts of religious authority ( imāma ) as well as occultation ( ghayba ) in Twelver Shi'i Islam ( Ithnā'ashariyya ). This has been done through identifying and collecting numerous references to quotations of early works in later Shiʿi texts. Ansari has reconstructed earlier layers of primary materials that are entirely lost and only pre-served in later sources.The book's Appendix comprises fragments of early works of Hadith reconstructed from later sources.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004326057 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.