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Congress volume Munich 2013 /
This volume presents the main lectures of the 21st Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT) held in Munich, Germany, in August 2013. Seventeen internationally distinguished scholars present their current research on the Hebrew Bible, including the literary history of the Hebrew text, its Greek translation and history of interpretation. Some focus on archeological sources and the reconstruction of ancient Israelite religion while others discuss the formation of the biblical text and its impact for cultural memory. The volume gives readers a representative view of the most recent developments in the study of the Old Testament. Contributors are: Olivier Artus, Ehud Ben Zvi, Beate Ego, Irmtraud Fischer, Christian Frevel, Shimon Gesundheit, Timothy P. Harrison, Louis C. Jonker, James L. Kugel, Christoph Levin, Amihai Mazar, Steven L. McKenzie, Konrad Schmid, Yvonne Sherwood, Zipora Talshir, Akio Tsukimoto, and Jacques Vermeylen.
Papers presented at the 21st Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament held in Munich, Germany, August 4 to 9, 2013. :
1 online resource (xii, 463 pages) : illustrations, portraits. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004281226 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor : Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther zum 65. Geburtstag /
Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor' ? der Titel ist Programm: 23 Beiträge von renommierten Althistorikern und Archäologen spiegeln anlässlich des 65. Geburtstages der Althistorikerin Linda-Marie Günther die vielfältigen Interessen der Jubilarin wider. Mit besonderem Fokus auf der griechischen Geschichte, von der Archaik bis in die Kaiserzeit, greift die Festschrift zentrale Themen von Günthers Forschung und Lehre auf. 0Aspekte der Ikonographie antiker Münzen, die Günther besonders am Herzen liegt, werden ebenso bearbeitet wie epigraphische Quellen und Probleme. Die antike Historiographie, auch dies ein Steckenpferd der Jubilarin, ist Gegenstand mehrerer Beiträge. Untersuchungen zu genuin archäologischen Fragen und zur antiken Lebenswelt reflektieren ihre fächerübergreifenden Interessen.
Bibliography of Linda-Marie Günther. :
xxiv, 376 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
3447109076 :
1613-5628 ;
Vertragliche Regelungen von Arbeiten im Spaten griechischsprachigen Agypten : mit Editionen von Texten der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, del Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitellei," d...
"Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine stark uberarbeitete Fassung meiner im Dezember 1986 der Fakultat fur Orientalistik und Altertumswissenschaft der Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg vorgelegten Dissertation mit dem Titel Editionen und Untersuchungen griechischer Zeugnisse zu arbeitsrechtlichen Verhaltnissen im byzantischen Agypten"--Vorwort. :
410 pages, xvi pages of plates : facsimiles ; 32 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 402-410)-and indexes. :
Gregory of Nyssa : the minor treatises on trinitarian theology and Apollinarism : proceedings...
These proceedings present the results of the 11th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa held in Tübingen in 2008. The Trinitarian thought of Gregory deserves special attention because of its importance for the ending of the Trinitarian controversy in the late fourth century, paving the way for the widely accepted Trinitarian theology in the fifth century. This volume (which does not include Contra Eunomium ) offers a contribution to the research on Gregory's Trinitarian theology as it is present notably in his so-called minor treatises. It provides a German translation of Ad Eustathium , Ad Graecos , Ad Ablabium , Ad Simplicium , Adversus Macedonianos , and De deitate filii . Detailed analysis of each treatise is accompanied by supporting studies on related theological and philosophical themes, followed by contributions which take into consideration the link between Gregory's Trinitarian thought and the christological question ( In illud tunc et inches per seconde filius , the anti-Apollinarist works).
1 online resource (xxiv, 711 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004194144 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sermo iuris : Rechtssprache und Recht in der augusteischen Dichtung /
Law played a key role in the workings of Roman culture, and legal discourse was important even in non-legal Latin literature. A proper understanding of that literature requires an investigation of the ways legal language is used. Nevertheless, legal elements have so far been widely neglected by scholars of Latin literature, in particular Augustan poetry. After an examination of legal language as a technical discourse and its role in Latin prose, the present book is devoted to a detailed analysis of legal language and imagery in the work of the Augustan poets. It will, therefore, allow for a better appreciation of these poems as well as of their significance for Augustan culture in the broad sense. In der römischen Kultur ist das Recht von zentraler Bedeutung, und Rechtsdiskurse spielen auch in der außerjuristischen Literatur eine prominente Rolle. Für das Verständnis der lateinischen Literatur ist die Betrachtung ihres Umgangs mit der Rechtssprache daher unerlässlich. Dennoch haben die rechtlichen Elemente in diesen Texten bislang kaum Beachtung gefunden. Dies gilt insbesondere für die augusteische Dichtung. Das vorliegende Buch geht zunächst der Frage nach, inwieweit die Rechtssprache von den Römern selbst als Fachsprache wahrgenommen wurde, und betrachtet ihre Verwendung im gemeinsprachlichen Kontext römischer Prosaschriften. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Analyse von Sprache und Bildwelt des Rechts in den Werken der augusteischen Dichter. Die Arbeit trägt damit zu einem besseren Verständnis dieser Gedichte und ihrer Bedeutung im Rahmen der augusteischen Kultur bei.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [381]-401) and indexes. :
9789047429913 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Imperium der Götter : Isis, Mithras, Christus : Kulte und Religionen im Römischen Reich /
OCLC 863951591
Catalog of an exhibition in the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, 16 November 2013 through 18 May 2014. :
480 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 28 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 461-475) :
9783806228717 :
Bausteine zur Geschichte der Philosophie an der Universität Graz /
Der Band ,,Bausteine zu einer Geschichte der Philosophie an der Universität Graz" enthält die Vorträge eines Symposiums, das aus Anlaß des 100-jährigen Bestandsjubiläums des Grazer Philosophischen Institutes im Herbst 1997 veranstaltet wurde. Außerdem finden sich darin Aufsätze und Studien veröffentlicht, die aus einem Projekt der Forschungsstelle für österreichische Philosophie hervorgegangen sind, welches einer eingehenderen Untersuchung der Geschichte der Philosophie an der Grazer Universität mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jesuiten- und Lyzeumszeit gewidmet war; zur Vervollständigung des Gesamtbildes werden schließlich noch weitere, eigens für diesen Sammelband verfaßte Arbeiten über Grazer Philosophen präsentiert. Der frühen historischen Phase sind die ersten drei Beiträge des Bandes gewidmet, wobei in der ausführlichen Studie ,,Zur frühen Philosophielehre an der Grazer Jesuitenuniversität" erstmals der Versuch unternommen wird, die Inhalte des philosophischen Unterrichts, wie er am Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts im Rahmen der ,,ratio studiorum" angeboten wurde, am Beispiel eines vollständigen Kurses darzustellen. Die folgenden Aufsätze behandeln jeweils einzelne, an der Grazer Universität wirkende Lehrer oder befassen sich mit Problemen, die mit Ideen und Lehrmeinungen im Zusammenhang stehen, die von Grazer Philosophen vertreten bzw. angeregt wurden. In einigen Beiträgen werden zudem übergreifende Traditionslinien herausgearbeitet, die sich aus der von Alexius Meinong begründeten sog. ,,Grazer Schule" wie auch aus anderen Impulsen (besonders den von Alois Riehl und Hugo Spitzer ausgehenden) entwickelten. Die Reihe der hier vorgestellten Philosophen wird schließlich bis in die Gegenwart fortgeführt: So zeigen die Beiträge, in denen das philosophische Werk zweier prominenter Denker - nämlich Roderick M. Chisholms und Stephan Körners - gewürdigt wird, sowie die Selbstdarstellungen der Grazer Emeriti Ernst Topitsch und Rudolf Haller das breite und vielfältige Spektrum philosophischen Lehrens und Forschens an der Grazer Universität. Der Band wird mit einer bis zum Jahre 2000 reichenden Gesamtübersicht der Grazer Philosophen abgeschlossen.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Tradition and transformation : Egypt under Roman rule : proceedings of the international conference, Hildesheim, Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum, 3-6 July 2008 /
In 30 BCE, Egypt became a province of the Roman empire. Alongside unbroken traditions-especially of the indigenous Egyptian population, but also among the Greek elite-major changes and slow processes of transformation can be observed. The multi-ethnical population was situated between new patterns of rule and traditional lifeways. This tension between change and permanence was investigated during the conference. The last decades have seen an increase in the interest in Roman Egypt with new research from different disciplines-Egyptology, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Papyrology-providing new insights into the written and archaeological sources, especially into settlement archaeology. Well-known scholars analysed the Egyptian temples, the structure and development of the administration beside archaeological, papyrological, art-historical and cult related questions.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004189591 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Fair play : diversity and conflicts in early Christianity : essays in honour of Heikki Räisänen /
This collection of essays in honour of Heikki Räisänen, New Testament professor at the University of Helsinki, consists of 22 essays written by his colleagues and students on Jesus, the gospels, Paul, early Christianity, and biblical interpretation. Räisänen's own research has been characterized by methodological awareness combined with a keen interest in ethical issues. Both these aspects come to expression in his insistence on \'fair play\' as a correct scholarly attitude involving an honest dialogue, a real encounter, and a recognition of diverging opinions. In this spirit, most of the essays in this book lay emphasis on issues related to early Christian diversity and conflicts, and to their challenge in modern society. The book is useful for scholars, academic teachers and students interested in various aspects of the New Testament, early Christianity, and hermeneutics.
1 online resource (xii, 592 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004268210 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Von Göttern und Menschen : Beiträge zu Literatur und Geschichte des Alten Orients : Festschrift für Brigitte Groneberg ; herausgegeben von Dahlia Shehata, Frauke Weiershäuser und K...
Religions, Literature and Languages of the Ancient Near East have always been the main research interests of Prof. Brigitte Groneberg, and now take centre stage in this volume. Twenty four contributors have participated in composing this book, presenting their research dealing with Mesopotamian religion, Akkadian, Sumerian and Ugaritian literature and grammar as well as Babylonian history. Thereby several hitherto unknown texts are published and discussed here for the first time. This volume delivers new insights to several topics concerning Ancient Near Eastern cultures, being hence an important resource not only for Assyriologists and Sumerologists but for anybody interested in the field of Ancient Near Eastern studies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004187474 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond : Volume I: Graeco-Syriaca and Arabica /
From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond written by Hans Daiber, is a six volume collection of Daiber's scattered writings, journal articles, essays and encyclopaedia entries on Greek-Syriac-Arabic translations, Islamic theology and Sufism, the history of science, Islam in Europe, manuscripts and the history of oriental studies. The collection contains published (since 1967) and unpublished works in English, German, Arabic, Persian and Turkish, including editions of Arabic and Syriac texts. The publication mirrors the intercultural character of Islamic thought and sheds new light on many aspects ranging from the Greek pre-Socratics to the Malaysian philosopher Naquib al-Attas. A main concern is the interpretation of texts in print or in manuscripts, culminating in two catalogues (Vol. V and VI), which contain descriptions of newly discovered, mainly Arabic, manuscripts in all fields. Vol. I: Graeco-Syriaca and Arabica . Vol. II: Islamic Philosophy . Vol. III: From God's Wisdom to Science : A. Islamic Theology and Sufism ; B. History of Science . Vol. IV: Islam, Europe and Beyond: A. Islam and Middle Ages ; B. Manuscripts - a Basis of Knowledge and Science ; C. History of the Discipline ; D. Obituaries ; E. Indexes . Vol. V: Unknown Arabic Manuscripts from Eight Centuries - Including one Hebrew and Two Ethiopian Manuscripts: Daiber Collection III . Vol. VI: Arabic, Syriac, Persian and Latin Manuscripts on Philosophy, Theology, Science and Literature. Films and Offprints: Daiber Collection IV .
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Text-critical and hermeneutical studies in the Septuagint /
Text-critical and Hermeneutical Studies in the Septuagint is the title of a bilateral research project conducted from 2009 to 2011 by scholars from the universities of Munich (Germany) and Stellenbosch (South Africa). The joint research enterprise was rounded off by a conference that took place from 31st of August - 2nd of September 2011 in Stellenbosch. It was held in cooperation with the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA). Scholars from Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, France, Canada and the USA, as well as South Africa, delivered papers focusing on the history of the LXX; translation technique and text history; textual criticism, and the reception of the Septuagint.
Text-critical and Hermeneutical Studies in the Septuagint is the title of a bilateral research project conducted from 2009 to 2011 by scholars from the universities of Munich (Germany) and Stellenbosch (South Africa). The joint research enterprise was rounded off by a conference that took place from 31st of August - 2nd of September 2011 in Stellenbosch. It was held in cooperation with the Association for the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa (LXXSA). Scholars from Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, France, Canada and the USA, as well as South Africa, delivered papers focusing on the history of the LXX; translation technique and text history; textual criticism, and the reception of the Septuagint. :
1 online resource (xvi, 493 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004241732 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Skeptizismus und Philosophie : Kant, Fichte, Hegel /
Die Fichte-Studien wollen die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Werkes von Johann Gottlieb Fichte f rdern. Sie er ffnen Forschern, welche den transzendentalen Gedanken und Systementwurf philosophisch er rtern, unangesehen der Schulposition und Lehrmeinung eine Publikationsm glichkeit. Dabei sollen die historischen Voraussetzungen und zeitgeschichtlichen Kontroversen ebenso zu tieferer Klarheit gebracht werden wie die systematischen Konsequenzen heute. Die einzelnen B nde bringen teils thematisch verbundene, teils vermischte Beitr ge. Au erdem enthalten sie einen Dokumentations- und Rezensionst.
1 online resource (237 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789401207911 :
0925-0166 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Das Ende der Tage und die Gegenwart des Heils : Begegnungen mit dem Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt : Festschrift für Heinz-Wolfgang Kuhn zum 65. Geburtstag /
This volume combines articles of established scholars on Jewish and New Testament studies in honor of the New Testament scholar Prof.Dr. Heinz-Wolfgang Kuhn, Munich. The articles deal with various aspects of his work on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Archeology (Bethsaida), Jewish and New Testament Studies. Some of the contributions focus especially on aspects of eschatology in the time of the first century.
1 online resource (vi, 343 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
"Bibliographie Heinz-Wolfgang Kuhn"-Page 315-322. :
9789004332423 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Die Apostelgeschichte und die hellenistische Geschichtsschreibung : Festschrift für Eckhard Plümacher zu seinem 65. Geburtstag /
This volume - a Festschrift in honour of the renowned Acts-scholar Eckhard Plümacher - contains thirteen articles on Luke's Acts of the Apostles. Presented are essays concerning Luke's language and style (Alexander, Koch, Steyn, Victor), the literary and historiographical technique applied in Acts (Moessner, Koch, Lindemann), on Luke's theology / Christology (Schröter, Vouga) and on the use (and abuse) of Acts for reconstructing aspects of the history of Early Christianity (Breytenbach, Horn, Schmithals) and for constructing theology relevant to modern culture (Vouga). Furthermore it contains a critical edition and commentary of the Martyrdom of Stephen with a discussion of its relationship to Acts (Bovon/Bouvier) and a presentation and discussion of some unknown Coptic Fragments of Acts (Bethge).
1 online resource (xii, 385 pages) :
"Bibliographie Eckhard Plümacher"-Page.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047413882 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Processes of cultural change and integration in the Roman world /
Processes of Cultural Change and Integration in the Roman World is a collection of studies on the interaction between Rome and the peoples that became part of its Empire between c. 300 BC and AD 300. The book focuses on the mechanisms by which interaction between Rome and its subjects occurred, e.g. the settlements of colonies by the Romans, army service, economic and cultural interaction. In many cases Rome exploited the economic resources of the conquered territories without allowing the local inhabitants any legal autonomy. However, they usually maintained a great deal of cultural freedom of expression. Those local inhabitants who chose to engage with Rome, its economy and culture, could rise to great heights in the administration of the Empire.
This volume is the result of a conference held at the University of Nottingham in July 2013, which focused on processes of integration in the Roman world. This meeting was a follow-up to an earlier conference, held at Manchester in 2010, which looked at processes of integration in the Roman Republic (see LCCN 2012007861). Both conferences started from the idea that, despite the amount of recent scholarship on integration in the ancient world and the impact these had on formation of identities, there are still aspects of these issues that are not fully understood. :
1 online resource (x, 314 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004294554 :
2352-8656 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Wissen, Freiheit, Geschichte. die Philosophie Fichtes im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert : Beiträge des sechsten internationalen Kongresses der Johann-Gottlieb-Fichte-Gesellschaft in Halle...
: Persönliche Selbständigkeit und gemeinschaftliche Souveränität. Fichte, Heidegger und die weltanschaulichen Voraussetzungen des faschistischen Denkens. : 1 online resource (463 pages) : 9789401208604 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.