Showing 1 - 20 results of 44 for search '((et archeologique) or (sites archeologiques)).', query time: 0.22s Refine Results
Published 2003
The North Saqqara archaeological site handbook for the environmental risk analysis

: 417.P en noir et en coul. 30 x 31 cm. : En tête de la page de titre : Ministry for Environmental Affairs, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency ; Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Development Cooperation ; Ministry of Culture, Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities : 888-492-293-3

Published 2006
Mastabe di Saqqara lungo il nilo ai tempi delle piramidi

: 199.P noir et en coul. 28 cm. : P. 165-185, traduzione in inglese : 889-901-135-56

Published 2007
Le domaine d'Amon-Rê = maʻbad amūn-rʻ 40 ans de coopération franco-égyptienne à Karnak = arbaʻūn ʻāmā min al-taʻāūn fī raḥāb amūn

: 1 vol. (92 p.) ill. en noir et coul., portr., cartes, jaquette ill. en coul 34cm : Texte en arabe avec traduction française en regard.

Atlas archéologique de l'Egypte /

: The book and CD-ROM include digitized reproductions of 53 water-color plates Daressy painted by hand on canvas, including his use of gauache on the reverse of the maps. The CD-ROM also includes official maps, information sheets, reproductions of unpublished documents, articles, biographical information and a portrait of Georges Daressy. CD-ROM users can switch between individual plates, zoom into and area or site, view multiple maps simultaneously, search and print.
Includes general site index in French and Arabic. : 1 atlas (127 pages) : color illustrations, color maps ; 31 x 44 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (color ; 4 3/4 in.) : 2844311253

Published 2020
Recherches archéologiques tuniso-françaises à Rougga.

: Located in Byzacena, 12km south-east of Thysdrus/El Jem, the municipality of Bararus/Henchir, Rougga is known for its large Roman cisterns first reported in the 18th century and for the discovery of a hoard of Byzantine gold coins. This volume gives an account of the results of excavations carried out at the site of the forum, from 1971-1974.
: Also issued in print: 2020. : 1 online resource (xvi, 488 pages) : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789698268 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2020
Recherches archéologiques tuniso-françaises à Rougga.

: Located in Byzacena, 12km south-east of Thysdrus/El Jem, the municipality of Bararus/Henchir, Rougga is known for its large Roman cisterns first reported in the 18th century and for the discovery of a hoard of Byzantine gold coins. This volume gives an account of the results of excavations carried out at the site of the forum, from 1971-1974.
: Also issued in print: 2020. : 1 online resource (xvi, 488 pages) : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781789698268 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2000
Les Sites archéologiques en Crimée et au Caucase durant l'Antiquité tardive et le haut Moyen-Age /

: The volume is devoted to the archaeological finds of late Roman and early Mediaeval periods in the northern Black Sea littoral and eastern Pontus. This collection of articles discusses the relationship between West and East, North and South in Roman and Mediaeval times. Most of the articles offer analysis of archaeological finds and sites in the Crimea studies in recent years. This book is richly illustrated.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004502628

Published 2022
La découverte de la tombe de Toutankhamon /

: Translation of : The tomb of Tutankhamen. : 1 vol. (359 p.- 32 p. de pl.) : ill. en n. et en coul. ; 22 cm. : 978-2-88935-912-7

Le temple funéraire du roi Pépy Ier : le temps de la construction /

: "Le présent volume concerne le temple pyramidal du complexe funéraire de Pepy Ier, troisième roi de la VIe dynastie. Il fait partie de la série de publications concernant la pyramide de Pepy Ier: les textes, la traduction des textes, l'architecture et la pierre Il comprend le projet de la tombe royale, l'arrivée de sa chaussée, les extérieurs, les deux parties du temple: le temple antérieur et le temple culte, et présente les petites queues des blocs de décoration. des restitutions sont proposées, tant pour l'architecture que pour les reliefs et leur emplacement d'origine sur les murs. Enfin, des modifications du monument sous Merenre I et un essai sur la synthèse entre fonction et décoration sont envisagés. Un dernier volume collectif sera consacré à la tombe son histoire, sambustion à l'extrême fin de l'Ancien Empire, sa restauration au Moyen Empire, sa ruine au Nouvel Empire quand il fut transformé en un modeste cimetière collectif, jusqu'à la réutilisation de son bloc pendant la période copte et son utilisation comme carrière sous les Mamelouks"
: 2 volumes : illustrations (some color), carte, plans ; 33 cm. : Comprend des références bibliographiques. : 9782724707090

Saving the Sudan's ancient cultural heritage : forty years of co-operation in archaeology between the Sudan and Poland = Sauvetage du plus ancien patrimoine culturel soudanais : quarante ans de coopération archéologique entre le Soudan et la Pologne /

: [43] pages : illustrations ; 30 cm. : 9788390752983

Published 2019
fouilles a baouit. Ii : /

: v.1 (viii-216p.) : ill. En noir et en coul., plans , facsim. ; 33cm. : 9782724706970

Published 2016
Ayn Soukhna III : le complexe de galeries-magasins : rapport archéologique /

: Storage gallery complexes can now be considered a major characteristic of the pharaonic 'periodic harbours' that have been successively identified on the sites of Mersa Gawasis, Ayn Soukhna and Wadi el-Jarf. In between two expeditions, those caves were used to store the sailing equipement, and especially dismantled boats waiting for their next use. The systematic excavation of this whole Ayn Soukhna cave complex has allowed a better understanding of this site's purpose thank to the discovery, in two of those galleries, of remains of boats that were carefully stored there before being destroyed by fire. It also shows the long use of the harbour by the Egyptians, between the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom. The archaeological work in Ayn Soukhna was led in the framework of a joint project of the IFAO, the Ismai�lia University and the Paris-Sorbonne University (CNRS UMR 8167). -- publisher's website. : 348 pages : illustrations (some color), map, plans ; 33 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782724706925

Published 2011
La pioche et la plume : autour du Soudan, du Liban et de la Jordanie : hommages archéologiques à Patrice Lenoble /

: 546 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Bibliography: p. 536-539.
Bibliography of Patrice Lenoble: p. 9-14. : 9782840507604

Les cylindres-sceaux d'Enkomi : fouilles françaises, 1957-1970 /

: At head of title: Mission archéologique française d'Alasia. : 93 pages, 11 pages of plates: illustrations ; 30 cm. : Bibliography : page [2] : 9963765408

Published 1996
Pelusium : prospection archéologique et topographique de la région de Tell el-Kanaʼis : 1993 et 1994 /

: At head of title : Campagne internationale pour l'étude et le sauvegarde des sites archéologiques du nord-sinaï, Institut suisse de recherches architecturales et archéologiques de l'ancienne Égypte en collaboration avec le Conseil suprême des antiquités de l'Égypte." : 222 pages, [18] pages of plates : illustrations ; 30 cm. : Bibliography : pages 219-222. : 351506804X

Published 2014
Hommes et villages du Fayyoum dans la documentation papyrologique arabe (Xe-XIe siecles) /

: OCLC 903558138 : ix, 361 pages : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 2600013784

Arados et sa pérée aux époques grecque, romaine et byzantine : recueil des témoignages littéraires...

: xii, 298 pages, [14] leaves of plates (2 folded) : illustrations ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Published 1967
Kellia 1965. Topographie génerale, mensurations et fouilles aux Qouçoûr 'Îsâ et aux Qouçoûr el...

: 64 pages : illustrations ; 36 cm.

Published 1986
Qasr el-Heir el Gharbi : textes et planches /

: 36 p., 84 p. of plates (1 folded) : ill. (some col.), plans ; 38 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 2705302581

Published 2012

: This first issue of Europos-Doura Varia 1 follows Doura-Europos Études (I-V) who latest issues dealt with developments in the French-Syrian Expedition of Doura-Europos (MFSED) between 1986 and 1997. The change in the name of the site that this issue is introducing takes into account new historical discoveries that entail a shift from 'Doura-Europos' to Europos-Doura'. Europos was the name for a Greek phrourion then the Hellenistic and Parthian city for five centuries. Nevertheless, the name 'Doura' was used for half a century after the Roman conquest until the name 'Europos' came back during the last years of the city. Therefore, Europos seems more relevant to name this site while attaching the name of Doura to it. Articles in this volume are devoted to archaeological excavations findings of this site along with papers regarding materials and historical debates. These arguments enrich perceptions of the famous expeditions of F. Cumont (1922-1924) and M.I. Rostovtzeff (1928-1937). While the MFSED relies on these accounts, the articles in this volume modify sometimes the legacy of these expeditions.
: "This first issue of Europos-Doura Varia 1 follows Doura-Europos Études (I-V) ..."--Front cover flap. : 278 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782351593752 : shimaa