Arché : a collection of patristic studies /
During the past forty years J.C.M. van Winden OFM, Emeritus Professor of Early Christian Literature at Leiden University and editor of Vigiliae Christianae , has built up an impressive body of published research on early Christian thought and related areas of Greek and Jewish philosophy. In this volume in honour of his 75th birthday his more important contributions, originally published in a wide range of journals and other publications, have been collected together. These are grouped together in five categories: The archè in early christian thought, Essays on the Church Fathers, Philonica, Plotiniana, Essays on the relation between Greek and Patristic Thought. The volume includes a hitherto unpublished survey article on early Christian exegesis of 'the beginning' in Gen. 1:1 (in German), English translations of five contributions originally published in Dutch, and a complete bibliography of Pater van Winden's scholarly work.
1 online resource (xiii, 331 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004313088 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Windows on the African past : current approaches to African archaeobotany /
"Archaeobotany has significantly increased our knowledge of the relationships between humans and plants throughout the ages. As is amply illustrated in this volume, botanical remains preserved in archaeological contexts have great potential to inform us about past environments and the various methods used by ancient peoples to exploit and cultivate plants. This volume presents the proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on African Archaeobotany (IWAA) held at Helwan University in Cairo, Egypt, on 13 - 15 June 2009. Studies presented herein clearly illustrate that African archaeobotany is a dynamic field, with many advances in techniques and important case studies presented since the first meeting of IWAA held in 1994. Authors have employed classical and new archaeobotanical techniques, in addition to linguistics and ethnoarchaeology to increase our knowledge about the role of plants in ancient African societies. This book covers a wide range of African countries including Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Nigeria, South Africa, and the Canary Islands. It is of interest to archaeobotanists, archaeologists, historians, linguists, agronomists, and plant ecologists." -- Publisher's description.
"Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on African Archaeobotany, held June 13-15, 2009, at Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt."
Programme & Abstracts v.1 :
241 pages : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9783937248325 :
Lived religion : conceptual, empirical and practical-theological approaches : essays in honor of Hans-Günter Heimbrock /
Lived religion' signifies a shift of focus in order to attend to the religiosity of individuals and groups as embedded in the contexts of life-worlds. It suggests fresh attention to the body, to perception, to experience, to everyday life, and to biography. The essays in this collection gravitate around the concept of 'lived religion', honoring the contributions of Hans-Günter Heimbrock , in which he suggests this conceptual framework for understanding practical theology and religious education and for designing empirical research in theology. The contributions embrace a broad spectrum and include empirical studies, exegetical and historical investigations, contributions on practical theology as well as on the theory and practice of religious education, inviting further reflection and discussion about 'lived religion.'
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047432289 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Handbook of new religions and cultural production /
The cultural products of new religions and spiritualities are frequently ignored or dismissed within academia, often stemming from a hesitation to acknowledge these movements as genuine. This volume explores the impact of new religions upon cultural production, exemplifying the theological and spiritual principles of particular movements and demonstrating their substantial impact on wider society. Contributions explore the realms of music, architecture, food, art, books, films, video games, and more. This scholarship will be of interest to those who wish to explore the gamut of modern religious expression, and those who wish to broaden their knowledge of the spiritual origins of human culture.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (xxix, 789 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004226487 :
1874-6691 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Das Buch der Ringsteine al-Fārābi's (gest. 950) : mit dem Kommentare des Amīr Ismāʻīl al-Ḥusainī al-Fārānī (um 1485) /
Appeared in part as editor and translators̀ inaugural dissertation, Bonn, 1904.
The Arabic text of the Ringsteine was published in Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, volume 18, pages 257-300 ; the commentary of Emir Ismāʼil in volume 20, pages 16-48 ; "die philosophischen Ansichten" in volume 28, pages 113-146.
Title from ser. t.p. :
xxviii, 510 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Perspektiven der Philosophie : Neues Jahrbuch. Band 45 - 2019 /
Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch eröffnet Forschern, denen die philosophische Begründung des Denkens wichtig ist, eine Publikationsmöglichkeit. Wir verstehen uns nicht als Schulorgan einer philosophischen Lehrmeinung, sondern sehen unsere Aufgabe darin, an der Intensivierung des wissenschaftlichen Philosophierens mitzuwirken. Besonders fördern wir den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs und laden ihn zur Mitarbeit ein. Beitragende sind Paola-Ludovika Coriando, Dagmar Fenner, Jutta Georg, Georges Goedert, Boris Hogenmüller, Christian E. W. Kremser, Rolf Kühn, Lucie Lebreton, Thorsten Lerchner, Rosa Maria Marafioti, Rudi Ott, Birger P. Priddat, Harald Seubert und Thorsten Streubel.
1 online resource. :
Crossroads : cultural and technological developments in first millennium BC/AD West Africa = Carrefour Sahel : développements culturels et téchnologiques pendant le premier millénaire BC/AD dans...
: Proceedings of the international conference "Cultural developments and technological innovations in 1st millennium BC/AD West Africa", held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from March 12th-14th, 2008. : v, 264 p. : ill. (some col.), maps, plans ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9783937248172
Frühe Šaiḫī- und Bābī-Theologie : Die Darlegung der Beweise für Muḥammads besonderes Prophetentum (Ar-Risāla fī Iṯbāt an-Nubūwa al-Ḫāṣṣa) /
This book is an introduction to the literature and thought of the founders of the Shaykhiyya and the Bābiyyah, two important religious movements in nineteenth-century Iran. The first part is an overview of the thought of Aḥmad al-Aḥsāʾī and Kāẓim ar-Rashtī, the progenitors of the Shaykhiyya, with a focus on their religious and philosophical teachings. The second part is an analysis of the early writings of ʿAlī-Muḥammad Shīrāzī (the Bāb), the initiator of the Bābiyyah. It contains a survey of major concepts found in his works and addresses issues that have generated debate in the past, particularly the exact nature of his religious claim and its reception by his contemporaries. Finally, the book contains an edition of the Bāb's Treatise on Specific Prophethood. This is the first scholarly edition of a work by the Bāb to be published in the original language.
Originally presented as A. Eschraghi's thesis (doctoral)--Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 2003. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Graeco-ägyptische Koroplastik ; Terrakotten der griechisch-römischen und koptischen Epoche aus der Faijûm-Oase und anderen Fundstätten /
"Die hier Beschriebene [Sammlung Wurde] von Mir der städtischen Galerie von Frankfurt am Main überwiesen."-Vorwort.
First published under title : Ägyptische Terrakotten. (1913)
Includes index. :
157 pages : 74 plates ; 28 cm.
Ancient magic and ritual power /
This volume contains a series of provocative essays that explore expressions of magic and ritual power in the ancient world. The essays are authored by leading scholars in the fields of Egyptology, ancient Near Eastern studies, the Hebrew Bible, Judaica, classical Greek and Roman studies, early Christianity and patristics, and Coptology. Throughout the book the essays examine the terms employed in descriptions of ancient magic. From this examination comes a clarification of magic as a polemical term of exclusion but also an understanding of the classical Egyptian and early Greek conceptions of magic as a more neutral category of inclusion. This book should prove to be foundational for future scholarly studies of ancient magic and ritual power. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource (vii, 476 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 8-10). :
9789004283817 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.