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Scripture and traditions : essays on early Judaism and Christianity in honor of Carl R. Holladay /
This volume contains twenty-two essays in honor of Carl R. Holladay, whose work on the interaction between early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism has had a considerable impact on the study of the New Testament. The essays are grouped into three sections: Hellenistic Judaism; the New Testament in Context; and the History of Interpretation. Among the contributions are essays dealing with conversion in Greek-speaking Judaism and Christianity; 3 Maccabees as a narrative satire; retribution theology in Luke-Acts; church discipline in Matthew; the Exodus and comparative chronology in Jewish and patristic writings; corporal punishment in ancient Israel and early Christianity; and Die Judenfrage and the construction of ancient Judaism.
1 online resource. :
"Publications of Carl R. Holladay": pages ([457]-459).
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047442011 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Myths, martyrs, and modernity : studies in the history of religions in honour of Jan N. Bremmer /
This volume in honour of Jan N. Bremmer contains the contributions of numerous students, colleagues, and friends offered to him on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Throughout his career, Bremmer has distinguished himself as an internationally renowned scholar of religion both past and present, including first and foremost Greek and Roman religion, but also early Christianity and post-classical developments in religion and spirituality. In line with these three main areas of Bremmer's research, the volume is divided into three parts, bringing together contributions from distinguished scholars in many fields. The result is a diverse book which provides a broad spectrum of original ideas and innovative approaches in the history of religions, thus reflecting the nature of the scholarship of Bremmer himself.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004193659 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Integration in Rome and in the Roman world : proceedings of the Tenth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Lille, June 23-25, 2011) /
Integration in the empire under the political control of the city of Rome, her princeps, and the different authorities in the provinces and cities includes processes of inclusion and exclusion. These multifaceted processes take place at various levels in society and at different places, over a long period of time. In this volume, these processes are analysed and reflected on from different perspectives. Juridical, political, social and religious points of view are articulated, elaborating on epigraphic, literary, juridical and numismatic evidence. Notions of personal and collective identities have been linked to relevant Roman realia, so that various contents of Romanitas can be defined through contextualization.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
David Jones : a Christian modernist? : new approaches to his art, poetry and cultural theory /
David Jones: A Christian Modernist? is a major reassessment of the work of the poet, artist and essayist David Jones (1895-1974) in light of the complex, ambiguous idea of a 'Christian modernism'. His richly experimental and palimpsestic poetry, art and thought drew extensively on Christian tradition and symbolism as a key to the future: rejecting a technocratic and utilitarian modernity in favour of a revitalised culture of sign and sacrament. This volume examines historical influences on Jones's development, his impassioned engagement with the idea of modernity and with modernist literature and art, the theological sources and resonances of his work, and contemporary or late-modern perspectives on his achievement.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004356993 :
1877-3192 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Vocalisation in group writing : a new proposal /
The so-called group writing or syllabic orthography is a special orthography used in Egyptian hieroglyphic texts starting from the New Kingdom/Late Bronze Age. The nature and function of this orthography, especially the way it notates vowels, has been a topic of debate for more than a century, without any consensus being reached. In this book, Marwan Kilani presents a new interpretative model that provides a fresh explanation of how the syllabic orthography notates vowels. The author starts from a critical reanalysis of previous suggestions and from a thorough reassessment of the evidence. He then infers the functioning of the system by comparing the group writing spelling of Late Egyptian words surviving in Coptic with the reconstructions of their vocalizations. This approach leads to the recognition of a system that not only coherently explains all the spellings attested in the corpus, but which also produces interpretations of the spellings in group writing that agree with current reconstructions of the Egyptian vocalization. The book contains indexes and an Appendix listing the words analysed in the study.
vi, 149 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
3943955206 :
Conversion and church : the challenge of ecclesial renewal : essays in honour of H.P.J. Witte /
Conversion is an important characteristic of religious renewal, and of the dialogue between churches and religious believers. In the Roman Catholic Church, conversion has played a significant role in ecumenical dialogue recently. It has become a challenge for the Church as a whole, instead of a call to individual believers alone. The contributors of this volume explore the different aspects of conversion in the history of theology, in the developments during and after the Second Vatican Council, in the Ignatian tradition, and in several ecclesial groups that have explored the opportunities of the ongoing renewal of the churches. Contributors are: André Birmelé, Inigo Bocken, Erik Borgman, Catherine Clifford, Peter De Mey, Adelbert Denaux, Eugene Duffy, Stephan van Erp, Joep van Gennip, Thomas Green, Wiel Logister, Annemarie Mayer, Jos Moons, Marcel Sarot, Karim Schelkens, Nico Schreurs, Matthias Smalbrugge, and Arnold Smeets.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004319165 :
2352-5746 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New faith in ancient lands : Western missions in the Middle East in the nineteenth and early twentienth [i.e. twentieth] centuries /
Over the centuries, the Middle East has held an important place in the religious consciousness of many Christians in West and East. In the nineteenth century, these interests culminated in extensive missionary work of Protestant and Roman Catholic organisations, among Eastern Christians, Muslims and Jews. The present volume, in articles written by an international group of scholars, discusses themes like the historical background of Christian geopiety among Roman Catholics and Protestants, and the internal tensions and conflicting aims of missions and missionaries, such as between nationalist and internationalist interests, between various rival organisations and between conversionalist and civilizational aims of missions in the Ottoman Empire. In a synthetic overview and a comprehensive bibliography an up-to-date introduction into this field is provided.
Proceedings of a symposium held in Jan. 2005 at the Universiteit Leiden. :
1 online resource (xi, 339 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 309-328) and index. :
9789047411406 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Voicing Vulnerable Bodies Living on the Edges : The Autoethnography of a Transnational Mariposa /
Panama has been considered one of the most developed countries in Latin America. With high skylines and a modern metro system, this Central American country hides a true reality when we explore it in a deeper level. Like many other marginalized groups, LGBT communities in Panama have been invisible and ignored by the State. Incidents related to homophobia, transphobia, and hate crime have been taken for granted for many years. Instead, LGBT individuals have been blamed for behaving against social and sometimes religious norms. This book answers the researcher's questions: (1) How can I use my transnational mariposa consciousness to document my lived experiences as a maricón in Panama? (2) What does it mean to be a gay man in Panama nowadays? (3) How do trans women's experiences with a hostile society shape their everyday existence?
1 online resource (153 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Christian identity /
In this age of globalization, a need for a communicative explanation of personal and group positions also motivates Christians to describe more precisely their identity in relation to other actors in society. What makes a Christian a Christian? What is specifically Christian in social acions or political calling? Is there a difference between Christian justice and justice in general - and the way Christians deal with justice? What is our calling as Christians? The contributions in this volume are the result of the 6th biannual IRTI conference in Seoul 2005 on this theme.
"... the result of the 6th biannual IRTI conference in Seoul 2005"--P. [4] of cover. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047442547 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Present and future of biblical studies : celebrating twenty-five years of Brill's Biblical interpretation /
What is the current state of the field known as biblical studies? How will biblical studies continue to develop in this diverse, globalized, and digital age? In this book, a diverse group of scholars who are known for their innovative practice of biblical interpretation come together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the critically acclaimed journal, Biblical Interpretation , by sharing their thoughts on and questions about the assumptions, practices, and parameters of biblical studies as well as their desires and fears about its disciplinary future. Covering a wide range of topics, geographical regions, resources, understandings, and viewpoints, this exceptional collection of essays will make you and help you rethink the conventions and convictions of biblical studies as an academic discipline.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004363540 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Offerings to the discerning eye : an Egyptological medley in honor of Jack A. Josephson /
Egyptologist Jack A. Josephson, a writer and researcher in the tradition of the "gentleman scholar," has achieved broad recognition as an authority in Egyptian art history. His lucid investigative analyses have probed and redefined the limits of inquiry, expanded research parameters, and broadened perspectives, emphasizing the undeniable contributions of art history in an intra-disciplinary framework. This volume of collected essays is dedicated to Josephson by distinguished friends and colleagues, a select roster including eminent, established scholars in the field of Egyptology and rising stars of the younger generation. Josephson views Egyptian art history as a critical but neglected area of study, and is a strong proponent of its reinstatement in the academic curriculum as an essential component in the formation of new cadres. The quality of the articles in this Egyptological medley is a tribute to the honoree and an affirmation of the esteem of his peers, while the range of subjects and variety of themes addressed reflect the degree to which he has, in his own scholarship, undertaken to implement his ideal.
"Bibliography of Jack A. Josephson": pages [xv]. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047441090 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Theory and Method in the Study of Religion : Twenty Five Years On.
Theory and Method are two words that cause considerable consternation in the academic study of religion. Although everyone claims to be aware of and to engage them, the fact of the matter is that they remain poorly understood. Some see the terms as irritants that get in the way of data interpretation and translation. Others may invoke them sporadically to appear in vogue but then return quickly and myopically to their material and with little concern for the larger issues that such terms raise. To contribute to these debates, the present volume reproduces select articles from Method and Theory in the Study of Religion (MTSR) from the first 25 volumes of the journal, and allows a group of younger scholars to introduce and review them, asking if the issues raised are still relevant to the field. Read the Inaugural Editorial now, please click here .
List of ContributorsIndex. :
1 online resource (314 pages) :
9789004257573 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The neo-Aramaic dialect of Barwar /
The Aramaic language has continued to be spoken in various dialects down to modern times. Many of these dialects, however, are now endangered due to political events in the Middle East over the last hundred years. This work, in three volumes, presents a description of one such endangered neo-Aramaic dialect, that of the Assyrian Christian community of the Barwar region in northern Iraq. It is a unique record of the dialect based on interviews with the surviving older generation of the community. Volume one contains a detailed grammatical description of the dialect, including sections on phonology, morphology and syntax. Volume two contains an extensive glossary of the lexicon of the dialect with illustrations of various aspects of the material culture. Volume three contains transcriptions of numerous recorded texts, including folktales, ethnographic texts, songs, and proverbs.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789047443490 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The neo-Aramaic dialect of Barwar /
The Aramaic language has continued to be spoken in various dialects down to modern times. Many of these dialects, however, are now endangered due to political events in the Middle East over the last hundred years. This work, in three volumes, presents a description of one such endangered neo-Aramaic dialect, that of the Assyrian Christian community of the Barwar region in northern Iraq. It is a unique record of the dialect based on interviews with the surviving older generation of the community. Volume one contains a detailed grammatical description of the dialect, including sections on phonology, morphology and syntax. Volume two contains an extensive glossary of the lexicon of the dialect with illustrations of various aspects of the material culture. Volume three contains transcriptions of numerous recorded texts, including folktales, ethnographic texts, songs, and proverbs.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789047443490 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the Septuagint presented to Eugene Ulrich /
With contributions by many of his colleagues and former students, this volume pays homage to Eugene Ulrich, Chief Editor of the Cave 4 Biblical Scrolls and a foremost expert on the Biblical Scrolls, the Canon of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, and the Septuagint. In line with Professor Ulrich's areas of scholarship and interest, the almost 30 essays are grouped in three main sections: The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (including the Biblical Scrolls from the Judaean Desert); Qumran and the Non-Biblical Scrolls from the Judaean Desert; and the Septuagint and Other Ancient Versions. The volume includes a tribute to Eugene Ulrich and ends with a cumulative bibliography and several useful indices.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047417989 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
From document to history : epigraphic insights into the Greco-Roman world /
In From Document to History: Epigraphic Insights into the Greco-Roman World , editors Carlos Noreña and Nikolaos Papazarkadas gather together an exciting set of original studies on Greek and Roman epigraphy, first presented at the Second North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (Berkeley 2016). Chapters range chronologically from the sixth century BCE to the fifth century CE, and geographically from Egypt and Asia Minor to the west European continent and British isles. Key themes include Greek and Roman epigraphies of time, space, and public display, with texts featuring individuals and social groups ranging from Roman emperors, imperial elites, and artists to gladiators, immigrants, laborers, and slaves. Several papers highlight the new technologies that are transforming our understanding of ancient inscriptions, and a number of major new texts are published here for the first time.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Muslim Empowerment in Ghana : Analysing the Spectrum of Muslim Social Mobilization during the Internet Age /
This book is the first ‘groundwork' on Muslim NGOs in contemporary Ghana. It builds upon a database of more than 600 Muslim non-profit associations, foundations and grass-roots organisations whose activities are traced through extensive use of social media. The first part of the book scrutinises the varieties of their activities and operational spaces, their campaigns and target groups, alongside their local, regional, national and international connections. The second part analyses contemporary debates on infaq, sadaqa, waqf and zakat as well as Islamic banking and micro-finance schemes for promoting social welfare among Muslim communities in Ghana.
1 online resource (492 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :